

FilePond, Where files go to stretch their bits.

10,037 lines (8,512 loc) 279 kB
/*! * FilePond 4.6.0 * Licensed under MIT, https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT/ * Please visit https://pqina.nl/filepond/ for details. */ /* eslint-disable */ (function(global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) : ((global = global || self), factory((global.FilePond = {}))); })(this, function(exports) { 'use strict'; var isNode = function isNode(value) { return value instanceof HTMLElement; }; var createStore = function createStore(initialState) { var queries = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : []; var actions = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : []; // internal state var state = Object.assign({}, initialState); // contains all actions for next frame, is clear when actions are requested var actionQueue = []; var dispatchQueue = []; // returns a duplicate of the current state var getState = function getState() { return Object.assign({}, state); }; // returns a duplicate of the actions array and clears the actions array var processActionQueue = function processActionQueue() { // create copy of actions queue var queue = [].concat(actionQueue); // clear actions queue (we don't want no double actions) actionQueue.length = 0; return queue; }; // processes actions that might block the main UI thread var processDispatchQueue = function processDispatchQueue() { // create copy of actions queue var queue = [].concat(dispatchQueue); // clear actions queue (we don't want no double actions) dispatchQueue.length = 0; // now dispatch these actions queue.forEach(function(_ref) { var type = _ref.type, data = _ref.data; dispatch(type, data); }); }; // adds a new action, calls its handler and var dispatch = function dispatch(type, data, isBlocking) { // is blocking action if (isBlocking) { dispatchQueue.push({ type: type, data: data }); return; } // if this action has a handler, handle the action if (actionHandlers[type]) { actionHandlers[type](data); } // now add action actionQueue.push({ type: type, data: data }); }; var query = function query(str) { var _queryHandles; for ( var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++ ) { args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; } return queryHandles[str] ? (_queryHandles = queryHandles)[str].apply(_queryHandles, args) : null; }; var api = { getState: getState, processActionQueue: processActionQueue, processDispatchQueue: processDispatchQueue, dispatch: dispatch, query: query }; var queryHandles = {}; queries.forEach(function(query) { queryHandles = Object.assign({}, query(state), {}, queryHandles); }); var actionHandlers = {}; actions.forEach(function(action) { actionHandlers = Object.assign( {}, action(dispatch, query, state), {}, actionHandlers ); }); return api; }; var defineProperty = function defineProperty(obj, property, definition) { if (typeof definition === 'function') { obj[property] = definition; return; } Object.defineProperty(obj, property, Object.assign({}, definition)); }; var forin = function forin(obj, cb) { for (var key in obj) { if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } cb(key, obj[key]); } }; var createObject = function createObject(definition) { var obj = {}; forin(definition, function(property) { defineProperty(obj, property, definition[property]); }); return obj; }; var attr = function attr(node, name) { var value = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : null; if (value === null) { return node.getAttribute(name) || node.hasAttribute(name); } node.setAttribute(name, value); }; var ns = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'; var svgElements = ['svg', 'path']; // only svg elements used var isSVGElement = function isSVGElement(tag) { return svgElements.includes(tag); }; var createElement = function createElement(tag, className) { var attributes = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; if (typeof className === 'object') { attributes = className; className = null; } var element = isSVGElement(tag) ? document.createElementNS(ns, tag) : document.createElement(tag); if (className) { if (isSVGElement(tag)) { attr(element, 'class', className); } else { element.className = className; } } forin(attributes, function(name, value) { attr(element, name, value); }); return element; }; var appendChild = function appendChild(parent) { return function(child, index) { if (typeof index !== 'undefined' && parent.children[index]) { parent.insertBefore(child, parent.children[index]); } else { parent.appendChild(child); } }; }; var appendChildView = function appendChildView(parent, childViews) { return function(view, index) { if (typeof index !== 'undefined') { childViews.splice(index, 0, view); } else { childViews.push(view); } return view; }; }; var removeChildView = function removeChildView(parent, childViews) { return function(view) { // remove from child views childViews.splice(childViews.indexOf(view), 1); // remove the element if (view.element.parentNode) { parent.removeChild(view.element); } return view; }; }; var getViewRect = function getViewRect( elementRect, childViews, offset, scale ) { var left = offset[0] || elementRect.left; var top = offset[1] || elementRect.top; var right = left + elementRect.width; var bottom = top + elementRect.height * (scale[1] || 1); var rect = { // the rectangle of the element itself element: Object.assign({}, elementRect), // the rectangle of the element expanded to contain its children, does not include any margins inner: { left: elementRect.left, top: elementRect.top, right: elementRect.right, bottom: elementRect.bottom }, // the rectangle of the element expanded to contain its children including own margin and child margins // margins will be added after we've recalculated the size outer: { left: left, top: top, right: right, bottom: bottom } }; // expand rect to fit all child rectangles childViews .filter(function(childView) { return !childView.isRectIgnored(); }) .map(function(childView) { return childView.rect; }) .forEach(function(childViewRect) { expandRect(rect.inner, Object.assign({}, childViewRect.inner)); expandRect(rect.outer, Object.assign({}, childViewRect.outer)); }); // calculate inner width and height calculateRectSize(rect.inner); // append additional margin (top and left margins are included in top and left automatically) rect.outer.bottom += rect.element.marginBottom; rect.outer.right += rect.element.marginRight; // calculate outer width and height calculateRectSize(rect.outer); return rect; }; var expandRect = function expandRect(parent, child) { // adjust for parent offset child.top += parent.top; child.right += parent.left; child.bottom += parent.top; child.left += parent.left; if (child.bottom > parent.bottom) { parent.bottom = child.bottom; } if (child.right > parent.right) { parent.right = child.right; } }; var calculateRectSize = function calculateRectSize(rect) { rect.width = rect.right - rect.left; rect.height = rect.bottom - rect.top; }; var isNumber = function isNumber(value) { return typeof value === 'number'; }; /** * Determines if position is at destination * @param position * @param destination * @param velocity * @param errorMargin * @returns {boolean} */ var thereYet = function thereYet(position, destination, velocity) { var errorMargin = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 0.001; return ( Math.abs(position - destination) < errorMargin && Math.abs(velocity) < errorMargin ); }; /** * Spring animation */ var spring = // default options function spring() // method definition { var _ref = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}, _ref$stiffness = _ref.stiffness, stiffness = _ref$stiffness === void 0 ? 0.5 : _ref$stiffness, _ref$damping = _ref.damping, damping = _ref$damping === void 0 ? 0.75 : _ref$damping, _ref$mass = _ref.mass, mass = _ref$mass === void 0 ? 10 : _ref$mass; var target = null; var position = null; var velocity = 0; var resting = false; // updates spring state var interpolate = function interpolate() { // in rest, don't animate if (resting) { return; } // need at least a target or position to do springy things if (!(isNumber(target) && isNumber(position))) { resting = true; velocity = 0; return; } // calculate spring force var f = -(position - target) * stiffness; // update velocity by adding force based on mass velocity += f / mass; // update position by adding velocity position += velocity; // slow down based on amount of damping velocity *= damping; // we've arrived if we're near target and our velocity is near zero if (thereYet(position, target, velocity)) { position = target; velocity = 0; resting = true; // we done api.onupdate(position); api.oncomplete(position); } else { // progress update api.onupdate(position); } }; /** * Set new target value * @param value */ var setTarget = function setTarget(value) { // if currently has no position, set target and position to this value if (isNumber(value) && !isNumber(position)) { position = value; } // next target value will not be animated to if (target === null) { target = value; position = value; } // let start moving to target target = value; // already at target if (position === target || typeof target === 'undefined') { // now resting as target is current position, stop moving resting = true; velocity = 0; // done! api.onupdate(position); api.oncomplete(position); return; } resting = false; }; // need 'api' to call onupdate callback var api = createObject({ interpolate: interpolate, target: { set: setTarget, get: function get() { return target; } }, resting: { get: function get() { return resting; } }, onupdate: function onupdate(value) {}, oncomplete: function oncomplete(value) {} }); return api; }; var easeLinear = function easeLinear(t) { return t; }; var easeInOutQuad = function easeInOutQuad(t) { return t < 0.5 ? 2 * t * t : -1 + (4 - 2 * t) * t; }; var tween = // default values function tween() // method definition { var _ref = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}, _ref$duration = _ref.duration, duration = _ref$duration === void 0 ? 500 : _ref$duration, _ref$easing = _ref.easing, easing = _ref$easing === void 0 ? easeInOutQuad : _ref$easing, _ref$delay = _ref.delay, delay = _ref$delay === void 0 ? 0 : _ref$delay; var start = null; var t; var p; var resting = true; var reverse = false; var target = null; var interpolate = function interpolate(ts) { if (resting || target === null) { return; } if (start === null) { start = ts; } if (ts - start < delay) { return; } t = ts - start - delay; if (t < duration) { p = t / duration; api.onupdate((t >= 0 ? easing(reverse ? 1 - p : p) : 0) * target); } else { t = 1; p = reverse ? 0 : 1; api.onupdate(p * target); api.oncomplete(p * target); resting = true; } }; // need 'api' to call onupdate callback var api = createObject({ interpolate: interpolate, target: { get: function get() { return reverse ? 0 : target; }, set: function set(value) { // is initial value if (target === null) { target = value; api.onupdate(value); api.oncomplete(value); return; } // want to tween to a smaller value and have a current value if (value < target) { target = 1; reverse = true; } else { // not tweening to a smaller value reverse = false; target = value; } // let's go! resting = false; start = null; } }, resting: { get: function get() { return resting; } }, onupdate: function onupdate(value) {}, oncomplete: function oncomplete(value) {} }); return api; }; var animator = { spring: spring, tween: tween }; /* { type: 'spring', stiffness: .5, damping: .75, mass: 10 }; { translation: { type: 'spring', ... }, ... } { translation: { x: { type: 'spring', ... } } } */ var createAnimator = function createAnimator(definition, category, property) { // default is single definition // we check if transform is set, if so, we check if property is set var def = definition[category] && typeof definition[category][property] === 'object' ? definition[category][property] : definition[category] || definition; var type = typeof def === 'string' ? def : def.type; var props = typeof def === 'object' ? Object.assign({}, def) : {}; return animator[type] ? animator[type](props) : null; }; var addGetSet = function addGetSet(keys, obj, props) { var overwrite = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : false; obj = Array.isArray(obj) ? obj : [obj]; obj.forEach(function(o) { keys.forEach(function(key) { var name = key; var getter = function getter() { return props[key]; }; var setter = function setter(value) { return (props[key] = value); }; if (typeof key === 'object') { name = key.key; getter = key.getter || getter; setter = key.setter || setter; } if (o[name] && !overwrite) { return; } o[name] = { get: getter, set: setter }; }); }); }; var isDefined = function isDefined(value) { return value != null; }; // add to state, // add getters and setters to internal and external api (if not set) // setup animators var animations = function animations(_ref) { var mixinConfig = _ref.mixinConfig, viewProps = _ref.viewProps, viewInternalAPI = _ref.viewInternalAPI, viewExternalAPI = _ref.viewExternalAPI, viewState = _ref.viewState; // initial properties var initialProps = Object.assign({}, viewProps); // list of all active animations var animations = []; // setup animators forin(mixinConfig, function(property, animation) { var animator = createAnimator(animation); if (!animator) { return; } // when the animator updates, update the view state value animator.onupdate = function(value) { viewProps[property] = value; }; // set animator target animator.target = initialProps[property]; // when value is set, set the animator target value var prop = { key: property, setter: function setter(value) { // if already at target, we done! if (animator.target === value) { return; } animator.target = value; }, getter: function getter() { return viewProps[property]; } }; // add getters and setters addGetSet([prop], [viewInternalAPI, viewExternalAPI], viewProps, true); // add it to the list for easy updating from the _write method animations.push(animator); }); // expose internal write api return { write: function write(ts) { var resting = true; animations.forEach(function(animation) { if (!animation.resting) { resting = false; } animation.interpolate(ts); }); return resting; }, destroy: function destroy() {} }; }; var addEvent = function addEvent(element) { return function(type, fn) { element.addEventListener(type, fn); }; }; var removeEvent = function removeEvent(element) { return function(type, fn) { element.removeEventListener(type, fn); }; }; // mixin var listeners = function listeners(_ref) { var mixinConfig = _ref.mixinConfig, viewProps = _ref.viewProps, viewInternalAPI = _ref.viewInternalAPI, viewExternalAPI = _ref.viewExternalAPI, viewState = _ref.viewState, view = _ref.view; var events = []; var add = addEvent(view.element); var remove = removeEvent(view.element); viewExternalAPI.on = function(type, fn) { events.push({ type: type, fn: fn }); add(type, fn); }; viewExternalAPI.off = function(type, fn) { events.splice( events.findIndex(function(event) { return event.type === type && event.fn === fn; }), 1 ); remove(type, fn); }; return { write: function write() { // not busy return true; }, destroy: function destroy() { events.forEach(function(event) { remove(event.type, event.fn); }); } }; }; // add to external api and link to props var apis = function apis(_ref) { var mixinConfig = _ref.mixinConfig, viewProps = _ref.viewProps, viewExternalAPI = _ref.viewExternalAPI; addGetSet(mixinConfig, viewExternalAPI, viewProps); }; // add to state, // add getters and setters to internal and external api (if not set) // set initial state based on props in viewProps // apply as transforms each frame var defaults = { opacity: 1, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, translateX: 0, translateY: 0, rotateX: 0, rotateY: 0, rotateZ: 0, originX: 0, originY: 0 }; var styles = function styles(_ref) { var mixinConfig = _ref.mixinConfig, viewProps = _ref.viewProps, viewInternalAPI = _ref.viewInternalAPI, viewExternalAPI = _ref.viewExternalAPI, view = _ref.view; // initial props var initialProps = Object.assign({}, viewProps); // current props var currentProps = {}; // we will add those properties to the external API and link them to the viewState addGetSet(mixinConfig, [viewInternalAPI, viewExternalAPI], viewProps); // override rect on internal and external rect getter so it takes in account transforms var getOffset = function getOffset() { return [viewProps['translateX'] || 0, viewProps['translateY'] || 0]; }; var getScale = function getScale() { return [viewProps['scaleX'] || 0, viewProps['scaleY'] || 0]; }; var getRect = function getRect() { return view.rect ? getViewRect(view.rect, view.childViews, getOffset(), getScale()) : null; }; viewInternalAPI.rect = { get: getRect }; viewExternalAPI.rect = { get: getRect }; // apply view props mixinConfig.forEach(function(key) { viewProps[key] = typeof initialProps[key] === 'undefined' ? defaults[key] : initialProps[key]; }); // expose api return { write: function write() { // see if props have changed if (!propsHaveChanged(currentProps, viewProps)) { return; } // moves element to correct position on screen applyStyles(view.element, viewProps); // store new transforms Object.assign(currentProps, Object.assign({}, viewProps)); // no longer busy return true; }, destroy: function destroy() {} }; }; var propsHaveChanged = function propsHaveChanged(currentProps, newProps) { // different amount of keys if (Object.keys(currentProps).length !== Object.keys(newProps).length) { return true; } // lets analyze the individual props for (var prop in newProps) { if (newProps[prop] !