
500 lines (441 loc) 15.4 kB
'use strict' process.env.TZ = 'UTC' const Writable = require('stream').Writable const test = require('tap').test const pino = require('pino') const semver = require('semver') const serializers = pino.stdSerializers const pinoPretty = require('../') const _prettyFactory = pinoPretty.prettyFactory function prettyFactory (opts) { if (!opts) { opts = { colorize: false } } else if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(opts, 'colorize')) { opts.colorize = false } return _prettyFactory(opts) } // All dates are computed from 'Fri, 30 Mar 2018 17:35:28 GMT' const epoch = 1522431328992 const formattedEpoch = '17:35:28.992' const pid = process.pid test('error like objects tests', (t) => { t.beforeEach(() => { Date.originalNow = Date.now Date.now = () => epoch }) t.afterEach(() => { Date.now = Date.originalNow delete Date.originalNow }) t.test('pino transform prettifies Error', (t) => { t.plan(2) const pretty = prettyFactory() const err = Error('hello world') const expected = err.stack.split('\n') expected.unshift(err.message) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) const lines = formatted.split('\n') t.equal(lines.length, expected.length + 6) t.equal(lines[0], `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): hello world`) cb() } })) log.info(err) }) t.test('errorProps recognizes user specified properties', (t) => { t.plan(3) const pretty = prettyFactory({ errorProps: 'statusCode,originalStack' }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.match(formatted, /\s{4}error stack/) t.match(formatted, /"statusCode": 500/) t.match(formatted, /"originalStack": "original stack"/) cb() } })) const error = Error('error message') error.stack = 'error stack' error.statusCode = 500 error.originalStack = 'original stack' log.error(error) }) t.test('prettifies ignores undefined errorLikeObject', (t) => { const pretty = prettyFactory() pretty({ err: undefined }) pretty({ error: undefined }) t.end() }) t.test('prettifies Error in property within errorLikeObjectKeys', (t) => { t.plan(8) const pretty = prettyFactory({ errorLikeObjectKeys: ['err'] }) const err = Error('hello world') const expected = err.stack.split('\n') expected.unshift(err.message) const log = pino({ serializers: { err: serializers.err } }, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) const lines = formatted.split('\n') t.equal(lines.length, expected.length + 6) t.equal(lines[0], `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): hello world`) t.match(lines[1], /\s{4}err: {/) t.match(lines[2], /\s{6}"type": "Error",/) t.match(lines[3], /\s{6}"message": "hello world",/) t.match(lines[4], /\s{6}"stack":/) t.match(lines[5], /\s{6}Error: hello world/) // Node 12 labels the test `<anonymous>` t.match(lines[6], /\s{10}(at Test.t.test|at Test.<anonymous>)/) cb() } })) log.info({ err }) }) t.test('prettifies Error in property with singleLine=true', (t) => { // singleLine=true doesn't apply to errors t.plan(8) const pretty = prettyFactory({ singleLine: true, errorLikeObjectKeys: ['err'] }) const err = Error('hello world') const expected = [ '{"extra":{"a":1,"b":2}}', err.message, ...err.stack.split('\n') ] const log = pino({ serializers: { err: serializers.err } }, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) const lines = formatted.split('\n') t.equal(lines.length, expected.length + 5) t.equal(lines[0], `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): hello world {"extra":{"a":1,"b":2}}`) t.match(lines[1], /\s{4}err: {/) t.match(lines[2], /\s{6}"type": "Error",/) t.match(lines[3], /\s{6}"message": "hello world",/) t.match(lines[4], /\s{6}"stack":/) t.match(lines[5], /\s{6}Error: hello world/) // Node 12 labels the test `<anonymous>` t.match(lines[6], /\s{10}(at Test.t.test|at Test.