Markdownish syntax for generating flowcharts, sequence diagrams, class diagrams and gantt charts.
47 lines (34 loc) • 1.32 kB
Plain Text
# 1. Check that no silly logging remains
# 2. Check tests are going throuch and that they are all enabled
# 3. Load web.html, seq.html
# 4. Try running mermaif with requirejs (web-req.html)
# file:///Users/knut/Documents/source/mermaid/test/web.html
# file:///Users/knut/Documents/source/mermaid/test/seq.html
# 4. Generate a diagram with the cli
ode bin/mermaid.js -c ./test/sconf.json ./test/sequence.mmd
node bin/mermaid.js ./test/seq.mmd
node bin/mermaid.js ./test/complex.mmd
node bin/mermaid.js ./test/flow.mermaid
node bin/mermaid.js ./test/gant.mmd
# Updates the version number
gulp patch
# Creates new compiled distributables
gulp dist
# Commit the updated version and the distributables
git commit . -m "New release"
# Push the changes to the repository
git push origin master
# Tag the release
git tag `node -e "var p = require('./package.json');console.log(p.version);"`
# Push the tag
git push --tags
# Publish on npm
npm publish
# Done!!!
Support for hyperlink and tooltip
Possible to escape characters in sequenceDiagrams and flowcharts
Mermaid now possible to use in a requirejs/AMD environment
More correct xml for foreignobject whenusing html labels
Better wordwrapping for notes in sequence diagrams
Mermaid can now works in pages that use base tags
Updated styling posibilities from css