

Official Node.js client library for the Postmark HTTP API - https://www.postmarkapp.com

24 lines (23 loc) 843 B
import * as Errors from "./Errors"; /** * Handles general errors and all client request errors. * Client response errors are classified so that proper response error is generated. */ export declare class ErrorHandler { /** * Build general Postmark error. * * @param errorMessage - error message that needs to be identified and transformed to proper Postmark error. * * @returns properly formatted Postmark error. */ buildError(errorMessage: string, code?: number, statusCode?: number): Errors.PostmarkError | Errors.HttpError; /** * Build Postmark error based on HTTP request status. * * @param error - http request library error, that will be transformed to Postmark error. * * @returns properly formatted Postmark error. */ private buildErrorByHttpStatusCode; }