high power tools for html
112 lines (74 loc) • 3.87 kB
*high power tools for HTML*
## introduction
htmx allows you to access [AJAX](, [CSS Transitions](,
[WebSockets]( and [Server Sent Events](
directly in HTML, using [attributes](, so you can build
[modern user interfaces]( with the [simplicity]( and
[power]( of hypertext
htmx is small ([~14k min.gz'd](,
[extendable]( &
IE11 compatible
## motivation
* Why should only `<a>` and `<form>` be able to make HTTP requests?
* Why should only `click` & `submit` events trigger them?
* Why should only GET & POST be available?
* Why should you only be able to replace the *entire* screen?
By removing these arbitrary constraints htmx completes HTML as a
## quick start
<script src=""></script>
<!-- have a button POST a click via AJAX -->
<button hx-post="/clicked" hx-swap="outerHTML">
Click Me
The [`hx-post`]( and [`hx-swap`]( attributes tell htmx:
> "When a user clicks on this button, issue an AJAX request to /clicked, and replace the entire button with the response"
htmx is the successor to [intercooler.js](
### installing as a node package
To install using npm:
npm install --save
Note there is an old broken package called `htmx`. This is ``.
## website & docs
* <>
* <>
## contributing
Want to contribute? Check out our [contribution guidelines](
No time? Then [become a sponsor](
### hacking guide
To develop htmx locally, you will need to install the development dependencies.
__Requires Node 15.__
npm install
Then, run a web server in the root.
This is easiest with:
npx serve
You can then run the test suite by navigating to:
At this point you can modify `/src/htmx.js` to add features, and then add tests in the appropriate area under `/test`.
* `/test/index.html` - the root test page from which all other tests are included
* `/test/attributes` - attribute specific tests
* `/test/core` - core functionality tests
* `/test/core/regressions.js` - regression tests
* `/test/ext` - extension tests
* `/test/manual` - manual tests that cannot be automated
htmx uses the [mocha]( testing framework, the [chai]( assertion framework
and [sinon]( to mock out AJAX requests. They are all OK.
You can also run live tests and demo of the WebSockets and Server-Side Events extensions with `npm run ws-tests`
## haiku
*javascript fatigue:<br/>
longing for a hypertext<br/>
already in hand*