

Official Node.js client library for the Postmark HTTP API - https://www.postmarkapp.com

46 lines (35 loc) 1.55 kB
import * as postmark from "../../src/index"; import { expect } from "chai"; import "mocha"; import * as nconf from "nconf"; const testingKeys = nconf.env().file({ file: __dirname + "/../../testing_keys.json" }); describe("Sending", () => { const serverToken: string = testingKeys.get("SERVER_API_TOKEN"); const client = new postmark.ServerClient(serverToken); const fromAddress: string = testingKeys.get("SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS"); const toAddress: string = testingKeys.get("RECIPIENT_EMAIL_ADDRESS"); function messageToSend() { return new postmark.Models.Message(fromAddress, "Test subject", "Test html body", undefined, toAddress); } it("sendEmail", async () => { const response = await client.sendEmail(messageToSend()); expect(response.Message).to.equal("OK"); }); it("sendEmailBatch", async () => { const messages = Array.from({ length: 3 }, () => messageToSend()); const responses = await client.sendEmailBatch(messages); expect(responses[0].Message).to.equal("OK"); expect(responses.length).to.equal(3); }); describe("invalid", () => { it("sendEmail", () => { const message = messageToSend(); message.HtmlBody = undefined; return client.sendEmail(message).then((result) => { throw Error(`Should not be here with result: ${result}`); }).catch((error) => { expect(error.name).to.equal("InvalidEmailRequestError"); }); }); }); });