== currentProps[prop]) { return true; } } return false; }; var applyStyles = function applyStyles(element, _ref2) { var opacity = _ref2.opacity, perspective = _ref2.perspective, translateX = _ref2.translateX, translateY = _ref2.translateY, scaleX = _ref2.scaleX, scaleY = _ref2.scaleY, rotateX = _ref2.rotateX, rotateY = _ref2.rotateY, rotateZ = _ref2.rotateZ, originX = _ref2.originX, originY = _ref2.originY, width = _ref2.width, height = _ref2.height; var transforms = ''; var styles = ''; // handle transform origin if (isDefined(originX) || isDefined(originY)) { styles += 'transform-origin: ' + (originX || 0) + 'px ' + (originY || 0) + 'px;'; } // transform order is relevant // 0. perspective if (isDefined(perspective)) { transforms += 'perspective(' + perspective + 'px) '; } // 1. translate if (isDefined(translateX) || isDefined(translateY)) { transforms += 'translate3d(' + (translateX || 0) + 'px, ' + (translateY || 0) + 'px, 0) '; } // 2. scale if (isDefined(scaleX) || isDefined(scaleY)) { transforms += 'scale3d(' + (isDefined(scaleX) ? scaleX : 1) + ', ' + (isDefined(scaleY) ? scaleY : 1) + ', 1) '; } // 3. rotate if (isDefined(rotateZ)) { transforms += 'rotateZ(' + rotateZ + 'rad) '; } if (isDefined(rotateX)) { transforms += 'rotateX(' + rotateX + 'rad) '; } if (isDefined(rotateY)) { transforms += 'rotateY(' + rotateY + 'rad) '; } // add transforms if (transforms.length) { styles += 'transform:' + transforms + ';'; } // add opacity if (isDefined(opacity)) { styles += 'opacity:' + opacity + ';'; // if we reach zero, we make the element inaccessible if (opacity === 0) { styles += 'visibility:hidden;'; } // if we're below 100% opacity this element can't be clicked if (opacity < 1) { styles += 'pointer-events:none;'; } } // add height if (isDefined(height)) { styles += 'height:' + height + 'px;'; } // add width if (isDefined(width)) { styles += 'width:' + width + 'px;'; } // apply styles var elementCurrentStyle = element.elementCurrentStyle || ''; // if new styles does not match current styles, lets update! if ( styles.length !== elementCurrentStyle.length || styles !== elementCurrentStyle ) { element.setAttribute('style', styles); // store current styles so we can compare them to new styles later on // _not_ getting the style attribute is faster element.elementCurrentStyle = styles; } }; var Mixins = { styles: styles, listeners: listeners, animations: animations, apis: apis }; var updateRect = function updateRect() { var rect = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; var element = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var style = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; if (!element.layoutCalculated) { rect.paddingTop = parseInt(style.paddingTop, 10) || 0; rect.marginTop = parseInt(style.marginTop, 10) || 0; rect.marginRight = parseInt(style.marginRight, 10) || 0; rect.marginBottom = parseInt(style.marginBottom, 10) || 0; rect.marginLeft = parseInt(style.marginLeft, 10) || 0; element.layoutCalculated = true; } rect.left = element.offsetLeft || 0; rect.top = element.offsetTop || 0; rect.width = element.offsetWidth || 0; rect.height = element.offsetHeight || 0; rect.right = rect.left + rect.width; rect.bottom = rect.top + rect.height; rect.scrollTop = element.scrollTop; rect.hidden = element.offsetParent === null; return rect; }; var createView = // default view definition function createView() { var _ref = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}, _ref$tag = _ref.tag, tag = _ref$tag === void 0 ? 'div' : _ref$tag, _ref$name = _ref.name, name = _ref$name === void 0 ? null : _ref$name, _ref$attributes = _ref.attributes, attributes = _ref$attributes === void 0 ? {} : _ref$attributes, _ref$read = _ref.read, read = _ref$read === void 0 ? function() {} : _ref$read, _ref$write = _ref.write, write = _ref$write === void 0 ? function() {} : _ref$write, _ref$create = _ref.create, create = _ref$create === void 0 ? function() {} : _ref$create, _ref$destroy = _ref.destroy, destroy = _ref$destroy === void 0 ? function() {} : _ref$destroy, _ref$filterFrameActio = _ref.filterFrameActionsForChild, filterFrameActionsForChild = _ref$filterFrameActio === void 0 ? function(child, actions) { return actions; } : _ref$filterFrameActio, _ref$didCreateView = _ref.didCreateView, didCreateView = _ref$didCreateView === void 0 ? function() {} : _ref$didCreateView, _ref$didWriteView = _ref.didWriteView, didWriteView = _ref$didWriteView === void 0 ? function() {} : _ref$didWriteView, _ref$ignoreRect = _ref.ignoreRect, ignoreRect = _ref$ignoreRect === void 0 ? false : _ref$ignoreRect, _ref$ignoreRectUpdate = _ref.ignoreRectUpdate, ignoreRectUpdate = _ref$ignoreRectUpdate === void 0 ? false : _ref$ignoreRectUpdate, _ref$mixins = _ref.mixins, mixins = _ref$mixins === void 0 ? [] : _ref$mixins; return function( // each view requires reference to store store ) { var props = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; // root element should not be changed var element = createElement(tag, 'filepond--' + name, attributes); // style reference should also not be changed var style = window.getComputedStyle(element, null); // element rectangle var rect = updateRect(); var frameRect = null; // rest state var isResting = false; // pretty self explanatory var childViews = []; // loaded mixins var activeMixins = []; // references to created children var ref = {}; // state used for each instance var state = {}; // list of writers that will be called to update this view var writers = [ write // default writer ]; var readers = [ read // default reader ]; var destroyers = [ destroy // default destroy ]; // core view methods var getElement = function getElement() { return element; }; var getChildViews = function getChildViews() { return childViews.concat(); }; var getReference = function getReference() { return ref; }; var createChildView = function createChildView(store) { return function(view, props) { return view(store, props); }; }; var getRect = function getRect() { if (frameRect) { return frameRect; } frameRect = getViewRect(rect, childViews, [0, 0], [1, 1]); return frameRect; }; var getStyle = function getStyle() { return style; }; /** * Read data from DOM * @private */ var _read = function _read() { frameRect = null; // read child views childViews.forEach(function(child) { return child._read(); }); var shouldUpdate = !(ignoreRectUpdate && rect.width && rect.height); if (shouldUpdate) { updateRect(rect, element, style); } // readers var api = { root: internalAPI, props: props, rect: rect }; readers.forEach(function(reader) { return reader(api); }); }; /** * Write data to DOM * @private */ var _write = function _write(ts, frameActions, shouldOptimize) { // if no actions, we assume that the view is resting var resting = frameActions.length === 0; // writers writers.forEach(function(writer) { var writerResting = writer({ props: props, root: internalAPI, actions: frameActions, timestamp: ts, shouldOptimize: shouldOptimize }); if (writerResting === false) { resting = false; } }); // run mixins activeMixins.forEach(function(mixin) { // if one of the mixins is still busy after write operation, we are not resting var mixinResting = mixin.write(ts); if (mixinResting === false) { resting = false; } }); // updates child views that are currently attached to the DOM childViews .filter(function(child) { return !!child.element.parentNode; }) .forEach(function(child) { // if a child view is not resting, we are not resting var childResting = child._write( ts, filterFrameActionsForChild(child, frameActions), shouldOptimize ); if (!childResting) { resting = false; } }); // append new elements to DOM and update those childViews //.filter(child => !child.element.parentNode) .forEach(function(child, index) { // skip if (child.element.parentNode) { return; } // append to DOM internalAPI.appendChild(child.element, index); // call read (need to know the size of these elements) child._read(); // re-call write child._write( ts, filterFrameActionsForChild(child, frameActions), shouldOptimize ); // we just added somthing to the dom, no rest resting = false; }); // update resting state isResting = resting; didWriteView({ props: props, root: internalAPI, actions: frameActions, timestamp: ts }); // let parent know if we are resting return resting; }; var _destroy = function _destroy() { activeMixins.forEach(function(mixin) { return mixin.destroy(); }); destroyers.forEach(function(destroyer) { destroyer({ root: internalAPI, props: props }); }); childViews.forEach(function(child) { return child._destroy(); }); }; // sharedAPI var sharedAPIDefinition = { element: { get: getElement }, style: { get: getStyle }, childViews: { get: getChildViews } }; // private API definition var internalAPIDefinition = Object.assign({}, sharedAPIDefinition, { rect: { get: getRect }, // access to custom children references ref: { get: getReference }, // dom modifiers is: function is(needle) { return name === needle; }, appendChild: appendChild(element), createChildView: createChildView(store), linkView: function linkView(view) { childViews.push(view); return view; }, unlinkView: function unlinkView(view) { childViews.splice(childViews.indexOf(view), 1); }, appendChildView: appendChildView(element, childViews), removeChildView: removeChildView(element, childViews), registerWriter: function registerWriter(writer) { return writers.push(writer); }, registerReader: function registerReader(reader) { return readers.push(reader); }, registerDestroyer: function registerDestroyer(destroyer) { return destroyers.push(destroyer); }, invalidateLayout: function invalidateLayout() { return (element.layoutCalculated = false); }, // access to data store dispatch: store.dispatch, query: store.query }); // public view API methods var externalAPIDefinition = { element: { get: getElement }, childViews: { get: getChildViews }, rect: { get: getRect }, resting: { get: function get() { return isResting; } }, isRectIgnored: function isRectIgnored() { return ignoreRect; }, _read: _read, _write: _write, _destroy: _destroy }; // mixin API methods var mixinAPIDefinition = Object.assign({}, sharedAPIDefinition, { rect: { get: function get() { return rect; } } }); // add mixin functionality Object.keys(mixins) .sort(function(a, b) { // move styles to the back of the mixin list (so adjustments of other mixins are applied to the props correctly) if (a === 'styles') { return 1; } else if (b === 'styles') { return -1; } return 0; }) .forEach(function(key) { var mixinAPI = Mixins[key]({ mixinConfig: mixins[key], viewProps: props, viewState: state, viewInternalAPI: internalAPIDefinition, viewExternalAPI: externalAPIDefinition, view: createObject(mixinAPIDefinition) }); if (mixinAPI) { activeMixins.push(mixinAPI); } }); // construct private api var internalAPI = createObject(internalAPIDefinition); // create the view create({ root: internalAPI, props: props }); // append created child views to root node var childCount = element.children.length; // need to know the current child count so appending happens in correct order childViews.forEach(function(child, index) { internalAPI.appendChild(child.element, childCount + index); }); // call did create didCreateView(internalAPI); // expose public api return createObject(externalAPIDefinition, props); }; }; var createPainter = function createPainter(read, write) { var fps = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 60; var name = '__framePainter'; // set global painter if (window[name]) { window[name].readers.push(read); window[name].writers.push(write); return; } window[name] = { readers: [read], writers: [write] }; var painter = window[name]; var interval = 1000 / fps; var last = null; var id = null; var requestTick = null; var cancelTick = null; var setTimerType = function setTimerType() { if (document.hidden) { requestTick = function requestTick() { return window.setTimeout(function() { return tick(performance.now()); }, interval); }; cancelTick = function cancelTick() { return window.clearTimeout(id); }; } else { requestTick = function requestTick() { return window.requestAnimationFrame(tick); }; cancelTick = function cancelTick() { return window.cancelAnimationFrame(id); }; } }; document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function() { if (cancelTick) cancelTick(); setTimerType(); tick(performance.now()); }); var tick = function tick(ts) { // queue next tick id = requestTick(tick); // limit fps if (!last) { last = ts; } var delta = ts - last; if (delta <= interval) { // skip frame return; } // align next frame last = ts - (delta % interval); // update view painter.readers.forEach(function(read) { return read(); }); painter.writers.forEach(function(write) { return write(ts); }); }; setTimerType(); tick(performance.now()); return { pause: function pause() { cancelTick(id); } }; }; var createRoute = function createRoute(routes, fn) { return function(_ref) { var root = _ref.root, props = _ref.props, _ref$actions = _ref.actions, actions = _ref$actions === void 0 ? [] : _ref$actions, timestamp = _ref.timestamp, shouldOptimize = _ref.shouldOptimize; actions .filter(function(action) { return routes[action.type]; }) .forEach(function(action) { return routes[action.type]({ root: root, props: props, action: action.data, timestamp: timestamp, shouldOptimize: shouldOptimize }); }); if (fn) { fn({ root: root, props: props, actions: actions, timestamp: timestamp, shouldOptimize: shouldOptimize }); } }; }; var insertBefore = function insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode) { return referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode); }; var insertAfter = function insertAfter(newNode, referenceNode) { return referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore( newNode, referenceNode.nextSibling ); }; var isArray = function isArray(value) { return Array.isArray(value); }; var isEmpty = function isEmpty(value) { return value == null; }; var trim = function trim(str) { return str.trim(); }; var toString = function toString(value) { return '' + value; }; var toArray = function toArray(value) { var splitter = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ','; if (isEmpty(value)) { return []; } if (isArray(value)) { return value; } return toString(value) .split(splitter) .map(trim) .filter(function(str) { return str.length; }); }; var isBoolean = function isBoolean(value) { return typeof value === 'boolean'; }; var toBoolean = function toBoolean(value) { return isBoolean(value) ? value : value === 'true'; }; var isString = function isString(value) { return typeof value === 'string'; }; var toNumber = function toNumber(value) { return isNumber(value) ? value : isString(value) ? toString(value).replace(/[a-z]+/gi, '') : 0; }; var toInt = function toInt(value) { return parseInt(toNumber(value), 10); }; var toFloat = function toFloat(value) { return parseFloat(toNumber(value)); }; var isInt = function isInt(value) { return isNumber(value) && isFinite(value) && Math.floor(value) === value; }; var toBytes = function toBytes(value) { // is in bytes if (isInt(value)) { return value; } // is natural file size var naturalFileSize = toString(value).trim(); // if is value in megabytes if (/MB$/i.test(naturalFileSize)) { naturalFileSize = naturalFileSize.replace(/MB$i/, '').trim(); return toInt(naturalFileSize) * 1000 * 1000; } // if is value in kilobytes if (/KB/i.test(naturalFileSize)) { naturalFileSize = naturalFileSize.replace(/KB$i/, '').trim(); return toInt(naturalFileSize) * 1000; } return toInt(naturalFileSize); }; var isFunction = function isFunction(value) { return typeof value === 'function'; }; var toFunctionReference = function toFunctionReference(string) { var ref = self; var levels = string.split('.'); var level = null; while ((level = levels.shift())) { ref = ref[level]; if (!ref) { return null; } } return ref; }; var methods = { process: 'POST', revert: 'DELETE', fetch: 'GET', restore: 'GET', load: 'GET' }; var createServerAPI = function createServerAPI(outline) { var api = {}; api.url = isString(outline) ? outline : outline.url || ''; api.timeout = outline.timeout ? parseInt(outline.timeout, 10) : 0; api.headers = outline.headers ? outline.headers : {}; forin(methods, function(key) { api[key] = createAction( key, outline[key], methods[key], api.timeout, api.headers ); }); // special treatment for remove api.remove = outline.remove || null; // remove generic headers from api object delete api.headers; return api; }; var createAction = function createAction( name, outline, method, timeout, headers ) { // is explicitely set to null so disable if (outline === null) { return null; } // if is custom function, done! Dev handles everything. if (typeof outline === 'function') { return outline; } // build action object var action = { url: method === 'GET' ? '?' + name + '=' : '', method: method, headers: headers, withCredentials: false, timeout: timeout, onload: null, ondata: null, onerror: null }; // is a single url if (isString(outline)) { action.url = outline; return action; } // overwrite Object.assign(action, outline); // see if should reformat headers; if (isString(action.headers)) { var parts = action.headers.split(/:(.+)/); action.headers = { header: parts[0], value: parts[1] }; } // if is bool withCredentials action.withCredentials = toBoolean(action.withCredentials); return action; }; var toServerAPI = function toServerAPI(value) { return createServerAPI(value); }; var isNull = function isNull(value) { return value === null; }; var isObject = function isObject(value) { return typeof value === 'object' && value !== null; }; var isAPI = function isAPI(value) { return ( isObject(value) && isString(value.url) && isObject(value.process) && isObject(value.revert) && isObject(value.restore) && isObject(value.fetch) ); }; var getType = function getType(value) { if (isArray(value)) { return 'array'; } if (isNull(value)) { return 'null'; } if (isInt(value)) { return 'int'; } if (/^[0-9]+ ?