

The internationalization (i18n) library for Angular 2+

133 lines (132 loc) 5.48 kB
import { Pipe, Injectable, ChangeDetectorRef } from '@angular/core'; import { TranslateService } from './translate.service'; import { equals, isDefined } from './util'; var TranslatePipe = (function () { function TranslatePipe(translate, _ref) { this.translate = translate; this._ref = _ref; this.value = ''; } TranslatePipe.prototype.updateValue = function (key, interpolateParams, translations) { var _this = this; var onTranslation = function (res) { _this.value = res !== undefined ? res : key; _this.lastKey = key; _this._ref.markForCheck(); }; if (translations) { var res = this.translate.getParsedResult(translations, key, interpolateParams); if (typeof res.subscribe === 'function') { res.subscribe(onTranslation); } else { onTranslation(res); } } this.translate.get(key, interpolateParams).subscribe(onTranslation); }; TranslatePipe.prototype.transform = function (query) { var _this = this; var args = []; for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i]; } if (!query || query.length === 0) { return query; } // if we ask another time for the same key, return the last value if (equals(query, this.lastKey) && equals(args, this.lastParams)) { return this.value; } var interpolateParams; if (isDefined(args[0]) && args.length) { if (typeof args[0] === 'string' && args[0].length) { // we accept objects written in the template such as {n:1}, {'n':1}, {n:'v'} // which is why we might need to change it to real JSON objects such as {"n":1} or {"n":"v"} var validArgs = args[0] .replace(/(\')?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(\')?(\s)?:/g, '"$2":') .replace(/:(\s)?(\')(.*?)(\')/g, ':"$3"'); try { interpolateParams = JSON.parse(validArgs); } catch (e) { throw new SyntaxError("Wrong parameter in TranslatePipe. Expected a valid Object, received: " + args[0]); } } else if (typeof args[0] === 'object' && !Array.isArray(args[0])) { interpolateParams = args[0]; } } // store the query, in case it changes this.lastKey = query; // store the params, in case they change this.lastParams = args; // set the value this.updateValue(query, interpolateParams); // if there is a subscription to onLangChange, clean it this._dispose(); // subscribe to onTranslationChange event, in case the translations change if (!this.onTranslationChange) { this.onTranslationChange = this.translate.onTranslationChange.subscribe(function (event) { if (_this.lastKey && event.lang === _this.translate.currentLang) { _this.lastKey = null; _this.updateValue(query, interpolateParams, event.translations); } }); } // subscribe to onLangChange event, in case the language changes if (!this.onLangChange) { this.onLangChange = this.translate.onLangChange.subscribe(function (event) { if (_this.lastKey) { _this.lastKey = null; // we want to make sure it doesn't return the same value until it's been updated _this.updateValue(query, interpolateParams, event.translations); } }); } // subscribe to onDefaultLangChange event, in case the default language changes if (!this.onDefaultLangChange) { this.onDefaultLangChange = this.translate.onDefaultLangChange.subscribe(function () { if (_this.lastKey) { _this.lastKey = null; // we want to make sure it doesn't return the same value until it's been updated _this.updateValue(query, interpolateParams); } }); } return this.value; }; /** * Clean any existing subscription to change events * @private */ TranslatePipe.prototype._dispose = function () { if (typeof this.onTranslationChange !== 'undefined') { this.onTranslationChange.unsubscribe(); this.onTranslationChange = undefined; } if (typeof this.onLangChange !== 'undefined') { this.onLangChange.unsubscribe(); this.onLangChange = undefined; } if (typeof this.onDefaultLangChange !== 'undefined') { this.onDefaultLangChange.unsubscribe(); this.onDefaultLangChange = undefined; } }; TranslatePipe.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () { this._dispose(); }; return TranslatePipe; }()); export { TranslatePipe }; TranslatePipe.decorators = [ { type: Injectable }, { type: Pipe, args: [{ name: 'translate', pure: false // required to update the value when the promise is resolved },] }, ]; /** @nocollapse */ TranslatePipe.ctorParameters = function () { return [ { type: TranslateService, }, { type: ChangeDetectorRef, }, ]; };