

super fast, all natural json logger

875 lines (783 loc) 23.2 kB
'use strict' const os = require('node:os') const { readFileSync } = require('node:fs') const { test } = require('tap') const { sink, check, once, watchFileCreated, file } = require('./helper') const pino = require('../') const { version } = require('../package.json') const { pid } = process const hostname = os.hostname() test('pino version is exposed on export', async ({ equal }) => { equal(pino.version, version) }) test('pino version is exposed on instance', async ({ equal }) => { const instance = pino() equal(instance.version, version) }) test('child instance exposes pino version', async ({ equal }) => { const child = pino().child({ foo: 'bar' }) equal(child.version, version) }) test('bindings are exposed on every instance', async ({ same }) => { const instance = pino() same(instance.bindings(), {}) }) test('bindings contain the name and the child bindings', async ({ same }) => { const instance = pino({ name: 'basicTest', level: 'info' }).child({ foo: 'bar' }).child({ a: 2 }) same(instance.bindings(), { name: 'basicTest', foo: 'bar', a: 2 }) }) test('set bindings on instance', async ({ same }) => { const instance = pino({ name: 'basicTest', level: 'info' }) instance.setBindings({ foo: 'bar' }) same(instance.bindings(), { name: 'basicTest', foo: 'bar' }) }) test('newly set bindings overwrite old bindings', async ({ same }) => { const instance = pino({ name: 'basicTest', level: 'info', base: { foo: 'bar' } }) instance.setBindings({ foo: 'baz' }) same(instance.bindings(), { name: 'basicTest', foo: 'baz' }) }) test('set bindings on child instance', async ({ same }) => { const child = pino({ name: 'basicTest', level: 'info' }).child({}) child.setBindings({ foo: 'bar' }) same(child.bindings(), { name: 'basicTest', foo: 'bar' }) }) test('child should have bindings set by parent', async ({ same }) => { const instance = pino({ name: 'basicTest', level: 'info' }) instance.setBindings({ foo: 'bar' }) const child = instance.child({}) same(child.bindings(), { name: 'basicTest', foo: 'bar' }) }) test('child should not share bindings of parent set after child creation', async ({ same }) => { const instance = pino({ name: 'basicTest', level: 'info' }) const child = instance.child({}) instance.setBindings({ foo: 'bar' }) same(instance.bindings(), { name: 'basicTest', foo: 'bar' }) same(child.bindings(), { name: 'basicTest' }) }) function levelTest (name, level) { test(`${name} logs as ${level}`, async ({ equal }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) instance.level = name instance[name]('hello world') check(equal, await once(stream, 'data'), level, 'hello world') }) test(`passing objects at level ${name}`, async ({ equal, same }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) instance.level = name const obj = { hello: 'world' } instance[name](obj) const result = await once(stream, 'data') equal(new Date(result.time) <= new Date(), true, 'time is greater than Date.now()') equal(result.pid, pid) equal(result.hostname, hostname) equal(result.level, level) equal(result.hello, 'world') same(Object.keys(obj), ['hello']) }) test(`passing an object and a string at level ${name}`, async ({ equal, same }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) instance.level = name const obj = { hello: 'world' } instance[name](obj, 'a string') const result = await once(stream, 'data') equal(new Date(result.time) <= new Date(), true, 'time is greater than Date.now()') delete result.time same(result, { pid, hostname, level, msg: 'a string', hello: 'world' }) same(Object.keys(obj), ['hello']) }) test(`passing a undefined and a string at level ${name}`, async ({ equal, same }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) instance.level = name instance[name](undefined, 'a string') const result = await once(stream, 'data') equal(new Date(result.time) <= new Date(), true, 'time is greater than Date.now()') delete result.time same(result, { pid, hostname, level, msg: 'a string' }) }) test(`overriding object key by string at level ${name}`, async ({ equal, same }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) instance.level = name instance[name]({ hello: 'world', msg: 'object' }, 'string') const result = await once(stream, 'data') equal(new Date(result.time) <= new Date(), true, 'time is greater than Date.now()') delete result.time same(result, { pid, hostname, level, msg: 'string', hello: 'world' }) }) test(`formatting logs as ${name}`, async ({ equal }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) instance.level = name instance[name]('hello %d', 42) const result = await once(stream, 'data') check(equal, result, level, 'hello 42') }) test(`formatting a symbol at level ${name}`, async ({ equal }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) instance.level = name const sym = Symbol('foo') instance[name]('hello %s', sym) const result = await once(stream, 'data') check(equal, result, level, 'hello Symbol(foo)') }) test(`passing error with a serializer at level ${name}`, async ({ equal, same }) => { const stream = sink() const err = new Error('myerror') const instance = pino({ serializers: { err: pino.stdSerializers.err } }, stream) instance.level = name instance[name]({ err }) const