(?:GB|MB|KB)$/gi.test(value)) { return 'bytes'; } if (isAPI(value)) { return 'api'; } return typeof value; }; var replaceSingleQuotes = function replaceSingleQuotes(str) { return str .replace(/{\s*'/g, '{"') .replace(/'\s*}/g, '"}') .replace(/'\s*:/g, '":') .replace(/:\s*'/g, ':"') .replace(/,\s*'/g, ',"') .replace(/'\s*,/g, '",'); }; var conversionTable = { array: toArray, boolean: toBoolean, int: function int(value) { return getType(value) === 'bytes' ? toBytes(value) : toInt(value); }, number: toFloat, float: toFloat, bytes: toBytes, string: function string(value) { return isFunction(value) ? value : toString(value); }, function: function _function(value) { return toFunctionReference(value); }, serverapi: toServerAPI, object: function object(value) { try { return JSON.parse(replaceSingleQuotes(value)); } catch (e) { return null; } } }; var convertTo = function convertTo(value, type) { return conversionTable[type](value); }; var getValueByType = function getValueByType( newValue, defaultValue, valueType ) { // can always assign default value if (newValue === defaultValue) { return newValue; } // get the type of the new value var newValueType = getType(newValue); // is valid type? if (newValueType !== valueType) { // is string input, let's attempt to convert var convertedValue = convertTo(newValue, valueType); // what is the type now newValueType = getType(convertedValue); // no valid conversions found if (convertedValue === null) { throw 'Trying to assign value with incorrect type to "' + option + '", allowed type: "' + valueType + '"'; } else { newValue = convertedValue; } } // assign new value return newValue; }; var createOption = function createOption(defaultValue, valueType) { var currentValue = defaultValue; return { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return currentValue; }, set: function set(newValue) { currentValue = getValueByType(newValue, defaultValue, valueType); } }; }; var createOptions = function createOptions(options) { var obj = {}; forin(options, function(prop) { var optionDefinition = options[prop]; obj[prop] = createOption(optionDefinition[0], optionDefinition[1]); }); return createObject(obj); }; var createInitialState = function createInitialState(options) { return { // model items: [], // timeout used for calling update items listUpdateTimeout: null, // timeout used for stacking metadata updates itemUpdateTimeout: null, // queue of items waiting to be processed processingQueue: [], // options options: createOptions(options) }; }; var fromCamels = function fromCamels(string) { var separator = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : '-'; return string .split(/(?=[A-Z])/) .map(function(part) { return part.toLowerCase(); }) .join(separator); }; var createOptionAPI = function createOptionAPI(store, options) { var obj = {}; forin(options, function(key) { obj[key] = { get: function get() { return store.getState().options[key]; }, set: function set(value) { store.dispatch('SET_' + fromCamels(key, '_').toUpperCase(), { value: value }); } }; }); return obj; }; var createOptionActions = function createOptionActions(options) { return function(dispatch, query, state) { var obj = {}; forin(options, function(key) { var name = fromCamels(key, '_').toUpperCase(); obj['SET_' + name] = function(action) { try { state.options[key] = action.value; } catch (e) {} // nope, failed // we successfully set the value of this option dispatch('DID_SET_' + name, { value: state.options[key] }); }; }); return obj; }; }; var createOptionQueries = function createOptionQueries(options) { return function(state) { var obj = {}; forin(options, function(key) { obj['GET_' + fromCamels(key, '_').toUpperCase()] = function(action) { return state.options[key]; }; }); return obj; }; }; var InteractionMethod = { API: 1, DROP: 2, BROWSE: 3, PASTE: 4, NONE: 5 }; var getUniqueId = function getUniqueId() { return Math.random() .toString(36) .substr(2, 9); }; var arrayRemove = function arrayRemove(arr, index) { return arr.splice(index, 1); }; var on = function on() { var listeners = []; var off = function off(event, cb) { arrayRemove( listeners, listeners.findIndex(function(listener) { return listener.event === event && (listener.cb === cb || !cb); }) ); }; return { fire: function fire(event) { for ( var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++ ) { args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; } listeners .filter(function(listener) { return listener.event === event; }) .map(function(listener) { return listener.cb; }) .forEach(function(cb) { setTimeout(function() { cb.apply(void 0, args); }, 0); }); }, on: function on(event, cb) { listeners.push({ event: event, cb: cb }); }, onOnce: function onOnce(event, _cb) { listeners.push({ event: event, cb: function cb() { off(event, _cb); _cb.apply(void 0, arguments); } }); }, off: off }; }; var copyObjectPropertiesToObject = function copyObjectPropertiesToObject( src, target, excluded ) { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(src) .filter(function(property) { return !excluded.includes(property); }) .forEach(function(key) { return Object.defineProperty( target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(src, key) ); }); }; var PRIVATE = [ 'fire', 'process', 'revert', 'load', 'on', 'off', 'onOnce', 'retryLoad', 'extend', 'archive', 'archived', 'release', 'released', 'requestProcessing', 'freeze' ]; var createItemAPI = function createItemAPI(item) { var api = {}; copyObjectPropertiesToObject(item, api, PRIVATE); return api; }; var removeReleasedItems = function removeReleasedItems(items) { items.forEach(function(item, index) { if (item.released) { arrayRemove(items, index); } }); }; var ItemStatus = { INIT: 1, IDLE: 2, PROCESSING_QUEUED: 9, PROCESSING: 3, PROCESSING_COMPLETE: 5, PROCESSING_ERROR: 6, PROCESSING_REVERT_ERROR: 10, LOADING: 7, LOAD_ERROR: 8 }; var FileOrigin = { INPUT: 1, LIMBO: 2, LOCAL: 3 }; var getNonNumeric = function getNonNumeric(str) { return /[^0-9]+/.exec(str); }; var getDecimalSeparator = function getDecimalSeparator() { return getNonNumeric((1.1).toLocaleString())[0]; }; var getThousandsSeparator = function getThousandsSeparator() { // Added for browsers that do not return the thousands separator (happend on native browser Android 4.4.4) // We check against the normal toString output and if they're the same return a comma when decimal separator is a dot var decimalSeparator = getDecimalSeparator(); var thousandsStringWithSeparator = (1000.0).toLocaleString(); var thousandsStringWithoutSeparator = (1000.0).toString(); if (thousandsStringWithSeparator !== thousandsStringWithoutSeparator) { return getNonNumeric(thousandsStringWithSeparator)[0]; } return decimalSeparator === '.' ? ',' : '.'; }; var Type = { BOOLEAN: 'boolean', INT: 'int', NUMBER: 'number', STRING: 'string', ARRAY: 'array', OBJECT: 'object', FUNCTION: 'function', ACTION: 'action', SERVER_API: 'serverapi', REGEX: 'regex' }; // all registered filters var filters = []; // loops over matching filters and passes options to each filter, returning the mapped results var applyFilterChain = function applyFilterChain(key, value, utils) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // find matching filters for this key var matchingFilters = filters .filter(function(f) { return f.key === key; }) .map(function(f) { return f.cb; }); // resolve now if (matchingFilters.length === 0) { resolve(value); return; } // first filter to kick things of var initialFilter = matchingFilters.shift(); // chain filters matchingFilters .reduce( // loop over promises passing value to next promise function(current, next) { return current.then(function(value) { return next(value, utils); }); }, // call initial filter, will return a promise initialFilter(value, utils) // all executed ) .then(function(value) { return resolve(value); }) .catch(function(error) { return reject(error); }); }); }; var applyFilters = function applyFilters(key, value, utils) { return filters .filter(function(f) { return f.key === key; }) .map(function(f) { return f.cb(value, utils); }); }; // adds a new filter to the list var addFilter = function addFilter(key, cb) { return filters.push({ key: key, cb: cb }); }; var extendDefaultOptions = function extendDefaultOptions(additionalOptions) { return Object.assign(defaultOptions, additionalOptions); }; var getOptions = function getOptions() { return Object.assign({}, defaultOptions); }; var setOptions = function setOptions(opts) { forin(opts, function(key, value) { // key does not exist, so this option cannot be set if (!defaultOptions[key]) { return; } defaultOptions[key][0] = getValueByType( value, defaultOptions[key][0], defaultOptions[key][1] ); }); }; // default options on app var defaultOptions = { // the id to add to the root element id: [null, Type.STRING], // input field name to use name: ['filepond', Type.STRING], // disable the field disabled: [false, Type.BOOLEAN], // classname to put on wrapper className: [null, Type.STRING], // is the field required required: [false, Type.BOOLEAN], // Allow media capture when value is set captureMethod: [null, Type.STRING], // - "camera", "microphone" or "camcorder", // - Does not work with multiple on apple devices // - If set, acceptedFileTypes must be made to match with media wildcard "image/*", "audio/*" or "video/*" // Feature toggles allowDrop: [true, Type.BOOLEAN], // Allow dropping of files allowBrowse: [true, Type.BOOLEAN], // Allow browsing the file system allowPaste: [true, Type.BOOLEAN], // Allow pasting files allowMultiple: [false, Type.BOOLEAN], // Allow multiple files (disabled by default, as multiple attribute is also required on input to allow multiple) allowReplace: [true, Type.BOOLEAN], // Allow dropping a file on other file to replace it (only works when multiple is set to false) allowRevert: [true, Type.BOOLEAN], // Allows user to revert file upload // Revert mode forceRevert: [false, Type.BOOLEAN], // Set to 'force' to require the file to be reverted before removal // Input requirements maxFiles: [null, Type.INT], // Max number of files checkValidity: [false, Type.BOOLEAN], // Enables custom validity messages // Where to put file itemInsertLocationFreedom: [true, Type.BOOLEAN], // Set to false to always add items to begin or end of list itemInsertLocation: ['before', Type.STRING], // Default index in list to add items that have been dropped at the top of the list itemInsertInterval: [75, Type.INT], // Drag 'n Drop related dropOnPage: [false, Type.BOOLEAN], // Allow dropping of files anywhere on page (prevents browser from opening file if dropped outside of Up) dropOnElement: [true, Type.BOOLEAN], // Drop needs to happen on element (set to false to also load drops outside of Up) dropValidation: [false, Type.BOOLEAN], // Enable or disable validating files on drop ignoredFiles: [['.ds_store', 'thumbs.db', 'desktop.ini'], Type.ARRAY], // Upload related instantUpload: [true, Type.BOOLEAN], // Should upload files immidiately on drop maxParallelUploads: [2, Type.INT], // Maximum files to upload in parallel // The server api end points to use for uploading (see docs) server: [null, Type.SERVER_API], // Labels and status messages labelDecimalSeparator: [getDecimalSeparator(), Type.STRING], // Default is locale separator labelThousandsSeparator: [getThousandsSeparator(), Type.STRING], // Default is locale separator labelIdle: [ 'Drag & Drop your files or <span class="filepond--label-action">Browse</span>', Type.STRING ], labelInvalidField: ['Field contains invalid files', Type.STRING], labelFileWaitingForSize: ['Waiting for size', Type.STRING], labelFileSizeNotAvailable: ['Size not available', Type.STRING], labelFileCountSingular: ['file in list', Type.STRING], labelFileCountPlural: ['files in list', Type.STRING], labelFileLoading: ['Loading', Type.STRING], labelFileAdded: ['Added', Type.STRING], // assistive only labelFileLoadError: ['Error during load', Type.STRING], labelFileRemoved: ['Removed', Type.STRING], // assistive only labelFileRemoveError: ['Error during remove', Type.STRING], labelFileProcessing: ['Uploading', Type.STRING], labelFileProcessingComplete: ['Upload complete', Type.STRING], labelFileProcessingAborted: ['Upload cancelled', Type.STRING], labelFileProcessingError: ['Error during upload', Type.STRING], labelFileProcessingRevertError: ['Error during revert', Type.STRING], labelTapToCancel: ['tap to cancel', Type.STRING], labelTapToRetry: ['tap to retry', Type.STRING], labelTapToUndo: ['tap to undo', Type.STRING], labelButtonRemoveItem: ['Remove', Type.STRING], labelButtonAbortItemLoad: ['Abort', Type.STRING], labelButtonRetryItemLoad: ['Retry', Type.STRING], labelButtonAbortItemProcessing: ['Cancel', Type.STRING], labelButtonUndoItemProcessing: ['Undo', Type.STRING], labelButtonRetryItemProcessing: ['Retry', Type.STRING], labelButtonProcessItem: ['Upload', Type.STRING], // make sure width and height plus viewpox are even numbers so icons are nicely centered iconRemove: [ '<svg width="26" height="26" viewBox="0 0 26 26" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M11.586 13l-2.293 2.293a1 1 0 0 0 1.414 1.414L13 14.414l2.293 2.293a1 1 0 0 0 1.414-1.414L14.414 13l2.293-2.293a1 1 0 0 0-1.414-1.414L13 11.586l-2.293-2.293a1 1 0 0 0-1.414 1.414L11.586 13z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>', Type.STRING ], iconProcess: [ '<svg width="26" height="26" viewBox="0 0 26 26" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M14 10.414v3.585a1 1 0 0 1-2 0v-3.585l-1.293 1.293a1 1 0 0 1-1.414-1.415l3-3a1 1 0 0 1 1.414 0l3 3a1 1 0 0 1-1.414 1.415L14 10.414zM9 18a1 1 0 0 1 0-2h8a1 1 0 0 1 0 2H9z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>', Type.STRING ], iconRetry: [ '<svg width="26" height="26" viewBox="0 0 26 26" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M10.81 9.185l-.038.02A4.997 4.997 0 0 0 8 13.683a5 5 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 5-5 1 1 0 0 1 2 0A7 7 0 1 1 9.722 7.496l-.842-.21a.999.999 0 1 1 .484-1.94l3.23.806c.535.133.86.675.73 1.21l-.804 3.233a.997.997 0 0 1- 0 0 1-.73-1.21l.23-.928v-.002z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>', Type.STRING ], iconUndo: [ '<svg width="26" height="26" viewBox="0 0 26 26" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M9.185 10.81l.02-.038A4.997 4.997 0 0 1 13.683 8a5 5 0 0 1 5 5 5 5 0 0 1-5 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 2A7 7 0 1 0 7.496 9.722l-.21-.842a.999.999 0 1 0-1.94.484l.806 3.23c.133.535.675.86 1.21.73l3.233-.803a.997.997 0 0 0 .73-1.21.997.997 0 0 0-1.21-.73l-.928.23-.002-.001z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>', Type.STRING ], iconDone: [ '<svg width="26" height="26" viewBox="0 0 26 26" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M18.293 9.293a1 1 0 0 1 1.414 1.414l-7.002 7a1 1 0 0 1-1.414 0l-3.998-4a1 1 0 1 1 1.414-1.414L12 15.586l6.294-6.293z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>', Type.STRING ], // event handlers oninit: [null, Type.FUNCTION], onwarning: [null, Type.FUNCTION], onerror: [null, Type.FUNCTION], onactivatefile: [null, Type.FUNCTION], onaddfilestart: [null, Type.FUNCTION], onaddfileprogress: [null, Type.FUNCTION], onaddfile: [null, Type.FUNCTION], onprocessfilestart: [null, Type.FUNCTION], onprocessfileprogress: [null, Type.FUNCTION], onprocessfileabort: [null, Type.FUNCTION], onprocessfilerevert: [null, Type.FUNCTION], onprocessfile: [null, Type.FUNCTION], onprocessfiles: [null, Type.FUNCTION], onremovefile: [null, Type.FUNCTION], onpreparefile: [null, Type.FUNCTION], onupdatefiles: [null, Type.FUNCTION], // hooks beforeDropFile: [null, Type.FUNCTION], beforeAddFile: [null, Type.FUNCTION], beforeRemoveFile: [null, Type.FUNCTION], // styles stylePanelLayout: [null, Type.STRING], // null 'integrated', 'compact', 'circle' stylePanelAspectRatio: [null, Type.STRING], // null or '3:2' or 1 styleItemPanelAspectRatio: [null, Type.STRING], styleButtonRemoveItemPosition: ['left', Type.STRING], styleButtonProcessItemPosition: ['right', Type.STRING], styleLoadIndicatorPosition: ['right', Type.STRING], styleProgressIndicatorPosition: ['right', Type.STRING], // custom initial files array files: [[], Type.ARRAY] }; var getItemByQuery = function getItemByQuery(items, query) { // just return first index if (isEmpty(query)) { return items[0] || null; } // query is index if (isInt(query)) { return items[query] || null; } // if query is item, get the id if (typeof query === 'object') { query = query.id; } // assume query is a string and return item by id return ( items.find(function(item) { return item.id === query; }) || null ); }; var getNumericAspectRatioFromString = function getNumericAspectRatioFromString( aspectRatio ) { if (isEmpty(aspectRatio)) { return aspectRatio; } if (/:/.test(aspectRatio)) { var parts = aspectRatio.split(':'); return parts[1] / parts[0]; } return parseFloat(aspectRatio); }; var getActiveItems = function getActiveItems(items) { return items.filter(function(item) { return !item.archived; }); }; var Status = { EMPTY: 0, IDLE: 1, // waiting ERROR: 2, // a file is in error state BUSY: 3, // busy processing or loading READY: 4 // all files uploaded }; var ITEM_ERROR = [ ItemStatus.LOAD_ERROR, ItemStatus.PROCESSING_ERROR, ItemStatus.PROCESSING_REVERT_ERROR ]; var ITEM_BUSY = [ ItemStatus.LOADING, ItemStatus.PROCESSING, ItemStatus.PROCESSING_QUEUED, ItemStatus.INIT ]; var ITEM_READY = [ItemStatus.PROCESSING_COMPLETE]; var isItemInErrorState = function isItemInErrorState(item) { return ITEM_ERROR.includes(item.status); }; var isItemInBusyState = function isItemInBusyState(item) { return ITEM_BUSY.includes(item.status); }; var isItemInReadyState = function isItemInReadyState(item) { return ITEM_READY.includes(item.status); }; var queries = function queries(state) { return { GET_STATUS: function GET_STATUS() { var items = getActiveItems(state.items); var EMPTY = Status.EMPTY, ERROR = Status.ERROR, BUSY = Status.BUSY, IDLE = Status.IDLE, READY = Status.READY; if (items.length === 0) return EMPTY; if (items.some(isItemInErrorState)) return ERROR; if (items.some(isItemInBusyState)) return BUSY; if (items.some(isItemInReadyState)) return READY; return IDLE; }, GET_ITEM: function GET_ITEM(query) { return getItemByQuery(state.items, query); }, GET_ACTIVE_ITEM: function GET_ACTIVE_ITEM(query) { return getItemByQuery(getActiveItems(state.items), query); }, GET_ACTIVE_ITEMS: function GET_ACTIVE_ITEMS(query) { return getActiveItems(state.items); }, GET_ITEMS: function GET_ITEMS(query) { return state.items; }, GET_ITEM_NAME: function GET_ITEM_NAME(query) { var item = getItemByQuery(state.items, query); return item ? item.filename : null; }, GET_ITEM_SIZE: function GET_ITEM_SIZE(query) { var item = getItemByQuery(state.items, query); return item ? item.fileSize : null; }, GET_STYLES: function GET_STYLES() { return Object.keys(state.options) .filter(function(key) { return /^style/.test(key); }) .map(function(option) { return { name: option, value: state.options[option] }; }); }, GET_PANEL_ASPECT_RATIO: function GET_PANEL_ASPECT_RATIO() { var isShapeCircle = /circle/.test(state.options.stylePanelLayout); var aspectRatio = isShapeCircle ? 