
1,999 lines (1,975 loc) 88.4 kB
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common'; import { Injectable, EventEmitter, Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy, ViewChild, Input, Output, HostListener, ChangeDetectorRef, ContentChild, TemplateRef, Pipe, NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { moveItemInArray, DragDropModule } from '@angular/cdk/drag-drop'; import { NgxPaginationModule } from 'ngx-pagination'; import { from, Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { groupBy, flatMap, reduce, takeUntil, throttleTime, filter } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { ScrollDispatcher, CdkVirtualScrollViewport, ScrollingModule } from '@angular/cdk/scrolling'; /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** * @record */ function Columns() { } if (false) { /** @type {?} */ Columns.prototype.key; /** @type {?} */ Columns.prototype.title; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Columns.prototype.placeholder; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Columns.prototype.width; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Columns.prototype.cellTemplate; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Columns.prototype.orderEnabled; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Columns.prototype.orderEventOnly; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Columns.prototype.searchEnabled; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Columns.prototype.orderBy; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Columns.prototype.cssClass; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Columns.prototype.pinned; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Columns.prototype.headerActionTemplate; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** * @record */ function Config() { } if (false) { /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.searchEnabled; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.headerEnabled; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.orderEnabled; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Config.prototype.orderEventOnly; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.paginationEnabled; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Config.prototype.exportEnabled; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.clickEvent; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.selectRow; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.selectCol; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.selectCell; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.rows; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.additionalActions; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.serverPagination; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.isLoading; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.detailsTemplate; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.groupRows; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.paginationRangeEnabled; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.collapseAllRows; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.checkboxes; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Config.prototype.radio; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.resizeColumn; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.fixedColumnWidth; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.horizontalScroll; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.draggable; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.logger; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Config.prototype.showDetailsArrow; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Config.prototype.showContextMenu; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Config.prototype.persistState; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Config.prototype.paginationMaxSize; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Config.prototype.threeWaySort; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Config.prototype.columnReorder; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Config.prototype.rowReorder; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Config.prototype.infiniteScroll; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Config.prototype.infiniteScrollThrottleTime; /** @type {?} */ Config.prototype.tableLayout; } /** @enum {string} */ const STYLE = { TINY: 'tiny', BIG: 'big', NORMAL: 'normal', }; /** @enum {string} */ const THEME = { LIGHT: 'light', DARK: 'dark', }; /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** @enum {string} */ const Event = { onPagination: 'onPagination', onOrder: 'onOrder', onGlobalSearch: 'onGlobalSearch', onSearch: 'onSearch', onClick: 'onClick', onDoubleClick: 'onDoubleClick', onCheckboxSelect: 'onCheckboxSelect', onRadioSelect: 'onRadioSelect', onCheckboxToggle: 'onCheckboxToggle', onSelectAll: 'onSelectAll', onInfiniteScrollEnd: 'onInfiniteScrollEnd', onColumnResizeMouseDown: 'onColumnResizeMouseDown', onColumnResizeMouseUp: 'onColumnResizeMouseUp', onRowDrop: 'onRowDrop', onRowCollapsedShow: 'onRowCollapsedShow', onRowCollapsedHide: 'onRowCollapsedHide', onRowContextMenu: 'onRowContextMenu', }; /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** * @record */ function Pagination() { } if (false) { /** @type {?} */ Pagination.prototype.limit; /** @type {?} */ Pagination.prototype.offset; /** @type {?} */ Pagination.prototype.count; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** @enum {string} */ const API = { rowContextMenuClicked: 'rowContextMenuClicked', setInputValue: 'setInputValue', toolPanelClicked: 'toolPanelClicked', toggleRowIndex: 'toggleRowIndex', toggleCheckbox: 'toggleCheckbox', onGlobalSearch: 'onGlobalSearch', setPaginationCurrentPage: 'setPaginationCurrentPage', getPaginationCurrentPage: 'getPaginationCurrentPage', getPaginationTotalItems: 'getPaginationTotalItems', getNumberOfRowsPerPage: 'getNumberOfRowsPerPage', getPaginationLastPage: 'getPaginationLastPage', setPaginationRange: 'setPaginationRange', setPaginationPreviousLabel: 'setPaginationPreviousLabel', setPaginationNextLabel: 'setPaginationNextLabel', setPaginationDisplayLimit: 'setPaginationDisplayLimit', setTableClass: 'setTableClass', setRowClass: 'setRowClass', setCellClass: 'setCellClass', setRowStyle: 'setRowStyle', setCellStyle: 'setCellStyle', sortBy: 'sortBy', }; /** * @record */ function RowClass() { } if (false) { /** @type {?} */ RowClass.prototype.row; /** @type {?} */ RowClass.prototype.className; } /** * @record */ function CellClass() { } if (false) { /** @type {?} */ CellClass.prototype.row; /** @type {?} */ CellClass.prototype.cell; /** @type {?} */ CellClass.prototype.className; } /** * @record */ function RowStyle() { } if (false) { /** @type {?} */ RowStyle.prototype.row; /** @type {?} */ RowStyle.prototype.attr; /** @type {?} */ RowStyle.prototype.value; } /** * @record */ function CellStyle() { } if (false) { /** @type {?} */ CellStyle.prototype.row; /** @type {?} */ CellStyle.prototype.cell; /** @type {?} */ CellStyle.prototype.attr; /** @type {?} */ CellStyle.prototype.value; } /** * @record */ function APIDefinition() { } if (false) { /** * @template B * @param {?} event * @return {?} */ APIDefinition.prototype.apiEvent = function (event) { }; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** @type {?} */ const DefaultConfig = { searchEnabled: false, headerEnabled: true, orderEnabled: true, orderEventOnly: false, paginationEnabled: true, exportEnabled: false, clickEvent: true, selectRow: false, selectCol: false, selectCell: false, rows: 10, additionalActions: false, serverPagination: false, isLoading: false, detailsTemplate: false, groupRows: false, paginationRangeEnabled: true, collapseAllRows: false, checkboxes: false, radio: false, resizeColumn: false, fixedColumnWidth: true, horizontalScroll: false, draggable: false, logger: false, showDetailsArrow: false, showContextMenu: false, persistState: false, paginationMaxSize: 5, threeWaySort: false, tableLayout: { style: STYLE.NORMAL, theme: THEME.LIGHT, borderless: false, hover: true, striped: false, }, }; class DefaultConfigService { } DefaultConfigService.config = DefaultConfig; DefaultConfigService.decorators = [ { type: Injectable } ]; if (false) { /** @type {?} */ DefaultConfigService.config; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** * @record */ function PaginationRange() { } if (false) { /** @type {?} */ PaginationRange.prototype.page; /** @type {?} */ PaginationRange.prototype.limit; } class PaginationComponent { constructor() { this.updateRange = new EventEmitter(); this.ranges = [5, 10, 25, 50, 100]; this.showRange = false; this.screenReaderPaginationLabel = 'Pagination'; this.screenReaderPageLabel = 'page'; this.screenReaderCurrentLabel = 'You are on page'; this.previousLabel = ''; this.nextLabel = ''; this.directionLinks = true; } /** * @param {?