<anonymous>)/) cb() } })) log.info({ err, extra: { a: 1, b: 2 } }) }) t.test('prettifies Error in property within errorLikeObjectKeys with custom function', (t) => { t.plan(4) const pretty = prettyFactory({ errorLikeObjectKeys: ['err'], customPrettifiers: { err: val => `error is ${val.message}` } }) const err = Error('hello world') err.stack = 'Error: hello world\n at anonymous (C:\\project\\node_modules\\example\\index.js)' const expected = err.stack.split('\n') expected.unshift(err.message) const log = pino({ serializers: { err: serializers.err } }, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) const lines = formatted.split('\n') t.equal(lines.length, 3) t.equal(lines[0], `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): hello world`) t.equal(lines[1], ' err: error is hello world') t.equal(lines[2], '') cb() } })) log.info({ err }) }) t.test('prettifies Error in property within errorLikeObjectKeys when stack has escaped characters', (t) => { t.plan(8) const pretty = prettyFactory({ errorLikeObjectKeys: ['err'] }) const err = Error('hello world') err.stack = 'Error: hello world\n at anonymous (C:\\project\\node_modules\\example\\index.js)' const expected = err.stack.split('\n') expected.unshift(err.message) const log = pino({ serializers: { err: serializers.err } }, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) const lines = formatted.split('\n') t.equal(lines.length, expected.length + 6) t.equal(lines[0], `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): hello world`) t.match(lines[1], /\s{4}err: {$/) t.match(lines[2], /\s{6}"type": "Error",$/) t.match(lines[3], /\s{6}"message": "hello world",$/) t.match(lines[4], /\s{6}"stack":$/) t.match(lines[5], /\s{10}Error: hello world$/) t.match(lines[6], /\s{10}at anonymous \(C:\\project\\node_modules\\example\\index.js\)$/) cb() } })) log.info({ err }) }) t.test('prettifies Error in property within errorLikeObjectKeys when stack is not the last property', (t) => { t.plan(9) const pretty = prettyFactory({ errorLikeObjectKeys: ['err'] }) const err = Error('hello world') err.anotherField = 'dummy value' const expected = err.stack.split('\n') expected.unshift(err.message) const log = pino({ serializers: { err: serializers.err } }, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) const lines = formatted.split('\n') t.equal(lines.length, expected.length + 7) t.equal(lines[0], `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): hello world`) t.match(lines[1], /\s{4}err: {/) t.match(lines[2], /\s{6}"type": "Error",/) t.match(lines[3], /\s{6}"message": "hello world",/) t.match(lines[4], /\s{6}"stack":/) t.match(lines[5], /\s{6}Error: hello world/) // Node 12 labels the test `<anonymous>` t.match(lines[6], /\s{10}(at Test.t.test|at Test.<anonymous>)/) t.match(lines[lines.length - 3], /\s{6}"anotherField": "dummy value"/) cb() } })) log.info({ err }) }) t.test('errorProps flag with "*" (print all nested props)', function (t) { const pretty = prettyFactory({ errorProps: '*' }) const expectedLines = [ ' err: {', ' "type": "Error",', ' "message": "error message",', ' "stack":', ' error stack', ' "statusCode": 500,', ' "originalStack": "original stack",', ' "dataBaseSpecificError": {', ' "erroMessage": "some database error message",', ' "evenMoreSpecificStuff": {', ' "someErrorRelatedObject": "error"', ' }', ' }', ' }' ] t.plan(expectedLines.length) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) const lines = formatted.split('\n') lines.shift(); lines.pop() for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i += 1) { t.equal(lines[i], expectedLines[i]) } cb() } })) const error = Error('error message') error.stack = 'error stack' error.statusCode = 500 error.originalStack = 'original stack' error.dataBaseSpecificError = { erroMessage: 'some database error message', evenMoreSpecificStuff: { someErrorRelatedObject: 'error' } } log.error(error) }) t.test('prettifies legacy error object at top level when singleLine=true', function (t) { t.plan(4) const pretty = prettyFactory({ singleLine: true }) const err = Error('hello world') const expected = err.stack.split('\n') expected.unshift(err.message) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) const lines = formatted.split('\n') t.equal(lines.length, expected.length + 1) t.equal(lines[0], `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): ${expected[0]}`) t.equal(lines[1], ` ${expected[1]}`) t.equal(lines[2], ` ${expected[2]}`) cb() } })) log.info({ type: 'Error', stack: err.stack, msg: err.message }) }) t.test('errorProps: legacy error object at top level', function (t) { const pretty = prettyFactory({ errorProps: '*' }) const expectedLines = [ 'INFO:', ' error stack', ' message: hello message', ' statusCode: 