
1,312 lines (1,198 loc) 36.9 kB
'use strict' process.env.TZ = 'UTC' const { Writable } = require('stream') const os = require('os') const test = require('tap').test const pino = require('pino') const dateformat = require('dateformat') const path = require('path') const rimraf = require('rimraf') const { join } = require('path') const fs = require('fs') const semver = require('semver') const pinoPretty = require('..') const SonicBoom = require('sonic-boom') const _prettyFactory = pinoPretty.prettyFactory // Disable pino warnings process.removeAllListeners('warning') function prettyFactory (opts) { if (!opts) { opts = { colorize: false } } else if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(opts, 'colorize')) { opts.colorize = false } return _prettyFactory(opts) } const Empty = function () {} Empty.prototype = Object.create(null) // All dates are computed from 'Fri, 30 Mar 2018 17:35:28 GMT' const epoch = 1522431328992 const formattedEpoch = '17:35:28.992' const pid = process.pid const hostname = os.hostname() test('basic prettifier tests', (t) => { t.beforeEach(() => { Date.originalNow = Date.now Date.now = () => epoch }) t.afterEach(() => { Date.now = Date.originalNow delete Date.originalNow }) t.test('preserves output if not valid JSON', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory() const formatted = pretty('this is not json\nit\'s just regular output\n') t.equal(formatted, 'this is not json\nit\'s just regular output\n\n') }) t.test('formats a line without any extra options', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory() const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): foo\n` ) cb() } })) log.info('foo') }) t.test('will add color codes', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ colorize: true }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] \u001B[32mINFO\u001B[39m (${pid}): \u001B[36mfoo\u001B[39m\n` ) cb() } })) log.info('foo') }) t.test('will omit color codes from objects when colorizeObjects = false', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ colorize: true, singleLine: true, colorizeObjects: false }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] \u001B[32mINFO\u001B[39m (${pid}): \u001B[36mfoo\u001B[39m {"foo":"bar"}\n` ) cb() } })) log.info({ foo: 'bar' }, 'foo') }) t.test('can swap date and level position', (t) => { t.plan(1) const destination = new Writable({ write (formatted, enc, cb) { t.equal( formatted.toString(), `INFO [${formattedEpoch}] (${pid}): foo\n` ) cb() } }) const pretty = pinoPretty({ destination, levelFirst: true, colorize: false }) const log = pino({}, pretty) log.info('foo') }) t.test('can print message key value when its a string', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory() const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): baz\n` ) cb() } })) log.info('baz') }) t.test('can print message key value when its a number', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory() const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): 42\n` ) cb() } })) log.info(42) }) t.test('can print message key value when its a Number(0)', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory() const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): 0\n` ) cb() } })) log.info(0) }) t.test('can print message key value when its a boolean', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory() const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): true\n` ) cb() } })) log.info(true) }) t.test('can use different message keys', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ messageKey: 'bar' }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): baz\n` ) cb() } })) log.info({ bar: 'baz' }) }) t.test('can use different level keys', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ levelKey: 'bar' }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] WARN (${pid}): foo\n` ) cb() } })) log.info({ msg: 'foo', bar: 'warn' }) }) t.test('can use nested level keys', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ levelKey: 'log\\.level' }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] WARN (${pid}): foo\n` ) cb() } })) log.info({ msg: 'foo', 'log.level': 'warn' }) }) t.test('can use a customPrettifier on default level output', (t) => { t.plan(1) const veryCustomLevels = { 30: 'ok', 40: 'not great' } const customPrettifiers = { level: (level) => `LEVEL: ${veryCustomLevels[level]}` } const pretty = prettyFactory({ customPrettifiers }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] LEVEL: ok (${pid}): foo\n` ) cb() } })) log.info({ msg: 'foo' }) }) t.test('can use a customPrettifier on different-level-key output', (t) => { t.plan(1) const customPrettifiers = { level: (level) => `LEVEL: ${level.toUpperCase()}` } const pretty = prettyFactory({ levelKey: 'bar', customPrettifiers }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] LEVEL: WARN (${pid}): foo\n` ) cb() } })) log.info({ msg: 'foo', bar: 'warn' }) }) t.test('can use a customPrettifier to get final level label (no color)', (t) => { t.plan(1) const customPrettifiers = { level: (level, key, logThis, { label }) => { return `LEVEL: ${label}` } } const pretty = prettyFactory({ customPrettifiers, colorize: false, useOnlyCustomProps: false }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] LEVEL: INFO (${pid}): foo\n` ) cb() } })) log.info({ msg: 'foo' }) }) t.test('can use a customPrettifier to get final level label (colorized)', (t) => { t.plan(1) const customPrettifiers = { level: (level, key, logThis, { label, labelColorized }) => { return `LEVEL: ${labelColorized}` } } const pretty = prettyFactory({ customPrettifiers, colorize: true, useOnlyCustomProps: false }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] LEVEL: INFO (${pid}): foo\n` ) cb() } })) log.info({ msg: 'foo' }) }) t.test('can use a customPrettifier on name output', (t) => { t.plan(1) const customPrettifiers = { name: (hostname) => `NAME: ${hostname}` } const pretty = prettyFactory({ customPrettifiers }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (NAME: logger/${pid}): foo\n` ) cb() } })) const child = log.child({ name: 'logger' }) child.info({ msg: 'foo' }) }) t.test('can use a customPrettifier on hostname and pid output', (t) => { t.plan(1) const customPrettifiers = { hostname: (hostname) => `HOSTNAME: ${hostname}`, pid: (pid) => `PID: ${pid}` } const pretty = prettyFactory({ customPrettifiers, ignore: '' }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (PID: ${pid} on HOSTNAME: ${hostname}): foo\n` ) cb() } })) log.info({ msg: 'foo' }) }) t.test('can use a customPrettifier on default time output', (t) => { t.plan(1) const customPrettifiers = { time: (timestamp) => `TIME: ${timestamp}` } const pretty = prettyFactory({ customPrettifiers }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `TIME: ${formattedEpoch} INFO (${pid}): foo\n` ) cb() } })) log.info('foo') }) t.test('can use a customPrettifier on the caller', (t) => { t.plan(1) const customPrettifiers = { caller: (caller) => `CALLER: ${caller}` } const pretty = prettyFactory({ customPrettifiers }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}) <CALLER: test.js:10>: foo\n` ) cb() } })) log.info({ msg: 'foo', caller: 'test.js:10' }) }) t.test('can use a customPrettifier on translateTime-time output', (t) => { t.plan(1) const customPrettifiers = { time: (timestamp) => `TIME: ${timestamp}` } const pretty = prettyFactory({ customPrettifiers, translateTime: true }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `TIME: ${formattedEpoch} INFO (${pid}): foo\n` ) cb() } })) log.info('foo') }) t.test('will format time to UTC', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ translateTime: true }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): foo\n` ) cb() } })) log.info('foo') }) t.test('will format time to UTC in custom format', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ translateTime: 'HH:MM:ss o' }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) const utcHour = dateformat(epoch, 'UTC:' + 'HH') const offset = dateformat(epoch, 'UTC:' + 'o') t.equal( formatted, `[${utcHour}:35:28 ${offset}] INFO (${pid}): foo\n` ) cb() } })) log.info('foo') }) t.test('will format time to local systemzone in ISO 8601 format', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ translateTime: 'sys:standard' }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) const localHour = dateformat(epoch, 'HH') const localMinute = dateformat(epoch, 'MM') const localDate = dateformat(epoch, 'yyyy-mm-dd') const offset = dateformat(epoch, 'o') t.equal( formatted, `[${localDate} ${localHour}:${localMinute}:28.992 ${offset}] INFO (${pid}): foo\n` ) cb() } })) log.info('foo') }) t.test('will format time to local systemzone in custom format', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ translateTime: 'SYS:yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM:ss o' }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) const localHour = dateformat(epoch, 'HH') const localMinute = dateformat(epoch, 'MM') const localDate = dateformat(epoch, 'yyyy/mm/dd') const offset = dateformat(epoch, 'o') t.equal( formatted, `[${localDate} ${localHour}:${localMinute}:28 ${offset}] INFO (${pid}): foo\n` ) cb() } })) log.info('foo') }) // TODO: 2019-03-30 -- We don't really want the indentation in this case? Or at least some better formatting. t.test('handles missing time', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory() const formatted = pretty('{"hello":"world"}') t.equal(formatted, ' hello: "world"\n') }) t.test('handles missing pid, hostname and name', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory() const log = pino({ base: null }, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.match(formatted, /\[.