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106 lines (94 loc) • 4.03 kB
:where(html) {
/* Animation duration based on */
--duration-instant: 0ms; /* e.g. text change */
--duration-quick-1: 80ms; /* e.g. checkbox, radio, hover */
--duration-quick-2: 120ms; /* e.g. toggle, tab, chip, color, fade */
--duration-moderate-1: 180ms; /* e.g. dropdown, tooltip */
--duration-moderate-2: 260ms; /* e.g. modal, toast, dialog, notification */
--duration-gentle-1: 320ms; /* e.g. bottom sheet, card expand */
--duration-gentle-2: 420ms; /* e.g. advanced animations */
* Calculated animation duration based on
* Demo:
* unitless
--animated-element-distance: 0;
--animated-element-width: 0;
--animated-element-height: 0;
/* Calculated animation duration in milliseconds */
--duration-calculated: calc(((0.5 * var(--animated-element-distance, 0)) +
(0.35 * var(--animated-element-width, 0)) +
(0.3 * var(--animated-element-height, 0))) * 1ms);
/* Common time units */
--minute: 60s;
--hour: calc( 60 * var(--minute));
--day: calc( 24 * var(--hour));
--week: calc( 7 * var(--day));
--fortnight: calc( 14 * var(--day));
--month: calc( 30 * var(--day));
--quarter: calc( 13 * var(--week));
--year: calc(365 * var(--day));
--leap-year: calc(366 * var(--day));
--olympiad: calc( 4 * var(--year));
--decade: calc( 10 * var(--year));
--generation: calc( 3 * var(--decade));
--lifetime: calc( 8 * var(--decade));
--work-day: calc( 8 * var(--hour));
--work-week: calc( 5 * var(--day));
--blink: .1s;
--flinch: .3s
--sneeze: .5s;
--brief-moment: 15s;
--pause: 10s;
--unhealthy-pause: 30s;
--moment: 90s;
--kermit: calc(14.4 * var(--minute));
--microfortnight: 1.2096s;
/* Approximate astronomical durations */
--sidereal-day: calc((23 * var(--hour)) + (56 * var(--minute)) + 4.091s);
--iss-orbit: calc(91.5 * var(--minute));
--lunar-month: calc(29.5 * var(--day));
--venus-year: calc(225 * var(--day));
--sol: 88775s;
--mars-year: calc(668.5907 * var(--sol));
* 10 Little-Known Units of Time
--atom: .15957s;
--ghurry: calc(24 * var(--minute));
--lustre: calc(5 * var(--year));
--mileway: calc(20 * var(--minute));
--nundine: calc(9 * var(--day));
--nychthemeron: var(--day);
--punct: calc(15 * var(--minute));
--quadrant: calc(6 * var(--hour));
--quinzieme: calc(15 * var(--day));
--scruple: calc(24 * var(--minute));
* The Potrzebie System of Weights and Measures
* There is an inconsistency in the definitions where 1 wolverton = 0.00001 clarke.
* Calculating fractions of clarkes suggests that a 1 wolverton = 0.00000001 clarke.
--clarke: var(--sidereal-day);
--wood: calc(0.1 * var(--clarke));
--martin: calc(0.01 * var(--wood));
--kovac: calc(0.01 * var(--martin));
--wolverton: calc(0.001 * var(--kovac));
--mingo: calc(10 * var(--clarke));
--cowznofski: calc(10 * var(--mingo));
--friedman: calc(6 * var(--month));
--jiffy: 0.01s;
--microcentury: calc((52 * var(--minute)) + 35.7s);
--nanocentury: 3.156s;
--scaramucci: calc(11 * var(--day));