

super fast, all natural json logger

189 lines (159 loc) 4.43 kB
'use strict' const metadata = Symbol.for('pino.metadata') const { DEFAULT_LEVELS } = require('./constants') const DEFAULT_INFO_LEVEL = DEFAULT_LEVELS.info function multistream (streamsArray, opts) { let counter = 0 streamsArray = streamsArray || [] opts = opts || { dedupe: false } const streamLevels = Object.create(DEFAULT_LEVELS) streamLevels.silent = Infinity if (opts.levels && typeof opts.levels === 'object') { Object.keys(opts.levels).forEach(i => { streamLevels[i] = opts.levels[i] }) } const res = { write, add, emit, flushSync, end, minLevel: 0, streams: [], clone, [metadata]: true, streamLevels } if (Array.isArray(streamsArray)) { streamsArray.forEach(add, res) } else { add.call(res, streamsArray) } // clean this object up // or it will stay allocated forever // as it is closed on the following closures streamsArray = null return res // we can exit early because the streams are ordered by level function write (data) { let dest const level = this.lastLevel const { streams } = this // for handling situation when several streams has the same level let recordedLevel = 0 let stream // if dedupe set to true we send logs to the stream with the highest level // therefore, we have to change sorting order for (let i = initLoopVar(streams.length, opts.dedupe); checkLoopVar(i, streams.length, opts.dedupe); i = adjustLoopVar(i, opts.dedupe)) { dest = streams[i] if (dest.level <= level) { if (recordedLevel !== 0 && recordedLevel !== dest.level) { break } stream = dest.stream if (stream[metadata]) { const { lastTime, lastMsg, lastObj, lastLogger } = this stream.lastLevel = level stream.lastTime = lastTime stream.lastMsg = lastMsg stream.lastObj = lastObj stream.lastLogger = lastLogger } stream.write(data) if (opts.dedupe) { recordedLevel = dest.level } } else if (!opts.dedupe) { break } } } function emit (...args) { for (const { stream } of this.streams) { if (typeof stream.emit === 'function') { stream.emit(...args) } } } function flushSync () { for (const { stream } of this.streams) { if (typeof stream.flushSync === 'function') { stream.flushSync() } } } function add (dest) { if (!dest) { return res } // Check that dest implements either StreamEntry or DestinationStream const isStream = typeof dest.write === 'function' || dest.stream const stream_ = dest.write ? dest : dest.stream // This is necessary to provide a meaningful error message, otherwise it throws somewhere inside write() if (!isStream) { throw Error('stream object needs to implement either StreamEntry or DestinationStream interface') } const { streams, streamLevels } = this let level if (typeof dest.levelVal === 'number') { level = dest.levelVal } else if (typeof dest.level === 'string') { level = streamLevels[dest.level] } else if (typeof dest.level === 'number') { level = dest.level } else { level = DEFAULT_INFO_LEVEL } const dest_ = { stream: stream_, level, levelVal: undefined, id: counter++ } streams.unshift(dest_) streams.sort(compareByLevel) this.minLevel = streams[0].level return res } function end () { for (const { stream } of this.streams) { if (typeof stream.flushSync === 'function') { stream.flushSync() } stream.end() } } function clone (level) { const streams = new Array(this.streams.length) for (let i = 0; i < streams.length; i++) { streams[i] = { level, stream: this.streams[i].stream } } return { write, add, minLevel: level, streams, clone, emit, flushSync, [metadata]: true } } } function compareByLevel (a, b) { return a.level - b.level } function initLoopVar (length, dedupe) { return dedupe ? length - 1 : 0 } function adjustLoopVar (i, dedupe) { return dedupe ? i - 1 : i + 1 } function checkLoopVar (i, length, dedupe) { return dedupe ? i >= 0 : i < length } module.exports = multistream