1 : getNumericAspectRatioFromString( state.options.stylePanelAspectRatio ); return aspectRatio; }, GET_ITEM_PANEL_ASPECT_RATIO: function GET_ITEM_PANEL_ASPECT_RATIO() { return state.options.styleItemPanelAspectRatio; }, GET_ITEMS_BY_STATUS: function GET_ITEMS_BY_STATUS(status) { return getActiveItems(state.items).filter(function(item) { return item.status === status; }); }, GET_TOTAL_ITEMS: function GET_TOTAL_ITEMS() { return getActiveItems(state.items).length; }, IS_ASYNC: function IS_ASYNC() { return ( isObject(state.options.server) && (isObject(state.options.server.process) || isFunction(state.options.server.process)) ); } }; }; var hasRoomForItem = function hasRoomForItem(state) { var count = getActiveItems(state.items).length; // if cannot have multiple items, to add one item it should currently not contain items if (!state.options.allowMultiple) { return count === 0; } // if allows multiple items, we check if a max item count has been set, if not, there's no limit var maxFileCount = state.options.maxFiles; if (maxFileCount === null) { return true; } // we check if the current count is smaller than the max count, if so, another file can still be added if (count < maxFileCount) { return true; } // no more room for another file return false; }; var limit = function limit(value, min, max) { return Math.max(Math.min(max, value), min); }; var arrayInsert = function arrayInsert(arr, index, item) { return arr.splice(index, 0, item); }; var insertItem = function insertItem(items, item, index) { if (isEmpty(item)) { return null; } // if index is undefined, append if (typeof index === 'undefined') { items.push(item); return item; } // limit the index to the size of the items array index = limit(index, 0, items.length); // add item to array arrayInsert(items, index, item); // expose return item; }; var isBase64DataURI = function isBase64DataURI(str) { return /^\s*data:([a-z]+\/[a-z0-9-+.]+(;[a-z-]+=[a-z0-9-]+)?)?(;base64)?,([a-z0-9!$&',()*+;=\-._~:@\/?%\s]*)\s*$/i.test( str ); }; var getFilenameFromURL = function getFilenameFromURL(url) { return url .split('/') .pop() .split('?') .shift(); }; var getExtensionFromFilename = function getExtensionFromFilename(name) { return name.split('.').pop(); }; var guesstimateExtension = function guesstimateExtension(type) { // if no extension supplied, exit here if (typeof type !== 'string') { return ''; } // get subtype var subtype = type.split('/').pop(); // is svg subtype if (/svg/.test(subtype)) { return 'svg'; } if (/zip|compressed/.test(subtype)) { return 'zip'; } if (/plain/.test(subtype)) { return 'txt'; } if (/msword/.test(subtype)) { return 'doc'; } // if is valid subtype if (/[a-z]+/.test(subtype)) { // always use jpg extension if (subtype === 'jpeg') { return 'jpg'; } // return subtype return subtype; } return ''; }; var leftPad = function leftPad(value) { var padding = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ''; return (padding + value).slice(-padding.length); }; var getDateString = function getDateString() { var date = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : new Date(); return ( date.getFullYear() + '-' + leftPad(date.getMonth() + 1, '00') + '-' + leftPad(date.getDate(), '00') + '_' + leftPad(date.getHours(), '00') + '-' + leftPad(date.getMinutes(), '00') + '-' + leftPad(date.getSeconds(), '00') ); }; var getFileFromBlob = function getFileFromBlob(blob, filename) { var type = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : null; var extension = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : null; var file = typeof type === 'string' ? blob.slice(0, blob.size, type) : blob.slice(0, blob.size, blob.type); file.lastModifiedDate = new Date(); // if blob has name property, use as filename if no filename supplied if (!isString(filename)) { filename = getDateString(); } // if filename supplied but no extension and filename has extension if (filename && extension === null && getExtensionFromFilename(filename)) { file.name = filename; } else { extension = extension || guesstimateExtension(file.type); file.name = filename + (extension ? '.' + extension : ''); } return file; }; var getBlobBuilder = function getBlobBuilder() { return (window.BlobBuilder = window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder || window.MSBlobBuilder); }; var createBlob = function createBlob(arrayBuffer, mimeType) { var BB = getBlobBuilder(); if (BB) { var bb = new BB(); bb.append(arrayBuffer); return bb.getBlob(mimeType); } return new Blob([arrayBuffer], { type: mimeType }); }; var getBlobFromByteStringWithMimeType = function getBlobFromByteStringWithMimeType( byteString, mimeType ) { var ab = new ArrayBuffer(byteString.length); var ia = new Uint8Array(ab); for (var i = 0; i < byteString.length; i++) { ia[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i); } return createBlob(ab, mimeType); }; var getMimeTypeFromBase64DataURI = function getMimeTypeFromBase64DataURI( dataURI ) { return (/^data:(.+);/.exec(dataURI) || [])[1] || null; }; var getBase64DataFromBase64DataURI = function getBase64DataFromBase64DataURI( dataURI ) { // get data part of string (remove data:image/jpeg...,) var data = dataURI.split(',')[1]; // remove any whitespace as that causes InvalidCharacterError in IE return data.replace(/\s/g, ''); }; var getByteStringFromBase64DataURI = function getByteStringFromBase64DataURI( dataURI ) { return atob(getBase64DataFromBase64DataURI(dataURI)); }; var getBlobFromBase64DataURI = function getBlobFromBase64DataURI(dataURI) { var mimeType = getMimeTypeFromBase64DataURI(dataURI); var byteString = getByteStringFromBase64DataURI(dataURI); return getBlobFromByteStringWithMimeType(byteString, mimeType); }; var getFileFromBase64DataURI = function getFileFromBase64DataURI( dataURI, filename, extension ) { return getFileFromBlob( getBlobFromBase64DataURI(dataURI), filename, null, extension ); }; var getFileNameFromHeader = function getFileNameFromHeader(header) { // test if is content disposition header, if not exit if (!/^content-disposition:/i.test(header)) return null; // get filename parts var matches = header .split(/filename=|filename\*=.+''/) .splice(1) .map(function(name) { return name.trim().replace(/^["']|[;"']{0,2}$/g, ''); }) .filter(function(name) { return name.length; }); return matches.length ? decodeURI(matches[matches.length - 1]) : null; }; var getFileSizeFromHeader = function getFileSizeFromHeader(header) { if (/content-length:/i.test(header)) { var size = header.match(/[0-9]+/)[0]; return size ? parseInt(size, 10) : null; } return null; }; var getTranfserIdFromHeader = function getTranfserIdFromHeader(header) { if (/x-content-transfer-id:/i.test(header)) { var id = (header.split(':')[1] || '').trim(); return id || null; } return null; }; var getFileInfoFromHeaders = function getFileInfoFromHeaders(headers) { var info = { source: null, name: null, size: null }; var rows = headers.split('\n'); var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true; var _didIteratorError = false; var _iteratorError = undefined; try { for ( var _iterator = rows[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step = _iterator.next()).done); _iteratorNormalCompletion = true ) { var header = _step.value; var name = getFileNameFromHeader(header); if (name) { info.name = name; continue; } var size = getFileSizeFromHeader(header); if (size) { info.size = size; continue; } var source = getTranfserIdFromHeader(header); if (source) { info.source = source; continue; } } } catch (err) { _didIteratorError = true; _iteratorError = err; } finally { try { if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) { _iterator.return(); } } finally { if (_didIteratorError) { throw _iteratorError; } } } return info; }; var createFileLoader = function createFileLoader(fetchFn) { var state = { source: null, complete: false, progress: 0, size: null, timestamp: null, duration: 0, request: null }; var getProgress = function getProgress() { return state.progress; }; var abort = function abort() { if (state.request && state.request.abort) { state.request.abort(); } }; // load source var load = function load() { // get quick reference var source = state.source; api.fire('init', source); // Load Files if (source instanceof File) { api.fire('load', source); } else if (source instanceof Blob) { // Load blobs, set default name to current date api.fire('load', getFileFromBlob(source, source.name)); } else if (isBase64DataURI(source)) { // Load base 64, set default name to current date api.fire('load', getFileFromBase64DataURI(source)); } else { // Deal as if is external URL, let's load it! loadURL(source); } }; // loads a url var loadURL = function loadURL(url) { // is remote url and no fetch method supplied if (!fetchFn) { api.fire('error', { type: 'error', body: "Can't load URL", code: 400 }); return; } // set request start state.timestamp = Date.now(); // load file state.request = fetchFn( url, function(response) { // update duration state.duration = Date.now() - state.timestamp; // done! state.complete = true; // turn blob response into a file if (response instanceof Blob) { response = getFileFromBlob( response, response.name || getFilenameFromURL(url) ); } api.fire('load', response instanceof Blob ? response : response.body); }, function(error) { api.fire( 'error', typeof error === 'string' ? { type: 'error', code: 0, body: error } : error ); }, function(computable, current, total) { // collected some meta data already if (total) { state.size = total; } // update duration state.duration = Date.now() - state.timestamp; // if we can't compute progress, we're not going to fire progress events if (!computable) { state.progress = null; return; } // update progress percentage state.progress = current / total; // expose api.fire('progress', state.progress); }, function() { api.fire('abort'); }, function(response) { var fileinfo = getFileInfoFromHeaders( typeof response === 'string' ? response : response.headers ); api.fire('meta', { size: state.size || fileinfo.size, filename: fileinfo.name, source: fileinfo.source }); } ); }; var api = Object.assign({}, on(), { setSource: function setSource(source) { return (state.source = source); }, getProgress: getProgress, // file load progress abort: abort, // abort file load load: load // start load }); return api; }; var isGet = function isGet(method) { return /GET|HEAD/.test(method); }; var sendRequest = function sendRequest(data, url, options) { var api = { onheaders: function onheaders() {}, onprogress: function onprogress() {}, onload: function onload() {}, ontimeout: function ontimeout() {}, onerror: function onerror() {}, onabort: function onabort() {}, abort: function abort() { aborted = true; xhr.abort(); } }; // timeout identifier, only used when timeout is defined var aborted = false; var headersReceived = false; // set default options options = Object.assign( { method: 'POST', headers: {}, withCredentials: false }, options ); // encode url url = encodeURI(url); // if method is GET, add any received data to url if (isGet(options.method) && data) { url = '' + url + encodeURIComponent( typeof data === 'string' ? data : JSON.stringify(data) ); } // create request var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // progress of load var process = isGet(options.method) ? xhr : xhr.upload; process.onprogress = function(e) { // no progress event when aborted ( onprogress is called once after abort() ) if (aborted) { return; } api.onprogress(e.lengthComputable, e.loaded, e.total); }; // tries to get header info to the app as fast as possible xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { // not interesting in these states ('unsent' and 'openend' as they don't give us any additional info) if (xhr.readyState < 2) { return; } // no server response if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 0) { return; } if (headersReceived) { return; } headersReceived = true; // we've probably received some useful data in response headers api.onheaders(xhr); }; // load successful xhr.onload = function() { // is classified as valid response if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) { api.onload(xhr); } else { api.onerror(xhr); } }; // error during load xhr.onerror = function() { return api.onerror(xhr); }; // request aborted xhr.onabort = function() { aborted = true; api.onabort(); }; // request timeout xhr.ontimeout = function() { return api.ontimeout(xhr); }; // open up open up! xhr.open(options.method, url, true); // set timeout if defined (do it after open so IE11 plays ball) if (isInt(options.timeout)) { xhr.timeout = options.timeout; } // add headers Object.keys(options.headers).forEach(function(key) { xhr.setRequestHeader(key, options.headers[key]); }); // set type of response if (options.responseType) { xhr.responseType = options.responseType; } // set credentials if (options.withCredentials) { xhr.withCredentials = true; } // let's send our data xhr.send(data); return api; }; var createResponse = function createResponse(type, code, body, headers) { return { type: type, code: code, body: body, headers: headers }; }; var createTimeoutResponse = function createTimeoutResponse(cb) { return function(xhr) { cb(createResponse('error', 0, 'Timeout', xhr.getAllResponseHeaders())); }; }; var createFetchFunction = function createFetchFunction() { var apiUrl = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : ''; var action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; // custom handler (should also handle file, load, error, progress and abort) if (typeof action === 'function') { return action; } // no action supplied if (!action || !isString(action.url)) { return null; } // set onload hanlder var onload = action.onload || function(res) { return res; }; var onerror = action.onerror || function(res) { return null; }; // internal handler return function(url, load, error, progress, abort, headers) { // do local or remote request based on if the url is external var request = sendRequest( url, apiUrl + action.url, Object.assign({}, action, { responseType: 'blob' }) ); request.onload = function(xhr) { // get headers var headers = xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(); // get filename var filename = getFileInfoFromHeaders(headers).name || getFilenameFromURL(url); // create response load( createResponse( 'load', xhr.status, getFileFromBlob(onload(xhr.response), filename), headers ) ); }; request.onerror = function(xhr) { error( createResponse( 'error', xhr.status, onerror(xhr.response) || xhr.statusText, xhr.getAllResponseHeaders() ) ); }; request.onheaders = function(xhr) { headers( createResponse( 'headers', xhr.status, null, xhr.getAllResponseHeaders() ) ); }; request.ontimeout = createTimeoutResponse(error); request.onprogress = progress; request.onabort = abort; // should return request return request; }; }; /* function signature: (file, metadata, load, error, progress, abort) => { return { abort:() => {} } } */ var createProcessorFunction = function createProcessorFunction() { var apiUrl = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : ''; var action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; var name = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined; // custom handler (should also handle file, load, error, progress and abort) if (typeof action === 'function') { return function() { for ( var _len = arguments.length, params = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++ ) { params[_key] = arguments[_key]; } return action.apply(void 0, [name].concat(params)); }; } // no action supplied if (!action || !isString(action.url)) { return null; } // internal handler return function(file, metadata, load, error, progress, abort) { // set onload hanlder var ondata = action.ondata || function(fd) { return fd; }; var onload = action.onload || function(res) { return res; }; var onerror = action.onerror || function(res) { return null; }; // no file received if (!file) return; // create formdata object var formData = new FormData(); // add metadata under same name if (isObject(metadata)) { formData.append(name, JSON.stringify(metadata)); } // Turn into an array of objects so no matter what the input, we can handle it the same way (file instanceof Blob ? [{ name: null, file: file }] : file).forEach( function(item) { formData.append( name, item.file, item.name === null ? item.file.name : '' + item.name + item.file.name ); } ); // send request object var request = sendRequest(ondata(formData), apiUrl + action.url, action); request.onload = function(xhr) { load( createResponse( 'load', xhr.status, onload(xhr.response), xhr.getAllResponseHeaders() ) ); }; request.onerror = function(xhr) { error( createResponse( 'error', xhr.status, onerror(xhr.response) || xhr.statusText, xhr.getAllResponseHeaders() ) ); }; request.ontimeout = createTimeoutResponse(error); request.onprogress = progress; request.onabort = abort; // should return request return request; }; }; /* function signature: (uniqueFileId, load, error) => { } */ var createRevertFunction = function createRevertFunction() { var apiUrl = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : ''; var action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; // is custom implementation if (typeof action === 'function') { return action; } // no action supplied, return stub function, interface will work, but file won't be removed if (!action || !isString(action.url)) { return function(uniqueFileId, load) { return load(); }; } // set onload hanlder var onload = action.onload || function(res) { return res; }; var onerror = action.onerror || function(res) { return null; }; // internal implementation return function(uniqueFileId, load, error) { var request = sendRequest( uniqueFileId, apiUrl + action.url, action // contains method, headers and withCredentials properties ); request.onload = function(xhr) { load( createResponse( 'load', xhr.status, onload(xhr.response), xhr.getAllResponseHeaders() ) ); }; request.onerror = function(xhr) { error( createResponse( 'error', xhr.status, onerror(xhr.response) || xhr.statusText, xhr.getAllResponseHeaders() ) ); }; request.ontimeout = createTimeoutResponse(error); return request; }; }; var getRandomNumber = function getRandomNumber() { var min = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0; var max = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 1; return min + Math.random() * (max - min); }; var createPerceivedPerformanceUpdater = function createPerceivedPerformanceUpdater( cb ) { var duration = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 1000; var offset = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0; var tickMin = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 25; var tickMax = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 250; var timeout = null; var start = Date.now(); var tick = function tick() { var runtime = Date.now() - start; var delay = getRandomNumber(tickMin, tickMax); if (runtime + delay > duration) { delay = runtime + delay - duration; } var progress = runtime / duration; if (progress >= 1) { cb(1); return; } cb(progress); timeout = setTimeout(tick, delay); }; tick(); return { clear: function clear() { clearTimeout(timeout); } }; }; var createFileProcessor = function createFileProcessor(processFn) { var state = { complete: false, perceivedProgress: 0, perceivedPerformanceUpdater: null, progress: null, timestamp: null, perceivedDuration: 0, duration: 0, request: null, response: null }; var process = function process(file, metadata) { var progressFn = function progressFn() { // we've not yet started the real download, stop here // the request might not go through, for instance, there might be some server trouble // if state.progress is null, the server does not allow computing progress and we show the spinner instead if (state.duration === 0 || state.progress === null) { return; } // as we're now processing, fire the progress event api.fire('progress', api.getProgress()); }; var completeFn = function completeFn() { state.complete = true; api.fire('load-perceived', state.response.body); }; // let's start processing api.fire('start'); // set request start state.timestamp = Date.now(); // create perceived performance progress indicator state.perceivedPerformanceUpdater = createPerceivedPerformanceUpdater( function(progress) { state.perceivedProgress = progress; state.perceivedDuration = Date.now() - state.timestamp; progressFn(); // if fake progress is done, and a response has been received, // and we've not yet called the complete method if ( state.response && state.perceivedProgress === 1 && !state.complete ) { // we done! completeFn(); } }, // random delay as in a list of files you start noticing // files uploading at the exact same speed getRandomNumber(750, 1500) ); // remember request so we can abort it later state.request = processFn( // the file to process file, // the metadata to send along metadata, // callbacks (load, error, progress, abort) // load expects the body to be a server id if // you want to make use of revert function(response) { // we put the response in state so we can access // it outside of this method state.response = isObject(response) ? response : { type: 'load', code: 200, body: '' + response, headers: {} }; // update duration state.duration = Date.now() - state.timestamp; // force progress to 1 as we're now done state.progress = 1; // actual load is done let's share results api.fire('load', state.response.body); // we are really done // if perceived progress is 1 ( wait for perceived progress to complete ) // or if server does not support progress ( null ) if (state.perceivedProgress === 1) { completeFn(); } }, // error is expected to be an object with type, code, body function(error) { // cancel updater state.perceivedPerformanceUpdater.clear(); // update others about this error api.fire( 'error', isObject(error) ? error : { type: 'error', code: 0, body: '' + error } ); }, // actual processing progress function(computable, current, total) { // update actual duration state.duration = Date.now() - state.timestamp; // update actual progress state.progress = computable ? current / total : null; progressFn(); }, // abort does not expect a value function() { // stop updater state.perceivedPerformanceUpdater.clear(); // fire the abort event so we can switch visuals api.fire('abort', state.response ? state.response.body : null); } ); }; var abort = function abort() { // no request running, can't abort if (!state.request) return; // stop updater state.perceivedPerformanceUpdater.clear(); // abort actual request state.request.abort(); // if has response object, we've completed the request state.complete = true; }; var reset = function reset() { abort(); state.complete = false; state.perceivedProgress = 0; state.progress = 0; state.timestamp = null; state.perceivedDuration = 0; state.duration = 0; state.request = null; state.response = null; }; var getProgress = function getProgress() { return state.progress ? Math.min(state.progress, state.perceivedProgress) : null; }; var getDuration = function getDuration() { return Math.min(state.duration, state.perceivedDuration); }; var api = Object.assign({}, on(), { process: process, // start processing file abort: abort, // abort active process request getProgress: getProgress, getDuration: getDuration, reset: reset }); return api; }; var getFilenameWithoutExtension = function getFilenameWithoutExtension(name) { return name.substr(0, name.lastIndexOf('.')) || name; }; var createFileStub = function createFileStub(source) { var data = [source.name, source.size, source.type]; // is blob or base64, then we need to set the name if (source instanceof Blob || isBase64DataURI(source)) { data[0] = source.name || getDateString(); } else if (isBase64DataURI(source)) { // if is base64 data uri we need to determine the average size and type data[1] = source.length; data[2] = getMimeTypeFromBase64DataURI(source); } else if (isString(source)) { // url data[0] = getFilenameFromURL(source); data[1] = 0; data[2] = 'application/octet-stream'; } return { name: data[0], size: data[1], type: data[2] }; }; var isFile = function isFile(value) { return !!(value instanceof File || (value instanceof Blob && value.name)); }; var deepCloneObject = function deepCloneObject(src) { if (!isObject(src)) return src; var target = isArray(src) ? [] : {}; for (var key in src) { if (!src.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; var v = src[key]; target[key] = v && isObject(v) ? deepCloneObject(v) : v; } return target; }; var createItem = function createItem() { var origin = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null; var serverFileReference = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null; var file = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : null; // unique id for this item, is used to identify the item across views var id = getUniqueId(); /** * Internal item state */ var state = { // is archived archived: false, // if is frozen, no longer fires events frozen: false, // removed from view released: false, // original source source: null, // file model reference file: file, // id of file on server serverFileReference: serverFileReference, // current item status status: serverFileReference ? ItemStatus.PROCESSING_COMPLETE : ItemStatus.INIT, // active processes activeLoader: null, activeProcessor: null }; // callback used when abort processing is called to link back to the resolve method var abortProcessingRequestComplete = null; /** * Externally added item metadata */ var metadata = {}; // item data var setStatus = function setStatus(status) { return (state.status = status); }; // fire event unless the item has been archived var fire = function fire(event) { if (state.released || state.frozen) return; for ( var _len = arguments.length, params = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++ ) { params[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; } api.fire.apply(api, [event].concat(params)); }; // file data var getFileExtension = function getFileExtension() { return getExtensionFromFilename(state.file.name); }; var getFileType = function getFileType() { return state.file.type; }; var getFileSize = function getFileSize() { return state.file.size; }; var getFile = function getFile() { return state.file; }; // // logic to load a file // var load = function load(source, loader, onload) { // remember the original item source state.source = source; // file stub is already there if (state.file) { fire('load-skip'); return; } // set a stub file object while loading the actual data state.file = createFileStub(source); // starts loading loader.on('init', function() { fire('load-init'); }); // we'eve received a size indication, let's update the stub loader.on('meta', function(meta) { // set size of file stub state.file.size = meta.size; // set name of file stub state.file.filename = meta.filename; // if has received source, we done if (meta.source) { origin = FileOrigin.LIMBO; state.serverFileReference = meta.source; state.status = ItemStatus.PROCESSING_COMPLETE; } // size has been updated fire('load-meta'); }); // the file is now loading we need to update the progress indicators loader.on('progress', function(progress) { setStatus(ItemStatus.LOADING); fire('load-progress', progress); }); // an error was thrown while loading the file, we need to switch to error state loader.on('error', function(error) { setStatus(ItemStatus.LOAD_ERROR); fire('load-request-error', error); }); // user or another process aborted the file load (cannot retry) loader.on('abort', function() { setStatus(ItemStatus.INIT); fire('load-abort'); }); // done loading loader.on('load', function(file) { // as we've now loaded the file the loader is no longer required state.activeLoader = null; // called when file has loaded succesfully var success = function success(result) { // set (possibly) transformed file state.file = isFile(result) ? result : state.file; // file received if (origin === FileOrigin.LIMBO && state.serverFileReference) { setStatus(ItemStatus.PROCESSING_COMPLETE); } else { setStatus(ItemStatus.IDLE); } fire('load'); }; var error = function error(result) { // set original file state.file = file; fire('load-meta'); setStatus(ItemStatus.LOAD_ERROR); fire('load-file-error', result); }; // if we already have a server file reference, we don't need to call the onload method if (state.serverFileReference) { success(file); return; } // no server id, let's give this file the full treatment onload(file, success, error); }); // set loader source data loader.setSource(source); // set as active loader state.activeLoader = loader; // load the source data loader.load(); }; var retryLoad = function retryLoad() { if (!state.activeLoader) { return; } state.activeLoader.load(); }; var abortLoad = function abortLoad() { if (state.activeLoader) { state.activeLoader.abort(); return; } setStatus(ItemStatus.INIT); fire('load-abort'); }; // // logic to process a file // var process = function process(processor, onprocess) { // now processing setStatus(ItemStatus.PROCESSING); // reset abort callback abortProcessingRequestComplete = null; // if no file loaded we'll wait for the load event if (!(state.file instanceof Blob)) { api.on('load', function() { process(processor, onprocess); }); return; } // setup processor processor.on('load', function(serverFileReference) { // need this id to be able to revert the upload state.serverFileReference = serverFileReference; }); processor.on('load-perceived', function(serverFileReference) { // no longer required state.activeProcessor = null; // need this id to be able to rever the upload state.serverFileReference = serverFileReference; setStatus(ItemStatus.PROCESSING_COMPLETE); fire('process-complete', serverFileReference); }); processor.on('start', function() { fire('process-start'); }); processor.on('error', function(error) { state.activeProcessor = null; setStatus(ItemStatus.PROCESSING_ERROR); fire('process-error', error); }); processor.on('abort', function(serverFileReference) { state.activeProcessor = null; // if file was uploaded but processing was cancelled during perceived processor time store file reference state.serverFileReference = serverFileReference; setStatus(ItemStatus.IDLE); fire('process-abort'); // has timeout so doesn't interfere with remove action if (abortProcessingRequestComplete) { abortProcessingRequestComplete(); } }); processor.on('progress', function(progress) { fire('process-progress', progress); }); // when successfully transformed var success = function success(file) { // if was archived in the mean time, don't process if (state.archived) return; // process file! processor.process(file, Object.assign({}, metadata)); }; // something went wrong during transform phase var error = function error(result) {}; // start processing the file onprocess(state.file, success, error); // set as active processor state.activeProcessor = processor; }; var requestProcessing = function requestProcessing() { setStatus(ItemStatus.PROCESSING_QUEUED); }; var abortProcessing = function abortProcessing() { return new Promise(function(resolve) { if (!state.activeProcessor) { setStatus(ItemStatus.IDLE); fire('process-abort'); resolve(); return; } abortProcessingRequestComplete = function abortProcessingRequestComplete() { resolve(); }; state.activeProcessor.abort(); }); }; // // logic to revert a processed file // var revert = function revert(revertFileUpload, forceRevert) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // cannot revert without a server id for this process if (state.serverFileReference === null) { resolve(); return; } // revert the upload (fire and forget) revertFileUpload( state.serverFileReference, function() { // reset file server id as now it's no available on the server state.serverFileReference = null; resolve(); }, function(error) { // don't set error state when reverting is optional, it will always resolve if (!forceRevert) { resolve(); return; } // oh no errors setStatus(ItemStatus.PROCESSING_REVERT_ERROR); fire('process-revert-error'); reject(error); } ); // fire event setStatus(ItemStatus.IDLE); fire('process-revert'); }); }; // exposed methods var _setMetadata = function setMetadata(key, value, silent) { var keys = key.split('.'); var root = keys[0]; var last = keys.pop(); var data = metadata; keys.forEach(function(key) { return (data = data[key]); }); // compare old value against new value, if they're the same, we're not updating if (JSON.stringify(data[last]) === JSON.stringify(value)) return; // update value data[last] = value; // don't fire update if (silent) return; // fire update fire('metadata-update', { key: root, value: metadata[root] }); }; var getMetadata = function getMetadata(key) { return deepCloneObject(key ? metadata[key] : metadata); }; var api = Object.assign( { id: { get: function get() { return id; } }, origin: { get: function get() { return origin; } }, serverId: { get: function get() { return state.serverFileReference; } }, status: { get: function get() { return state.status; } }, filename: { get: function get() { return state.file.name; } }, filenameWithoutExtension: { get: function get() { return getFilenameWithoutExtension(state.file.name); } }, fileExtension: { get: getFileExtension }, fileType: { get: getFileType }, fileSize: { get: getFileSize }, file: { get: getFile }, source: { get: function get() { return state.source; } }, getMetadata: getMetadata, setMetadata: function setMetadata(key, value, silent) { if (isObject(key)) { var data = key; Object.keys(data).forEach(function(key) { _setMetadata(key, data[key], value); }); return key; } _setMetadata(key, value, silent); return value; }, extend: function extend(name, handler) { return (itemAPI[name] = handler); }, abortLoad: abortLoad, retryLoad: retryLoad, requestProcessing: requestProcessing, abortProcessing: abortProcessing, load: load, process: process, revert: revert }, on(), { freeze: function freeze() { return (state.frozen = true); }, release: function release() { return (state.released = true); }, released: { get: function get() { return state.released; } }, archive: function archive() { return (state.archived = true); }, archived: { get: function get() { return state.archived; } } } ); // create it here instead of returning it instantly so we can extend it later var itemAPI = createObject(api); return itemAPI; }; var getItemIndexByQuery = function getItemIndexByQuery(items, query) { // just return first index if (isEmpty(query)) { return 0; } // invalid queries if (!isString(query)) { return -1; } // return item by id (or -1 if not found) return items.findIndex(function(item) { return item.id === query; }); }; var getItemById = function getItemById(items, itemId) { var index = getItemIndexByQuery(items, itemId); if (index < 0) { return; } return items[index] || null; }; var fetchLocal = function fetchLocal( url, load, error, progress, abort, headers ) { var request = sendRequest(null, url, { method: 'GET', responseType: 'blob' }); request.onload = function(xhr) { // get headers var headers = xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(); // get filename var filename = getFileInfoFromHeaders(headers).name || getFilenameFromURL(url); // create response load( createResponse( 'load', xhr.status, getFileFromBlob(xhr.response, filename), headers ) ); }; request.onerror = function(xhr) { error( createResponse( 'error', xhr.status, xhr.statusText, xhr.getAllResponseHeaders() ) ); }; request.onheaders = function(xhr) { headers( createResponse('headers', xhr.status, null, xhr.getAllResponseHeaders()) ); }; request.ontimeout = createTimeoutResponse(error); request.onprogress = progress; request.onabort = abort; // should return request return request; }; var getDomainFromURL = function getDomainFromURL(url) { if (url.indexOf('//') === 0) { url = location.protocol + url; } return url .toLowerCase() .replace('blob:', '') .replace(/([a-z])?:\/\//, '$1') .split('/')[0]; }; var isExternalURL = function isExternalURL(url) { return ( (url.indexOf(':') > -1 || url.indexOf('//') > -1) && getDomainFromURL(location.href) !