} targetElement * @return {?} */ onClick(targetElement) { if (this.paginationRange && !this.paginationRange.nativeElement.contains(targetElement)) { this.showRange = false; } } /** * @param {?} changes * @return {?} */ ngOnChanges(changes) { const { config } = changes; if (config && config.currentValue) { this.selectedLimit = this.config.rows; } } /** * @param {?} page * @return {?} */ onPageChange(page) { this.updateRange.emit({ page, limit: this.selectedLimit, }); } /** * @param {?} limit * @param {?} callFromAPI * @return {?} */ changeLimit(limit, callFromAPI) { if (!callFromAPI) { this.showRange = !this.showRange; } this.selectedLimit = limit; this.updateRange.emit({ page: 1, limit, }); } } PaginationComponent.decorators = [ { type: Component, args: [{ selector: 'pagination', template: "<div class=\"ngx-pagination-wrapper\"\n [style.display]=\"config.paginationEnabled ? '' : 'none'\"\n [class.ngx-table__table--dark-pagination-wrapper]=\"config.tableLayout.theme === 'dark'\">\n <div class=\"ngx-pagination-steps\">\n <pagination-template\n #paginationDirective=\"paginationApi\"\n id=\"pagination-controls\"\n [id]=\"id\"\n [class.ngx-table__table--dark-pagination]=\"config.tableLayout.theme === 'dark'\"\n [maxSize]=\"config.paginationMaxSize || 5\"\n (pageChange)=\"onPageChange($event)\">\n <ul class=\"ngx-pagination\"\n role=\"navigation\"\n [attr.aria-label]=\"screenReaderPaginationLabel\"\n [class.responsive]=\"true\">\n <li class=\"pagination-previous\" [class.disabled]=\"paginationDirective.isFirstPage()\" *ngIf=\"directionLinks\">\n <a tabindex=\"0\" *ngIf=\"1 < paginationDirective.getCurrent()\" (keyup.enter)=\"paginationDirective.previous()\"\n (click)=\"paginationDirective.previous()\"\n [attr.aria-label]=\"previousLabel + ' ' + screenReaderPageLabel\">\n {{ previousLabel }} <span class=\"show-for-sr\">{{ screenReaderPageLabel }}</span>\n </a>\n <span *ngIf=\"paginationDirective.isFirstPage()\">\n {{ previousLabel }} <span class=\"show-for-sr\">{{ screenReaderPageLabel }}</span>\n </span>\n </li>\n <li class=\"small-screen\">\n {{ paginationDirective.getCurrent() }} / {{ paginationDirective.getLastPage() }}\n </li>\n <li [class.current]=\"paginationDirective.getCurrent() === page.value\"\n [class.ellipsis]=\"page.label === '...'\"\n *ngFor=\"let page of paginationDirective.pages\">\n <a tabindex=\"0\" (keyup.enter)=\"paginationDirective.setCurrent(page.value)\"\n (click)=\"paginationDirective.setCurrent(page.value)\"\n *ngIf=\"paginationDirective.getCurrent() !== page.value\">\n <span class=\"show-for-sr\">{{ screenReaderPageLabel }} </span>\n <span>{{ page.label }}</span>\n </a>\n <ng-container *ngIf=\"paginationDirective.getCurrent() === page.value\">\n <span class=\"show-for-sr\">{{ screenReaderCurrentLabel }} </span>\n <span>{{ page.label }}</span>\n </ng-container>\n </li>\n <li class=\"pagination-next\" [class.disabled]=\"paginationDirective.isLastPage()\" *ngIf=\"directionLinks\">\n <a tabindex=\"0\" *ngIf=\"!paginationDirective.isLastPage()\" (keyup.enter)=\"paginationDirective.next()\"\n (click)=\"paginationDirective.next()\"\n [attr.aria-label]=\"nextLabel + ' ' + screenReaderPageLabel\">\n {{ nextLabel }} <span class=\"show-for-sr\">{{ screenReaderPageLabel }}</span>\n </a>\n <span *ngIf=\"paginationDirective.isLastPage()\">\n {{ nextLabel }} <span class=\"show-for-sr\">{{ screenReaderPageLabel }}</span>\n </span>\n </li>\n </ul>\n </pagination-template>\n </div>\n <div class=\"ngx-pagination-range\"\n #paginationRange\n [class.ngx-table__table--dark-pagination-range]=\"config.tableLayout.theme === 'dark'\"\n *ngIf=\"config.paginationRangeEnabled\">\n <div class=\"ngx-dropdown ngx-pagination-range-dropdown\"\n id=\"rowAmount\">\n <div class=\"ngx-btn-group\">\n <div class=\"ngx-pagination-range-dropdown-button\"\n (click)=\"showRange = !showRange\">\n {{selectedLimit}} <i class=\"ngx-icon ngx-icon-arrow-down\"></i>\n </div>\n <ul class=\"ngx-menu\" *ngIf=\"showRange\">\n <li class=\"ngx-pagination-range-dropdown-button-item\"\n [class.ngx-pagination-range--selected]=\"limit === selectedLimit\"\n (click)=\"changeLimit(limit, false)\"\n *ngFor=\"let limit of ranges\">\n <span>{{limit}}</span>\n </li>\n </ul>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>\n", changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush }] } ]; PaginationComponent.propDecorators = { paginationDirective: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['paginationDirective', { static: true },] }], paginationRange: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['paginationRange', { static: false },] }], pagination: [{ type: Input }], config: [{ type: Input }], id: [{ type: Input }], updateRange: [{ type: Output }], onClick: [{ type: HostListener, args: ['document:click', ['$event.target'],] }] }; if (false) { /** @type {?} */ PaginationComponent.prototype.paginationDirective; /** @type {?} */ PaginationComponent.prototype.paginationRange; /** @type {?} */ PaginationComponent.prototype.pagination; /** @type {?} */ PaginationComponent.prototype.config; /** @type {?} */ PaginationComponent.prototype.id; /** @type {?} */ PaginationComponent.prototype.updateRange; /** @type {?} */ PaginationComponent.prototype.ranges; /** @type {?} */ PaginationComponent.prototype.selectedLimit; /** @type {?} */ PaginationComponent.prototype.showRange; /** @type {?} */ PaginationComponent.prototype.screenReaderPaginationLabel; /** @type {?} */ PaginationComponent.prototype.screenReaderPageLabel; /** @type {?} */ PaginationComponent.prototype.screenReaderCurrentLabel; /** @type {?} */ PaginationComponent.prototype.previousLabel; /** @type {?} */ PaginationComponent.prototype.nextLabel; /** @type {?} */ PaginationComponent.prototype.directionLinks; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class GroupRowsService { /** * @template T * @param {?} data * @param {?} groupRowsBy * @return {?} */ static doGroupRows(data, groupRowsBy) { /** @type {?} */ const grouped = []; from(data).pipe(groupBy((/** * @param {?} row * @return {?} */ (row) => row[groupRowsBy])), flatMap((/** * @param {?} group * @return {?} */ (group) => group.pipe(reduce((/** * @param {?} acc * @param {?} curr * @return {?} */ (acc, curr) => [...acc, curr]), []))))).subscribe((/** * @param {?} row * @return {?} */ (row) => grouped.push(row))); return grouped; } } GroupRowsService.decorators = [ { type: Injectable } ]; /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /* tslint:disable:no-useless-cast */ class StyleService { /** * @param {?} val * @return {?} */ setRowClass(val) { /** @type {?} */ const selector = `#table > tbody > tr:nth-child(${val.row})`; /** @type {?} */ const row = (/** @type {?} */ (document.querySelector(selector))); if (row) { row.classList.add(val.className); } } /** * @param {?} val * @return {?} */ setCellClass(val) { /** @type {?} */ const selector = `#table > tbody > tr:nth-child(${val.row}) > td:nth-child(${val.cell})`; /** @type {?} */ const cell = (/** @type {?} */ (document.querySelector(selector))); if (cell) { cell.classList.add(val.className); } } /** * @param {?} val * @return {?} */ setRowStyle(val) { /** @type {?} */ const selector = `#table > tbody > tr:nth-child(${val.row})`; /** @type {?} */ const row = (/** @type {?} */ (document.querySelector(selector))); if (row) { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-string-literal row.style[val.attr] = val.value; } } /** * @param {?} val * @return {?} */ setCellStyle(val) { /** @type {?} */ const selector = `#table > tbody > tr:nth-child(${val.row}) > td:nth-child(${val.cell})`; /** @type {?} */ const cell = (/** @type {?} */ (document.querySelector(selector))); if (cell) { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-string-literal cell.style[val.attr] = val.value; } } /** * @param {?} pinned * @param {?} column * @return {?} */ pinnedWidth(pinned, column) { if (pinned) { return 150 * column + 'px'; } } } StyleService.decorators = [ { type: Injectable } ]; /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** * @record */ function RowContextMenuPosition() { } if (false) { /** @type {?} */ RowContextMenuPosition.prototype.top; /** @type {?} */ RowContextMenuPosition.prototype.left; /** @type {?} */ RowContextMenuPosition.prototype.value; } class BaseComponent { /** * @param {?} cdr * @param {?} scrollDispatcher * @param {?