
69 lines (52 loc) 3.49 kB
Usage: pino-pretty [options] [command] Commands: help Display help version Display version Options: -c, --colorize Force adding color sequences to the output -C, --config specify a path to a json file containing the pino-pretty options -f, --crlf Append CRLF instead of LF to formatted lines -X, --customColors Override default colors using names from https://www.npmjs.com/package/colorette (`-X err:red,info:blue`) -x, --customLevels Override default levels (`-x err:99,info:1`) -k, --errorLikeObjectKeys Define which keys contain error objects (`-k err,error`) (defaults to `err,error`) -e, --errorProps Comma separated list of properties on error objects to show (`*` for all properties) (defaults to ``) -h, --help Output usage information -H, --hideObject Hide objects from output (but not error object) -i, --ignore Ignore one or several keys: (`-i time,hostname`) -I, --include The opposite of `--ignore`, only include one or several keys: (`-I level,time`) -l, --levelFirst Display the log level as the first output field -L, --levelKey [value] Detect the log level under the specified key (defaults to "level") -b, --levelLabel [value] Output the log level using the specified label (defaults to "levelLabel") -o, --messageFormat Format output of message -m, --messageKey [value] Highlight the message under the specified key (defaults to "msg") -L, --minimumLevel Hide messages below the specified log level -S, --singleLine Print all non-error objects on a single line -a, --timestampKey [value] Display the timestamp from the specified key (defaults to "time") -t, --translateTime Display epoch timestamps as UTC ISO format or according to an optional format string (default ISO 8601) -U, --useOnlyCustomProps Only use custom levels and colors (if provided); don't fallback to default levels and colors (-U false) -v, --version Output the version number Examples: - To prettify logs, simply pipe a log file through $ cat log | pino-pretty - To highlight a string at a key other than 'msg' $ cat log | pino-pretty -m fooMessage - To detect the log level at a key other than 'level' $ cat log | pino-pretty --levelKey fooLevel - To output the log level label using a key other than 'levelLabel' $ cat log | pino-pretty --levelLabel LVL -o "{LVL}" - To display timestamp from a key other than 'time' $ cat log | pino-pretty -a fooTimestamp - To convert Epoch timestamps to ISO timestamps use the -t option $ cat log | pino-pretty -t - To convert Epoch timestamps to local timezone format use the -t option with "SYS:" prefixed format string $ cat log | pino-pretty -t "SYS:yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss" - To flip level and time/date in standard output use the -l option $ cat log | pino-pretty -l - Only prints messages with a minimum log level of info $ cat log | pino-pretty -L info - Prettify logs but don't print pid and hostname $ cat log | pino-pretty -i pid,hostname - Prettify logs but only print time and level $ cat log | pino-pretty -I time,level - Loads options from a config file $ cat log | pino-pretty --config=/path/to/config.json