Updated by reinstall.js on 2018-06-11T15:19:56.688Z
800 lines (709 loc) • 30.8 kB
* Upload adapter files into DB
* Copyright 2013-2022 bluefox <>
* MIT License
/** @class */
function Upload(options) {
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const { tools } = require('@iobroker/js-controller-common');
const hostname = tools.getHostName();
const deepClone = require('deep-clone');
const { isDeepStrictEqual } = require('util');
const axios = require('axios');
options = options || {};
if (!options.states) {
throw new Error('Invalid arguments: states is missing');
if (!options.objects) {
throw new Error('Invalid arguments: objects is missing');
const states = options.states;
const objects = options.objects;
let callbacks;
let callbackId = 1;
let mime;
// attName = file.split('/' + tools.appName + '.');
const regApp = new RegExp('/' + tools.appName.replace(/\./g, '\\.') + '\\.', 'i');
async function checkHostsIfAlive(hosts) {
const result = [];
if (hosts) {
for (let h = 0; h < hosts.length; h++) {
const host = hosts[h];
const state = await states.getStateAsync(host + '.alive');
if (state && state.val) {
return result;
async function getHosts(onlyAlive) {
const hosts = [];
try {
const arr = await objects.getObjectListAsync({ startkey: '', endkey: '\u9999' });
if (arr && arr.rows) {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.rows.length; i++) {
if (arr.rows[i].value.type !== 'host') {
} catch (err) {
// ignore
console.warn(`Cannot read hosts: ${err.message}`);
if (onlyAlive) {
return checkHostsIfAlive(hosts);
} else {
return hosts;
// Check if some adapters must be restarted and restart them
async function checkRestartOther(adapter) {
const adapterDir = tools.getAdapterDir(adapter);
try {
const adapterConf = fs.readJSONSync(adapterDir + '/io-package.json');
if (adapterConf.common.restartAdapters) {
if (!Array.isArray(adapterConf.common.restartAdapters)) {
// its not an array, now it can only be a single adapter as string
if (typeof adapterConf.common.restartAdapters !== 'string') {
adapterConf.common.restartAdapters = [adapterConf.common.restartAdapters];
if (adapterConf.common.restartAdapters.length && adapterConf.common.restartAdapters[0]) {
const instances = await tools.getAllInstances(adapterConf.common.restartAdapters, objects);
if (instances && instances.length) {
for (const instance of instances) {
try {
const obj = await objects.getObjectAsync(instance);
// if instance is enabled
if (obj && obj.common && obj.common.enabled) {
obj.common.enabled = false; // disable instance
obj.from = `${tools.getHostName()}.cli`;
obj.ts =;
await objects.setObjectAsync(obj._id, obj);
obj.common.enabled = true; // enable instance
obj.ts =;
await objects.setObjectAsync(obj._id, obj);
console.log(`Adapter "${obj._id}" restarted.`);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Cannot restart adapter "${instance}": ${err.message}`);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Cannot parse ${adapterDir}/io-package.json: ${err.message}`);
const sendToHostFromCliAsync = tools.promisifyNoError(sendToHostFromCli);
function sendToHostFromCli(host, command, message, callback) {
const time =;
const from = `${hostname}_cli_${time}`;
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
callback && callback();
callback = null;
states.onChange = null;
}, 60000);
states.onChange = (id, msg) => {
if (id.endsWith(from)) {
if (msg.command === 'log' || msg.command === 'error' || msg.command === 'warn') {
console[msg.command](host + ' -> ' + msg.text);
} else if (callback) {
callback(msg && msg.message);
callback = null;
states.onChange = null;
states.subscribeMessage(from, () => {
const obj = { command, message: message, from: '' + hostname + '_cli_' + time };
obj.callback = {
id: callbackId++,
ack: false,
if (callbackId > 0xffffffff) {
callbackId = 1;
callbacks = callbacks || {};
callbacks['_' +] = { cb: callback };
// we cannot receive answers from hosts in CLI, so this command is "fire and forget"