== getDomainFromURL(url) ); }; var dynamicLabel = function dynamicLabel(label) { return function() { return isFunction(label) ? label.apply(void 0, arguments) : label; }; }; var isMockItem = function isMockItem(item) { return !isFile(item.file); }; var listUpdated = function listUpdated(dispatch, state) { clearTimeout(state.listUpdateTimeout); state.listUpdateTimeout = setTimeout(function() { dispatch('DID_UPDATE_ITEMS', { items: getActiveItems(state.items) }); }, 0); }; var optionalPromise = function optionalPromise(fn) { for ( var _len = arguments.length, params = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++ ) { params[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; } return new Promise(function(resolve) { if (!fn) { return resolve(true); } var result = fn.apply(void 0, params); if (result == null) { return resolve(true); } if (typeof result === 'boolean') { return resolve(result); } if (typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(resolve); } }); }; var sortItems = function sortItems(state, compare) { state.items.sort(function(a, b) { return compare(createItemAPI(a), createItemAPI(b)); }); }; // returns item based on state var getItemByQueryFromState = function getItemByQueryFromState( state, itemHandler ) { return function() { var _ref = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}, query = _ref.query, _ref$success = _ref.success, success = _ref$success === void 0 ? function() {} : _ref$success, _ref$failure = _ref.failure, failure = _ref$failure === void 0 ? function() {} : _ref$failure; var item = getItemByQuery(state.items, query); if (!item) { failure({ error: createResponse('error', 0, 'Item not found'), file: null }); return; } itemHandler(item, success, failure); }; }; var actions = function actions(dispatch, query, state) { return { /** * Aborts all ongoing processes */ ABORT_ALL: function ABORT_ALL() { getActiveItems(state.items).forEach(function(item) { item.freeze(); item.abortLoad(); item.abortProcessing(); }); }, /** * Sets initial files */ DID_SET_FILES: function DID_SET_FILES(_ref2) { var _ref2$value = _ref2.value, value = _ref2$value === void 0 ? [] : _ref2$value; // map values to file objects var files = value.map(function(file) { return { source: file.source ? file.source : file, options: file.options }; }); // loop over files, if file is in list, leave it be, if not, remove // test if items should be moved var activeItems = getActiveItems(state.items); activeItems.forEach(function(item) { // if item not is in new value, remove if ( !files.find(function(file) { return file.source === item.source || file.source === item.file; }) ) { dispatch('REMOVE_ITEM', { query: item }); } }); // add new files activeItems = getActiveItems(state.items); files.forEach(function(file, index) { // if file is already in list if ( activeItems.find(function(item) { return item.source === file.source || item.file === file.source; }) ) return; // not in list, add dispatch( 'ADD_ITEM', Object.assign({}, file, { interactionMethod: InteractionMethod.NONE, index: index }) ); }); }, DID_UPDATE_ITEM_METADATA: function DID_UPDATE_ITEM_METADATA(_ref3) { var id = _ref3.id; // if is called multiple times in close succession we combined all calls together to save resources clearTimeout(state.itemUpdateTimeout); state.itemUpdateTimeout = setTimeout(function() { var item = getItemById(state.items, id); // only revert and attempt to upload when we're uploading to a server if (!query('IS_ASYNC')) { // should we update the output data applyFilterChain('SHOULD_PREPARE_OUTPUT', false, { item: item, query: query }).then(function(shouldPrepareOutput) { if (!shouldPrepareOutput) { return; } dispatch( 'REQUEST_PREPARE_OUTPUT', { query: id, item: item, ready: function ready(file) { dispatch('DID_PREPARE_OUTPUT', { id: id, file: file }); } }, true ); }); return; } // for async scenarios var upload = function upload() { // we push this forward a bit so the interface is updated correctly setTimeout(function() { dispatch('REQUEST_ITEM_PROCESSING', { query: id }); }, 32); }; var revert = function revert(doUpload) { item .revert( createRevertFunction( state.options.server.url, state.options.server.revert ), query('GET_FORCE_REVERT') ) .then(doUpload ? upload : function() {}) .catch(function() {}); }; var abort = function abort(doUpload) { item.abortProcessing().then(doUpload ? upload : function() {}); }; // if we should re-upload the file immidiately if (item.status === ItemStatus.PROCESSING_COMPLETE) { return revert(state.options.instantUpload); } // if currently uploading, cancel upload if (item.status === ItemStatus.PROCESSING) { return abort(state.options.instantUpload); } if (state.options.instantUpload) { upload(); } }, 0); }, SORT: function SORT(_ref4) { var compare = _ref4.compare; sortItems(state, compare); }, ADD_ITEMS: function ADD_ITEMS(_ref5) { var items = _ref5.items, index = _ref5.index, interactionMethod = _ref5.interactionMethod, _ref5$success = _ref5.success, success = _ref5$success === void 0 ? function() {} : _ref5$success, _ref5$failure = _ref5.failure, failure = _ref5$failure === void 0 ? function() {} : _ref5$failure; var currentIndex = index; if (index === -1 || typeof index === 'undefined') { var insertLocation = query('GET_ITEM_INSERT_LOCATION'); var totalItems = query('GET_TOTAL_ITEMS'); currentIndex = insertLocation === 'before' ? 0 : totalItems; } var ignoredFiles = query('GET_IGNORED_FILES'); var isValidFile = function isValidFile(source) { return isFile(source) ? !ignoredFiles.includes(source.name.toLowerCase()) : !isEmpty(source); }; var validItems = items.filter(isValidFile); var promises = validItems.map(function(source) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { dispatch('ADD_ITEM', { interactionMethod: interactionMethod, source: source.source || source, success: resolve, failure: reject, index: currentIndex++, options: source.options || {} }); }); }); Promise.all(promises) .then(success) .catch(failure); }, /** * @param source * @param index * @param interactionMethod */ ADD_ITEM: function ADD_ITEM(_ref6) { var source = _ref6.source, _ref6$index = _ref6.index, index = _ref6$index === void 0 ? -1 : _ref6$index, interactionMethod = _ref6.interactionMethod, _ref6$success = _ref6.success, success = _ref6$success === void 0 ? function() {} : _ref6$success, _ref6$failure = _ref6.failure, failure = _ref6$failure === void 0 ? function() {} : _ref6$failure, _ref6$options = _ref6.options, options = _ref6$options === void 0 ? {} : _ref6$options; // if no source supplied if (isEmpty(source)) { failure({ error: createResponse('error', 0, 'No source'), file: null }); return; } // filter out invalid file items, used to filter dropped directory contents if ( isFile(source) && state.options.ignoredFiles.includes(source.name.toLowerCase()) ) { // fail silently return; } // test if there's still room in the list of files if (!hasRoomForItem(state)) { // if multiple allowed, we can't replace // or if only a single item is allowed but we're not allowed to replace it we exit if ( state.options.allowMultiple || (!state.options.allowMultiple && !state.options.allowReplace) ) { var error = createResponse('warning', 0, 'Max files'); dispatch('DID_THROW_MAX_FILES', { source: source, error: error }); failure({ error: error, file: null }); return; } // let's replace the item // id of first item we're about to remove var _item = getActiveItems(state.items)[0]; // if has been processed remove it from the server as well if ( _item.status === ItemStatus.PROCESSING_COMPLETE || _item.status === ItemStatus.PROCESSING_REVERT_ERROR ) { var forceRevert = query('GET_FORCE_REVERT'); _item .revert( createRevertFunction( state.options.server.url, state.options.server.revert ), forceRevert ) .then(function() { if (!forceRevert) return; // try to add now dispatch('ADD_ITEM', { source: source, index: index, interactionMethod: interactionMethod, success: success, failure: failure, options: options }); }) .catch(function() {}); // no need to handle this catch state for now if (forceRevert) return; } // remove first item as it will be replaced by this item dispatch('REMOVE_ITEM', { query: _item.id }); } // where did the file originate var origin = options.type === 'local' ? FileOrigin.LOCAL : options.type === 'limbo' ? FileOrigin.LIMBO : FileOrigin.INPUT; // create a new blank item var item = createItem( // where did this file come from origin, // an input file never has a server file reference origin === FileOrigin.INPUT ? null : source, // file mock data, if defined options.file ); // set initial meta data Object.keys(options.metadata || {}).forEach(function(key) { item.setMetadata(key, options.metadata[key]); }); // created the item, let plugins add methods applyFilters('DID_CREATE_ITEM', item, { query: query, dispatch: dispatch }); // where to insert new items var itemInsertLocation = query('GET_ITEM_INSERT_LOCATION'); // adjust index if is not allowed to pick location if (!state.options.itemInsertLocationFreedom) { index = itemInsertLocation === 'before' ? -1 : state.items.length; } // add item to list insertItem(state.items, item, index); // sort items in list if (isFunction(itemInsertLocation) && source) { sortItems(state, itemInsertLocation); } // get a quick reference to the item id var id = item.id; // observe item events item.on('load-init', function() { dispatch('DID_START_ITEM_LOAD', { id: id }); }); item.on('load-meta', function() { dispatch('DID_UPDATE_ITEM_META', { id: id }); }); item.on('load-progress', function(progress) { dispatch('DID_UPDATE_ITEM_LOAD_PROGRESS', { id: id, progress: progress }); }); item.on('load-request-error', function(error) { var mainStatus = dynamicLabel(state.options.labelFileLoadError)( error ); // is client error, no way to recover if (error.code >= 400 && error.code < 500) { dispatch('DID_THROW_ITEM_INVALID', { id: id, error: error, status: { main: mainStatus, sub: error.code + ' (' + error.body + ')' } }); // reject the file so can be dealt with through API failure({ error: error, file: createItemAPI(item) }); return; } // is possible server error, so might be possible to retry dispatch('DID_THROW_ITEM_LOAD_ERROR', { id: id, error: error, status: { main: mainStatus, sub: state.options.labelTapToRetry } }); }); item.on('load-file-error', function(error) { dispatch('DID_THROW_ITEM_INVALID', { id: id, error: error.status, status: error.status }); failure({ error: error.status, file: createItemAPI(item) }); }); item.on('load-abort', function() { dispatch('REMOVE_ITEM', { query: id }); }); item.on('load-skip', function() { dispatch('COMPLETE_LOAD_ITEM', { query: id, item: item, data: { source: source, success: success } }); }); item.on('load', function() { var handleAdd = function handleAdd(shouldAdd) { // no should not add this file if (!shouldAdd) { dispatch('REMOVE_ITEM', { query: id }); return; } // now interested in metadata updates item.on('metadata-update', function(change) { dispatch('DID_UPDATE_ITEM_METADATA', { id: id, change: change }); }); // let plugins decide if the output data should be prepared at this point // means we'll do this and wait for idle state applyFilterChain('SHOULD_PREPARE_OUTPUT', false, { item: item, query: query }).then(function(shouldPrepareOutput) { var loadComplete = function loadComplete() { dispatch('COMPLETE_LOAD_ITEM', { query: id, item: item, data: { source: source, success: success } }); listUpdated(dispatch, state); }; // exit if (shouldPrepareOutput) { // wait for idle state and then run PREPARE_OUTPUT dispatch( 'REQUEST_PREPARE_OUTPUT', { query: id, item: item, ready: function ready(file) { dispatch('DID_PREPARE_OUTPUT', { id: id, file: file }); loadComplete(); } }, true ); return; } loadComplete(); }); }; // item loaded, allow plugins to // - read data (quickly) // - add metadata applyFilterChain('DID_LOAD_ITEM', item, { query: query, dispatch: dispatch }) .then(function() { optionalPromise( query('GET_BEFORE_ADD_FILE'), createItemAPI(item) ).then(handleAdd); }) .catch(function() { handleAdd(false); }); }); item.on('process-start', function() { dispatch('DID_START_ITEM_PROCESSING', { id: id }); }); item.on('process-progress', function(progress) { dispatch('DID_UPDATE_ITEM_PROCESS_PROGRESS', { id: id, progress: progress }); }); item.on('process-error', function(error) { dispatch('DID_THROW_ITEM_PROCESSING_ERROR', { id: id, error: error, status: { main: dynamicLabel(state.options.labelFileProcessingError)(error), sub: state.options.labelTapToRetry } }); }); item.on('process-revert-error', function(error) { dispatch('DID_THROW_ITEM_PROCESSING_REVERT_ERROR', { id: id, error: error, status: { main: dynamicLabel(state.options.labelFileProcessingRevertError)( error ), sub: state.options.labelTapToRetry } }); }); item.on('process-complete', function(serverFileReference) { dispatch('DID_COMPLETE_ITEM_PROCESSING', { id: id, error: null, serverFileReference: serverFileReference }); }); item.on('process-abort', function() { dispatch('DID_ABORT_ITEM_PROCESSING', { id: id }); }); item.on('process-revert', function() { dispatch('DID_REVERT_ITEM_PROCESSING', { id: id }); }); // let view know the item has been inserted dispatch('DID_ADD_ITEM', { id: id, index: index, interactionMethod: interactionMethod }); listUpdated(dispatch, state); // start loading the source var _ref7 = state.options.server || {}, url = _ref7.url, load = _ref7.load, restore = _ref7.restore, fetch = _ref7.fetch; item.load( source, // this creates a function that loads the file based on the type of file (string, base64, blob, file) and location of file (local, remote, limbo) createFileLoader( origin === FileOrigin.INPUT ? // input isString(source) && isExternalURL(source) ? createFetchFunction(url, fetch) // remote url : fetchLocal // local url : // limbo or local origin === FileOrigin.LIMBO ? createFetchFunction(url, restore) // limbo : createFetchFunction(url, load) // local ), // called when the file is loaded so it can be piped through the filters function(file, success, error) { // let's process the file applyFilterChain('LOAD_FILE', file, { query: query }) .then(success) .catch(error); } ); }, REQUEST_PREPARE_OUTPUT: function REQUEST_PREPARE_OUTPUT(_ref8) { var item = _ref8.item, ready = _ref8.ready; // don't handle archived items, an item could have been archived (load aborted) while waiting to be prepared if (item.archived) return; // allow plugins to alter the file data applyFilterChain('PREPARE_OUTPUT', item.file, { query: query, item: item }).then(function(result) { applyFilterChain('COMPLETE_PREPARE_OUTPUT', result, { query: query, item: item }).then(function(result) { // don't handle archived items, an item could have been archived (load aborted) while being prepared if (item.archived) return; // we done! ready(result); }); }); }, COMPLETE_LOAD_ITEM: function COMPLETE_LOAD_ITEM(_ref9) { var item = _ref9.item, data = _ref9.data; var success = data.success, source = data.source; // sort items in list var itemInsertLocation = query('GET_ITEM_INSERT_LOCATION'); if (isFunction(itemInsertLocation) && source) { sortItems(state, itemInsertLocation); } // let interface know the item has loaded dispatch('DID_LOAD_ITEM', { id: item.id, error: null, serverFileReference: item.origin === FileOrigin.INPUT ? null : source }); // item has been successfully loaded and added to the // list of items so can now be safely returned for use success(createItemAPI(item)); // if this is a local server file we need to show a different state if (item.origin === FileOrigin.LOCAL) { dispatch('DID_LOAD_LOCAL_ITEM', { id: item.id }); return; } // if is a temp server file we prevent async upload call here (as the file is already on the server) if (item.origin === FileOrigin.LIMBO) { dispatch('DID_COMPLETE_ITEM_PROCESSING', { id: item.id, error: null, serverFileReference: source }); return; } // id we are allowed to upload the file immidiately, lets do it if (query('IS_ASYNC') && state.options.instantUpload) { dispatch('REQUEST_ITEM_PROCESSING', { query: item.id }); } }, RETRY_ITEM_LOAD: getItemByQueryFromState(state, function(item) { // try