*\] INFO: hello world/) cb() } })) log.info('hello world') }) t.test('handles missing pid', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory() const name = 'test' const msg = 'hello world' const regex = new RegExp('\\[.*\\] INFO \\(' + name + '\\): ' + msg) const opts = { base: { name, hostname } } const log = pino(opts, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.match(formatted, regex) cb() } })) log.info(msg) }) t.test('handles missing hostname', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory() const name = 'test' const msg = 'hello world' const regex = new RegExp('\\[.*\\] INFO \\(' + name + '/' + pid + '\\): ' + msg) const opts = { base: { name, pid: process.pid } } const log = pino(opts, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.match(formatted, regex) cb() } })) log.info(msg) }) t.test('handles missing name', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory() const msg = 'hello world' const regex = new RegExp('\\[.*\\] INFO \\(' + process.pid + '\\): ' + msg) const opts = { base: { hostname, pid: process.pid } } const log = pino(opts, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.match(formatted, regex) cb() } })) log.info(msg) }) t.test('works without time', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory() const log = pino({ timestamp: null }, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal(formatted, `INFO (${pid}): hello world\n`) cb() } })) log.info('hello world') }) t.test('prettifies properties', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory() const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.match(formatted, ' a: "b"') cb() } })) log.info({ a: 'b' }, 'hello world') }) t.test('prettifies nested properties', (t) => { t.plan(6) const expectedLines = [ ' a: {', ' "b": {', ' "c": "d"', ' }', ' }' ] const pretty = prettyFactory() const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) const lines = formatted.split('\n') t.equal(lines.length, expectedLines.length + 2) lines.shift(); lines.pop() for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i += 1) { t.equal(lines[i], expectedLines[i]) } cb() } })) log.info({ a: { b: { c: 'd' } } }, 'hello world') }) t.test('treats the name with care', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory() const log = pino({ name: 'matteo' }, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal(formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (matteo/${pid}): hello world\n`) cb() } })) log.info('hello world') }) t.test('handles spec allowed primitives', (t) => { const pretty = prettyFactory() let formatted = pretty(null) t.equal(formatted, 'null\n') formatted = pretty(true) t.equal(formatted, 'true\n') formatted = pretty(false) t.equal(formatted, 'false\n') t.end() }) t.test('handles numbers', (t) => { const pretty = prettyFactory() let formatted = pretty(2) t.equal(formatted, '2\n') formatted = pretty(-2) t.equal(formatted, '-2\n') formatted = pretty(0.2) t.equal(formatted, '0.2\n') formatted = pretty(Infinity) t.equal(formatted, 'Infinity\n') formatted = pretty(NaN) t.equal(formatted, 'NaN\n') t.end() }) t.test('handles `undefined` input', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory() const formatted = pretty(undefined) t.equal(formatted, 'undefined\n') }) t.test('handles customLogLevel', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory() const log = pino({ customLevels: { testCustom: 35 } }, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.match(formatted, /USERLVL/) cb() } })) log.testCustom('test message') }) t.test('filter some lines based on minimumLevel', (t) => { t.plan(3) const pretty = prettyFactory({ minimumLevel: 'info' }) const expected = [ undefined, undefined, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): baz\n` ] const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, expected.shift() ) cb() } })) log.info({ msg: 'foo', level: 10 }) log.info({ msg: 'bar', level: 20 }) // only this line will be formatted log.info({ msg: 'baz', level: 30 }) }) t.test('filter lines based on minimumLevel using custom levels and level key', (t) => { t.plan(3) const pretty = prettyFactory({ minimumLevel: 20, levelKey: 'bar' }) const expected = [ undefined, `[${formattedEpoch}] DEBUG (${pid}): bar\n`, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): baz\n` ] const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, expected.shift() ) cb() } })) log.info({ msg: 'foo', bar: 10 }) log.info({ msg: 'bar', bar: 20 }) log.info({ msg: 'baz', bar: 30 }) }) t.test('formats a line with an undefined field', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory() const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const obj = JSON.parse(chunk.toString()) // weird hack, but we should not crash obj.a = undefined const formatted = pretty(obj) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): foo\n` ) cb() } })) log.info('foo') }) t.test('prettifies msg object', (t) => { t.plan(6) const expectedLines = [ ' msg: {', ' "b": {', ' "c": "d"', ' }', ' }' ] const pretty = prettyFactory() const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) const lines = formatted.split('\n') t.equal(lines.length, expectedLines.length + 2) lines.shift(); lines.pop() for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i += 1) { t.equal(lines[i], expectedLines[i]) } cb() } })) log.info({ msg: { b: { c: 'd' } } }) }) t.test('prettifies msg object with circular references', (t) => { t.plan(7) const expectedLines = [ ' msg: {', ' "a": "[Circular]",', ' "b": {', ' "c": "d"', ' }', ' }' ] const pretty = prettyFactory() const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) const lines = formatted.split('\n') t.equal(lines.length, expectedLines.length + 2) lines.shift(); lines.pop() for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i += 1) { t.equal(lines[i], expectedLines[i]) } cb() } })) const msg = { b: { c: 'd' } } msg.a = msg log.info({ msg }) }) t.test('prettifies custom key', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ customPrettifiers: { foo: val => `${val}_baz\nmultiline`, cow: val => val.toUpperCase() } }) const arst = pretty('{"msg":"hello world", "foo": "bar", "cow": "moo", "level":30}') t.equal(arst, 'INFO: hello world\n foo: bar_baz\n multiline\n cow: MOO\n') }) t.test('does not add trailing space if prettified value begins with eol', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ customPrettifiers: { calls: val => '\n' + val.map(it => ' ' + it).join('\n') } }) const arst = pretty('{"msg":"doing work","calls":["step 1","step 2","step 3"],"level":30}') t.equal(arst, 'INFO: doing work\n calls:\n step 1\n step 2\n step 3\n') }) t.test('does not prettify custom key that does not exists', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ customPrettifiers: { foo: val => `${val}_baz`, cow: val => val.toUpperCase() } }) const arst = pretty('{"msg":"hello world", "foo": "bar", "level":30}') t.equal(arst, 'INFO: hello world\n foo: bar_baz\n') }) t.test('prettifies object with some undefined values', (t) => { t.plan(1) const destination = new Writable({ write (chunk, _, cb) { t.equal( chunk + '', `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}):\n a: {\n "b": "c"\n }\n n: null\n` ) cb() } }) const pretty = pinoPretty({ destination, colorize: false }) const log = pino({}, pretty) log.info({ a: { b: 'c' }, s: Symbol.for('s'), f: f => f, c: class C {}, n: null, err: { toJSON () {} } }) }) t.test('ignores multiple keys', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ ignore: 'pid,hostname' }) const arst = pretty(`{"msg":"hello world", "pid":"${pid}", "hostname":"${hostname}", "time":${epoch}, "level":30}`) t.equal(arst, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO: hello world\n`) }) t.test('ignores a single key', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ ignore: 'pid' }) const arst = pretty(`{"msg":"hello world", "pid":"${pid}", "hostname":"${hostname}", "time":${epoch}, "level":30}`) t.equal(arst, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (on ${hostname}): hello world\n`) }) t.test('ignores time', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ ignore: 'time' }) const arst = pretty(`{"msg":"hello world", "pid":"${pid}", "hostname":"${hostname}", "time":${epoch}, "level":30}`) t.equal(arst, `INFO (${pid} on ${hostname}): hello world\n`) }) t.test('ignores time and level', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ ignore: 'time,level' }) const arst = pretty(`{"msg":"hello world", "pid":"${pid}", "hostname":"${hostname}", "time":${epoch}, "level":30}`) t.equal(arst, `(${pid} on ${hostname}): hello world\n`) }) t.test('ignores all keys but message', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ ignore: 'time,level,name,pid,hostname' }) const arst = pretty(`{"msg":"hello world", "pid":"${pid}", "hostname":"${hostname}", "time":${epoch}, "level":30}`) t.equal(arst, 'hello world\n') }) t.test('include nothing', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ include: '' }) const arst = pretty(`{"msg":"hello