states.pushMessage(host, obj);
this.uploadAdapterFullAsync = async adapters => {
if (adapters && adapters.length) {
const liveHosts = await getHosts(true);
for (const adapter of adapters) {
// Find the host which has this adapter
const instances = await tools.getInstances(adapter, objects, true);
// try to find instance on this host
let instance = instances.find(obj => obj && obj.common && === hostname);
// try to find enabled instance on live host
instance =
instance ||
obj => obj && obj.common && obj.common.enabled && liveHosts.includes(
// try to find any instance
instance = instance || instances.find(obj => obj && obj.common && liveHosts.includes(;
if (instance && !== hostname) {
console.log(`Send upload command to host "${}"... `);
// send upload message to the host
const response = await sendToHostFromCliAsync(, 'upload', adapter);
if (response) {
console.log('Upload result: ' + response.result);
} else {
console.error('No answer from ' +;
} else {
if (!instance) {
// no one alive instance found
const adapterDir = tools.getAdapterDir(adapter);
if (!fs.existsSync(adapterDir)) {
`No alive host found which has the adapter ${adapter} installed! No upload possible. Skipped.`
// try to upload on this host. It will print an error if the adapter directory not found
await this.uploadAdapter(adapter, true, true);
await this.upgradeAdapterObjects(adapter);
await this.uploadAdapter(adapter, false, true);
* Uploads a file
* @param {string} source
* @param {string} target
* @return {Promise<string>}
this.uploadFile = async (source, target) => {
target = target.replace(/\\/g, '/');
source = source.replace(/\\/g, '/');
if (target[0] === '/') {
target = target.substring(1);
if (target[target.length - 1] === '/') {
let name = source.split('/').pop();
name = name.split('?')[0];
if (!name.includes('.')) {
name = 'index.html';
target += name;
const parts = target.split('/');
const adapter = parts[0];
parts.splice(0, 1);
target = parts.join('/');
if (source.match(/^http:\/\/|^https:\/\//)) {
try {
const result = await axios(source, {
responseType: 'arraybuffer',
validateStatus: status => status === 200
if (result && {
await objects.writeFileAsync(adapter, target,;
} else {
console.error(`Empty response from URL "${source}"`);
throw new Error(`Empty response from URL "${source}"`);
} catch (err) {
let result;
if (err.response) {
// The request was made and the server responded with a status code
// that falls out of the range of 2xx
result = || err.response.status;
} else if (err.request) {
// The request was made but no response was received
// `err.request` is an instance of XMLHttpRequest in the browser and an instance of
// http.ClientRequest in node.js
result = err.request;
} else {
// Something happened in setting up the request that triggered an Error
result = err.message;
console.error(`Cannot get URL "${source}": ${result}`);
throw new Error(result);
} else {
try {
await objects.writeFileAsync(adapter, target, fs.readFileSync(source));
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Cannot read file "${source}": ${err.message}`);
throw err;
return `${adapter}/${target}`;
async function eraseFiles(files, logger) {
if (files && files.length) {
for (let f = 0; f < files.length; f++) {
const file = files[f];
try {
await objects.unlinkAsync(file.adapter, file.path);
} catch (err) {
logger.error(`Cannot delete file "${file.path}": ${err}`);
* Collect Files of an adapter specific directory from the iobroker storage
* @param adapter {string} Adaptername
* @param path {string} path in the adapterspecific storage space
* @param logger {any} Logger instance
* @returns {Promise<{dirs: *[], filesToDelete: *[]}>}
async function collectExistingFilesToDelete(adapter, path, logger) {
let _files = [];
let _dirs = [];
let files;
try {
files = await objects.readDirAsync(adapter, path);
} catch {
// ignore err
files = [];
if (files && files.length) {