loading the source one more time item.retryLoad(); }), REQUEST_ITEM_PROCESSING: getItemByQueryFromState(state, function( item, success, failure ) { // cannot be queued (or is already queued) var itemCanBeQueuedForProcessing = // waiting for something item.status === ItemStatus.IDLE || // processing went wrong earlier item.status === ItemStatus.PROCESSING_ERROR; // not ready to be processed if (!itemCanBeQueuedForProcessing) { var process = function process() { setTimeout(function() { dispatch('REQUEST_ITEM_PROCESSING', { query: item, success: success, failure: failure }); }, 32); }; // if already done processing or tried to revert but didn't work, try again if ( item.status === ItemStatus.PROCESSING_COMPLETE || item.status === ItemStatus.PROCESSING_REVERT_ERROR ) { item .revert( createRevertFunction( state.options.server.url, state.options.server.revert ), query('GET_FORCE_REVERT') ) .then(process) .catch(function() {}); // don't continue with processing if something went wrong } else if (item.status === ItemStatus.PROCESSING) { item.abortProcessing().then(process); } return; } // already queued for processing if (item.status === ItemStatus.PROCESSING_QUEUED) return; item.requestProcessing(); dispatch('DID_REQUEST_ITEM_PROCESSING', { id: item.id }); dispatch( 'PROCESS_ITEM', { query: item, success: success, failure: failure }, true ); }), PROCESS_ITEM: getItemByQueryFromState(state, function( item, success, failure ) { var maxParallelUploads = query('GET_MAX_PARALLEL_UPLOADS'); var totalCurrentUploads = query( 'GET_ITEMS_BY_STATUS', ItemStatus.PROCESSING ).length; // queue and wait till queue is freed up if (totalCurrentUploads === maxParallelUploads) { // queue for later processing state.processingQueue.push({ id: item.id, success: success, failure: failure }); // stop it! return; } // if was not queued or is already processing exit here if (item.status === ItemStatus.PROCESSING) return; var processNext = function processNext() { // process queueud items var queueEntry = state.processingQueue.shift(); // no items left if (!queueEntry) return; // get item reference var id = queueEntry.id, success = queueEntry.success, failure = queueEntry.failure; var itemReference = getItemByQuery(state.items, id); // if item was archived while in queue, jump to next if (!itemReference || itemReference.archived) { processNext(); return; } // process queued item dispatch( 'PROCESS_ITEM', { query: id, success: success, failure: failure }, true ); }; // we done function item.onOnce('process-complete', function() { success(createItemAPI(item)); processNext(); // All items processed? No errors? var allItemsProcessed = query('GET_ITEMS_BY_STATUS', ItemStatus.PROCESSING_COMPLETE) .length === state.items.length; if (allItemsProcessed) { dispatch('DID_COMPLETE_ITEM_PROCESSING_ALL'); } }); // we error function item.onOnce('process-error', function(error) { failure({ error: error, file: createItemAPI(item) }); processNext(); }); // start file processing item.process( createFileProcessor( createProcessorFunction( state.options.server.url, state.options.server.process, state.options.name ) ), // called when the file is about to be processed so it can be piped through the transform filters function(file, success, error) { // allow plugins to alter the file data applyFilterChain('PREPARE_OUTPUT', file, { query: query, item: item }) .then(function(file) { dispatch('DID_PREPARE_OUTPUT', { id: item.id, file: file }); success(file); }) .catch(error); } ); }), RETRY_ITEM_PROCESSING: getItemByQueryFromState(state, function(item) { dispatch('REQUEST_ITEM_PROCESSING', { query: item }); }), REQUEST_REMOVE_ITEM: getItemByQueryFromState(state, function(item) { optionalPromise( query('GET_BEFORE_REMOVE_FILE'), createItemAPI(item) ).then(function(shouldRemove) { if (!shouldRemove) { return; } dispatch('REMOVE_ITEM', { query: item }); }); }), RELEASE_ITEM: getItemByQueryFromState(state, function(item) { item.release(); }), REMOVE_ITEM: getItemByQueryFromState(state, function(item, success) { var removeFromView = function removeFromView() { // get id reference var id = item.id; // archive the item, this does not remove it from the list getItemById(state.items, id).archive(); // tell the view the item has been removed dispatch('DID_REMOVE_ITEM', { error: null, id: id, item: item }); // now the list has been modified listUpdated(dispatch, state); // correctly removed success(createItemAPI(item)); }; // if this is a local file and the server.remove function has been configured, send source there so dev can remove file from server var server = state.options.server; if ( item.origin === FileOrigin.LOCAL && server && isFunction(server.remove) ) { dispatch('DID_START_ITEM_REMOVE', { id: item.id }); server.remove( item.source, function() { return removeFromView(); }, function(status) { dispatch('DID_THROW_ITEM_REMOVE_ERROR', { id: item.id, error: createResponse('error', 0, status, null), status: { main: dynamicLabel(state.options.labelFileRemoveError)( status ), sub: state.options.labelTapToRetry } }); } ); } else { removeFromView(); } }), ABORT_ITEM_LOAD: getItemByQueryFromState(state, function(item) { item.abortLoad(); }), ABORT_ITEM_PROCESSING: getItemByQueryFromState(state, function(item) { // test if is already processed if (item.serverId) { dispatch('REVERT_ITEM_PROCESSING', { id: item.id }); return; } // abort item.abortProcessing().then(function() { var shouldRemove = state.options.instantUpload; if (shouldRemove) { dispatch('REMOVE_ITEM', { query: item.id }); } }); }), REQUEST_REVERT_ITEM_PROCESSING: getItemByQueryFromState(state, function( item ) { // not instant uploading, revert immidiately if (!state.options.instantUpload) { dispatch('REVERT_ITEM_PROCESSING', { query: item }); return; } // if we're instant uploading the file will also be removed if we revert, // so if a before remove file hook is defined we need to run it now var handleRevert = function handleRevert(shouldRevert) { if (!shouldRevert) return; dispatch('REVERT_ITEM_PROCESSING', { query: item }); }; var fn = query('GET_BEFORE_REMOVE_FILE'); if (!fn) { return handleRevert(true); } var requestRemoveResult = fn(createItemAPI(item)); if (requestRemoveResult == null) { // undefined or null return handleRevert(true); } if (typeof requestRemoveResult === 'boolean') { return handleRevert(requestRemoveResult); } if (typeof requestRemoveResult.then === 'function') { requestRemoveResult.then(handleRevert); } }), REVERT_ITEM_PROCESSING: getItemByQueryFromState(state, function(item) { item .revert( createRevertFunction( state.options.server.url, state.options.server.revert ), query('GET_FORCE_REVERT') ) .then(function() { var shouldRemove = state.options.instantUpload || isMockItem(item); if (shouldRemove) { dispatch('REMOVE_ITEM', { query: item.id }); } }) .catch(function() {}); }), SET_OPTIONS: function SET_OPTIONS(_ref10) { var options = _ref10.options; forin(options, function(key, value) { dispatch('SET_' + fromCamels(key, '_').toUpperCase(), { value: value }); }); } }; }; var formatFilename = function formatFilename(name) { return name; }; var createElement$1 = function createElement(tagName) { return document.createElement(tagName); }; var text = function text(node, value) { var textNode = node.childNodes[0]; if (!textNode) { textNode = document.createTextNode(value); node.appendChild(textNode); } else if (value !== textNode.nodeValue) { textNode.nodeValue = value; } }; var polarToCartesian = function polarToCartesian( centerX, centerY, radius, angleInDegrees ) { var angleInRadians = (((angleInDegrees % 360) - 90) * Math.PI) / 180.0; return { x: centerX + radius * Math.cos(angleInRadians), y: centerY + radius * Math.sin(angleInRadians) }; }; var describeArc = function describeArc( x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, arcSweep ) { var start = polarToCartesian(x, y, radius, endAngle); var end = polarToCartesian(x, y, radius, startAngle); return [ 'M', start.x, start.y, 'A', radius, radius, 0, arcSweep, 0, end.x, end.y ].join(' '); }; var percentageArc = function percentageArc(x, y, radius, from, to) { var arcSweep = 1; if (to > from && to - from <= 0.5) { arcSweep = 0; } if (from > to && from - to >= 0.5) { arcSweep = 0; } return describeArc( x, y, radius, Math.min(0.9999, from) * 360, Math.min(0.9999, to) * 360, arcSweep ); }; var create = function create(_ref) { var root = _ref.root, props = _ref.props; // start at 0 props.spin = false; props.progress = 0; props.opacity = 0; // svg var svg = createElement('svg'); root.ref.path = createElement('path', { 'stroke-width': 2, 'stroke-linecap': 'round' }); svg.appendChild(root.ref.path); root.ref.svg = svg; root.appendChild(svg); }; var write = function write(_ref2) { var root = _ref2.root, props = _ref2.props; if (props.opacity === 0) { return; } if (props.align) { root.element.dataset.align = props.align; } // get width of stroke var ringStrokeWidth = parseInt(attr(root.ref.path, 'stroke-width'), 10); // calculate size of ring var size = root.rect.element.width * 0.5; // ring state var ringFrom = 0; var ringTo = 0; // now in busy mode if (props.spin) { ringFrom = 0; ringTo = 0.5; } else { ringFrom = 0; ringTo = props.progress; } // get arc path var coordinates = percentageArc( size, size, size - ringStrokeWidth, ringFrom, ringTo ); // update progress bar attr(root.ref.path, 'd', coordinates); // hide while contains 0 value attr( root.ref.path, 'stroke-opacity', props.spin || props.progress > 0 ? 1 : 0 ); }; var progressIndicator = createView({ tag: 'div', name: 'progress-indicator', ignoreRectUpdate: true, ignoreRect: true, create: create, write: write, mixins: { apis: ['progress', 'spin', 'align'], styles: ['opacity'], animations: { opacity: { type: 'tween', duration: 500 }, progress: { type: 'spring', stiffness: 0.95, damping: 0.65, mass: 10 } } } }); var create$1 = function create(_ref) { var root = _ref.root, props = _ref.props; root.element.innerHTML = (props.icon || '') + ('<span>' + props.label + '</span>'); props.isDisabled = false; }; var write$1 = function write(_ref2) { var root = _ref2.root, props = _ref2.props; var isDisabled = props.isDisabled; var shouldDisable = root.query('GET_DISABLED') || props.opacity === 0; if (shouldDisable && !isDisabled) { props.isDisabled = true; attr(root.element, 'disabled', 'disabled'); } else if (!shouldDisable && isDisabled) { props.isDisabled = false; root.element.removeAttribute('disabled'); } }; var fileActionButton = createView({ tag: 'button', attributes: { type: 'button' }, ignoreRect: true, ignoreRectUpdate: true, name: 'file-action-button', mixins: { apis: ['label'], styles: ['translateX', 'translateY', 'scaleX', 'scaleY', 'opacity'], animations: { scaleX: 'spring', scaleY: 'spring', translateX: 'spring', translateY: 'spring', opacity: { type: 'tween', duration: 250 } }, listeners: true }, create: create$1, write: write$1 }); var toNaturalFileSize = function toNaturalFileSize(bytes) { var decimalSeparator = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : '.'; // nope, no negative byte sizes bytes = Math.round(Math.abs(bytes)); // just bytes if (bytes < 1000) { return bytes + ' bytes'; } // kilobytes if (bytes < MB) { return Math.floor(bytes / KB) + ' KB'; } // megabytes if (bytes < GB) { return removeDecimalsWhenZero(bytes / MB, 1, decimalSeparator) + ' MB'; } // gigabytes return removeDecimalsWhenZero(bytes / GB, 2, decimalSeparator) + ' GB'; }; var KB = 1000; var MB = 1000000; var GB = 1000000000; var removeDecimalsWhenZero = function removeDecimalsWhenZero( value, decimalCount, separator ) { return value .toFixed(decimalCount) .split('.') .filter(function(part) { return part !== '0'; }) .join(separator); }; var create$2 = function create(_ref) { var root = _ref.root, props = _ref.props; // filename var fileName = createElement$1('span'); fileName.className = 'filepond--file-info-main'; // hide for screenreaders // the file is contained in a fieldset with legend that contains the filename // no need to read it twice attr(fileName, 'aria-hidden', 'true'); root.appendChild(fileName); root.ref.fileName = fileName; // filesize var fileSize = createElement$1('span'); fileSize.className = 'filepond--file-info-sub'; root.appendChild(fileSize); root.ref.fileSize = fileSize; // set initial values text(fileSize, root.query('GET_LABEL_FILE_WAITING_FOR_SIZE')); text(fileName, formatFilename(root.query('GET_ITEM_NAME', props.id))); }; var updateFile = function updateFile(_ref2) { var root = _ref2.root, props = _ref2.props; text( root.ref.fileSize, toNaturalFileSize(root.query('GET_ITEM_SIZE', props.id)) ); text( root.ref.fileName, formatFilename(root.query('GET_ITEM_NAME', props.id)) ); }; var updateFileSizeOnError = function updateFileSizeOnError(_ref3) { var root = _ref3.root, props = _ref3.props; // if size is available don't fallback to unknown size message if (isInt(root.query('GET_ITEM_SIZE', props.id))) { return; } text(root.ref.fileSize, root.query('GET_LABEL_FILE_SIZE_NOT_AVAILABLE')); }; var fileInfo = createView({ name: 'file-info', ignoreRect: true, ignoreRectUpdate: true, write: createRoute({ DID_LOAD_ITEM: updateFile, DID_UPDATE_ITEM_META: updateFile, DID_THROW_ITEM_LOAD_ERROR: updateFileSizeOnError, DID_THROW_ITEM_INVALID: updateFileSizeOnError }), didCreateView: function didCreateView(root) { applyFilters('CREATE_VIEW', Object.assign({}, root, { view: root })); }, create: create$2, mixins: { styles: ['translateX', 'translateY'], animations: { translateX: 'spring', translateY: 'spring' } } }); var toPercentage = function toPercentage(value) { return Math.round(value * 100); }; var create$3 = function create(_ref) { var root = _ref.root, props = _ref.props; // main status var main = createElement$1('span'); main.className = 'filepond--file-status-main'; root.appendChild(main); root.ref.main = main; // sub status var sub = createElement$1('span'); sub.className = 'filepond--file-status-sub'; root.appendChild(sub); root.ref.sub = sub; didSetItemLoadProgress({ root: root, action: { progress: null } }); }; var didSetItemLoadProgress = function didSetItemLoadProgress(_ref2) { var root = _ref2.root, action = _ref2.action; var title = action.progress === null ? root.query('GET_LABEL_FILE_LOADING') : root.query('GET_LABEL_FILE_LOADING') + ' ' + toPercentage(action.progress) + '%'; text(root.ref.main, title); text(root.ref.sub, root.query('GET_LABEL_TAP_TO_CANCEL')); }; var didSetItemProcessProgress = function didSetItemProcessProgress(_ref3) { var root = _ref3.root, action = _ref3.action; var title = action.progress === null ? root.query('GET_LABEL_FILE_PROCESSING') : root.query('GET_LABEL_FILE_PROCESSING') + ' ' + toPercentage(action.progress) + '%'; text(root.ref.main, title); text(root.ref.sub, root.query('GET_LABEL_TAP_TO_CANCEL')); }; var didRequestItemProcessing = function didRequestItemProcessing(_ref4) { var root = _ref4.root; text(root.ref.main, root.query('GET_LABEL_FILE_PROCESSING')); text(root.ref.sub, root.query('GET_LABEL_TAP_TO_CANCEL')); }; var didAbortItemProcessing = function didAbortItemProcessing(_ref5) { var root = _ref5.root; text(root.ref.main, root.query('GET_LABEL_FILE_PROCESSING_ABORTED')); text(root.ref.sub, root.query('GET_LABEL_TAP_TO_RETRY')); }; var didCompleteItemProcessing = function didCompleteItemProcessing(_ref6) { var root = _ref6.root; text(root.ref.main, root.query('GET_LABEL_FILE_PROCESSING_COMPLETE')); text(root.ref.sub, root.query('GET_LABEL_TAP_TO_UNDO')); }; var clear = function clear(_ref7) { var root = _ref7.root; text(root.ref.main, ''); text(root.ref.sub, ''); }; var error = function error(_ref8) { var root = _ref8.root, action = _ref8.action; text(root.ref.main, action.status.main); text(root.ref.sub, action.status.sub); }; var fileStatus = createView({ name: 'file-status', ignoreRect: true, ignoreRectUpdate: true, write: createRoute({ DID_LOAD_ITEM: clear, DID_REVERT_ITEM_PROCESSING: clear, DID_REQUEST_ITEM_PROCESSING: didRequestItemProcessing, DID_ABORT_ITEM_PROCESSING: didAbortItemProcessing, DID_COMPLETE_ITEM_PROCESSING: didCompleteItemProcessing, DID_UPDATE_ITEM_PROCESS_PROGRESS: didSetItemProcessProgress, DID_UPDATE_ITEM_LOAD_PROGRESS: didSetItemLoadProgress, DID_THROW_ITEM_LOAD_ERROR: error, DID_THROW_ITEM_INVALID: error, DID_THROW_ITEM_PROCESSING_ERROR: error, DID_THROW_ITEM_PROCESSING_REVERT_ERROR: error, DID_THROW_ITEM_REMOVE_ERROR: error }), didCreateView: function didCreateView(root) { applyFilters('CREATE_VIEW', Object.assign({}, root, { view: root })); }, create: create$3, mixins: { styles: ['translateX', 'translateY', 'opacity'], animations: { opacity: { type: 'tween', duration: 250 }, translateX: 'spring', translateY: 'spring' } } }); /** * Button definitions for the file view */ var Buttons = { AbortItemLoad: { label: 'GET_LABEL_BUTTON_ABORT_ITEM_LOAD', action: 'ABORT_ITEM_LOAD', className: 'filepond--action-abort-item-load', align: 'LOAD_INDICATOR_POSITION' // right }, RetryItemLoad: { label: 'GET_LABEL_BUTTON_RETRY_ITEM_LOAD', action: 'RETRY_ITEM_LOAD', icon: 'GET_ICON_RETRY', className: 'filepond--action-retry-item-load', align: 'BUTTON_PROCESS_ITEM_POSITION' // right }, RemoveItem: { label: 'GET_LABEL_BUTTON_REMOVE_ITEM', action: 'REQUEST_REMOVE_ITEM', icon: 'GET_ICON_REMOVE', className: 'filepond--action-remove-item', align: 'BUTTON_REMOVE_ITEM_POSITION' // left }, ProcessItem: { label: 'GET_LABEL_BUTTON_PROCESS_ITEM', action: 'REQUEST_ITEM_PROCESSING', icon: 'GET_ICON_PROCESS', className: 'filepond--action-process-item', align: 'BUTTON_PROCESS_ITEM_POSITION' // right }, AbortItemProcessing: { label: 'GET_LABEL_BUTTON_ABORT_ITEM_PROCESSING', action: 'ABORT_ITEM_PROCESSING', className: 'filepond--action-abort-item-processing', align: 'BUTTON_PROCESS_ITEM_POSITION' // right }, RetryItemProcessing: { label: 'GET_LABEL_BUTTON_RETRY_ITEM_PROCESSING', action: 'RETRY_ITEM_PROCESSING', icon: 