Middleware and an Upload scalar to add support for GraphQL multipart requests (file uploads via queries and mutations) to various Node.js GraphQL servers.
70 lines (63 loc) • 4.46 kB
exports.GraphQLUpload = require('./GraphQLUpload');
exports.processRequest = require('./processRequest');
exports.graphqlUploadKoa = require('./graphqlUploadKoa');
exports.graphqlUploadExpress = require('./graphqlUploadExpress');
exports.Upload = require('./Upload');
* File upload details that are only available after the file’s field in the
* [GraphQL multipart request](
* has begun streaming in.
* @kind typedef
* @name FileUpload
* @type {object}
* @prop {string} filename File name.
* @prop {string} mimetype File MIME type. Provided by the client and can’t be trusted.
* @prop {string} encoding File stream transfer encoding.
* @prop {FileUploadCreateReadStream} createReadStream Creates a [Node.js readable stream]( of the file’s contents, for processing and storage.
* Creates a [Node.js readable stream]( of an [uploading file’s]{@link FileUpload} contents, for processing and storage. Multiple calls create independent streams. Throws if called after all resolvers have resolved, or after an error has interrupted the request.
* @kind typedef
* @name FileUploadCreateReadStream
* @type {Function}
* @param {object} [options] [`fs-capacitor`]( [`ReadStreamOptions`](
* @param {string} [options.encoding=null] Specify an encoding for the [`data`]( chunks to be strings (without splitting multi-byte characters across chunks) instead of Node.js [`Buffer`]( instances. Supported values depend on the [`Buffer` implementation]( and include `utf8`, `ucs2`, `utf16le`, `latin1`, `ascii`, `base64`, or `hex`.
* @param {number} [options.highWaterMark=16384] Maximum number of bytes to store in the internal buffer before ceasing to read from the underlying resource.
* @returns {Readable} [Node.js readable stream]( of the file’s contents.
* @see [Node.js `Readable` stream constructor docs](
* @see [Node.js stream backpressure guide](
* A GraphQL operation object in a shape that can be consumed and executed by
* most GraphQL servers.
* @kind typedef
* @name GraphQLOperation
* @type {object}
* @prop {string} query GraphQL document containing queries and fragments.
* @prop {string|null} [operationName] GraphQL document operation name to execute.
* @prop {object|null} [variables] GraphQL document operation variables and values map.
* @see [GraphQL over HTTP spec](
* @see [Apollo Server POST requests](
* Processes a [GraphQL multipart request](
* @kind typedef
* @name ProcessRequestFunction
* @type {Function}
* @param {IncomingMessage} request [Node.js HTTP server request instance](
* @param {ServerResponse} response [Node.js HTTP server response instance](
* @param {ProcessRequestOptions} [options] Options for processing the request.
* @returns {Promise<GraphQLOperation | Array<GraphQLOperation>>} GraphQL operation or batch of operations for a GraphQL server to consume (usually as the request body).
* @see [`processRequest`]{@link processRequest}.
* Options for processing a [GraphQL multipart request](;
* mostly relating to security, performance and limits.
* @kind typedef
* @name ProcessRequestOptions
* @type {object}
* @prop {number} [maxFieldSize=1000000] Maximum allowed non-file multipart form field size in bytes; enough for your queries.
* @prop {number} [maxFileSize=Infinity] Maximum allowed file size in bytes.
* @prop {number} [maxFiles=Infinity] Maximum allowed number of files.