for (const file of files) {
if (file.file === '.' || file.file === '..') {
const newPath = path + file.file;
if (file.isDir) {
if (!_dirs.find(e => e.path === newPath)) {
_dirs.push({ adapter, path: newPath });
try {
const result = await collectExistingFilesToDelete(adapter, newPath + '/', logger);
if (result.filesToDelete) {
_files = _files.concat(result.filesToDelete);
_dirs = _dirs.concat(result.dirs);
} catch (err) {
logger.warn(`Cannot delete folder "${adapter}${newPath}/": ${err.message}`);
} else if (!_files.find(e => e.path === newPath)) {
_files.push({ adapter, path: newPath });
return { filesToDelete: _files, dirs: _dirs };
let lastProgressUpdate =;
async function upload(adapter, isAdmin, files, id, rev, logger) {
const uploadID = `system.adapter.${adapter}.upload`;
await states.setStateAsync(uploadID, { val: 0, ack: true });
for (let f = 0; f < files.length; f++) {
const file = files[f];
// do not upload '.gitignore' files. Todo: add other exceptions
if (file === '.gitignore') {
const mimeType = mime.getType ? mime.getType(file) : mime.lookup(file);
let attName;
attName = file.split(regApp);
// try to find anyway if adapter is not lower case
if (attName.length === 1 && file.toLowerCase().includes(tools.appName.toLowerCase())) {
attName = ['', file.substring(tools.appName.length + 2)];
attName = attName.pop();
attName = attName.split('/').slice(2).join('/');
if (files.length - f > 100) {
(!f || !((files.length - f - 1) % 50)) &&
logger.log(`upload [${files.length - f - 1}] ${id} ${file} ${attName} ${mimeType}`);
} else if (files.length - f - 1 > 20) {
(!f || !((files.length - f - 1) % 10)) &&
logger.log(`upload [${files.length - f - 1}] ${id} ${file} ${attName} ${mimeType}`);
} else {
logger.log(`upload [${files.length - f - 1}] ${id} ${file} ${attName} ${mimeType}`);
// Update upload indicator
if (!isAdmin) {
const now =;
if (now - lastProgressUpdate > 1000) {
lastProgressUpdate = now;
await states.setStateAsync(uploadID, {
val: Math.round((1000 * (files.length - f)) / files.length) / 10,
ack: true
try {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const stream = fs.createReadStream(file);
stream.on('error', e => reject(e));
objects.insert(id, attName, null, mimeType, { rev: rev }, (err, res) => {
err && console.log(err);
if (res) {
rev = res.rev;
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Error: Cannot upload ${file}: ${e.message}`);
// Set upload progress to 0;
if (!isAdmin && files.length) {
await states.setStateAsync(uploadID, { val: 0, ack: true });
return adapter;
// Read synchronous all files recursively from local directory
function walk(dir, _results) {
_results = _results || [];
try {
if (fs.existsSync(dir)) {
const list = fs.readdirSync(dir); => {
const stat = fs.statSync(dir + '/' + file);
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
walk(dir + '/' + file, _results);
} else {
if (!file.endsWith('.npmignore') && !file.endsWith('.gitignore')) {
_results.push(dir + '/' + file);
} catch (err) {
return _results;
* Upload given adapter
* @param {string} adapter
* @param {boolean} isAdmin
* @param {boolean} forceUpload
* @param {string?} subTree
* @param {object?} logger
* @return {Promise<string>}
this.uploadAdapter = async (adapter, isAdmin, forceUpload, subTree, logger) => {
const id = adapter + (isAdmin ? '.admin' : '');
const adapterDir = tools.getAdapterDir(adapter);
let dir = adapterDir ? adapterDir + (isAdmin ? '/admin' : '/www') : '';
logger = logger || console;
if (subTree && dir) {
dir += `/${subTree}`;
if (!fs.existsSync(adapterDir)) {
`INFO: Directory "${
adapterDir || `for ${adapter}${isAdmin ? '.admin' : ''}`
}" was not found! Nothing was uploaded or deleted.`
return adapter;
let cfg;
try {
cfg = await fs.readJSON(`${adapterDir}/io-package.json`);
} catch (err) {
// file not parsable or does not exist
console.error(`Could not read io-package.json: ${err.message}`);
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
