

Webcomponent for building and showing a VSM-sentence

175 lines (131 loc) 7 kB
# vsm-box <!-- badges: start --> [![Node.js CI](https://github.com/vsm/vsm-box/workflows/Node.js%20CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/vsm/vsm-box/actions) [![(will become a live badge when codecov can see inside webpack-bundled code)](https://img.shields.io/badge/coverage-high-brightgreen.svg)](https://github.com/vsm/vsm-box/actions) [![npm version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/vsm-box)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/vsm-box) [![License](https://img.shields.io/npm/l/vsm-box?color=blue)](#license) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/vsm-box)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/vsm-box) <!-- badges: end --> ## Intro `vsm-box` is a _web-component_ for entering and showing a _VSM-sentence_. &nbsp;&nbsp; Explanation: - A **VSM-sentence** is a computer-understandable and potentially natural-looking statement that consists of _VSM-terms_ and _VSM-connectors_. Each term is a one- or few-word text string plus a linked ID. The relation between all terms is clarified with just a small set of connectors. - **VSM** (Visual Syntax Method) is an intuitive method to represent any knowledge – on any topic, and with any amount of context details – into an elegant form that is easy to understand by both humans and computers. _In more detail:_ VSM is the combination of a **user-interface** and a **semantic model**, that enables people to represent **diverse** and **context-rich** knowledge with precision, and that enables them to capture this knowledge in a way they find **intuitive** – because it closely corresponds to how a piece of knowledge is represented in the human mind. VSM is thus a general-purpose method for entering (or 'writing') knowledge in a structured, computable form, and for viewing (or 'reading') it in that form. See [vsm.github.io](http://vsm.github.io) for all info on VSM. - A **web-component** is something that can be shown in a web page by simply inserting an HTML-tag, like a `<button>`, `<input>`, or here a `<vsm-box>`. Target audience: - For web-developers who embed a vsm-box in a web-app: there are many **customization** features to support the needs of various user groups. - For end-users: a vsm-box is an elegant and flexible interface for capturing structured information – and esp. easy when they can fill out _VSM-template_ sentences. <br> ## Intro example – for end users This is a vsm-box **animated example**. Here, a user: • enters two terms (linked to an ID), • checks a term's definition etc. by mousehovering so a popup appears, • adds a second connector – but by doing so, creates an unintended meaning ('chicken with fork') &nbsp; (note also: connectors get auto-sorted for optimal layout), • removes that connector again, • adds the second connector correctly. <img src="imgs/vsm-box-example.gif" width="600" alt="vsm-box example animation"> For more examples, see [vsm.github.io](http://vsm.github.io). <br> ## Intro example – for web developers A concise example of how to place a vsm-box in a web-app is shown on [vsm.github.io](http://vsm.github.io), bottom of front page. More elaborate examples are in the 'index*.html' files in the [src](https://github.com/vsm/vsm-box/tree/master/src) folder (see also [Build](#build) below), and in the vsm [demo](https://github.com/vsm/demo) repository (which can be used live [here](https://vsm.github.io/demo)). <br> ## Documentation See [Documentation.md](Documentation.md) for full technical details, including: - VSM-sentence **data-model** (and examples), - VsmBox input **props** (i.e. html-attributes), - VsmBox **emitted events**, - **user interaction**, - **customized content** (for term labels, term popups, and autocomplete panel items). <br> ## Build This project's configuration (webpack + npm + Vue + testing + linting) is as described in [github.com/stcruy/building-a-reusable-vue-web-component](https://github.com/stcruy/building-a-reusable-vue-web-component). This makes `vsm-box` available as: 1)&nbsp;a standalone web-component, 2)&nbsp;a slim web-component, and 3)&nbsp;a Vue component. The latest version's built files are available at [unpkg](https://unpkg.com/browse/vsm-box/dist/): - [vsm-box.standalone.min.js](https://unpkg.com/vsm-box/dist/vsm-box.standalone.min.js) &nbsp;(standalone; use it like [here](src/index-prod-standalone.html)); - [vsm-box.min.js](https://unpkg.com/vsm-box/dist/vsm-box.min.js) &nbsp;(slim, needs Vue etc. as external dependencies; use it like [here](src/index-prod-slim.html)). <br> ## Creators - Created by: **[Steven Vercruysse](https://github.com/stcruy)** (designer of VSM, main developer of vsm-box). - Contributions (design suggestions and feedback) by: [Martin Kuiper](https://github.com/makuintnu) (also project guidance and outreach), [John Zobolas](https://github.com/bblodfon), [Vasundra Touré](https://github.com/vtoure), [Maria K. Andersen](https://github.com/mariakarand). <br> ## Contributing See [Contributing.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for how to submit pull requests, and a standard text on being nice to other contributors. <br> ## License This project is licensed under the [AGPL-3.0 license](LICENSE.md). The AGPL license gives you the right to use the vsm-box and other vsm modules for free. But if you modify the source code, the goal is that you have to contribute those modifications back to the community. So *GPL makes software stay _virally_ for-free. Note* however that it is NOT required that applications' code is published if, for entering and/or showing VSM-based information, they use only unchanged, not-augmented vsm modules and/or vsm data formats. The copyleft applies only to the vsm-box and other vsm modules. Your application, even though it talks to vsm-box, is a separate program and "work". *<span style="font-size:smaller;">_(That is our interpretation and intention with AGPL, similar to how MongoDB does it. If you know a legally better way to achieve this goal, let us know.)_</span><br><br> > _Why AGPL_ > With VSM, we aim for unification of science's efforts towards digital > transformation of all its research findings. We want to promote > community-building, and move forward with everyone together broadening the > application set. > Because the vsm-box software directly reflects the core design of VSM, as a > shareable semantic-data / knowledge format, we believe that modifications or > enhancements to it must be made public as well. Otherwise a private actor could > easily use an "embrace, extend, extinguish" approach to privatize an evolving > technology that was originally meant to transform our scientific knowledge into > a more open digital form. > We are inspired by the copyleft licensing that contributed to the success of > Linux-based systems, for the same reason. > We may revise this policy, if along the way we would learn that a most > permissive license would give more benefit to society.