world", "pid":"${pid}", "hostname":"${hostname}", "time":${epoch}, "level":30}`) t.equal(arst, 'hello world\n') }) t.test('include multiple keys', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ include: 'time,level' }) const arst = pretty(`{"msg":"hello world", "pid":"${pid}", "hostname":"${hostname}", "time":${epoch}, "level":30}`) t.equal(arst, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO: hello world\n`) }) t.test('include a single key', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ include: 'level' }) const arst = pretty(`{"msg":"hello world", "pid":"${pid}", "hostname":"${hostname}", "time":${epoch}, "level":30}`) t.equal(arst, 'INFO: hello world\n') }) t.test('log error-like object', (t) => { t.plan(7) const expectedLines = [ ' type: "Error"', ' message: "m"', ' stack: [', ' "line1",', ' "line2"', ' ]' ] const pretty = prettyFactory() const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) const lines = formatted.split('\n') t.equal(lines.length, expectedLines.length + 2) lines.shift(); lines.pop() for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i += 1) { t.equal(lines[i], expectedLines[i]) } cb() } })) log.error({ type: 'Error', message: 'm', stack: ['line1', 'line2'] }) }) t.test('include should override ignore', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ ignore: 'time,level', include: 'time,level' }) const arst = pretty(`{"msg":"hello world", "pid":"${pid}", "hostname":"${hostname}", "time":${epoch}, "level":30}`) t.equal(arst, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO: hello world\n`) }) t.test('include a single key with null object', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ include: 'level' }) const obj = new Empty() obj.nested = 'property' const arst = pretty({ msg: 'hello world', pid: `${pid}`, hostname, time: epoch, obj, level: 30 }) t.equal(arst, 'INFO: hello world\n') }) t.test('prettifies trace caller', (t) => { t.plan(1) const traceCaller = (instance) => { const { symbols: { asJsonSym } } = pino const get = (target, name) => name === asJsonSym ? asJson : target[name] function asJson (...args) { args[0] = args[0] || {} args[0].caller = '/tmp/script.js' return instance[asJsonSym].apply(this, args) } return new Proxy(instance, { get }) } const pretty = prettyFactory() const log = traceCaller(pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}) </tmp/script.js>: foo\n` ) cb() } }))) log.info('foo') }) t.test('handles specified timestampKey', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ timestampKey: '@timestamp' }) const arst = pretty(`{"msg":"hello world", "@timestamp":${epoch}, "level":30}`) t.equal(arst, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO: hello world\n`) }) t.test('keeps "v" key in log', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ ignore: 'time' }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal(formatted, `INFO (${pid} on ${hostname}):\n v: 1\n`) cb() } })) log.info({ v: 1 }) }) t.test('Hide object `{ key: "value" }` from output when flag `hideObject` is set', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ hideObject: true }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal(formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): hello world\n`) cb() } })) log.info({ key: 'value' }, 'hello world') }) t.test('Prints extra objects on one line with singleLine=true', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ singleLine: true, colorize: false, customPrettifiers: { upper: val => val.toUpperCase(), undef: () => undefined } }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal(formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): message {"extra":{"foo":"bar","number":42},"upper":"FOOBAR"}\n`) cb() } })) log.info({ msg: 'message', extra: { foo: 'bar', number: 42 }, upper: 'foobar', undef: 'this will not show up' }) }) t.test('Does not print empty object with singleLine=true', (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ singleLine: true, colorize: false }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal(formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): message\n`) cb() } })) log.info({ msg: 'message' }) }) t.test('default options', (t) => { t.plan(1) t.doesNotThrow(pinoPretty) }) t.test('does not call fs.close on stdout stream', (t) => { t.plan(2) const destination = pino.destination({ minLength: 4096, sync: true }) const prettyDestination = pinoPretty({ destination, colorize: false }) const log = pino(prettyDestination) log.info('this message has been buffered') const chunks = [] const { close, writeSync } = fs let closeCalled = false fs.close = new Proxy(close, { apply: (target, self, args) => { closeCalled = true } }) fs.writeSync = new Proxy(writeSync, { apply: (target, self, args) => { chunks.push(args[1]) return args[1].length } }) destination.end() Object.assign(fs, { close, writeSync }) t.match(chunks.join(''), /INFO .