// www folder have not all adapters. So show warning only for admin folder
(isAdmin || (cfg && cfg.common && cfg.common.onlyWWW)) &&
`INFO: Directory "${
dir || `for ${adapter}${isAdmin ? '.admin' : ''}`
}" was not found! Nothing was uploaded or deleted.`
if (isAdmin) {
return adapter;
} else {
await checkRestartOther(adapter);
return adapter;
// check for common.wwwDontUpload (required for legacy adapters and admin)
if (!isAdmin && cfg && cfg.common && cfg.common.wwwDontUpload) {
return adapter;
// Create "upload progress" object if not exists
if (!isAdmin) {
let obj;
const uploadID = 'system.adapter.' + adapter + '.upload';
try {
obj = await objects.getObjectAsync(uploadID);
} catch {
// ignore
if (!obj) {
await objects.setObjectAsync(uploadID, {
_id: uploadID,
type: 'state',
common: {
name: adapter + '.upload',
type: 'number',
role: 'indicator.state',
unit: '%',
min: 0,
max: 100,
def: 0,
desc: 'Upload process indicator'
from: `${tools.getHostName()}.cli`,
native: {}
// Set indicator to 0
await states.setStateAsync(uploadID, 0, true);
mime = mime || require('mime');
let result;
try {
result = await objects.getObjectAsync(id);
} catch {
// ignore
// Read all names with subtrees from local directory
const files = walk(dir);
if (!result) {
await objects.setObjectAsync(id, {
type: 'meta',
common: {
name: id.split('.').pop(),
type: isAdmin ? 'admin' : 'www'
from: '' + tools.getHostName() + '.cli',
native: {}
forceUpload = true;
if (forceUpload) {
if (cfg && cfg.common && cfg.common.eraseOnUpload) {
const { filesToDelete } = await collectExistingFilesToDelete(
isAdmin ? adapter + '.admin' : adapter,
// delete old files, before upload of new
await eraseFiles(filesToDelete, logger);
if (!isAdmin) {
await checkRestartOther(adapter);
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 25));
await upload(adapter, isAdmin, files, id, result && result.rev, logger);
} else {
await upload(adapter, isAdmin, files, id, result && result.rev, logger);
return adapter;
function extendNative(target, additional) {
if (tools.isObject(additional)) {
for (const attr of Object.keys(additional)) {
if (target[attr] === undefined) {
target[attr] = additional[attr];
} else if (typeof additional[attr] === 'object' && !(additional[attr] instanceof Array)) {
try {
target[attr] = target[attr] || {};
} catch {
console.warn(`Cannot update attribute ${attr} of native`);
if (typeof target[attr] === 'object' && target[attr] !== null) {
extendNative(target[attr], additional[attr]);
return target;
function extendCommon(target, additional, instance) {
if (tools.isObject(additional)) {
const preserveAttributes = [
for (const attr of Object.keys(additional)) {
// preserve these attributes, except, they werde undefined before and preserve titleLang if current titleLang is of type string (changed by user)
if (preserveAttributes.includes(attr) || (attr === 'titleLang' && typeof target[attr] === 'string')) {
if (target[attr] === undefined) {
target[attr] = additional[attr];
} else if (typeof additional[attr] !== 'object' || additional[attr] instanceof Array) {
try {
target[attr] = additional[attr];
// dataFolder can have wildcards
if (attr === 'dataFolder' && target.dataFolder && target.dataFolder.includes('%INSTANCE%')) {
target.dataFolder = target.dataFolder.replace(/%INSTANCE%/g, instance);
} catch {
console.warn(`Cannot update attribute ${attr} of common`);
} else {
target[attr] = target[attr] || {};
if (typeof target[attr] !== 'object') {
target[attr] = {}; // here we clean the simple value with object
extendCommon(target[attr], additional[attr], instance);
return target;
this._upgradeAdapterObjectsHelper = async (name, ioPack, hostname, logger) => {
// Update all instances of this host
const res = await objects.getObjectViewAsync('system', 'instance', {
startkey: `system.adapter.${name}.`,
endkey: `system.adapter.${name}.\u9999`
if (res) {
for (let i = 0; i < res.rows.length; i++) {
