

The internationalization (i18n) library for Angular 2+

41 lines (40 loc) 1.44 kB
import { TranslateService } from "./translate.service"; export interface MissingTranslationHandlerParams { /** * the key that's missing in translation files * * @type {string} */ key: string; /** * an instance of the service that was unable to translate the key. * * @type {TranslateService} */ translateService: TranslateService; /** * interpolation params that were passed along for translating the given key. * * @type {Object} */ interpolateParams?: Object; } export declare abstract class MissingTranslationHandler { /** * A function that handles missing translations. * * @abstract * @param {MissingTranslationHandlerParams} params context for resolving a missing translation * @returns {any} a value or an observable * If it returns a value, then this value is used. * If it return an observable, the value returned by this observable will be used (except if the method was "instant"). * If it doesn't return then the key will be used as a value */ abstract handle(params: MissingTranslationHandlerParams): any; } /** * This handler is just a placeholder that does nothing, in case you don't need a missing translation handler at all */ export declare class FakeMissingTranslationHandler implements MissingTranslationHandler { handle(params: MissingTranslationHandlerParams): string; }