} styleService */ constructor(cdr, scrollDispatcher, styleService) { this.cdr = cdr; this.scrollDispatcher = scrollDispatcher; this.styleService = styleService; this.unsubscribe = new Subject(); this.filterCount = -1; this.filteredCountSubject = new Subject(); this.tableClass = null; this.grouped = []; this.isSelected = false; this.page = 1; this.count = 0; this.sortState = new Map(); this.sortKey = null; this.rowContextMenuPosition = { top: null, left: null, value: null, }; this.sortBy = { key: '', order: 'asc', }; this.selectedDetailsTemplateRowId = new Set(); this.selectedCheckboxes = new Set(); this.loadingHeight = '30px'; this.id = 'table'; this.event = new EventEmitter(); this.subscription = this.filteredCountSubject .pipe(takeUntil(this.unsubscribe)) .subscribe((/** * @param {?} count * @return {?} */ (count) => { this.filterCount = count; this.cdr.detectChanges(); })); } /** * @param {?} targetElement * @return {?} */ onContextMenuClick(targetElement) { if (this.contextMenu && !this.contextMenu.nativeElement.contains(targetElement)) { this.rowContextMenuPosition = { top: null, left: null, value: null, }; } } /** * @return {?} */ ngOnInit() { if (!this.columns) { console.error('[columns] property required!'); } if (this.configuration) { this.config = this.configuration; } else { this.config = DefaultConfigService.config; } this.limit = this.config.rows; if (this.groupRowsBy) { this.grouped = GroupRowsService.doGroupRows(this.data, this.groupRowsBy); } this.doDecodePersistedState(); } /** * @return {?} */ ngOnDestroy() { this.unsubscribe.next(); this.unsubscribe.complete(); } /** * @return {?} */ ngAfterViewInit() { /** @type {?} */ const throttleValue = this.config.infiniteScrollThrottleTime ? this.config.infiniteScrollThrottleTime : 200; this.scrollDispatcher.scrolled() .pipe(takeUntil(this.unsubscribe), throttleTime(throttleValue), filter((/** * @param {?} event * @return {?} */ (event) => { return !!event && this.viewPort && this.viewPort.getRenderedRange().end === this.viewPort.getDataLength(); }))) .subscribe((/** * @return {?} */ () => { this.emitEvent(Event.onInfiniteScrollEnd, null); })); } /** * @param {?} changes * @return {?} */ ngOnChanges(changes) { const { configuration, data, pagination, groupRowsBy } = changes; this.toggleRowIndex = changes.toggleRowIndex; if (configuration && configuration.currentValue) { this.config = configuration.currentValue; } if (data && data.currentValue) { this.doApplyData(data); } if (pagination && pagination.currentValue) { const { count, limit, offset } = (/** @type {?} */ (pagination.currentValue)); this.count = count; this.limit = limit; this.page = offset; } if (groupRowsBy && groupRowsBy.currentValue) { this.grouped = GroupRowsService.doGroupRows(this.data, this.groupRowsBy); } if (this.toggleRowIndex && this.toggleRowIndex.currentValue) { /** @type {?} */ const row = this.toggleRowIndex.currentValue; this.collapseRow(row.index); } } /** * @param {?} column * @return {?} */ orderBy(column) { if (typeof column.orderEnabled !== 'undefined' && !column.orderEnabled) { return; } this.sortKey = column.key; if (!this.config.orderEnabled || this.sortKey === '') { return; } this.setColumnOrder(this.sortKey); if (!this.config.orderEventOnly && !column.orderEventOnly) { this.sortBy.key = this.sortKey; this.sortBy.order = this.sortState.get(this.sortKey); } else { this.sortBy.key = ''; this.sortBy.order = ''; } if (!this.config.serverPagination) { this.data = [...this.data]; this.sortBy = Object.assign({}, this.sortBy); } /** @type {?} */ const value = { key: this.sortKey, order: this.sortState.get(this.sortKey), }; this.emitEvent(Event.onOrder, value); } /** * @param {?} $event * @param {?} row * @param {?} key * @param {?} colIndex * @param {?} rowIndex * @return {?} */ onClick($event, row, key, colIndex, rowIndex) { if (this.config.selectRow) { this.selectedRow = rowIndex; } if (this.config.selectCol && colIndex) { this.selectedCol = colIndex; } if (this.config.selectCell && colIndex) { this.selectedRow = rowIndex; this.selectedCol = colIndex; } if (this.config.clickEvent) { /** @type {?} */ const value = { event: $event, row, key, rowId: rowIndex, colId: colIndex, }; this.emitEvent(Event.onClick, value); } } /** * @param {?} $event * @param {?} row * @param {?} key * @param {?} colIndex * @param {?} rowIndex * @return {?} */ onDoubleClick($event, row, key, colIndex, rowIndex) { /** @type {?} */ const value = { event: $event, row, key, rowId: rowIndex, colId: colIndex, }; this.emitEvent(Event.onDoubleClick, value); } /** * @param {?} $event * @param {?} row * @param {?} rowIndex * @return {?} */ onCheckboxSelect($event, row, rowIndex) { /** @type {?} */ const value = { event: $event, row, rowId: rowIndex, }; this.emitEvent(Event.onCheckboxSelect, value); } /** * @param {?} $event * @param {?} row * @param {?} rowIndex * @return {?} */ onRadioSelect($event, row, rowIndex) { /** @type {?} */ const value = { event: $event, row, rowId: rowIndex, }; this.emitEvent(Event.onRadioSelect, value); } /** * @return {?} */ onSelectAll() { this.isSelected = !this.isSelected; this.emitEvent(Event.onSelectAll, this.isSelected); } /** * @param {?} $event * @return {?} */ onSearch($event) { if (!this.config.serverPagination) { this.term = $event; } this.emitEvent(Event.onSearch, $event); } /** * @param {?} value * @return {?} */ onGlobalSearch(value) { if (!this.config.serverPagination) { this.globalSearchTerm = value; } this.emitEvent(Event.onGlobalSearch, value); } /** * @param {?} pagination * @return {?} */ onPagination(pagination) { this.page = pagination.page; this.limit = pagination.limit; this.emitEvent(Event.onPagination, pagination); } /** * @param {?} rowIndex * @return {?} */ toggleCheckbox(rowIndex) { this.selectedCheckboxes.has(rowIndex) ? this.selectedCheckboxes.delete(rowIndex) : this.selectedCheckboxes.add(rowIndex); } /** * @param {?} rowIndex * @return {?} */ collapseRow(rowIndex) { if (this.selectedDetailsTemplateRowId.has(rowIndex)) { this.selectedDetailsTemplateRowId.delete(rowIndex); this.emitEvent(Event.onRowCollapsedHide, rowIndex); } else { this.selectedDetailsTemplateRowId.add(rowIndex); this.emitEvent(Event.onRowCollapsedShow, rowIndex); } } /** * @private * @return {?} */ doDecodePersistedState() { if (!this.config.persistState) { return; } /** @type {?} */ const pagination = localStorage.getItem(Event.onPagination); /** @type {?} */ const sort = localStorage.getItem(Event.onOrder); /** @type {?} */ const search = localStorage.getItem(Event.onSearch); if (pagination) { this.onPagination(JSON.parse(pagination)); } if (sort) { const { key, order } = JSON.parse(sort); this.bindApi({ type: API.sortBy, value: { column: key, order }, }); } if (search) { this.bindApi({ type: API.setInputValue, value: JSON.parse(search), }); } } /** * @param {?} rowIndex * @return {?} */ isRowCollapsed(rowIndex) { if (this.config.collapseAllRows) { return true; } return this.selectedDetailsTemplateRowId.has(rowIndex); } /** * @return {?} */ get isLoading() { /** @type {?} */ const table = (/** @type {?} */ (document.getElementById(this.id))); if (table && table.rows && table.rows.length > 3) { this.getLoadingHeight(table.rows); } return this.config.isLoading; } /** * @param {?} rows * @return {?} */ getLoadingHeight(rows) { /** @type {?} */ const searchEnabled = this.config.searchEnabled ? 1 : 0; /** @type {?} */ const headerEnabled = this.config.headerEnabled ? 1 : 0; /** @type {?} */ const borderTrHeight = 1; /** @type {?} */ const borderDivHeight = 2; this.loadingHeight = (rows.length - searchEnabled - headerEnabled) * (rows[3].offsetHeight - borderTrHeight) - borderDivHeight + 'px'; } /** * @return {?} */ get arrowDefinition() { return this.config.showDetailsArrow || typeof this.config.showDetailsArrow === 'undefined'; } /** * @param {?} $event * @param {?} row * @param {?} key * @param {?} colIndex * @param {?} rowIndex * @return {?} */ onRowContextMenu($event, row, key, colIndex, rowIndex) { if (!this.config.showContextMenu) { return; } $event.preventDefault(); /** @type {?} */ const value = { event: $event, row, key, rowId: rowIndex, colId: colIndex, }; this.rowContextMenuPosition = { top: `${$event.y - 10}px`, left: `${$event.x - 10}px`, value, }; this.emitEvent(Event.onRowContextMenu, value); } /** * @private * @param {?} data * @return {?} */ doApplyData(data) { /** @type {?} */ const order = this.columns.find((/** * @param {?} c * @return {?} */ (c) => !!c.orderBy)); if (order) { this.sortState.set(this.sortKey, (order.orderBy === 'asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc'); this.orderBy(order); } else { this.data = [...data.currentValue]; } } /** * @param {?} event * @return {?} */ onDrop(event) { this.emitEvent(Event.onRowDrop, event); moveItemInArray(this.data, event.previousIndex, event.currentIndex); } // DO NOT REMOVE. It is called from parent component. See src/app/demo/api-doc/api-doc.component.ts /** * @param {?} event * @return {?} */ apiEvent(event) { return this.bindApi(event); } // tslint:disable:no-big-function cognitive-complexity /** * @private * @param {?