

Official Node.js client library for the Postmark HTTP API - https://www.postmarkapp.com

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"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var ErrorHandler_1 = require("./errors/ErrorHandler"); var HttpClient_1 = require("./HttpClient"); var packageJson = require("../../package.json"); var CLIENT_VERSION = packageJson.version; /** * Base client class from which client classes can be implemented, in our case, AccountClient and ServerClient classes. * This class is NOT intended to be instantiated directly. */ var BaseClient = /** @class */ (function () { function BaseClient(token, authHeader, configOptions) { this.errorHandler = new ErrorHandler_1.ErrorHandler(); this.verifyToken(token); this.token = token.trim(); this.authHeader = authHeader; this.clientVersion = CLIENT_VERSION; this.httpClient = new HttpClient_1.AxiosHttpClient(configOptions); } BaseClient.prototype.setClientOptions = function (configOptions) { this.httpClient.initHttpClient(configOptions); }; BaseClient.prototype.getClientOptions = function () { return this.httpClient.clientOptions; }; /** * Process http request with sending body - data. * * @see processRequest for more details. */ BaseClient.prototype.processRequestWithBody = function (method, path, body, callback) { return this.processRequest(method, path, {}, body, callback); }; /** * Process http request without sending body - data. * * @see processRequest for more details. */ BaseClient.prototype.processRequestWithoutBody = function (method, path, queryParameters, callback) { if (queryParameters === void 0) { queryParameters = {}; } return this.processRequest(method, path, queryParameters, null, callback); }; /** * Process request for Postmark ClientOptions. * * @param method - see processHttpRequest for details * @param path - see processHttpRequest for details * @param queryParameters - see processHttpRequest for details * @param body - see processHttpRequest for details * @param callback - callback function to be executed. * * @returns A promise that will complete when the API responds (or an error occurs). */ BaseClient.prototype.processRequest = function (method, path, queryParameters, body, callback) { var httpRequest = this.processHttpRequest(method, path, queryParameters, body); this.processCallbackRequest(httpRequest, callback); return httpRequest; }; /** * Process HTTP request. * * @param method - Which type of http request will be executed. * @param path - API URL endpoint. * @param queryParameters - Querystring parameters used for http request. * @param body - Data sent with http request. * * @returns A promise that will complete when the API responds (or an error occurs). */ BaseClient.prototype.processHttpRequest = function (method, path, queryParameters, body) { return this.httpClient.httpRequest(method, path, queryParameters, body, this.getComposedHttpRequestHeaders()) .then(function (response) { return response; }) .catch(function (error) { return Promise.reject(error); }); }; /** * Process callback function for HTTP request. * * @param httpRequest - HTTP request for which callback will be executed * @param callback - callback function to be executed. */ BaseClient.prototype.processCallbackRequest = function (httpRequest, callback) { if (callback) { httpRequest .then(function (response) { return callback(null, response); }) .catch(function (error) { return callback(error, null); }); } }; /** * JSON object with default headers sent by HTTP request. */ BaseClient.prototype.getComposedHttpRequestHeaders = function () { var _a; return _a = {}, _a[this.authHeader] = this.token, _a["Accept"] = "application/json", _a["User-Agent"] = "Postmark.JS - ".concat(this.clientVersion), _a; }; /** * Token can't be empty. * * @param {string} token - HTTP request token */ BaseClient.prototype.verifyToken = function (token) { if (!token || token.trim() === "") { throw this.errorHandler.buildError("A valid API token must be provided."); } }; /** * Set default values for count and offset when doing filtering with API requests if they are not specified by filter. */ BaseClient.prototype.setDefaultPaginationValues = function (filter) { filter.count = filter.count || 100; filter.offset = filter.offset || 0; }; return BaseClient; }()); exports.default = BaseClient; //# sourceMappingURL=BaseClient.js.map