

Updated by reinstall.js on 2018-06-11T15:19:56.688Z

87 lines (82 loc) 3.19 kB
/** * Check license * * Copyright 2013-2020 bluefox <dogafox@gmail.com> * * MIT License * */ 'use strict'; /** @class */ function License(options) { const fs = require('fs'); const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'); options = options || {}; const objects = options.objects; // read info from '/etc/iob_vendor.json' and executes instructions stored there this.setLicense = file => { if (fs.existsSync(file)) { try { file = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } } // try to encode license const license = jwt.decode(file); if (!license) { return Promise.reject(new Error('License cannot be decoded')); } if (!license.name) { return Promise.reject(new Error('Name not found in the license')); } const adapter = license.name.split('.')[1]; if (!adapter) { return Promise.reject(new Error(`Invalid license name ${license.name}`)); } // read all instances of this adapter return objects.getObjectListAsync({ startkey: 'system.adapter.' + adapter + '.', endkey: 'system.adapter.' + adapter + '.\u9999' }, {checked: true}).then(arr => { const promises = []; if (arr && arr.rows && arr.rows.length) { for (let g = 0; g < arr.rows.length; g++) { const obj = arr.rows[g].value; if (obj && obj.type === 'instance') { obj.native = obj.native || {}; obj.native.license = file; promises.push(objects.setObjectAsync(obj._id, obj).then(() => { console.log(`Instance "${obj._id}" updated`); }).catch(err => { console.error(`Cannot update "${obj._id}": ${err}`); })); } } } if (!promises.length) { console.warn(`no instances of ${adapter} found`); if (arr && arr.rows && arr.rows.length) { for (let g = 0; g < arr.rows.length; g++) { const obj = arr.rows[g].value; if (obj && obj.type === 'adapter') { obj.native = obj.native || {}; obj.native.license = file; promises.push(objects.setObjectAsync(obj._id, obj).then(() => { console.log(`Adapter "${obj._id}" updated`); }).catch(err => { console.error(`Cannot update "${obj._id}": ${err}`); })); } } } } if (!promises.length) { console.error(`no installations of ${adapter} found`); } return Promise.all(promises); }); }; return this; } module.exports = License;