} event * @return {?} */ bindApi(event) { switch (event.type) { case API.rowContextMenuClicked: this.rowContextMenuPosition = { top: null, left: null, value: null, }; break; case API.toolPanelClicked: // TODO break; case API.toggleRowIndex: this.collapseRow(event.value); break; case API.toggleCheckbox: this.toggleCheckbox(event.value); break; case API.setInputValue: if (this.config.searchEnabled) { event.value.forEach((/** * @param {?} input * @return {?} */ (input) => { /** @type {?} */ const element = ((/** @type {?} */ (document.getElementById(`search_${input.key}`)))); if (!element) { console.error(`Column '${input.key}' not available in the DOM. Have you misspelled a name?`); } else { element.value = input.value; } })); } this.onSearch(event.value); this.cdr.detectChanges(); break; case API.onGlobalSearch: this.onGlobalSearch(event.value); this.cdr.detectChanges(); break; case API.setRowClass: if (Array.isArray(event.value)) { event.value.forEach((/** * @param {?} val * @return {?} */ (val) => this.styleService.setRowClass(val))); break; } this.styleService.setRowClass(event.value); this.cdr.detectChanges(); break; case API.setCellClass: if (Array.isArray(event.value)) { event.value.forEach((/** * @param {?} val * @return {?} */ (val) => this.styleService.setCellClass(val))); break; } this.styleService.setCellClass(event.value); break; case API.setRowStyle: if (Array.isArray(event.value)) { event.value.forEach((/** * @param {?} val * @return {?} */ (val) => this.styleService.setRowStyle(val))); break; } this.styleService.setRowStyle(event.value); break; case API.setCellStyle: if (Array.isArray(event.value)) { event.value.forEach((/** * @param {?} val * @return {?} */ (val) => this.styleService.setCellStyle(val))); break; } this.styleService.setCellStyle(event.value); break; case API.setTableClass: this.tableClass = event.value; this.cdr.detectChanges(); break; case API.getPaginationTotalItems: return this.paginationComponent.paginationDirective.getTotalItems(); case API.getPaginationCurrentPage: return this.paginationComponent.paginationDirective.getCurrent(); case API.getPaginationLastPage: return this.paginationComponent.paginationDirective.getLastPage(); case API.getNumberOfRowsPerPage: return this.paginationComponent.paginationDirective.isLastPage() ? (this.paginationComponent.paginationDirective.getTotalItems() % this.limit) : this.limit; case API.setPaginationCurrentPage: this.paginationComponent.paginationDirective.setCurrent(event.value); break; case API.setPaginationRange: this.paginationComponent.ranges = event.value; break; case API.setPaginationPreviousLabel: this.paginationComponent.previousLabel = event.value; break; case API.setPaginationNextLabel: this.paginationComponent.nextLabel = event.value; break; case API.setPaginationDisplayLimit: this.paginationComponent.changeLimit(event.value, true); break; case API.sortBy: /** @type {?} */ const column = { title: '', key: event.value.column, orderBy: event.value.order }; this.orderBy(column); this.cdr.detectChanges(); break; default: break; } } /** * @private * @param {?} key * @return {?} */ setColumnOrder(key) { switch (this.sortState.get(key)) { case '': case undefined: this.sortState.set(key, 'desc'); break; case 'asc': this.config.threeWaySort ? this.sortState.set(key, '') : this.sortState.set(key, 'desc'); break; case 'desc': this.sortState.set(key, 'asc'); break; } if (this.sortState.size > 1) { /** @type {?} */ const temp = this.sortState.get(key); this.sortState.clear(); this.sortState.set(key, temp); } } /** * @param {?} event * @param {?} value * @return {?} */ emitEvent(event, value) { this.event.emit({ event, value }); if (this.config.persistState) { localStorage.setItem(event, JSON.stringify(value)); } if (this.config.logger) { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console console.log({ event, value }); } } } BaseComponent.decorators = [ { type: Component, args: [{ selector: 'ngx-table', providers: [ DefaultConfigService, GroupRowsService, StyleService, ], template: "<div class=\"ngx-container\">\n <table [id]=\"id\"\n [ngClass]=\"(tableClass === null || tableClass === '') ? 'ngx-table' : tableClass\"\n [class.ngx-table__table--tiny]=\"config.tableLayout.style === 'tiny'\"\n [class.ngx-table__table--normal]=\"config.tableLayout.style === 'normal'\"\n [class.ngx-table__table--big]=\"config.tableLayout.style === 'big'\"\n [class.ngx-table__table--borderless]=\"config.tableLayout.borderless\"\n [class.ngx-table__table--dark]=\"config.tableLayout.theme === 'dark'\"\n [class.ngx-table__table--hoverable]=\"config.tableLayout.hover\"\n [class.ngx-table__table--striped]=\"config.tableLayout.striped\"\n [class.ngx-table__horizontal-scroll]=\"config.horizontalScroll && !isLoading\">\n <thead\n [class.ngx-infinite-scroll-viewport-thead]=\"config.infiniteScroll\"\n table-thead\n [config]=\"config\"\n [sortKey]=\"sortKey\"\n [sortState]=\"sortState\"\n [selectAllTemplate]=\"selectAllTemplate\"\n [filtersTemplate]=\"filtersTemplate\"\n [additionalActionsTemplate]=\"additionalActionsTemplate\"\n [columns]=\"columns\"\n (selectAll)=\"onSelectAll()\"\n (filter)=\"onSearch($event)\"\n (order)=\"orderBy($event)\"\n (event)=\"emitEvent($event.event, $event.value)\"\n >\n </thead>\n <tbody *ngIf=\"data && !isLoading && !config.rowReorder\">\n <ng-container *ngIf=\"rowTemplate\">\n <ul class=\"ngx-table__table-row-context-menu\"\n [ngStyle]=\"{'position': 'absolute', 'top': rowContextMenuPosition.top, 'left': rowContextMenuPosition.left }\"\n *ngIf=\"rowContextMenuPosition.top\">\n <ng-container\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"rowContextMenu\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{ $implicit: rowContextMenuPosition.value}\">\n </ng-container>\n </ul>\n <ng-container *ngIf=\"!config.infiniteScroll\">\n <ng-container *ngFor=\"let row of data | sort:sortBy | search:term:filteredCountSubject | global:globalSearchTerm:filteredCountSubject | paginate: { itemsPerPage: limit, currentPage: page, totalItems: count, id: id };\n let rowIndex = index\">\n <tr\n (click)=\"onClick($event, row, '', null, rowIndex)\"\n #contextMenu\n (contextmenu)=\"onRowContextMenu($event, row, '', null, rowIndex)\"\n (dblclick)=\"onDoubleClick($event, row, '', null, rowIndex)\"\n [class.ngx-table__table-row--selected]=\"rowIndex === selectedRow && !config.selectCell\">\n <ng-container\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"rowTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{ $implicit: row, index: rowIndex }\">\n </ng-container>\n <td *ngIf=\"config.detailsTemplate\">\n <span class=\"ngx-icon\"\n *ngIf=\"arrowDefinition\"\n [ngClass]=\"isRowCollapsed(rowIndex) ? 'ngx-icon-arrow-down' : 'ngx-icon-arrow-right'\"\n (click)=\"collapseRow(rowIndex)\">\n </span>\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr\n *ngIf=\"(config.detailsTemplate && selectedDetailsTemplateRowId.has(rowIndex)) || config.collapseAllRows\">\n <td [attr.colspan]=\"columns.length + 1\">\n <ng-container\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"detailsTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{ $implicit: row, index: rowIndex }\">\n </ng-container>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </ng-container>\n </ng-container>\n <cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport\n itemSize=\"50\"\n *ngIf=\"config.infiniteScroll\"\n class=\"ngx-infinite-scroll-viewport\">\n <ng-container *cdkVirtualFor=\"let row of data | sort:sortBy | search:term:filteredCountSubject | global:globalSearchTerm:filteredCountSubject;\n let rowIndex = index\">\n <tr\n (click)=\"onClick($event, row, '', null, rowIndex)\"\n #contextMenu\n (contextmenu)=\"onRowContextMenu($event, row, '', null, rowIndex)\"\n (dblclick)=\"onDoubleClick($event, row, '', null, rowIndex)\"\n [class.ngx-table__table-row--selected]=\"rowIndex === selectedRow && !config.selectCell\">\n <ng-container\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"rowTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{ $implicit: row, index: rowIndex }\">\n </ng-container>\n <td *ngIf=\"config.detailsTemplate\">\n <span class=\"ngx-icon\"\n *ngIf=\"arrowDefinition\"\n [ngClass]=\"isRowCollapsed(rowIndex) ? 