

super fast, all natural json logger

235 lines (209 loc) 6.32 kB
'use strict' const os = require('node:os') const stdSerializers = require('pino-std-serializers') const caller = require('./lib/caller') const redaction = require('./lib/redaction') const time = require('./lib/time') const proto = require('./lib/proto') const symbols = require('./lib/symbols') const { configure } = require('safe-stable-stringify') const { assertDefaultLevelFound, mappings, genLsCache, genLevelComparison, assertLevelComparison } = require('./lib/levels') const { DEFAULT_LEVELS, SORTING_ORDER } = require('./lib/constants') const { createArgsNormalizer, asChindings, buildSafeSonicBoom, buildFormatters, stringify, normalizeDestFileDescriptor, noop } = require('./lib/tools') const { version } = require('./lib/meta') const { chindingsSym, redactFmtSym, serializersSym, timeSym, timeSliceIndexSym, streamSym, stringifySym, stringifySafeSym, stringifiersSym, setLevelSym, endSym, formatOptsSym, messageKeySym, errorKeySym, nestedKeySym, mixinSym, levelCompSym, useOnlyCustomLevelsSym, formattersSym, hooksSym, nestedKeyStrSym, mixinMergeStrategySym, msgPrefixSym } = symbols const { epochTime, nullTime } = time const { pid } = process const hostname = os.hostname() const defaultErrorSerializer = stdSerializers.err const defaultOptions = { level: 'info', levelComparison: SORTING_ORDER.ASC, levels: DEFAULT_LEVELS, messageKey: 'msg', errorKey: 'err', nestedKey: null, enabled: true, base: { pid, hostname }, serializers: Object.assign(Object.create(null), { err: defaultErrorSerializer }), formatters: Object.assign(Object.create(null), { bindings (bindings) { return bindings }, level (label, number) { return { level: number } } }), hooks: { logMethod: undefined, streamWrite: undefined }, timestamp: epochTime, name: undefined, redact: null, customLevels: null, useOnlyCustomLevels: false, depthLimit: 5, edgeLimit: 100 } const normalize = createArgsNormalizer(defaultOptions) const serializers = Object.assign(Object.create(null), stdSerializers) function pino (...args) { const instance = {} const { opts, stream } = normalize(instance, caller(), ...args) if (opts.level && typeof opts.level === 'string' && DEFAULT_LEVELS[opts.level.toLowerCase()] !== undefined) opts.level = opts.level.toLowerCase() const { redact, crlf, serializers, timestamp, messageKey, errorKey, nestedKey, base, name, level, customLevels, levelComparison, mixin, mixinMergeStrategy, useOnlyCustomLevels, formatters, hooks, depthLimit, edgeLimit, onChild, msgPrefix } = opts const stringifySafe = configure({ maximumDepth: depthLimit, maximumBreadth: edgeLimit }) const allFormatters = buildFormatters( formatters.level, formatters.bindings, formatters.log ) const stringifyFn = stringify.bind({ [stringifySafeSym]: stringifySafe }) const stringifiers = redact ? redaction(redact, stringifyFn) : {} const formatOpts = redact ? { stringify: stringifiers[redactFmtSym] } : { stringify: stringifyFn } const end = '}' + (crlf ? '\r\n' : '\n') const coreChindings = asChindings.bind(null, { [chindingsSym]: '', [serializersSym]: serializers, [stringifiersSym]: stringifiers, [stringifySym]: stringify, [stringifySafeSym]: stringifySafe, [formattersSym]: allFormatters }) let chindings = '' if (base !== null) { if (name === undefined) { chindings = coreChindings(base) } else { chindings = coreChindings(Object.assign({}, base, { name })) } } const time = (timestamp instanceof Function) ? timestamp : (timestamp ? epochTime : nullTime) const timeSliceIndex = time().indexOf(':') + 1 if (useOnlyCustomLevels && !customLevels) throw Error('customLevels is required if useOnlyCustomLevels is set true') if (mixin && typeof mixin !== 'function') throw Error(`Unknown mixin type "${typeof mixin}" - expected "function"`) if (msgPrefix && typeof msgPrefix !== 'string') throw Error(`Unknown msgPrefix type "${typeof msgPrefix}" - expected "string"`) assertDefaultLevelFound(level, customLevels, useOnlyCustomLevels) const levels = mappings(customLevels, useOnlyCustomLevels) if (typeof stream.emit === 'function') { stream.emit('message', { code: 'PINO_CONFIG', config: { levels, messageKey, errorKey } }) } assertLevelComparison(levelComparison) const levelCompFunc = genLevelComparison(levelComparison) Object.assign(instance, { levels, [levelCompSym]: levelCompFunc, [useOnlyCustomLevelsSym]: useOnlyCustomLevels, [streamSym]: stream, [timeSym]: time, [timeSliceIndexSym]: timeSliceIndex, [stringifySym]: stringify, [stringifySafeSym]: stringifySafe, [stringifiersSym]: stringifiers, [endSym]: end, [formatOptsSym]: formatOpts, [messageKeySym]: messageKey, [errorKeySym]: errorKey, [nestedKeySym]: nestedKey, // protect against injection [nestedKeyStrSym]: nestedKey ? `,${JSON.stringify(nestedKey)}:{` : '', [serializersSym]: serializers, [mixinSym]: mixin, [mixinMergeStrategySym]: mixinMergeStrategy, [chindingsSym]: chindings, [formattersSym]: allFormatters, [hooksSym]: hooks, silent: noop, onChild, [msgPrefixSym]: msgPrefix }) Object.setPrototypeOf(instance, proto()) genLsCache(instance) instance[setLevelSym](level) return instance } module.exports = pino module.exports.destination = (dest = process.stdout.fd) => { if (typeof dest === 'object') { dest.dest = normalizeDestFileDescriptor(dest.dest || process.stdout.fd) return buildSafeSonicBoom(dest) } else { return buildSafeSonicBoom({ dest: normalizeDestFileDescriptor(dest), minLength: 0 }) } } module.exports.transport = require('./lib/transport') module.exports.multistream = require('./lib/multistream') module.exports.levels = mappings() module.exports.stdSerializers = serializers module.exports.stdTimeFunctions = Object.assign({}, time) module.exports.symbols = symbols module.exports.version = version // Enables default and name export with TypeScript and Babel module.exports.default = pino module.exports.pino = pino