500', ' originalStack: original stack', ' dataBaseSpecificError: {', ' errorMessage: "some database error message"', ' evenMoreSpecificStuff: {', ' "someErrorRelatedObject": "error"', ' }', ' }', '' ] t.plan(expectedLines.length) const error = {} error.level = 30 error.message = 'hello message' error.type = 'Error' error.stack = 'error stack' error.statusCode = 500 error.originalStack = 'original stack' error.dataBaseSpecificError = { errorMessage: 'some database error message', evenMoreSpecificStuff: { someErrorRelatedObject: 'error' } } const formatted = pretty(JSON.stringify(error)) const lines = formatted.split('\n') for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i += 1) { t.equal(lines[i], expectedLines[i]) } }) t.test('errorProps flag with a single property', function (t) { const pretty = prettyFactory({ errorProps: 'originalStack' }) const expectedLines = [ 'INFO:', ' error stack', ' originalStack: original stack', '' ] t.plan(expectedLines.length) const error = {} error.level = 30 error.message = 'hello message' error.type = 'Error' error.stack = 'error stack' error.statusCode = 500 error.originalStack = 'original stack' error.dataBaseSpecificError = { erroMessage: 'some database error message', evenMoreSpecificStuff: { someErrorRelatedObject: 'error' } } const formatted = pretty(JSON.stringify(error)) const lines = formatted.split('\n') for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i += 1) { t.equal(lines[i], expectedLines[i]) } }) t.test('errorProps flag with a single property non existent', function (t) { const pretty = prettyFactory({ errorProps: 'originalStackABC' }) const expectedLines = [ 'INFO:', ' error stack', '' ] t.plan(expectedLines.length) const error = {} error.level = 30 error.message = 'hello message' error.type = 'Error' error.stack = 'error stack' error.statusCode = 500 error.originalStack = 'original stack' error.dataBaseSpecificError = { erroMessage: 'some database error message', evenMoreSpecificStuff: { someErrorRelatedObject: 'error' } } const formatted = pretty(JSON.stringify(error)) const lines = formatted.split('\n') for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i += 1) { t.equal(lines[i], expectedLines[i]) } }) t.test('handles errors with a null stack', (t) => { t.plan(2) const pretty = prettyFactory() const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.match(formatted, /\s{4}message: "foo"/) t.match(formatted, /\s{4}stack: null/) cb() } })) const error = { message: 'foo', stack: null } log.error(error) }) t.test('handles errors with a null stack for Error object', (t) => { const pretty = prettyFactory() const expectedLines = [ ' "type": "Error",', ' "message": "error message",', ' "stack":', ' ', ' "some": "property"' ] t.plan(expectedLines.length) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) const lines = formatted.split('\n') lines.shift(); lines.shift(); lines.pop(); lines.pop() for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i += 1) { t.ok(lines[i].includes(expectedLines[i])) } cb() } })) const error = Error('error message') error.stack = null error.some = 'property' log.error(error) }) t.end() }) if (semver.gte(pino.version, '8.21.0')) { test('using pino config', (t) => { t.beforeEach(() => { Date.originalNow = Date.now Date.now = () => epoch }) t.afterEach(() => { Date.now = Date.originalNow delete Date.originalNow }) t.test('prettifies Error in custom errorKey', (t) => { t.plan(8) const destination = new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = chunk.toString() const lines = formatted.split('\n') t.equal(lines.length, expected.length + 7) t.equal(lines[0], `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): hello world`) t.match(lines[1], /\s{4}customErrorKey: {/) t.match(lines[2], /\s{6}"type": "Error",/) t.match(lines[3], /\s{6}"message": "hello world",/) t.match(lines[4], /\s{6}"stack":/) t.match(lines[5], /\s{6}Error: hello world/) // Node 12 labels the test `<anonymous>` t.match(lines[6], /\s{10}(at Test.t.test|at Test.<anonymous>)/) cb() } }) const pretty = pinoPretty({ destination, colorize: false }) const log = pino({ errorKey: 'customErrorKey' }, pretty) const err = Error('hello world') const expected = err.stack.split('\n') log.info({ customErrorKey: err }) }) t.end() }) }