Prettifier for Pino log lines
235 lines (223 loc) • 7.69 kB
// Type definitions for pino-pretty 7.0
// Project:
// Definitions by: Adam Vigneaux <>
// tearwyx <>
// Minimum TypeScript Version: 3.0
/// <reference types="node" />
import { Transform } from 'stream';
import { OnUnknown } from 'pino-abstract-transport';
// @ts-ignore fall back to any if pino is not available, i.e. when running pino tests
import { DestinationStream, Level } from 'pino';
import * as Colorette from "colorette";
type LogDescriptor = Record<string, unknown>;
declare function PinoPretty(options?: PinoPretty.PrettyOptions): PinoPretty.PrettyStream;
declare namespace PinoPretty {
function colorizerFactory(
useColors?: boolean,
customColors?: [number, string][],
useOnlyCustomProps?: boolean,
): {
level?: number | string,
opts?: {
customLevels?: { [level: number]: string };
customLevelNames?: { [name: string]: number };
): string,
message: (input: string | number) => string,
greyMessage: (input: string | number) => string,
function prettyFactory(options: PrettyOptions): (inputData: any) => string
interface PrettyOptions {
* Hide objects from output (but not error object).
* @default false
hideObject?: boolean;
* Translate the epoch time value into a human readable date and time string. This flag also can set the format
* string to apply when translating the date to human readable format. For a list of available pattern letters
* see the {@link|dateformat documentation}.
* - The default format is `yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss.l o` in UTC.
* - Requires a `SYS:` prefix to translate time to the local system's timezone. Use the shortcut `SYS:standard`
* to translate time to `yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss.l o` in system timezone.
* @default false
translateTime?: boolean | string;
* If set to true, it will print the name of the log level as the first field in the log line.
* @default false
levelFirst?: boolean;
* Define the key that contains the level of the log.
* @default "level"
levelKey?: string;
* Output the log level using the specified label.
* @default "levelLabel"
levelLabel?: string;
* The key in the JSON object to use as the highlighted message.
* @default "msg"
* Not required when used with pino >= 8.21.0
messageKey?: string;
* Print each log message on a single line (errors will still be multi-line).
* @default false
singleLine?: boolean;
* The key in the JSON object to use for timestamp display.
* @default "time"
timestampKey?: string;
* The minimum log level to include in the output.
* @default "trace"
minimumLevel?: Level;
* Format output of message, e.g. {level} - {pid} will output message: INFO - 1123
* @default false
* @example
* ```typescript
* {
* messageFormat: (log, messageKey) => {
* const message = log[messageKey];
* if (log.requestId) return `[${log.requestId}] ${message}`;
* return message;
* }
* }
* ```
messageFormat?: false | string | MessageFormatFunc;
* If set to true, will add color information to the formatted output message.
* @default false
colorize?: boolean;
* If set to false while `colorize` is `true`, will output JSON objects without color.
* @default true
colorizeObjects?: boolean;
* Appends carriage return and line feed, instead of just a line feed, to the formatted log line.
* @default false
crlf?: boolean;
* Define the log keys that are associated with error like objects.
* @default ["err", "error"]
* Not required to handle custom errorKey when used with pino >= 8.21.0
errorLikeObjectKeys?: string[];
* When formatting an error object, display this list of properties.
* The list should be a comma separated list of properties.
* @default ""
errorProps?: string;
* Ignore one or several keys.
* Will be overridden by the option include if include is presented.
* @example "time,hostname"
ignore?: string;
* Include one or several keys.
* @example "time,level"
include?: string;
* Makes messaging synchronous.
* @default false
sync?: boolean;
* The file, file descriptor, or stream to write to. Defaults to 1 (stdout).
* @default 1
destination?: string | number | DestinationStream | NodeJS.WritableStream;
* Opens the file with the 'a' flag.
* @default true
append?: boolean;
* Ensure directory for destination file exists.
* @default false
mkdir?: boolean;
* Provides the ability to add a custom prettify function for specific log properties.
* `customPrettifiers` is an object, where keys are log properties that will be prettified
* and value is the prettify function itself.
* For example, if a log line contains a query property, you can specify a prettifier for it:
* @default {}
* @example
* ```typescript
* {
* customPrettifiers: {
* query: prettifyQuery
* }
* }
* //...
* const prettifyQuery = value => {
* // do some prettify magic
* }
* ```
customPrettifiers?: Record<string, Prettifier> &
level?: Prettifier<LevelPrettifierExtras>
* Change the level names and values to an user custom preset.
* Can be a CSV string in 'level_name:level_value' format or an object.
* @example ( CSV ) customLevels: 'info:10,some_level:40'
* @example ( Object ) customLevels: { info: 10, some_level: 40 }
* Not required when used with pino >= 8.21.0
customLevels?: string|object;
* Change the level colors to an user custom preset.
* Can be a CSV string in 'level_name:color_value' format or an object.
* Also supports 'default' as level_name for fallback color.
* @example ( CSV ) customColors: 'info:white,some_level:red'
* @example ( Object ) customColors: { info: 'white', some_level: 'red' }
customColors?: string|object;
* Only use custom levels and colors (if provided); else fallback to default levels and colors.
* @default true
useOnlyCustomProps?: boolean;
function build(options: PrettyOptions): PrettyStream;
type Prettifier<T = object> = (inputData: string | object, key: string, log: object, extras: PrettifierExtras<T>) => string;
type PrettifierExtras<T = object> = {colors: Colorette.Colorette} & T;
type LevelPrettifierExtras = {label: string, labelColorized: string}
type MessageFormatFunc = (log: LogDescriptor, messageKey: string, levelLabel: string, extras: PrettifierExtras) => string;
type PrettyStream = Transform & OnUnknown;
type ColorizerFactory = typeof colorizerFactory;
type PrettyFactory = typeof prettyFactory;
type Build = typeof build;
type isColorSupported = typeof Colorette.isColorSupported;
export { build, PinoPretty, PrettyOptions, PrettyStream, colorizerFactory, prettyFactory, isColorSupported };
export = PinoPretty;