if (res.rows[i] === hostname) {
const _obj = await objects.getObjectAsync(res.rows[i].id);
const newObject = deepClone(_obj);
// all common settings should be taken from new one
newObject.common = extendCommon(newObject.common, ioPack.common, newObject._id.split('.').pop());
newObject.native = extendNative(newObject.native, ioPack.native);
// protected/encryptedNative and notifications also need to be updated
newObject.protectedNative = ioPack.protectedNative || [];
newObject.encryptedNative = ioPack.encryptedNative || [];
newObject.notifications = ioPack.notifications || [];
// update instanceObjects and objects
newObject.instanceObjects = ioPack.instanceObjects || [];
newObject.objects = ioPack.objects || [];
newObject.common.version = ioPack.common.version;
newObject.common.installedVersion = ioPack.common.version;
newObject.common.installedFrom = ioPack.common.installedFrom;
if (!ioPack.common.compact && newObject.common.compact) {
newObject.common.compact = ioPack.common.compact;
// Compare objects to reduce restarts of instances
if (!isDeepStrictEqual(newObject, _obj)) {
logger.log(`Update "${newObject._id}"`);
newObject.from = `${tools.getHostName()}.cli`;
newObject.ts =;
await objects.setObjectAsync(newObject._id, newObject);
if (newObject.common.def !== undefined && newObject.common.def !== null) {
// set default state value
const state = await states.getStateAsync(newObject._id);
if (!state) {
await states.setStateAsync(newObject._id, {
val: newObject.common.def,
ack: true,
q: 0x40 // substitute value from device or adapter
// updates only "_design/system" and co "_design/*"
if (ioPack.objects && typeof ioPack.objects === 'object') {
for (const _id of Object.keys(ioPack.objects)) {
if (name === 'js-controller' && !_id.startsWith('_design/')) {
ioPack.objects[_id].from = `${hostname}.cli`;
ioPack.objects[_id].ts =;
try {
await objects.setObjectAsync(ioPack.objects[_id]._id, ioPack.objects[_id]);
} catch (err) {
logger.error(`Cannot update object: ${err}`);
return name;
* Create object from io-package json
* @param {string} name
* @param {object?} ioPack
* @param {object?} logger
* @return {Promise<string>}
this.upgradeAdapterObjects = async (name, ioPack, logger) => {
logger = logger || console;
const adapterDir = tools.getAdapterDir(name);
let ioPackFile;
try {
ioPackFile = fs.readJSONSync(adapterDir + '/io-package.json');
} catch {
if (adapterDir) {
logger.error(`Cannot find io-package.json in ${adapterDir}`);
} else {
logger.error(`Cannot find io-package.json for "${name}"`);
ioPackFile = null;
ioPack = ioPack || ioPackFile;
if (ioPack) {
// Always update installed From from File on disk if exists and set
if (ioPackFile && ioPackFile.common && ioPackFile.common.installedFrom) {
ioPack.common = ioPack.common || {};
ioPack.common.installedFrom = ioPackFile.common.installedFrom;
// Not existing? Why ever ... we recreate
let obj;
try {
obj = await objects.getObject('system.adapter.' + name);
} catch {
// ignore err
obj = obj || {};
obj.common = ioPack.common || {};
obj.native = ioPack.native || {};
// protected/encryptedNative and notifications also need to be updated
obj.protectedNative = ioPack.protectedNative || [];
obj.encryptedNative = ioPack.encryptedNative || [];
obj.notifications = ioPack.notifications || [];
// update instanceObjects and objects
obj.instanceObjects = ioPack.instanceObjects || [];
obj.objects = ioPack.objects || [];
obj.type = 'adapter';
obj.common.installedVersion = ioPack.common.version;
if ( {
delete; // remove this information as it could be big, but it will be taken from repo
const hostname = tools.getHostName();
obj.from = `${hostname}.cli`;
obj.ts =;
try {
await objects.setObjectAsync('system.adapter.' + name, obj);
} catch (err) {
logger.error(`Cannot set system.adapter.${name}: ${err.message}`);
await this._upgradeAdapterObjectsHelper(name, ioPack, hostname, logger);
return name;
module.exports = Upload;