Prettifier for Pino log lines
190 lines (179 loc) • 6.87 kB
const { isColorSupported } = require('colorette')
const pump = require('pump')
const { Transform } = require('stream')
const abstractTransport = require('pino-abstract-transport')
const colors = require('./lib/colors')
const {
} = require('./lib/constants')
const {
} = require('./lib/utils')
const pretty = require('./lib/pretty')
* @typedef {object} PinoPrettyOptions
* @property {boolean} [colorize] Indicates if colors should be used when
* prettifying. The default will be determined by the terminal capabilities at
* run time.
* @property {boolean} [colorizeObjects=true] Apply coloring to rendered objects
* when coloring is enabled.
* @property {boolean} [crlf=false] End lines with `\r\n` instead of `\n`.
* @property {string|null} [customColors=null] A comma separated list of colors
* to use for specific level labels, e.g. `err:red,info:blue`.
* @property {string|null} [customLevels=null] A comma separated list of user
* defined level names and numbers, e.g. `err:99,info:1`.
* @property {CustomPrettifiers} [customPrettifiers={}] A set of prettifier
* functions to apply to keys defined in this object.
* @property {K_ERROR_LIKE_KEYS} [errorLikeObjectKeys] A list of string property
* names to consider as error objects.
* @property {string} [errorProps=''] A comma separated list of properties on
* error objects to include in the output.
* @property {boolean} [hideObject=false] When `true`, data objects will be
* omitted from the output (except for error objects).
* @property {string} [ignore='hostname'] A comma separated list of log keys
* to omit when outputting the prettified log information.
* @property {undefined|string} [include=undefined] A comma separated list of
* log keys to include in the prettified log information. Only the keys in this
* list will be included in the output.
* @property {boolean} [levelFirst=false] When true, the log level will be the
* first field in the prettified output.
* @property {string} [levelKey='level'] The key name in the log data that
* contains the level value for the log.
* @property {string} [levelLabel='levelLabel'] Token name to use in
* `messageFormat` to represent the name of the logged level.
* @property {null|MessageFormatString|MessageFormatFunction} [messageFormat=null]
* When a string, defines how the prettified line should be formatted according
* to defined tokens. When a function, a synchronous function that returns a
* formatted string.
* @property {string} [messageKey='msg'] Defines the key in incoming logs that
* contains the message of the log, if present.
* @property {undefined|string|number} [minimumLevel=undefined] The minimum
* level for logs that should be processed. Any logs below this level will
* be omitted.
* @property {object} [outputStream=process.stdout] The stream to write
* prettified log lines to.
* @property {boolean} [singleLine=false] When `true` any objects, except error
* objects, in the log data will be printed as a single line instead as multiple
* lines.
* @property {string} [timestampKey='time'] Defines the key in incoming logs
* that contains the timestamp of the log, if present.
* @property {boolean|string} [translateTime=true] When true, will translate a
* JavaScript date integer into a human-readable string. If set to a string,
* it must be a format string.
* @property {boolean} [useOnlyCustomProps=true] When true, only custom levels
* and colors will be used if they have been provided.
* The default options that will be used when prettifying log lines.
* @type {PinoPrettyOptions}
const defaultOptions = {
colorize: isColorSupported,
colorizeObjects: true,
crlf: false,
customColors: null,
customLevels: null,
customPrettifiers: {},
errorLikeObjectKeys: ERROR_LIKE_KEYS,
errorProps: '',
hideObject: false,
ignore: 'hostname',
include: undefined,
levelFirst: false,
levelKey: LEVEL_KEY,
levelLabel: LEVEL_LABEL,
messageFormat: null,
messageKey: MESSAGE_KEY,
minimumLevel: undefined,
outputStream: process.stdout,
singleLine: false,
timestampKey: TIMESTAMP_KEY,
translateTime: true,
useOnlyCustomProps: true
* Processes the supplied options and returns a function that accepts log data
* and produces a prettified log string.
* @param {PinoPrettyOptions} options Configuration for the prettifier.
* @returns {LogPrettifierFunc}
function prettyFactory (options) {
const context = parseFactoryOptions(Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, options))
return pretty.bind({ ...context, context })
* @typedef {PinoPrettyOptions} BuildStreamOpts
* @property {object|number|string} [destination] A destination stream, file
* descriptor, or target path to a file.
* @property {boolean} [append]
* @property {boolean} [mkdir]
* @property {boolean} [sync=false]
* Constructs a {@link LogPrettifierFunc} and a stream to which the produced
* prettified log data will be written.
* @param {BuildStreamOpts} opts
* @returns {Transform | (Transform & OnUnknown)}
function build (opts = {}) {
let pretty = prettyFactory(opts)
let destination
return abstractTransport(function (source) {
source.on('message', function pinoConfigListener (message) {
if (!message || message.code !== 'PINO_CONFIG') return
Object.assign(opts, {
messageKey: message.config.messageKey,
errorLikeObjectKeys: Array.from(new Set([...(opts.errorLikeObjectKeys || ERROR_LIKE_KEYS), message.config.errorKey])),
customLevels: message.config.levels.values
pretty = prettyFactory(opts)'message', pinoConfigListener)
const stream = new Transform({
objectMode: true,
autoDestroy: true,
transform (chunk, enc, cb) {
const line = pretty(chunk)
cb(null, line)
if (typeof opts.destination === 'object' && typeof opts.destination.write === 'function') {
destination = opts.destination
} else {
destination = buildSafeSonicBoom({
dest: opts.destination || 1,
append: opts.append,
mkdir: opts.mkdir,
sync: opts.sync // by default sonic will be async
source.on('unknown', function (line) {
destination.write(line + '\n')
pump(source, stream, destination)
return stream
}, {
parse: 'lines',
close (err, cb) {
destination.on('close', () => {
module.exports = build = build
module.exports.PinoPretty = build
module.exports.prettyFactory = prettyFactory
module.exports.colorizerFactory = colors
module.exports.isColorSupported = isColorSupported
module.exports.default = build