

Official Node.js client library for the Postmark HTTP API - https://www.postmarkapp.com

59 lines (46 loc) 1.87 kB
import * as postmark from "../../src/index"; import { expect } from "chai"; import "mocha"; import * as nconf from "nconf"; const testingKeys = nconf.env().file({ file: __dirname + "/../../testing_keys.json" }); describe("Client - Webhooks", () => { const serverToken: string = testingKeys.get("SERVER_API_TOKEN"); const client = new postmark.ServerClient(serverToken); function webhookToCreate() { return new postmark.Models.CreateWebhookRequest( 'https://example.com', { Open: { Enabled: true } } ); } async function cleanup() { const webhooks = await client.getWebhooks(); for (const webhook of webhooks.Webhooks) { await client.deleteWebhook(webhook.ID) } } before(cleanup); after(cleanup); it("getWebhooks", async () => { const result = await client.getWebhooks(); expect(result.Webhooks.length).to.above(-1); }); it("getWebhook", async () => { const webhook = await client.createWebhook(webhookToCreate()); const result = await client.getWebhook(webhook.ID); expect(result.ID).to.above(-1); }); it("createWebhook", async () => { const webhook = await client.createWebhook(webhookToCreate()); expect(webhook.ID).to.above(-1); }); it("editWebhook", async () => { const webhook = await client.createWebhook(webhookToCreate()); const result = await client.editWebhook(webhook.ID, { Triggers: { SpamComplaint: { Enabled:true } } } ); expect(result.Triggers.SpamComplaint.Enabled).to.equal(true); }); it("deleteWebhook", async () => { const webhook = await client.createWebhook(webhookToCreate()); const result = await client.deleteWebhook(webhook.ID); expect(result.Message.length).to.above(0); }); });