
336 lines (297 loc) 12.6 kB
'use strict' process.env.TZ = 'UTC' const path = require('path') const spawn = require('child_process').spawn const test = require('tap').test const bin = require.resolve(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'bin.js')) const epoch = 1522431328992 const logLine = '{"level":30,"time":1522431328992,"msg":"hello world","pid":42,"hostname":"foo"}\n' const env = { TERM: 'dumb', TZ: 'UTC' } const formattedEpoch = '17:35:28.992' test('cli', (t) => { t.test('does basic reformatting', (t) => { t.plan(1) const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (42): hello world\n`) }) child.stdin.write(logLine) t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) ;['--levelFirst', '-l'].forEach((optionName) => { t.test(`flips epoch and level via ${optionName}`, (t) => { t.plan(1) const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, optionName], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `INFO [${formattedEpoch}] (42): hello world\n`) }) child.stdin.write(logLine) t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) }) ;['--translateTime', '-t'].forEach((optionName) => { t.test(`translates time to default format via ${optionName}`, (t) => { t.plan(1) const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, optionName], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (42): hello world\n`) }) child.stdin.write(logLine) t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) }) ;['--ignore', '-i'].forEach((optionName) => { t.test('does ignore multiple keys', (t) => { t.plan(1) const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, optionName, 'pid,hostname'], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO: hello world\n`) }) child.stdin.write(logLine) t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) }) ;['--customLevels', '-x'].forEach((optionName) => { t.test(`customize levels via ${optionName}`, (t) => { t.plan(1) const logLine = '{"level":1,"time":1522431328992,"msg":"hello world","pid":42,"hostname":"foo"}\n' const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, optionName, 'err:99,info:1'], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (42): hello world\n`) }) child.stdin.write(logLine) t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) t.test(`customize levels via ${optionName} without index`, (t) => { t.plan(1) const logLine = '{"level":1,"time":1522431328992,"msg":"hello world","pid":42,"hostname":"foo"}\n' const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, optionName, 'err:99,info'], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (42): hello world\n`) }) child.stdin.write(logLine) t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) t.test(`customize levels via ${optionName} with minimumLevel`, (t) => { t.plan(1) const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, '--minimumLevel', 'err', optionName, 'err:99,info:1'], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] ERR (42): hello world\n`) }) child.stdin.write('{"level":1,"time":1522431328992,"msg":"hello world","pid":42,"hostname":"foo"}\n') child.stdin.write('{"level":99,"time":1522431328992,"msg":"hello world","pid":42,"hostname":"foo"}\n') t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) t.test(`customize levels via ${optionName} with minimumLevel, customLevels and useOnlyCustomProps false`, (t) => { t.plan(1) const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, '--minimumLevel', 'custom', '--useOnlyCustomProps', 'false', optionName, 'custom:99,info:1'], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] CUSTOM (42): hello world\n`) }) child.stdin.write('{"level":1,"time":1522431328992,"msg":"hello world","pid":42,"hostname":"foo"}\n') child.stdin.write('{"level":99,"time":1522431328992,"msg":"hello world","pid":42,"hostname":"foo"}\n') t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) t.test(`customize levels via ${optionName} with minimumLevel, customLevels and useOnlyCustomProps true`, (t) => { t.plan(1) const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, '--minimumLevel', 'custom', '--useOnlyCustomProps', 'true', optionName, 'custom:99,info:1'], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] CUSTOM (42): hello world\n`) }) child.stdin.write('{"level":1,"time":1522431328992,"msg":"hello world","pid":42,"hostname":"foo"}\n') child.stdin.write('{"level":99,"time":1522431328992,"msg":"hello world","pid":42,"hostname":"foo"}\n') t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) }) ;['--customColors', '-X'].forEach((optionName) => { t.test(`customize levels via ${optionName}`, (t) => { t.plan(1) const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, optionName, 'info:blue,message:red'], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (42): hello world\n`) }) child.stdin.write(logLine) t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) t.test(`customize levels via ${optionName} with customLevels`, (t) => { t.plan(1) const logLine = '{"level":1,"time":1522431328992,"msg":"hello world","pid":42,"hostname":"foo"}\n' const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, '--customLevels', 'err:99,info', optionName, 'info:blue,message:red'], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (42): hello