
113 lines (100 loc) 2.92 kB
#!/usr/bin/env node const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const help = require('help-me')({ dir: path.join(__dirname, 'help'), ext: '.txt' }) const pump = require('pump') const sjp = require('secure-json-parse') const JoyCon = require('joycon') const stripJsonComments = require('strip-json-comments') const build = require('./') const CONSTANTS = require('./lib/constants') const { isObject } = require('./lib/utils') const minimist = require('minimist') const parseJSON = input => { return sjp.parse(stripJsonComments(input), { protoAction: 'remove' }) } const joycon = new JoyCon({ parseJSON, files: [ 'pino-pretty.config.cjs', 'pino-pretty.config.js', '.pino-prettyrc', '.pino-prettyrc.json' ], stopDir: path.dirname(process.cwd()) }) const cmd = minimist(process.argv.slice(2)) if (cmd.h || cmd.help) { help.toStdout() } else { const DEFAULT_VALUE = '\0default' let opts = minimist(process.argv, { alias: { colorize: 'c', colorizeObjects: 'C', crlf: 'f', errorProps: 'e', levelFirst: 'l', minimumLevel: 'L', customLevels: 'x', customColors: 'X', useOnlyCustomProps: 'U', errorLikeObjectKeys: 'k', messageKey: 'm', levelKey: CONSTANTS.LEVEL_KEY, levelLabel: 'b', messageFormat: 'o', timestampKey: 'a', translateTime: 't', ignore: 'i', include: 'I', hideObject: 'H', singleLine: 'S' }, default: { messageKey: DEFAULT_VALUE, minimumLevel: DEFAULT_VALUE, levelKey: DEFAULT_VALUE, timestampKey: DEFAULT_VALUE } }) // Remove default values opts = filter(opts, value => value !== DEFAULT_VALUE) const config = loadConfig(opts.config) // Override config with cli options opts = Object.assign({}, config, opts) // set defaults opts.errorLikeObjectKeys = opts.errorLikeObjectKeys || 'err,error' opts.errorProps = opts.errorProps || '' const res = build(opts) pump(process.stdin, res) // https://github.com/pinojs/pino/pull/358 /* istanbul ignore next */ if (!process.stdin.isTTY && !fs.fstatSync(process.stdin.fd).isFile()) { process.once('SIGINT', function noOp () {}) } function loadConfig (configPath) { const files = configPath ? [path.resolve(configPath)] : undefined const result = joycon.loadSync(files) if (result.path && !isObject(result.data)) { configPath = configPath || path.basename(result.path) throw new Error(`Invalid runtime configuration file: ${configPath}`) } if (configPath && !result.data) { throw new Error(`Failed to load runtime configuration file: ${configPath}`) } return result.data } function filter (obj, cb) { return Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, key) => { const value = obj[key] if (cb(value, key)) { acc[key] = value } return acc }, {}) } }