'ngx-icon-arrow-down' : 'ngx-icon-arrow-right'\"\n (click)=\"collapseRow(rowIndex)\">\n </span>\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr\n *ngIf=\"(config.detailsTemplate && selectedDetailsTemplateRowId.has(rowIndex)) || config.collapseAllRows\">\n <td [attr.colspan]=\"columns.length + 1\">\n <ng-container\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"detailsTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{ $implicit: row, index: rowIndex }\">\n </ng-container>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </ng-container>\n </cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport>\n </ng-container>\n <ng-container *ngIf=\"!rowTemplate && !config.groupRows\">\n <ul class=\"ngx-table__table-row-context-menu\"\n [ngStyle]=\"{'position': 'absolute', 'top': rowContextMenuPosition.top, 'left': rowContextMenuPosition.left }\"\n *ngIf=\"rowContextMenuPosition.top\">\n <ng-container\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"rowContextMenu\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{ $implicit: rowContextMenuPosition.value}\">\n </ng-container>\n </ul>\n <ng-container *ngIf=\"!config.infiniteScroll\">\n <ng-container\n *ngFor=\"let row of data | sort:sortBy | search:term:filteredCountSubject | global:globalSearchTerm:filteredCountSubject | paginate: { itemsPerPage: limit, currentPage: page, totalItems: count, id: id };\n let rowIndex = index\">\n <tr [class.ngx-table__table-row--selected]=\"rowIndex === selectedRow && !config.selectCell\">\n <td *ngIf=\"config.checkboxes\">\n <label class=\"ngx-form-checkbox\">\n <input type=\"checkbox\"\n id=\"checkbox-{{rowIndex}}\"\n [checked]=\"isSelected || selectedCheckboxes.has(rowIndex)\"\n (change)=\"onCheckboxSelect($event, row, rowIndex)\">\n <em class=\"ngx-form-icon\"></em>\n </label>\n </td>\n <td *ngIf=\"config.radio\">\n <label>\n <input type=\"radio\"\n id=\"radio-{{rowIndex}}\"\n name=\"radio\"\n (change)=\"onRadioSelect($event, row, rowIndex)\">\n </label>\n </td>\n <ng-container *ngFor=\"let column of columns; let colIndex = index\">\n <td (click)=\"onClick($event, row, column.key, colIndex, rowIndex)\"\n #contextMenu\n (contextmenu)=\"onRowContextMenu($event, row, column.key, colIndex, rowIndex)\"\n (dblclick)=\"onDoubleClick($event, row, column.key, colIndex, rowIndex)\"\n [class.pinned-left]=\"column.pinned\"\n [ngClass]=\"column.cssClass ? column.cssClass.name : ''\"\n [style.left]=\"styleService.pinnedWidth(column.pinned, colIndex)\"\n [class.ngx-table__table-col--selected]=\"colIndex === selectedCol && !config.selectCell\"\n [class.ngx-table__table-cell--selected]=\"colIndex === selectedCol && rowIndex === selectedRow && !config.selectCol && !config.selectRow\"\n >\n <div *ngIf=\"!column.cellTemplate\">{{ row | render:column.key }}</div>\n <ng-container\n *ngIf=\"column.cellTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"column.cellTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{ $implicit: row, rowIndex: rowIndex }\">\n </ng-container>\n </td>\n </ng-container>\n <td *ngIf=\"config.additionalActions || config.detailsTemplate\">\n <span class=\"ngx-icon\"\n *ngIf=\"arrowDefinition\"\n [ngClass]=\"isRowCollapsed(rowIndex) ? 'ngx-icon-arrow-down' : 'ngx-icon-arrow-right'\"\n (click)=\"collapseRow(rowIndex)\">\n </span>\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr\n *ngIf=\"(config.detailsTemplate && selectedDetailsTemplateRowId.has(rowIndex)) || config.collapseAllRows\">\n <td *ngIf=\"config.checkboxes || config.radio\"></td>\n <td [attr.colspan]=\"columns.length + 1\">\n <ng-container\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"detailsTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{ $implicit: row, index: rowIndex }\">\n </ng-container>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </ng-container>\n </ng-container>\n <!-- infinite scroll -->\n <cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport\n itemSize=\"50\"\n *ngIf=\"config.infiniteScroll\"\n class=\"ngx-infinite-scroll-viewport\">\n <ng-container\n *cdkVirtualFor=\"let row of data | sort:sortBy | search:term:filteredCountSubject | global:globalSearchTerm:filteredCountSubject;\n let rowIndex = index\">\n <tr [class.ngx-table__table-row--selected]=\"rowIndex === selectedRow && !config.selectCell\">\n <td *ngIf=\"config.checkboxes\">\n <label class=\"ngx-form-checkbox\">\n <input type=\"checkbox\"\n id=\"checkbox-infinite-scroll-{{rowIndex}}\"\n [checked]=\"isSelected || selectedCheckboxes.has(rowIndex)\"\n (change)=\"onCheckboxSelect($event, row, rowIndex)\">\n <em class=\"ngx-form-icon\"></em>\n </label>\n </td>\n <td *ngIf=\"config.radio\">\n <label>\n <input type=\"radio\"\n id=\"radio-infinite-scroll-{{rowIndex}}\"\n name=\"radio\"\n (change)=\"onRadioSelect($event, row, rowIndex)\">\n </label>\n </td>\n <ng-container *ngFor=\"let column of columns; let colIndex = index\">\n <td (click)=\"onClick($event, row, column.key, colIndex, rowIndex)\"\n #contextMenu\n (contextmenu)=\"onRowContextMenu($event, row, column.key, colIndex, rowIndex)\"\n (dblclick)=\"onDoubleClick($event, row, column.key, colIndex, rowIndex)\"\n [class.pinned-left]=\"column.pinned\"\n [ngClass]=\"column.cssClass ? column.cssClass.name : ''\"\n [style.left]=\"styleService.pinnedWidth(column.pinned, colIndex)\"\n [class.ngx-table__table-col--selected]=\"colIndex === selectedCol && !config.selectCell\"\n [class.ngx-table__table-cell--selected]=\"colIndex === selectedCol && rowIndex === selectedRow && !config.selectCol && !config.selectRow\"\n >\n <div *ngIf=\"!column.cellTemplate\">{{ row | render:column.key }}</div>\n <ng-container\n *ngIf=\"column.cellTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"column.cellTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{ $implicit: row, rowIndex: rowIndex }\">\n </ng-container>\n </td>\n </ng-container>\n <td *ngIf=\"config.additionalActions || config.detailsTemplate\">\n <span class=\"ngx-icon\"\n *ngIf=\"arrowDefinition\"\n [ngClass]=\"isRowCollapsed(rowIndex) ? 'ngx-icon-arrow-down' : 'ngx-icon-arrow-right'\"\n (click)=\"collapseRow(rowIndex)\">\n </span>\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr\n *ngIf=\"(config.detailsTemplate && selectedDetailsTemplateRowId.has(rowIndex)) || config.collapseAllRows\">\n <td *ngIf=\"config.checkboxes || config.radio\"></td>\n <td [attr.colspan]=\"columns.length + 1\">\n <ng-container\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"detailsTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{ $implicit: row, index: rowIndex }\">\n </ng-container>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </ng-container>\n </cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport>\n </ng-container>\n <ng-container *ngIf=\"!rowTemplate && config.groupRows\">\n <ng-container\n *ngFor=\"let group of grouped | sort:sortBy:config | search:term:filteredCountSubject:config | global:globalSearchTerm:filteredCountSubject | paginate: { itemsPerPage: limit, currentPage: page, totalItems: count, id: id };\n let rowIndex = index\">\n <tr>\n <ng-container *ngIf=\"!groupRowsHeaderTemplate\">\n <td [attr.colspan]=\"columns.length\">\n <div>{{group[0][groupRowsBy]}} ({{group.length}})</div>\n </td>\n </ng-container>\n <ng-container\n *ngIf=\"groupRowsHeaderTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"groupRowsHeaderTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n total: group.length,\n key: groupRowsBy,\n value: group[0] ? group[0][groupRowsBy] : '',\n group: group,\n index: rowIndex\n }\">\n </ng-container>\n <td>\n <span class=\"ngx-icon\"\n *ngIf=\"arrowDefinition\"\n [ngClass]=\"isRowCollapsed(rowIndex) ? 'ngx-icon-arrow-down' : 'ngx-icon-arrow-right'\"\n (click)=\"collapseRow(rowIndex)\">\n </span>\n </td>\n </tr>\n <ng-container *ngIf=\"selectedDetailsTemplateRowId.has(rowIndex)\">\n <tr *ngFor=\"let row of group\">\n <td *ngFor=\"let column of columns\">\n {{ row | render:column.key }}\n <!-- TODO allow users to add groupRowsTemplateRef -->\n </td>\n <td></td>\n </tr>\n </ng-container>\n </ng-container>\n </ng-container>\n </tbody>\n <tbody *ngIf=\"data && !config.isLoading && config.rowReorder\"\n class=\"ngx-draggable-row-area\"\n cdkDropList\n (cdkDropListDropped)=\"onDrop($event)\">\n <ng-container *ngIf=\"!rowTemplate && !config.groupRows\">\n <ng-container\n *ngFor=\"let row of data | sort:sortBy | search:term:filteredCountSubject | global:globalSearchTerm:filteredCountSubject | paginate: { itemsPerPage: limit, currentPage: page, totalItems: count, id: id };\n let rowIndex = index\">\n <tr class=\"ngx-draggable-row\" cdkDrag cdkDragLockAxis=\"y\">\n <td *ngIf=\"config.checkboxes\">\n <label class=\"ngx-form-checkbox\">\n <input type=\"checkbox\"\n id=\"checkbox-draggable-{{rowIndex}}\"\n [checked]=\"isSelected || selectedCheckboxes.has(rowIndex)\"\n (change)=\"onCheckboxSelect($event, row, rowIndex)\">\n <em class=\"ngx-form-icon\"></em>\n </label>\n </td>\n <td *ngIf=\"config.radio\">\n <label>\n <input type=\"radio\"\n id=\"radio-draggable-{{rowIndex}}\"\n name=\"radio\"\n (change)=\"onRadioSelect($event, row, rowIndex)\">\n </label>\n </td>\n <ng-container *ngFor=\"let column of columns; let colIndex = index\">\n <td (click)=\"onClick($event, row, column.key, colIndex, rowIndex)\"\n (dblclick)=\"onDoubleClick($event, row, column.key, colIndex, rowIndex)\"\n [class.ngx-table__table-col--selected]=\"colIndex === selectedCol && !config.selectCell\"\n [class.ngx-table__table-cell--selected]=\"colIndex === selectedCol && rowIndex === selectedRow && !config.selectCol && !config.selectRow\"\n >\n <div>{{ row | render:column.key }}</div>\n </td>\n </ng-container>\n </tr>\n </ng-container>\n </ng-container>\n </tbody>\n <tbody *ngIf=\"filterCount === 0\">\n <tr class=\"ngx-table__body-empty\">\n <ng-container\n *ngIf=\"noResultsTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"noResultsTemplate\">\n </ng-container>\n <td [attr.colspan]=\"columns && columns.length + 1\" *ngIf=\"!noResultsTemplate\">\n <div class=\"ngx-table__table-no-results\">\n No results\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n <tbody *ngIf=\"isLoading\">\n <tr class=\"ngx-table__body-loading\">\n <ng-container\n *ngIf=\"loadingTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"loadingTemplate\">\n </ng-container>\n <td [attr.colspan]=\"columns && columns.length + 1\" *ngIf=\"!loadingTemplate\">\n <div [style.height]=\"loadingHeight\"\n class=\"ngx-table__table-loader-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"ngx-table__table-loader\"></div>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n <tfoot *ngIf=\"summaryTemplate\">\n <tr>\n <ng-container\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"summaryTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{ total: data.length, limit: limit, page: page }\">\n </ng-container>\n </tr>\n </tfoot>\n </table>\n <pagination\n [attr.id]=\"'pagination' + id\"\n [id]=\"id\"\n #paginationComponent\n [config]=\"config\"\n [pagination]=\"pagination\"\n (updateRange)=\"onPagination($event)\">\n </pagination>\n</div>\n", changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush }] } ]; /** @nocollapse */ BaseComponent.ctorParameters = () => [ { type: ChangeDetectorRef }, { type: ScrollDispatcher }, { type: StyleService } ]; BaseComponent.propDecorators = { configuration: [{ type: Input }], data: [{ type: Input }], pagination: [{ type: Input }], groupRowsBy: [{ type: Input }], id: [{ type: Input }], toggleRowIndex: [{ type: Input }], detailsTemplate: [{ type: Input }], summaryTemplate: [{ type: Input }], groupRowsHeaderTemplate: [{ type: Input }], filtersTemplate: [{ type: Input }], selectAllTemplate: [{ type: Input }], noResultsTemplate: [{ type: Input }], loadingTemplate: [{ type: Input }], additionalActionsTemplate: [{ type: Input }], rowContextMenu: [{ type: Input }], columns: [{ type: Input }], event: [{ type: Output }], rowTemplate: [{ type: ContentChild, args: [TemplateRef, { static: true },] }], paginationComponent: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['paginationComponent', { static: false },] }], contextMenu: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['contextMenu', { static: false },] }], viewPort: [{ type: ViewChild, args: [CdkVirtualScrollViewport, { static: false },] }], onContextMenuClick: [{ type: HostListener, args: ['document:click', ['$event.target'],] }] }; if (false) { /** * @type {?} * @private */ BaseComponent.prototype.unsubscribe; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.selectedRow; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.selectedCol; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.term; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.filterCount; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.filteredCountSubject; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.subscription; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.tableClass; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.globalSearchTerm; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.grouped; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.isSelected; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.page; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.count; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.sortState; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.sortKey; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.rowContextMenuPosition; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.limit; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.sortBy; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.selectedDetailsTemplateRowId; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.selectedCheckboxes; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.loadingHeight; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.config; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.configuration; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.data; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.pagination; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.groupRowsBy; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.id; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.toggleRowIndex; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.detailsTemplate; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.summaryTemplate; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.groupRowsHeaderTemplate; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.filtersTemplate; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.selectAllTemplate; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.noResultsTemplate; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.loadingTemplate; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.additionalActionsTemplate; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.rowContextMenu; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.columns; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.event; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.rowTemplate; /** * @type {?} * @private */ BaseComponent.prototype.paginationComponent; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.contextMenu; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.viewPort; /** * @type {?} * @private */ BaseComponent.prototype.cdr; /** * @type {?} * @private */ BaseComponent.prototype.scrollDispatcher; /** @type {?} */ BaseComponent.prototype.styleService; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class HeaderComponent { constructor() { this.update = new EventEmitter(); } /** * @param {?} key * @return {?} */ unifyKey(key) { return key.replace('.', '_'); } /** * @param {?} input * @return {?} */ onSearch(input) { this.update.emit([ { value: input.value, key: this.column.key }, ]); } } HeaderComponent.decorators = [ { type: Component, args: [{ selector: 'table-header', template: "<label for=\"search_{{ unifyKey(column.key) }}\">\n <input type=\"text\"\n id=\"search_{{ unifyKey(column.key) }}\"\n aria-label=\"Search\"\n placeholder=\"{{ column.placeholder ? column.placeholder : column.title }}\"\n class=\"ngx-table__header-search\"\n #input\n (input)=\"onSearch(input)\"\n >\n</label>\n" }] } ]; HeaderComponent.propDecorators = { column: [{ type: Input }], update: [{ type: Output }] }; if (false) { /** @type {?} */ HeaderComponent.prototype.column; /** @type {?} */ HeaderComponent.prototype.update; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class GlobalSearchPipe { /** * @param {?} array * @param {?} filter * @param {?} filteredCountSubject * @return {?} */ transform(array, filter, filteredCountSubject) { filteredCountSubject.next(0); if (typeof array === 'undefined') { return; } if (typeof filter === 'undefined' || Object.keys(filter).length === 0 || filter === '') { filteredCountSubject.next(array.length); return array; } /** @type {?} */ const arr = array.filter((/** * @param {?} row * @return {?} */ (row) => { /** @type {?} */ const element = JSON.stringify(Object.values(row)); /** @type {?} */ const strings = filter.split(','); return strings.some((/** * @param {?} string * @return {?} */ (string) => element.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(string.trim().toLocaleLowerCase()) > -1)); })); filteredCountSubject.next(arr.length); return arr; } } GlobalSearchPipe.decorators = [ { type: Pipe, args: [{ name: 'global', },] } ]; /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class FiltersService { /** * @param {?} p * @param {?} o * @return {?} */ static getPath(p, o) { // https://github.com/dherges/ng-packagr/issues/696 /* tslint:disable-next-line */ /** @type {?} */ const result = p.reduce((/** * @param {?} xs * @param {?} x * @return {?} */ (xs, x) => (xs && typeof xs[x] !== 'undefined') ? xs[x] : null), o); return result; } } FiltersService.decorators = [ { type: Injectable } ]; /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class RenderPipe { /** * @param {?} row * @param {?} key * @return {?} */ transform(row, key) { /** @type {?