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52.6%, 1.016 56.4%, 1 65.2%, 0.996 70.2%, 1.001 87.2%, 1\n )", "--ease-bounce-1": "linear(\n 0, 0.004, 0.016, 0.035, 0.063, 0.098, 0.141, 0.191, 0.25, 0.316, 0.391 36.8%,\n 0.563, 0.766, 1 58.8%, 0.946, 0.908 69.1%, 0.895, 0.885, 0.879, 0.878, 0.879,\n 0.885, 0.895, 0.908 89.7%, 0.946, 1\n )", "--ease-bounce-2": "linear(\n 0, 0.004, 0.016, 0.035, 0.063, 0.098, 0.141 15.1%, 0.25, 0.391, 0.562, 0.765,\n 1, 0.892 45.2%, 0.849, 0.815, 0.788, 0.769, 0.757, 0.753, 0.757, 0.769, 0.788,\n 0.815, 0.85, 0.892 75.2%, 1 80.2%, 0.973, 0.954, 0.943, 0.939, 0.943, 0.954,\n 0.973, 1\n )", "--ease-bounce-3": "linear(\n 0, 0.004, 0.016, 0.035, 0.062, 0.098, 0.141 11.4%, 0.25, 0.39, 0.562, 0.764,\n 1 30.3%, 0.847 34.8%, 0.787, 0.737, 0.699, 0.672, 0.655, 0.65, 0.656, 0.672,\n 0.699, 0.738, 0.787, 0.847 61.7%, 1 66.2%, 0.946, 0.908, 0.885 74.2%, 0.879,\n 0.878, 0.879, 0.885 79.5%, 0.908, 0.946, 1 87.4%, 0.981, 0.968, 0.96, 0.957,\n 0.96, 0.968, 0.981, 1\n )", "--ease-bounce-4": "linear(\n 0, 0.004, 0.016 3%, 0.062, 0.141, 0.25, 0.391, 0.562 18.2%, 1 24.3%, 0.81,\n 0.676 32.3%, 0.629, 0.595, 0.575, 0.568, 0.575, 0.595, 0.629, 0.676 48.2%,\n 0.811, 1 56.2%, 0.918, 0.86, 0.825, 0.814, 0.825, 0.86, 0.918, 1 77.2%,\n 0.94 80.6%, 0.925, 0.92, 0.925, 0.94 87.5%, 1 90.9%, 0.974, 0.965, 0.974, 1\n )", "--ease-bounce-5": "linear(\n 0, 0.004, 0.016 2.5%, 0.063, 0.141, 0.25 10.1%, 0.562, 1 20.2%, 0.783, 0.627,\n 0.534 30.9%, 0.511, 0.503, 0.511, 0.534 38%, 0.627, 0.782, 1 48.7%, 0.892,\n 0.815, 0.769 56.3%, 0.757, 0.753, 0.757, 0.769 61.3%, 0.815, 0.892, 1 68.8%,\n 0.908 72.4%, 0.885, 0.878, 0.885, 0.908 79.4%, 1 83%, 0.954 85.5%, 0.943,\n 0.939, 0.943, 0.954 90.5%, 1 93%, 0.977, 0.97, 0.977, 1\n )", "--squircle-1": "url(\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewbox='0 0 200 200' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3E%3Cpath d=' M 0, 75 C 0, 18.75 18.75, 0 75, 0 S 150, 18.75 150, 75 131.25, 150 75, 150 0, 131.25 0, 75 ' fill='%23FADB5F' transform='rotate( 0, 100, 100 ) translate( 25 25 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