Prettifier for Pino log lines
124 lines (111 loc) • 5.23 kB
const fs = require('fs')
const args = require('args')
const path = require('path')
const pump = require('pump')
const split = require('split2')
const { Transform } = require('readable-stream')
const prettyFactory = require('./')
const CONSTANTS = require('./lib/constants')
const { isObject } = require('./lib/utils')
const bourne = require('@hapi/bourne')
const stripJsonComments = require('strip-json-comments')
const parseJSON = input => {
return bourne.parse(stripJsonComments(input), { protoAction: 'remove' })
const JoyCon = require('joycon')
const joycon = new JoyCon({
files: [
stopDir: path.dirname(process.cwd())
test: /\.[^.]*rc$/,
loadSync: (path) => parseJSON(fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf-8'))
.option(['c', 'colorize'], 'Force adding color sequences to the output')
.option(['f', 'crlf'], 'Append CRLF instead of LF to formatted lines')
.option(['e', 'errorProps'], 'Comma separated list of properties on error objects to show (`*` for all properties) (defaults to ``)')
.option(['l', 'levelFirst'], 'Display the log level as the first output field')
.option(['k', 'errorLikeObjectKeys'], 'Define which keys contain error objects (`-k err,error`) (defaults to `err,error`)')
.option(['m', 'messageKey'], 'Highlight the message under the specified key', CONSTANTS.MESSAGE_KEY)
.option('levelKey', 'Detect the log level under the specified key', CONSTANTS.LEVEL_KEY)
.option(['b', 'levelLabel'], 'Output the log level using the specified label', CONSTANTS.LEVEL_LABEL)
.option(['o', 'messageFormat'], 'Format output of message')
.option(['a', 'timestampKey'], 'Display the timestamp from the specified key', CONSTANTS.TIMESTAMP_KEY)
.option(['t', 'translateTime'], 'Display epoch timestamps as UTC ISO format or according to an optional format string (default ISO 8601)')
.option(['s', 'search'], 'Specify a search pattern according to jmespath')
.option(['i', 'ignore'], 'Ignore one or several keys: (`-i time,hostname`)')
.option(['H', 'hideObject'], 'Hide objects from output (but not error object)')
.option('config', 'specify a path to a json file containing the pino-pretty options')
.example('cat log | pino-pretty', 'To prettify logs, simply pipe a log file through')
.example('cat log | pino-pretty -m fooMessage', 'To highlight a string at a key other than \'msg\'')
.example('cat log | pino-pretty --levelKey fooLevel', 'To detect the log level at a key other than \'level\'')
.example('cat log | pino-pretty --levelLabel LVL -o "{LVL}"', 'To output the log level label using a key other than \'levelLabel\'')
.example('cat log | pino-pretty -a fooTimestamp', 'To display timestamp from a key other than \'time\'')
.example('cat log | pino-pretty -t', 'To convert Epoch timestamps to ISO timestamps use the -t option')
.example('cat log | pino-pretty -t "SYS:yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss"', 'To convert Epoch timestamps to local timezone format use the -t option with "SYS:" prefixed format string')
.example('cat log | pino-pretty -l', 'To flip level and time/date in standard output use the -l option')
.example('cat log | pino-pretty -s "msg == \'hello world\'"', 'Only prints messages with msg equals to \'hello world\'')
.example('cat log | pino-pretty -i pid,hostname', 'Prettify logs but don\'t print pid and hostname')
.example('cat log | pino-pretty --config=/path/to/config.json', 'Loads options from a config file')
const DEFAULT_VALUE = '\0default'
let opts = args.parse(process.argv, {
mri: {
default: {
messageKey: DEFAULT_VALUE,
timestampKey: DEFAULT_VALUE
// Remove default values
opts = filter(opts, value => value !== DEFAULT_VALUE)
const config = loadConfig(opts.config)
// Override config with cli options
opts = Object.assign({}, config, opts)
// set defaults
opts.errorLikeObjectKeys = opts.errorLikeObjectKeys || 'err,error'
opts.errorProps = opts.errorProps || ''
const pretty = prettyFactory(opts)
const prettyTransport = new Transform({
objectMode: true,
transform (chunk, enc, cb) {
const line = pretty(chunk.toString())
if (line === undefined) return cb()
cb(null, line)
pump(process.stdin, split(), prettyTransport, process.stdout)
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (!process.stdin.isTTY && !fs.fstatSync(process.stdin.fd).isFile()) {
process.once('SIGINT', function noOp () {})
function loadConfig (configPath) {
const files = configPath ? [path.resolve(configPath)] : undefined
const result = joycon.loadSync(files)
if (result.path && !isObject( {
configPath = configPath || path.basename(result.path)
throw new Error(`Invalid runtime configuration file: ${configPath}`)
if (configPath && ! {
throw new Error(`Failed to load runtime configuration file: ${configPath}`)
function filter (obj, cb) {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, key) => {
const value = obj[key]
if (cb(value, key)) {
acc[key] = value
return acc
}, {})