+: this message has been buffered/) t.equal(closeCalled, false) }) t.test('wait for close event from destination', (t) => { t.plan(2) const destination = pino.destination({ minLength: 4096, sync: true }) const prettyDestination = pinoPretty({ destination, colorize: false }) const log = pino(prettyDestination) log.info('this message has been buffered') const chunks = [] const { close, writeSync } = fs fs.close = new Proxy(close, { apply: (target, self, args) => { } }) fs.writeSync = new Proxy(writeSync, { apply: (target, self, args) => { chunks.push(args[1]) return args[1].length } }) t.teardown(() => { Object.assign(fs, { close, writeSync }) }) let destinationClosed = false destination.on('close', () => { destinationClosed = true }) prettyDestination.on('close', () => { t.match(chunks.join(''), /INFO .+: this message has been buffered/) t.equal(destinationClosed, true) }) prettyDestination.end() }) t.test('stream usage', async (t) => { t.plan(1) const tmpDir = path.join(__dirname, '.tmp_' + Date.now()) t.teardown(() => rimraf.sync(tmpDir)) const destination = join(tmpDir, 'output') const pretty = pinoPretty({ singleLine: true, colorize: false, mkdir: true, append: false, destination: new SonicBoom({ dest: destination, async: false, mkdir: true, append: true }), customPrettifiers: { upper: val => val.toUpperCase(), undef: () => undefined } }) const log = pino(pretty) log.info({ msg: 'message', extra: { foo: 'bar', number: 42 }, upper: 'foobar', undef: 'this will not show up' }) await watchFileCreated(destination) const formatted = fs.readFileSync(destination, 'utf8') t.equal(formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): message {"extra":{"foo":"bar","number":42},"upper":"FOOBAR"}\n`) }) t.test('sync option', async (t) => { t.plan(1) const tmpDir = path.join(__dirname, '.tmp_' + Date.now()) t.teardown(() => rimraf.sync(tmpDir)) const destination = join(tmpDir, 'output') const log = pino(pino.transport({ target: '..', options: { singleLine: true, colorize: false, mkdir: true, append: false, sync: true, destination } })) log.info({ msg: 'message', extra: { foo: 'bar', number: 43 }, upper: 'foobar' }) await watchFileCreated(destination) const formatted = fs.readFileSync(destination, 'utf8') t.equal(formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): message {"extra":{"foo":"bar","number":43},"upper":"foobar"}\n`) }) t.test('support custom colors object', async (t) => { t.plan(1) const pretty = prettyFactory({ colorize: true, customColors: { trace: 'cyan', debug: 'blue', info: 'green', warn: 'yellow', error: 'red', fatal: 'red' } }) const log = pino({}, new Writable({ write (chunk, enc, cb) { const formatted = pretty(chunk.toString()) t.equal( formatted, `[${formattedEpoch}] \u001B[32mINFO\u001B[39m (${pid}): \u001B[36mfoo\u001B[39m\n` ) cb() } })) log.info('foo') }) t.test('check support for colors', (t) => { t.plan(1) const isColorSupported = pinoPretty.isColorSupported t.type(isColorSupported, 'boolean') }) t.end() }) if (semver.gte(pino.version, '8.21.0')) { test('using pino config', (t) => { t.beforeEach(() => { Date.originalNow = Date.now Date.now = () => epoch }) t.afterEach(() => { Date.now = Date.originalNow delete Date.originalNow }) t.test('can use different message keys', (t) => { t.plan(1) const destination = new Writable({ write (formatted, enc, cb) { t.equal( formatted.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] INFO (${pid}): baz\n` ) cb() } }) const pretty = pinoPretty({ destination, colorize: false }) const log = pino({ messageKey: 'bar' }, pretty) log.info({ bar: 'baz' }) }) t.test('handles customLogLevels', (t) => { t.plan(1) const destination = new Writable({ write (formatted, enc, cb) { t.equal( formatted.toString(), `[${formattedEpoch}] TESTCUSTOM (${pid}): test message\n` ) cb() } }) const pretty = pinoPretty({ destination, colorize: false }) const log = pino({ customLevels: { testCustom: 35 } }, pretty) log.testCustom('test message') }) t.end() }) } function watchFileCreated (filename) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const TIMEOUT = 2000 const INTERVAL = 100 const threshold = TIMEOUT / INTERVAL let counter = 0 const interval = setInterval(() => { // On some CI runs file is created but not filled if (fs.existsSync(filename) && fs.statSync(filename).size !== 0) { clearInterval(interval) resolve() } else if (counter <= threshold) { counter++ } else { clearInterval(interval) reject(new Error(`${filename} was not created.`)) } }, INTERVAL) }) }