result = await once(stream, 'data') equal(new Date(result.time) <= new Date(), true, 'time is greater than Date.now()') delete result.time same(result, { pid, hostname, level, err: { type: 'Error', message: err.message, stack: err.stack }, msg: err.message }) }) test(`child logger for level ${name}`, async ({ equal, same }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) instance.level = name const child = instance.child({ hello: 'world' }) child[name]('hello world') const result = await once(stream, 'data') equal(new Date(result.time) <= new Date(), true, 'time is greater than Date.now()') delete result.time same(result, { pid, hostname, level, msg: 'hello world', hello: 'world' }) }) } levelTest('fatal', 60) levelTest('error', 50) levelTest('warn', 40) levelTest('info', 30) levelTest('debug', 20) levelTest('trace', 10) test('serializers can return undefined to strip field', async ({ equal }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino({ serializers: { test () { return undefined } } }, stream) instance.info({ test: 'sensitive info' }) const result = await once(stream, 'data') equal('test' in result, false) }) test('streams receive a message event with PINO_CONFIG', ({ match, end }) => { const stream = sink() stream.once('message', (message) => { match(message, { code: 'PINO_CONFIG', config: { errorKey: 'err', levels: { labels: { 10: 'trace', 20: 'debug', 30: 'info', 40: 'warn', 50: 'error', 60: 'fatal' }, values: { debug: 20, error: 50, fatal: 60, info: 30, trace: 10, warn: 40 } }, messageKey: 'msg' } }) end() }) pino(stream) }) test('does not explode with a circular ref', async ({ doesNotThrow }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) const b = {} const a = { hello: b } b.a = a // circular ref doesNotThrow(() => instance.info(a)) }) test('set the name', async ({ equal, same }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino({ name: 'hello' }, stream) instance.fatal('this is fatal') const result = await once(stream, 'data') equal(new Date(result.time) <= new Date(), true, 'time is greater than Date.now()') delete result.time same(result, { pid, hostname, level: 60, name: 'hello', msg: 'this is fatal' }) }) test('set the messageKey', async ({ equal, same }) => { const stream = sink() const message = 'hello world' const messageKey = 'fooMessage' const instance = pino({ messageKey }, stream) instance.info(message) const result = await once(stream, 'data') equal(new Date(result.time) <= new Date(), true, 'time is greater than Date.now()') delete result.time same(result, { pid, hostname, level: 30, fooMessage: message }) }) test('set the nestedKey', async ({ equal, same }) => { const stream = sink() const object = { hello: 'world' } const nestedKey = 'stuff' const instance = pino({ nestedKey }, stream) instance.info(object) const result = await once(stream, 'data') equal(new Date(result.time) <= new Date(), true, 'time is greater than Date.now()') delete result.time same(result, { pid, hostname, level: 30, stuff: object }) }) test('set undefined properties', async ({ equal, same }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) instance.info({ hello: 'world', property: undefined }) const result = await once(stream, 'data') equal(new Date(result.time) <= new Date(), true, 'time is greater than Date.now()') delete result.time same(result, { pid, hostname, level: 30, hello: 'world' }) }) test('prototype properties are not logged', async ({ equal }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) instance.info(Object.create({ hello: 'world' })) const { hello } = await once(stream, 'data') equal(hello, undefined) }) test('set the base', async ({ equal, same }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino({ base: { a: 'b' } }, stream) instance.fatal('this is fatal') const result = await once(stream, 'data') equal(new Date(result.time) <= new Date(), true, 'time is greater than Date.now()') delete result.time same(result, { a: 'b', level: 60, msg: 'this is fatal' }) }) test('set the base to null', async ({ equal, same }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino({ base: null }, stream) instance.fatal('this is fatal') const result = await once(stream, 'data') equal(new Date(result.time) <= new Date(), true, 'time is greater than Date.now()') delete result.time same(result, { level: 60, msg: 'this is fatal' }) }) test('set the base to null and use a formatter', async ({ equal, same }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino({ base: null, formatters: { log (input) { return Object.assign({}, input, { additionalMessage: 'using pino' }) } } }, stream) instance.fatal('this is fatal too') const result = await once(stream, 'data') equal(new Date(result.time) <= new Date(), true, 'time is greater than Date.now()') delete result.time same(result, { level: 60, msg: 'this is fatal too', additionalMessage: 'using pino' }) }) test('throw if creating child without bindings', async ({ equal, fail }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) try { instance.child() fail('it should throw') } catch (err) { equal(err.message, 'missing bindings for child Pino') } }) test('correctly escapes msg strings with stray double quote at end', async ({ same }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino({ name: 'hello' }, stream) instance.fatal('this contains "') const result = await once(stream, 'data') delete result.time same(result, { pid, hostname, level: 60, name: 'hello', msg: 'this contains "' }) }) test('correctly escape msg strings with unclosed double quote', async ({ same }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino({ name: 'hello' }, stream) instance.fatal('" this contains') const result = await once(stream, 'data') delete result.time same(result, { pid, hostname, level: 60, name: 'hello', msg: '" this contains' }) }) test('correctly escape quote in a key', async ({ same }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) const obj = { 'some"obj': 'world' } instance.info(obj, 'a string') const result = await once(stream, 'data') delete result.time same(result, { level: 30, pid, hostname, msg: 'a string', 'some"obj': 'world' }) same(Object.keys(obj), ['some"obj']) }) // https://github.com/pinojs/pino/issues/139 test('object and format string', async ({ same }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) instance.info({}, 'foo %s', 'bar') const result = await once(stream, 'data') delete result.time same(result, { pid, hostname, level: 30, msg: 'foo bar' }) }) test('object and format string property', async ({ same }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) instance.info({ answer: 42 }, 'foo %s', 'bar') const result = await once(stream, 'data') delete result.time same(result, { pid, hostname, level: 30, msg: 'foo bar', answer: 42 }) }) test('correctly strip undefined when returned from toJSON', async ({ equal }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino({ test: 'this' }, stream) instance.fatal({ test: { toJSON () { return undefined } } }) const result = await once(stream, 'data') equal('test' in result, false) }) test('correctly supports stderr', async ({ same }) => { // stderr inherits from Stream, rather than Writable const dest = { writable: true, write (result) { result = JSON.parse(result) delete result.time same(result, { pid, hostname, level: 60, msg: 'a message' }) } } const instance = pino(dest) instance.fatal('a message') }) test('normalize number to string', async ({ same }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) instance.info(1) const result = await once(stream, 'data') delete result.time same(result, { pid, hostname, level: 30, msg: '1' }) }) test('normalize number to string with an object', async ({ same }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) instance.info({ answer: 42 }, 1) const result = await once(stream, 'data') delete result.time same(result, { pid, hostname, level: 30, msg: '1', answer: 42 }) }) test('handles objects with null prototype', async ({ same }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) const o = Object.create(null) o.test = 'test' instance.info(o) const result = await once(stream, 'data') delete result.time same(result, { pid, hostname, level: 30, test: 'test' }) }) test('pino.destination', async ({ same }) => { const tmp = file() const instance = pino(pino.destination(tmp)) instance.info('hello') await watchFileCreated(tmp) const result = JSON.parse(readFileSync(tmp).toString()) delete result.time same(result, { pid, hostname, level: 30, msg: 'hello' }) }) test('auto pino.destination with a string', async ({ same }) => { const tmp = file() const instance = pino(tmp) instance.info('hello') await watchFileCreated(tmp) const result = JSON.parse(readFileSync(tmp).toString()) delete result.time same(result, { pid, hostname, level: 30, msg: 'hello' }) }) test('auto pino.destination with a string as second argument', async ({ same }) => { const tmp = file() const instance = pino(null, tmp) instance.info('hello') await watchFileCreated(tmp) const result = JSON.parse(readFileSync(tmp).toString()) delete result.time same(result, { pid, hostname, level: 30, msg: 'hello' }) }) test('does not override opts with a string as second argument', async ({ same }) => { const tmp = file() const instance = pino({ timestamp: () => ',"time":"none"' }, tmp) instance.info('hello') await watchFileCreated(tmp) const result = JSON.parse(readFileSync(tmp).toString()) same(result, { pid, hostname, level: 30, time: 'none', msg: 'hello' }) }) // https://github.com/pinojs/pino/issues/222 test('children with same names render in correct order', async ({ equal }) => { const stream = sink() const root = pino(stream) root.child({ a: 1 }).child({ a: 2 }).info({ a: 3 }) const { a } = await once(stream, 'data') equal(a, 3, 'last logged object takes precedence') }) test('use `safe-stable-stringify` to avoid circular dependencies', async ({ same }) => { const stream = sink() const root = pino(stream) // circular depth const obj = {} obj.a = obj root.info(obj) const { a } = await once(stream, 'data') same(a, { a: '[Circular]' }) }) test('correctly log non circular objects', async ({ same }) => { const stream = sink() const root = pino(stream) const obj = {} let parent = obj for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { parent.node = {} parent = parent.node } root.info(obj) const { node } = await once(stream, 'data') same(node, { node: { node: { node: { node: { node: { node: { node: { node: { node: {} } } } } } } } } }) }) test('safe-stable-stringify