world\n`) }) child.stdin.write(logLine) t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) }) ;['--useOnlyCustomProps', '-U'].forEach((optionName) => { t.test(`customize levels via ${optionName} false and customColors`, (t) => { t.plan(1) const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, '--customColors', 'err:blue,info:red', optionName, 'false'], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (42): hello world\n`) }) child.stdin.write(logLine) t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) t.test(`customize levels via ${optionName} true and customColors`, (t) => { t.plan(1) const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, '--customColors', 'err:blue,info:red', optionName, 'true'], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (42): hello world\n`) }) child.stdin.write(logLine) t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) t.test(`customize levels via ${optionName} true and customLevels`, (t) => { t.plan(1) const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, '--customLevels', 'err:99,custom:30', optionName, 'true'], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] CUSTOM (42): hello world\n`) }) child.stdin.write(logLine) t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) t.test(`customize levels via ${optionName} true and no customLevels`, (t) => { t.plan(1) const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, optionName, 'true'], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (42): hello world\n`) }) child.stdin.write(logLine) t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) t.test(`customize levels via ${optionName} false and customLevels`, (t) => { t.plan(1) const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, '--customLevels', 'err:99,custom:25', optionName, 'false'], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (42): hello world\n`) }) child.stdin.write(logLine) t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) t.test(`customize levels via ${optionName} false and no customLevels`, (t) => { t.plan(1) const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, optionName, 'false'], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (42): hello world\n`) }) child.stdin.write(logLine) t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) }) t.test('does ignore escaped keys', (t) => { t.plan(1) const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, '-i', 'log\\.domain\\.corp/foo'], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO: hello world\n`) }) const logLine = '{"level":30,"time":1522431328992,"msg":"hello world","log.domain.corp/foo":"bar"}\n' child.stdin.write(logLine) t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) t.test('passes through stringified date as string', (t) => { t.plan(1) const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) const date = JSON.stringify(new Date(epoch)) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), date + '\n') }) child.stdin.write(date) child.stdin.write('\n') t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) t.test('end stdin does not end the destination', (t) => { t.plan(2) const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), 'aaa\n') }) child.stdin.end('aaa\n') child.on('exit', function (code) { t.equal(code, 0) }) t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) ;['--timestampKey', '-a'].forEach((optionName) => { t.test(`uses specified timestamp key via ${optionName}`, (t) => { t.plan(1) const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, optionName, '@timestamp'], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO: hello world\n`) }) const logLine = '{"level":30,"@timestamp":1522431328992,"msg":"hello world"}\n' child.stdin.write(logLine) t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) }) ;['--singleLine', '-S'].forEach((optionName) => { t.test(`singleLine=true via ${optionName}`, (t) => { t.plan(1) const logLineWithExtra = JSON.stringify(Object.assign(JSON.parse(logLine), { extra: { foo: 'bar', number: 42 } })) + '\n' const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, optionName], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (42): hello world {"extra":{"foo":"bar","number":42}}\n`) }) child.stdin.write(logLineWithExtra) t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) }) t.test('does ignore nested keys', (t) => { t.plan(1) const logLineNested = JSON.stringify(Object.assign(JSON.parse(logLine), { extra: { foo: 'bar', number: 42, nested: { foo2: 'bar2' } } })) + '\n' const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, '-S', '-i', 'extra.foo,extra.nested,extra.nested.miss'], { env }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (42 on foo): hello world {"extra":{"number":42}}\n`) }) child.stdin.write(logLineNested) t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) t.test('change TZ', (t) => { t.plan(1) const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin], { env: { ...env, TZ: 'Europe/Amsterdam' } }) child.on('error', t.threw) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { t.equal(data.toString(), '[19:35:28.992] INFO (42): hello world\n') }) child.stdin.write(logLine) t.teardown(() => child.kill()) }) t.end() })