

The easiest way to configure your development environment with your GraphQL schema (supported by most tools, editors & IDEs)

125 lines (124 loc) 4.31 kB
import { dirname, isAbsolute, relative, normalize } from 'path'; import { minimatch } from 'minimatch'; import { ExtensionMissingError } from './errors.js'; import { isLegacyProjectConfig } from './helpers/index.js'; export class GraphQLProjectConfig { constructor({ filepath, name, config, extensionsRegistry, }) { this.filepath = filepath; this.dirpath = dirname(filepath); this.name = name; this.extensions = config.extensions || {}; if (isLegacyProjectConfig(config)) { this.schema = config.schemaPath; this.include = config.includes; this.exclude = config.excludes; this.isLegacy = true; } else { this.schema = config.schema; this.documents = config.documents; this.include = config.include; this.exclude = config.exclude; this.isLegacy = false; } this._extensionsRegistry = extensionsRegistry; } hasExtension(name) { return Boolean(this.extensions[name]); } extension(name) { if (this.isLegacy) { const extension = this.extensions[name]; if (!extension) { throw new ExtensionMissingError(`Project ${this.name} is missing ${name} extension`); } return extension; } const extension = this._extensionsRegistry.get(name); if (!extension) { throw new ExtensionMissingError(`Project ${this.name} is missing ${name} extension`); } return { ...this.extensions[name], schema: this.schema, documents: this.documents, include: this.include, exclude: this.exclude, }; } async getSchema(out) { return this.loadSchema(this.schema, out); } getSchemaSync(out) { return this.loadSchemaSync(this.schema, out); } // Get Documents async getDocuments() { if (!this.documents) { return []; } return this.loadDocuments(this.documents); } getDocumentsSync() { if (!this.documents) { return []; } return this.loadDocumentsSync(this.documents); } async loadSchema(pointer, out, options) { return this._extensionsRegistry.loaders.schema.loadSchema(pointer, out, options); } loadSchemaSync(pointer, out, options) { return this._extensionsRegistry.loaders.schema.loadSchemaSync(pointer, out, options); } // Load Documents async loadDocuments(pointer, options) { if (!pointer) { return []; } return this._extensionsRegistry.loaders.documents.loadDocuments(pointer, options); } loadDocumentsSync(pointer, options) { if (!pointer) { return []; } return this._extensionsRegistry.loaders.documents.loadDocumentsSync(pointer, options); } // Rest match(filepath) { const isSchemaOrDocument = [this.schema, this.documents].some((pointer) => match(filepath, this.dirpath, pointer)); if (isSchemaOrDocument) { return true; } const isExcluded = this.exclude ? match(filepath, this.dirpath, this.exclude) : false; if (isExcluded) { return false; } return this.include ? match(filepath, this.dirpath, this.include) : false; } } function isSDLSchemaLike(schema) { return schema.includes('\n'); } // XXX: it works but uses Node.js - expose normalization of file and dir paths in config function match(filepath, dirpath, pointer) { if (!pointer) { return false; } if (Array.isArray(pointer)) { return pointer.some((p) => match(filepath, dirpath, p)); } if (typeof pointer === 'string') { if (isSDLSchemaLike(pointer)) { return false; } const normalizedFilepath = normalize(isAbsolute(filepath) ? relative(dirpath, filepath) : filepath) .split('\\') .join('/'); return minimatch(normalizedFilepath, normalize(pointer).split('\\').join('/'), { dot: true }); } if (typeof pointer === 'object') { return match(filepath, dirpath, Object.keys(pointer)[0]); } return false; }