} */ const split = key.split('.'); return FiltersService.getPath(split, row); } } RenderPipe.decorators = [ { type: Pipe, args: [{ name: 'render', },] } ]; /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class SearchPipe { constructor() { this.filters = {}; } /** * @param {?} array * @param {?} filter * @param {?} filteredCountSubject * @param {?=} config * @return {?} */ transform(array, filter, filteredCountSubject, config) { filteredCountSubject.next(0); if (typeof array === 'undefined') { return; } if (typeof filter === 'undefined') { filteredCountSubject.next(array.length); return array; } filter.forEach((/** * @param {?} f * @return {?} */ (f) => { this.filters[f.key] = f.value.toString().toLocaleLowerCase(); if (Object.keys(f).length === 0 || f.value === '') { delete this.filters[f.key]; } })); if (config && config.groupRows) { return array.map((/** * @param {?} arr * @return {?} */ (arr) => this.filterGroup(arr, filteredCountSubject))); } return this.filterGroup(array, filteredCountSubject); } /** * @private * @param {?} array * @param {?} filteredCountSubject * @return {?} */ filterGroup(array, filteredCountSubject) { /** @type {?} */ const arr = array.filter((/** * @param {?} obj * @return {?} */ (obj) => { return Object.keys(this.filters).every((/** * @param {?} c * @return {?} */ (c) => { /** @type {?} */ const split = c.split('.'); /** @type {?} */ const val = FiltersService.getPath(split, obj); /** @type {?} */ const element = (typeof val === 'object') ? JSON.stringify(val) : val.toString().toLocaleLowerCase(); /** @type {?} */ const strings = this.filters[c].split(','); return strings.some((/** * @param {?} string * @return {?} */ (string) => element.indexOf(string.trim()) > -1)); })); })); filteredCountSubject.next(arr.length); return arr; } } SearchPipe.decorators = [ { type: Pipe, args: [{ name: 'search', },] } ]; if (false) { /** * @type {?} * @private */ SearchPipe.prototype.filters; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class SortPipe { constructor() { this.defaultArray = []; } /** * @private * @param {?} aV * @param {?} bV * @return {?} */ static isNaN(aV, bV) { return (isNaN(parseFloat(aV)) || !isFinite(aV)) || (isNaN(parseFloat(bV)) || !isFinite(bV)); } /** * @private * @param {?} a * @param {?} b * @param {?} key * @return {?} */ static compare(a, b, key) { /** @type {?} */ const split = key.split('.'); /** @type {?} */ const aPath = FiltersService.getPath(split, a); /** @type {?} */ const bPath = FiltersService.getPath(split, b); /** @type {?} */ const aValue = (aPath + '').toLowerCase(); /** @type {?} */ const bValue = (bPath + '').toLowerCase(); if (SortPipe.isNaN(aPath, bPath)) { return aValue.localeCompare(bValue); } else { if (parseFloat(aPath) < parseFloat(bPath)) { return -1; } if (parseFloat(aPath) > parseFloat(bPath)) { return 1; } } return 0; } /** * @param {?} array * @param {?} filter * @param {?=} config * @return {?} */ transform(array, filter, config) { if (this.defaultArray.length === 0) { this.defaultArray = array; } if (!filter.key || filter.key === '') { return array; } if (filter.order === '') { return this.defaultArray; } if (filter.order === 'asc') { return this.sortAsc(array, filter, config); } else { return this.sortDesc(array, filter, config); } } /** * @private * @param {?} array * @param {?} filter * @param {?=} config * @return {?} */ sortAsc(array, filter, config) { if (config && config.groupRows) { return array.map((/** * @param {?} arr * @return {?} */ (arr) => arr.sort((/** * @param {?} a * @param {?} b * @return {?} */ (a, b) => SortPipe.compare(a, b, filter.key))))); } return array.sort((/** * @param {?} a * @param {?} b * @return {?} */ (a, b) => SortPipe.compare(a, b, filter.key))); } /** * @private * @param {?} array * @param {?} filter * @param {?=} config * @return {?} */ sortDesc(array, filter, config) { if (config && config.groupRows) { return array.map((/** * @param {?} arr * @return {?} */ (arr) => arr.sort((/** * @param {?} a * @param {?} b * @return {?} */ (a, b) => SortPipe.compare(b, a, filter.key))))); } return array.sort((/** * @param {?} a * @param {?} b * @return {?} */ (a, b) => SortPipe.compare(b, a, filter.key))); } } SortPipe.decorators = [ { type: Pipe, args: [{ name: 'sort', },] } ]; if (false) { /** * @type {?} * @private */ SortPipe.prototype.defaultArray; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class TableTHeadComponent { /** * @param {?} styleService */ constructor(styleService) { this.styleService = styleService; this.menuActive = false; this.openedHeaderActionTemplate = null; this.onSelectAllBinded = this.onSelectAll.bind(this); this.filter = new EventEmitter(); this.order = new EventEmitter(); this.selectAll = new EventEmitter(); this.event = new EventEmitter(); } /** * @param {?} targetElement * @return {?} */ onClick(targetElement) { if (this.additionalActionMenu && !this.additionalActionMenu.nativeElement.contains(targetElement)) { this.menuActive = false; } } /** * @param {?} column * @return {?} */ getColumnDefinition(column) { return column.searchEnabled || typeof column.searchEnabled === 'undefined'; } /** * @param {?} column * @return {?} */ orderBy(column) { this.order.emit(column); } /** * @param {?} column * @return {?} */ isOrderEnabled(column) { /** @type {?} */ const columnOrderEnabled = column.orderEnabled === undefined ? true : !!column.orderEnabled; return this.config.orderEnabled && columnOrderEnabled; } /** * @param {?} event * @return {?} */ columnDrop(event) { moveItemInArray(this.columns, event.previousIndex, event.currentIndex); } /** * @param {?} $event * @return {?} */ onSearch($event) { this.filter.emit($event); } /** * @param {?} column * @return {?} */ getColumnWidth(column) { if (column.width) { return column.width; } return this.config.fixedColumnWidth ? 100 / this.columns.length + '%' : null; } /** * @return {?} */ onSelectAll() { this.selectAll.emit(); } /** * @param {?} event * @param {?} th * @return {?} */ onMouseDown(event, th) { if (!this.config.resizeColumn) { return; } this.th = th; this.startOffset = th.offsetWidth - event.pageX; this.event.emit({ event: Event.onColumnResizeMouseDown, value: event, }); } /** * @param {?} event * @return {?} */ onMouseMove(event) { if (!this.config.resizeColumn) { return; } if (this.th && this.th.style) { this.th.style.width = this.startOffset + event.pageX + 'px'; this.th.style.cursor = 'col-resize'; this.th.style['user-select'] = 'none'; } } /** * @param {?} event * @return {?} */ onMouseUp(event) { if (!this.config.resizeColumn) { return; } this.event.emit({ event: Event.onColumnResizeMouseUp, value: event, }); this.th.style.cursor = 'default'; this.th = undefined; } /** * @param {?} column * @return {?} */ showHeaderActionTemplateMenu(column) { if (!column.headerActionTemplate) { console.error('Column [headerActionTemplate] property not defined'); } if (this.openedHeaderActionTemplate === column.key) { this.openedHeaderActionTemplate = null; return; } this.openedHeaderActionTemplate = column.key; } /** * @return {?} */ showMenu() { if (!this.additionalActionsTemplate) { console.error('[additionalActionsTemplate] property not defined'); } this.menuActive = !this.menuActive; } } TableTHeadComponent.decorators = [ { type: Component, args: [{ selector: '[table-thead]', template: "<tr class=\"ngx-table__header\" *ngIf=\"config.headerEnabled && !config.columnReorder\">\n <th *ngIf=\"config.checkboxes || config.radio\" [style.width]=\"'3%'\">\n <ng-container\n *ngIf=\"selectAllTemplate && config.checkboxes\"\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"selectAllTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{ $implicit: onSelectAllBinded }\">\n </ng-container>\n <label class=\"ngx-form-checkbox\"\n for=\"selectAllCheckboxes\"\n *ngIf=\"!selectAllTemplate && config.checkboxes\">\n <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"selectAllCheckboxes\" (change)=\"onSelectAll()\">\n <em class=\"ngx-form-icon\" id=\"selectAllCheckbox\"></em>\n </label>\n </th>\n <ng-container *ngFor=\"let column of columns; let colIndex = index; let last = last\">\n <th class=\"ngx-table__header-cell\"\n [class.pinned-left]=\"column.pinned\"\n [ngClass]=\"column.cssClass && column.cssClass.includeHeader ? column.cssClass.name : ''\"\n [style.left]=\"styleService.pinnedWidth(column.pinned, colIndex)\"\n #th\n [style.width]=\"getColumnWidth(column)\"\n (mousedown)=\"onMouseDown($event, th)\"\n (mouseup)=\"onMouseUp($event)\"\n (mousemove)=\"onMouseMove($event)\">\n <div (click)=\"orderBy(column)\" style=\"display: inline\" [class.pointer]=\"isOrderEnabled(column)\">\n <div class=\"ngx-table__header-title\">{{ column.title }}<span>&nbsp;</span>\n <em class=\"ngx-icon ngx-icon-pin\" *ngIf=\"column.pinned\"></em>\n <div [style.display]=\"config.orderEnabled ? 