must be used when interpolating', async (t) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) const o = { a: { b: {} } } o.a.b.c = o.a.b instance.info('test %j', o) const { msg } = await once(stream, 'data') t.equal(msg, 'test {"a":{"b":{"c":"[Circular]"}}}') }) test('throws when setting useOnlyCustomLevels without customLevels', async ({ throws }) => { throws(() => { pino({ useOnlyCustomLevels: true }) }, 'customLevels is required if useOnlyCustomLevels is set true') }) test('correctly log Infinity', async (t) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) const o = { num: Infinity } instance.info(o) const { num } = await once(stream, 'data') t.equal(num, null) }) test('correctly log -Infinity', async (t) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) const o = { num: -Infinity } instance.info(o) const { num } = await once(stream, 'data') t.equal(num, null) }) test('correctly log NaN', async (t) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) const o = { num: NaN } instance.info(o) const { num } = await once(stream, 'data') t.equal(num, null) }) test('offers a .default() method to please typescript', async ({ equal }) => { equal(pino.default, pino) const stream = sink() const instance = pino.default(stream) instance.info('hello world') check(equal, await once(stream, 'data'), 30, 'hello world') }) test('correctly skip function', async (t) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) const o = { num: NaN } instance.info(o, () => {}) const { msg } = await once(stream, 'data') t.equal(msg, undefined) }) test('correctly skip Infinity', async (t) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) const o = { num: NaN } instance.info(o, Infinity) const { msg } = await once(stream, 'data') t.equal(msg, null) }) test('correctly log number', async (t) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) const o = { num: NaN } instance.info(o, 42) const { msg } = await once(stream, 'data') t.equal(msg, 42) }) test('nestedKey should not be used for non-objects', async ({ strictSame }) => { const stream = sink() const message = 'hello' const nestedKey = 'stuff' const instance = pino({ nestedKey }, stream) instance.info(message) const result = await once(stream, 'data') delete result.time strictSame(result, { pid, hostname, level: 30, msg: message }) }) test('throws if prettyPrint is passed in as an option', async (t) => { t.throws(() => { pino({ prettyPrint: true }) }, new Error('prettyPrint option is no longer supported, see the pino-pretty package (https://github.com/pinojs/pino-pretty)')) }) test('Should invoke `onChild` with the newly created child', async ({ equal }) => { let innerChild const child = pino({ onChild: (instance) => { innerChild = instance } }).child({ foo: 'bar' }) equal(child, innerChild) }) test('logger message should have the prefix message that defined in the logger creation', async ({ equal }) => { const stream = sink() const logger = pino({ msgPrefix: 'My name is Bond ' }, stream) logger.info('James Bond') const { msg } = await once(stream, 'data') equal(msg, 'My name is Bond James Bond') }) test('child message should have the prefix message that defined in the child creation', async ({ equal }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) const child = instance.child({}, { msgPrefix: 'My name is Bond ' }) child.info('James Bond') const { msg } = await once(stream, 'data') equal(msg, 'My name is Bond James Bond') }) test('child message should have the prefix message that defined in the child creation when logging with log meta', async ({ equal }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) const child = instance.child({}, { msgPrefix: 'My name is Bond ' }) child.info({ hello: 'world' }, 'James Bond') const { msg, hello } = await once(stream, 'data') equal(hello, 'world') equal(msg, 'My name is Bond James Bond') }) test('logged message should not have the prefix when not providing any message', async ({ equal }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) const child = instance.child({}, { msgPrefix: 'This should not be shown ' }) child.info({ hello: 'world' }) const { msg, hello } = await once(stream, 'data') equal(hello, 'world') equal(msg, undefined) }) test('child message should append parent prefix to current prefix that defined in the child creation', async ({ equal }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino({ msgPrefix: 'My name is Bond ' }, stream) const child = instance.child({}, { msgPrefix: 'James ' }) child.info('Bond') const { msg } = await once(stream, 'data') equal(msg, 'My name is Bond James Bond') }) test('child message should inherent parent prefix', async ({ equal }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino({ msgPrefix: 'My name is Bond ' }, stream) const child = instance.child({}) child.info('James Bond') const { msg } = await once(stream, 'data') equal(msg, 'My name is Bond James Bond') }) test('grandchild message should inherent parent prefix', async ({ equal }) => { const stream = sink() const instance = pino(stream) const child = instance.child({}, { msgPrefix: 'My name is Bond ' }) const grandchild = child.child({}) grandchild.info('James Bond') const { msg } = await once(stream, 'data') equal(msg, 'My name is Bond James Bond') })