'inline' : 'none' \">\n <em *ngIf=\"sortKey === column.key && this.sortState.get(sortKey) === 'asc'\"\n class=\"ngx-icon ngx-icon-arrow-up\">\n </em>\n <em *ngIf=\"sortKey === column.key && this.sortState.get(sortKey) === 'desc'\"\n class=\"ngx-icon ngx-icon-arrow-down\">\n </em>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"ngx-dropdown\"\n *ngIf=\"!!column.headerActionTemplate\">\n <a class=\"ngx-btn ngx-btn-link\" (click)=\"showHeaderActionTemplateMenu(column)\">\n <span class=\"ngx-icon ngx-icon-more\"></span>\n </a>\n <div class=\"ngx-menu ngx-table__table-menu\"\n *ngIf=\"column.key === openedHeaderActionTemplate\">\n <ng-container\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"column.headerActionTemplate\">\n </ng-container>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"ngx-table__column-resizer\" *ngIf=\"config.resizeColumn && !last\"></div>\n </th>\n </ng-container>\n <th *ngIf=\"config.additionalActions || config.detailsTemplate || config.collapseAllRows || config.groupRows\"\n class=\"ngx-table__header-cell-additional-actions\">\n <div class=\"ngx-dropdown\"\n #additionalActionMenu\n *ngIf=\"config.additionalActions\">\n <a class=\"ngx-btn ngx-btn-link\" (click)=\"showMenu()\">\n <span class=\"ngx-icon ngx-icon-menu\"></span>\n </a>\n <ul class=\"ngx-menu ngx-table__table-menu\"\n *ngIf=\"menuActive\">\n <ng-container\n *ngIf=\"additionalActionsTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"additionalActionsTemplate\">\n </ng-container>\n </ul>\n </div>\n </th>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"ngx-table__header ngx-table__header--draggable\"\n *ngIf=\"config.headerEnabled && config.columnReorder\"\n cdkDropList\n cdkDropListOrientation=\"horizontal\"\n (cdkDropListDropped)=\"columnDrop($event)\"\n>\n <th [style.width]=\"'3%'\">\n <ng-container\n *ngIf=\"selectAllTemplate && config.checkboxes\"\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"selectAllTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{ $implicit: onSelectAllBinded }\">\n </ng-container>\n <label class=\"ngx-form-checkbox\"\n for=\"selectAllCheckboxes\"\n *ngIf=\"!selectAllTemplate && config.checkboxes\">\n <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"selectAllCheckboxesDrag\" (change)=\"onSelectAll()\">\n <em class=\"ngx-form-icon\" id=\"selectAllCheckboxDrag\"></em>\n </label>\n </th>\n <ng-container *ngFor=\"let column of columns; let colIndex = index; let last = last\">\n <th class=\"ngx-table__header-cell ngx-table__header-cell--draggable\"\n cdkDragLockAxis=\"x\"\n cdkDrag\n [class.pinned-left]=\"column.pinned\"\n [ngClass]=\"column.cssClass && column.cssClass.includeHeader ? column.cssClass.name : ''\"\n [style.left]=\"styleService.pinnedWidth(column.pinned, colIndex)\"\n #th\n [style.width]=\"getColumnWidth(column)\"\n (mousedown)=\"onMouseDown($event, th)\"\n (mouseup)=\"onMouseUp($event)\"\n (mousemove)=\"onMouseMove($event)\">\n <div (click)=\"orderBy(column)\" style=\"display: inline\"\n cdkDragHandle\n [class.pointer]=\"isOrderEnabled(column)\">\n <div class=\"ngx-table__header-title\">{{ column.title }}<span>&nbsp;</span>\n <em class=\"ngx-icon ngx-icon-pin\" *ngIf=\"column.pinned\"></em>\n <div [style.display]=\"config.orderEnabled ? 'inline' : 'none' \">\n <em *ngIf=\"sortKey === column.key && this.sortState.get(sortKey) === 'asc'\"\n class=\"ngx-icon ngx-icon-arrow-up\">\n </em>\n <em *ngIf=\"sortKey === column.key && this.sortState.get(sortKey) === 'desc'\"\n class=\"ngx-icon ngx-icon-arrow-down\">\n </em>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"ngx-dropdown\"\n *ngIf=\"!!column.headerActionTemplate\">\n <a class=\"ngx-btn ngx-btn-link\" (click)=\"showHeaderActionTemplateMenu(column)\">\n <span class=\"ngx-icon ngx-icon-more\"></span>\n </a>\n <div class=\"ngx-menu ngx-table__table-menu\"\n *ngIf=\"column.key === openedHeaderActionTemplate\">\n <ng-container\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"column.headerActionTemplate\">\n </ng-container>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"ngx-table__column-resizer\" *ngIf=\"config.resizeColumn && !last\"></div>\n </th>\n </ng-container>\n <th *ngIf=\"config.additionalActions || config.detailsTemplate || config.collapseAllRows || config.groupRows\"\n class=\"ngx-table__header-cell-additional-actions\">\n <div class=\"ngx-dropdown\"\n #additionalActionMenu\n *ngIf=\"config.additionalActions\">\n <a class=\"ngx-btn ngx-btn-link\" (click)=\"showMenu()\">\n <span class=\"ngx-icon ngx-icon-menu\"></span>\n </a>\n <ul class=\"ngx-menu ngx-table__table-menu\"\n *ngIf=\"menuActive\">\n <ng-container\n *ngIf=\"additionalActionsTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"additionalActionsTemplate\">\n </ng-container>\n </ul>\n </div>\n </th>\n</tr>\n<tr *ngIf=\"config.searchEnabled && !filtersTemplate\"\n class=\"ngx-table__sort-header\">\n <th *ngIf=\"config.checkboxes || config.radio\"></th>\n <ng-container *ngFor=\"let column of columns; let colIndex = index\">\n <th\n [ngClass]=\"column.cssClass && column.cssClass.includeHeader ? column.cssClass.name : ''\"\n [class.pinned-left]=\"column.pinned\"\n [style.left]=\"styleService.pinnedWidth(column.pinned, colIndex)\">\n <table-header\n *ngIf=\"getColumnDefinition(column)\"\n (update)=\"onSearch($event)\"\n [column]=\"column\">\n </table-header>\n </th>\n </ng-container>\n <th *ngIf=\"config.additionalActions || config.detailsTemplate\"></th>\n</tr>\n<ng-container *ngIf=\"filtersTemplate\">\n <tr>\n <ng-container [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"filtersTemplate\">\n </ng-container>\n </tr>\n</ng-container>\n", providers: [StyleService], styles: [` .cdk-drag-preview { text-align: left; padding-top: 9px; padding-left: 4px; color: #50596c; border: 1px solid #e7e9ed; } `] }] } ]; /** @nocollapse */ TableTHeadComponent.ctorParameters = () => [ { type: StyleService } ]; TableTHeadComponent.propDecorators = { config: [{ type: Input }], columns: [{ type: Input }], sortKey: [{ type: Input }], sortState: [{ type: Input }], selectAllTemplate: [{ type: Input }], filtersTemplate: [{ type: Input }], additionalActionsTemplate: [{ type: Input }], filter: [{ type: Output }], order: [{ type: Output }], selectAll: [{ type: Output }], event: [{ type: Output }], th: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['th', { static: false },] }], additionalActionMenu: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['additionalActionMenu', { static: false },] }], onClick: [{ type: HostListener, args: ['document:click', ['$event.target'],] }] }; if (false) { /** @type {?} */ TableTHeadComponent.prototype.menuActive; /** @type {?} */ TableTHeadComponent.prototype.openedHeaderActionTemplate; /** @type {?} */ TableTHeadComponent.prototype.startOffset; /** @type {?} */ TableTHeadComponent.prototype.onSelectAllBinded; /** @type {?} */ TableTHeadComponent.prototype.config; /** @type {?} */ TableTHeadComponent.prototype.columns; /** @type {?} */ TableTHeadComponent.prototype.sortKey; /** @type {?} */ TableTHeadComponent.prototype.sortState; /** @type {?} */ TableTHeadComponent.prototype.selectAllTemplate; /** @type {?} */ TableTHeadComponent.prototype.filtersTemplate; /** @type {?} */ TableTHeadComponent.prototype.additionalActionsTemplate; /** @type {?} */ TableTHeadComponent.prototype.filter; /** @type {?} */ TableTHeadComponent.prototype.order; /** @type {?} */ TableTHeadComponent.prototype.selectAll; /** @type {?} */ TableTHeadComponent.prototype.event; /** * @type {?} * @private */ TableTHeadComponent.prototype.th; /** @type {?} */ TableTHeadComponent.prototype.additionalActionMenu; /** @type {?} */ TableTHeadComponent.prototype.styleService; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class BaseModule { } BaseModule.decorators = [ { type: NgModule, args: [{ declarations: [ BaseComponent, HeaderComponent, PaginationComponent, TableTHeadComponent, // Pipes SearchPipe, RenderPipe, GlobalSearchPipe, SortPipe, ], imports: [ CommonModule, NgxPaginationModule, DragDropModule, ScrollingModule, ], exports: [BaseComponent], },] } ]; /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class TableModule { } TableModule.decorators = [ { type: NgModule, args: [{ imports: [ CommonModule, BaseModule, ], bootstrap: [BaseComponent], exports: [BaseComponent], providers: [], },] } ]; /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ export { API, DefaultConfig, Event, STYLE, THEME, TableModule, DefaultConfigService as ɵa, BaseModule as ɵb, BaseComponent as ɵc, GroupRowsService as ɵd, StyleService as ɵe, HeaderComponent as ɵf, PaginationComponent as ɵg, TableTHeadComponent as ɵh, SearchPipe as ɵi, RenderPipe as ɵj, GlobalSearchPipe as ɵk, SortPipe as ɵl }; //# sourceMappingURL=ngx-easy-table.js.map