'GET_ICON_RETRY', className: 'filepond--action-retry-item-processing', align: 'BUTTON_PROCESS_ITEM_POSITION' // right }, RevertItemProcessing: { label: 'GET_LABEL_BUTTON_UNDO_ITEM_PROCESSING', action: 'REQUEST_REVERT_ITEM_PROCESSING', icon: 'GET_ICON_UNDO', className: 'filepond--action-revert-item-processing', align: 'BUTTON_PROCESS_ITEM_POSITION' // right } }; // make a list of buttons, we can then remove buttons from this list if they're disabled var ButtonKeys = []; forin(Buttons, function(key) { ButtonKeys.push(key); }); var calculateFileInfoOffset = function calculateFileInfoOffset(root) { var buttonRect = root.ref.buttonRemoveItem.rect.element; return buttonRect.hidden ? null : buttonRect.width + buttonRect.left; }; // Force on full pixels so text stays crips var calculateFileVerticalCenterOffset = function calculateFileVerticalCenterOffset( root ) { return Math.floor(root.ref.buttonRemoveItem.rect.element.height / 4); }; var calculateFileHorizontalCenterOffset = function calculateFileHorizontalCenterOffset( root ) { return Math.floor(root.ref.buttonRemoveItem.rect.element.left / 2); }; var getLoadIndicatorAlignment = function getLoadIndicatorAlignment(root) { return root.query('GET_STYLE_LOAD_INDICATOR_POSITION'); }; var getProcessIndicatorAlignment = function getProcessIndicatorAlignment( root ) { return root.query('GET_STYLE_PROGRESS_INDICATOR_POSITION'); }; var getRemoveIndicatorAligment = function getRemoveIndicatorAligment(root) { return root.query('GET_STYLE_BUTTON_REMOVE_ITEM_POSITION'); }; var DefaultStyle = { buttonAbortItemLoad: { opacity: 0 }, buttonRetryItemLoad: { opacity: 0 }, buttonRemoveItem: { opacity: 0 }, buttonProcessItem: { opacity: 0 }, buttonAbortItemProcessing: { opacity: 0 }, buttonRetryItemProcessing: { opacity: 0 }, buttonRevertItemProcessing: { opacity: 0 }, loadProgressIndicator: { opacity: 0, align: getLoadIndicatorAlignment }, processProgressIndicator: { opacity: 0, align: getProcessIndicatorAlignment }, processingCompleteIndicator: { opacity: 0, scaleX: 0.75, scaleY: 0.75 }, info: { translateX: 0, translateY: 0, opacity: 0 }, status: { translateX: 0, translateY: 0, opacity: 0 } }; var IdleStyle = { buttonRemoveItem: { opacity: 1 }, buttonProcessItem: { opacity: 1 }, info: { translateX: calculateFileInfoOffset }, status: { translateX: calculateFileInfoOffset } }; var ProcessingStyle = { buttonAbortItemProcessing: { opacity: 1 }, processProgressIndicator: { opacity: 1 }, status: { opacity: 1 } }; var StyleMap = { DID_THROW_ITEM_INVALID: { buttonRemoveItem: { opacity: 1 }, info: { translateX: calculateFileInfoOffset }, status: { translateX: calculateFileInfoOffset, opacity: 1 } }, DID_START_ITEM_LOAD: { buttonAbortItemLoad: { opacity: 1 }, loadProgressIndicator: { opacity: 1 }, status: { opacity: 1 } }, DID_THROW_ITEM_LOAD_ERROR: { buttonRetryItemLoad: { opacity: 1 }, buttonRemoveItem: { opacity: 1 }, info: { translateX: calculateFileInfoOffset }, status: { opacity: 1 } }, DID_START_ITEM_REMOVE: { processProgressIndicator: { opacity: 1, align: getRemoveIndicatorAligment }, info: { translateX: calculateFileInfoOffset }, status: { opacity: 0 } }, DID_THROW_ITEM_REMOVE_ERROR: { processProgressIndicator: { opacity: 0, align: getRemoveIndicatorAligment }, buttonRemoveItem: { opacity: 1 }, info: { translateX: calculateFileInfoOffset }, status: { opacity: 1, translateX: calculateFileInfoOffset } }, DID_LOAD_ITEM: IdleStyle, DID_LOAD_LOCAL_ITEM: { buttonRemoveItem: { opacity: 1 }, info: { translateX: calculateFileInfoOffset }, status: { translateX: calculateFileInfoOffset } }, DID_START_ITEM_PROCESSING: ProcessingStyle, DID_REQUEST_ITEM_PROCESSING: ProcessingStyle, DID_UPDATE_ITEM_PROCESS_PROGRESS: ProcessingStyle, DID_COMPLETE_ITEM_PROCESSING: { buttonRevertItemProcessing: { opacity: 1 }, info: { opacity: 1 }, status: { opacity: 1 } }, DID_THROW_ITEM_PROCESSING_ERROR: { buttonRemoveItem: { opacity: 1 }, buttonRetryItemProcessing: { opacity: 1 }, status: { opacity: 1 }, info: { translateX: calculateFileInfoOffset } }, DID_THROW_ITEM_PROCESSING_REVERT_ERROR: { buttonRevertItemProcessing: { opacity: 1 }, status: { opacity: 1 }, info: { opacity: 1 } }, DID_ABORT_ITEM_PROCESSING: { buttonRemoveItem: { opacity: 1 }, buttonProcessItem: { opacity: 1 }, info: { translateX: calculateFileInfoOffset }, status: { opacity: 1 } }, DID_REVERT_ITEM_PROCESSING: IdleStyle }; // complete indicator view var processingCompleteIndicatorView = createView({ create: function create(_ref) { var root = _ref.root; root.element.innerHTML = root.query('GET_ICON_DONE'); }, name: 'processing-complete-indicator', ignoreRect: true, mixins: { styles: ['scaleX', 'scaleY', 'opacity'], animations: { scaleX: 'spring', scaleY: 'spring', opacity: { type: 'tween', duration: 250 } } } }); /** * Creates the file view */ var create$4 = function create(_ref2) { var root = _ref2.root, props = _ref2.props; var id = props.id; // allow reverting upload var allowRevert = root.query('GET_ALLOW_REVERT'); // is instant uploading, need this to determine the icon of the undo button var instantUpload = root.query('GET_INSTANT_UPLOAD'); // is async set up var isAsync = root.query('IS_ASYNC'); // enabled buttons array var enabledButtons = isAsync ? ButtonKeys.concat() : ButtonKeys.filter(function(key) { return !/Process/.test(key); }); // remove last button (revert) if not allowed if (isAsync && !allowRevert) { enabledButtons.splice(-1, 1); var map = StyleMap['DID_COMPLETE_ITEM_PROCESSING']; map.info.translateX = calculateFileHorizontalCenterOffset; map.info.translateY = calculateFileVerticalCenterOffset; map.status.translateY = calculateFileVerticalCenterOffset; map.processingCompleteIndicator = { opacity: 1, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 }; } // update icon and label for revert button when instant uploading if (instantUpload && allowRevert) { Buttons['RevertItemProcessing'].label = 'GET_LABEL_BUTTON_REMOVE_ITEM'; Buttons['RevertItemProcessing'].icon = 'GET_ICON_REMOVE'; } // create the button views forin(Buttons, function(key, definition) { // create button var buttonView = root.createChildView(fileActionButton, { label: root.query(definition.label), icon: root.query(definition.icon), opacity: 0 }); // should be appended? if (enabledButtons.includes(key)) { root.appendChildView(buttonView); } // add position attribute buttonView.element.dataset.align = root.query( 'GET_STYLE_' + definition.align ); // add class buttonView.element.classList.add(definition.className); // handle interactions buttonView.on('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); root.dispatch(definition.action, { query: id }); }); // set reference root.ref['button' + key] = buttonView; }); // create file info view root.ref.info = root.appendChildView( root.createChildView(fileInfo, { id: id }) ); // create file status view root.ref.status = root.appendChildView( root.createChildView(fileStatus, { id: id }) ); // checkmark root.ref.processingCompleteIndicator = root.appendChildView( root.createChildView(processingCompleteIndicatorView) ); root.ref.processingCompleteIndicator.element.dataset.align = root.query( 'GET_STYLE_BUTTON_PROCESS_ITEM_POSITION' ); // add progress indicators var loadIndicatorView = root.appendChildView( root.createChildView(progressIndicator, { opacity: 0, align: root.query('GET_STYLE_LOAD_INDICATOR_POSITION') }) ); loadIndicatorView.element.classList.add('filepond--load-indicator'); root.ref.loadProgressIndicator = loadIndicatorView; var progressIndicatorView = root.appendChildView( root.createChildView(progressIndicator, { opacity: 0, align: root.query('GET_STYLE_PROGRESS_INDICATOR_POSITION') }) ); progressIndicatorView.element.classList.add('filepond--process-indicator'); root.ref.processProgressIndicator = progressIndicatorView; // current active styles root.ref.activeStyles = []; }; var write$2 = function write(_ref3) { var root = _ref3.root, actions = _ref3.actions, props = _ref3.props; // route actions route({ root: root, actions: actions, props: props }); // select last state change action var action = actions .concat() .filter(function(action) { return /^DID_/.test(action.type); }) .reverse() .find(function(action) { return StyleMap[action.type]; }); // a new action happened, let's get the matching styles if (action) { // define new active styles root.ref.activeStyles = []; var stylesToApply = StyleMap[action.type]; forin(DefaultStyle, function(name, defaultStyles) { // get reference to control var control = root.ref[name]; // loop over all styles for this control forin(defaultStyles, function(key, defaultValue) { var value = stylesToApply[name] && typeof stylesToApply[name][key] !== 'undefined' ? stylesToApply[name][key] : defaultValue; root.ref.activeStyles.push({ control: control, key: key, value: value }); }); }); } // apply active styles to element root.ref.activeStyles.forEach(function(_ref4) { var control = _ref4.control, key = _ref4.key, value = _ref4.value; control[key] = typeof value === 'function' ? value(root) : value; }); }; var route = createRoute({ DID_SET_LABEL_BUTTON_ABORT_ITEM_PROCESSING: function DID_SET_LABEL_BUTTON_ABORT_ITEM_PROCESSING( _ref5 ) { var root = _ref5.root, action = _ref5.action; root.ref.buttonAbortItemProcessing.label = action.value; }, DID_SET_LABEL_BUTTON_ABORT_ITEM_LOAD: function DID_SET_LABEL_BUTTON_ABORT_ITEM_LOAD( _ref6 ) { var root = _ref6.root, action = _ref6.action; root.ref.buttonAbortItemLoad.label = action.value; }, DID_SET_LABEL_BUTTON_ABORT_ITEM_REMOVAL: function DID_SET_LABEL_BUTTON_ABORT_ITEM_REMOVAL( _ref7 ) { var root = _ref7.root, action = _ref7.action; root.ref.buttonAbortItemRemoval.label = action.value; }, DID_REQUEST_ITEM_PROCESSING: function DID_REQUEST_ITEM_PROCESSING(_ref8) { var root = _ref8.root; root.ref.processProgressIndicator.spin = true; root.ref.processProgressIndicator.progress = 0; }, DID_START_ITEM_LOAD: function DID_START_ITEM_LOAD(_ref9) { var root = _ref9.root; root.ref.loadProgressIndicator.spin = true; root.ref.loadProgressIndicator.progress = 0; }, DID_START_ITEM_REMOVE: function DID_START_ITEM_REMOVE(_ref10) { var root = _ref10.root; root.ref.processProgressIndicator.spin = true; root.ref.processProgressIndicator.progress = 0; }, DID_UPDATE_ITEM_LOAD_PROGRESS: function DID_UPDATE_ITEM_LOAD_PROGRESS( _ref11 ) { var root = _ref11.root, action = _ref11.action; root.ref.loadProgressIndicator.spin = false; root.ref.loadProgressIndicator.progress = action.progress; }, DID_UPDATE_ITEM_PROCESS_PROGRESS: function DID_UPDATE_ITEM_PROCESS_PROGRESS( _ref12 ) { var root = _ref12.root, action = _ref12.action; root.ref.processProgressIndicator.spin = false; root.ref.processProgressIndicator.progress = action.progress; } }); var file = createView({ create: create$4, write: write$2, didCreateView: function didCreateView(root) { applyFilters('CREATE_VIEW', Object.assign({}, root, { view: root })); }, name: 'file' }); /** * Creates the file view */ var create$5 = function create(_ref) { var root = _ref.root, props = _ref.props; // filename root.ref.fileName = createElement$1('legend'); root.appendChild(root.ref.fileName); // file appended root.ref.file = root.appendChildView( root.createChildView(file, { id: props.id }) ); // create data container var dataContainer = createElement$1('input'); dataContainer.type = 'hidden'; dataContainer.name = root.query('GET_NAME'); dataContainer.disabled = root.query('GET_DISABLED'); root.ref.data = dataContainer; root.appendChild(dataContainer); }; var didSetDisabled = function didSetDisabled(_ref2) { var root = _ref2.root; root.ref.data.disabled = root.query('GET_DISABLED'); }; /** * Data storage */ var didLoadItem = function didLoadItem(_ref3) { var root = _ref3.root, action = _ref3.action, props = _ref3.props; root.ref.data.value = action.serverFileReference; // updates the legend of the fieldset so screenreaders can better group buttons text( root.ref.fileName, formatFilename(root.query('GET_ITEM_NAME', props.id)) ); }; var didRemoveItem = function didRemoveItem(_ref4) { var root = _ref4.root; root.ref.data.removeAttribute('value'); }; var didCompleteItemProcessing$1 = function didCompleteItemProcessing(_ref5) { var root = _ref5.root, action = _ref5.action; root.ref.data.value = action.serverFileReference; }; var didRevertItemProcessing = function didRevertItemProcessing(_ref6) { var root = _ref6.root; root.ref.data.removeAttribute('value'); }; var fileWrapper = createView({ create: create$5, ignoreRect: true, write: createRoute({ DID_SET_DISABLED: didSetDisabled, DID_LOAD_ITEM: didLoadItem, DID_REMOVE_ITEM: didRemoveItem, DID_COMPLETE_ITEM_PROCESSING: didCompleteItemProcessing$1, DID_REVERT_ITEM_PROCESSING: didRevertItemProcessing }), didCreateView: function didCreateView(root) { applyFilters('CREATE_VIEW', Object.assign({}, root, { view: root })); }, tag: 'fieldset', name: 'file-wrapper' }); var PANEL_SPRING_PROPS = { type: 'spring', damping: 0.6, mass: 7 }; var create$6 = function create(_ref) { var root = _ref.root, props = _ref.props; [ { name: 'top' }, { name: 'center', props: { translateY: null, scaleY: null }, mixins: { animations: { scaleY: PANEL_SPRING_PROPS }, styles: ['translateY', 'scaleY'] } }, { name: 'bottom', props: { translateY: null }, mixins: { animations: { translateY: PANEL_SPRING_PROPS }, styles: ['translateY'] } } ].forEach(function(section) { createSection(root, section, props.name); }); root.element.classList.add('filepond--' + props.name); root.ref.scalable = null; }; var createSection = function createSection(root, section, className) { var viewConstructor = createView({ name: 'panel-' + section.name + ' filepond--' + className, mixins: section.mixins, ignoreRectUpdate: true }); var view = root.createChildView(viewConstructor, section.props); root.ref[section.name] = root.appendChildView(view); }; var write$3 = function write(_ref2) { var root = _ref2.root, props = _ref2.props; // update scalable state if (root.ref.scalable === null || props.scalable !== root.ref.scalable) { root.ref.scalable = isBoolean(props.scalable) ? props.scalable : true; root.element.dataset.scalable = root.ref.scalable; } // no height, can't set if (!props.height) return; // get child rects var topRect = root.ref.top.rect.element; var bottomRect = root.ref.bottom.rect.element; // make sure height never is smaller than bottom and top seciton heights combined (will probably never happen, but who knows) var height = Math.max(topRect.height + bottomRect.height, props.height); // offset center part root.ref.center.translateY = topRect.height; // scale center part // use math ceil to prevent transparent lines because of rounding errors root.ref.center.scaleY = (height - topRect.height - bottomRect.height) / 100; // offset bottom part root.ref.bottom.translateY = height - bottomRect.height; }; var panel = createView({ name: 'panel', write: write$3, create: create$6, ignoreRect: true, mixins: { apis: ['height', 'scalable'] } }); var ITEM_TRANSLATE_SPRING = { type: 'spring', stiffness: 0.75, damping: 0.45, mass: 10 }; var ITEM_SCALE_SPRING = 'spring'; /** * Creates the file view */ var create$7 = function create(_ref) { var root = _ref.root, props = _ref.props; // select root.ref.handleClick = function() { return root.dispatch('DID_ACTIVATE_ITEM', { id: props.id }); }; // set id root.element.id = 'filepond--item-' + props.id; root.element.addEventListener('click', root.ref.handleClick); // file view root.ref.container = root.appendChildView( root.createChildView(fileWrapper, { id: props.id }) ); // file panel root.ref.panel = root.appendChildView( root.createChildView(panel, { name: 'item-panel' }) ); // default start height root.ref.panel.height = null; // by default not marked for removal props.markedForRemoval = false; }; var StateMap = { DID_START_ITEM_LOAD: 'busy', DID_UPDATE_ITEM_LOAD_PROGRESS: 'loading', DID_THROW_ITEM_INVALID: 'load-invalid', DID_THROW_ITEM_LOAD_ERROR: 'load-error', DID_LOAD_ITEM: 'idle', DID_THROW_ITEM_REMOVE_ERROR: 'remove-error', DID_START_ITEM_REMOVE: 'busy', DID_START_ITEM_PROCESSING: 'busy', DID_REQUEST_ITEM_PROCESSING: 'busy', DID_UPDATE_ITEM_PROCESS_PROGRESS: 'processing', DID_COMPLETE_ITEM_PROCESSING: 'processing-complete', DID_THROW_ITEM_PROCESSING_ERROR: 'processing-error', DID_THROW_ITEM_PROCESSING_REVERT_ERROR: 'processing-revert-error', DID_ABORT_ITEM_PROCESSING: 'cancelled', DID_REVERT_ITEM_PROCESSING: 'idle' }; var route$1 = createRoute({ DID_UPDATE_PANEL_HEIGHT: function DID_UPDATE_PANEL_HEIGHT(_ref2) { var root = _ref2.root, action = _ref2.action; var height = action.height; root.height = height; } }); var write$4 = function write(_ref3) { var root = _ref3.root, actions = _ref3.actions, props = _ref3.props, shouldOptimize = _ref3.shouldOptimize; // select last state change action var action = actions .concat() .filter(function(action) { return /^DID_/.test(action.type); }) .reverse() .find(function(action) { return StateMap[action.type]; }); // no need to set same state twice if (action && action.type !== props.currentState) { // set current state props.currentState = action.type; // set state root.element.dataset.filepondItemState = StateMap[props.currentState] || ''; } // route actions var aspectRatio = root.query('GET_ITEM_PANEL_ASPECT_RATIO') || root.query('GET_PANEL_ASPECT_RATIO'); if (!aspectRatio) { route$1({ root: root, actions: actions, props: props }); if (!root.height && root.ref.container.rect.element.height > 0) { root.height = root.ref.container.rect.element.height; } } else if (!shouldOptimize) { root.height = root.rect.element.width * aspectRatio; } // sync panel height with item height if (shouldOptimize) { root.ref.panel.height = null; } root.ref.panel.height = root.height; }; var item = createView({ create: create$7, write: write$4, destroy: function destroy(_ref4) { var root = _ref4.root, props = _ref4.props; root.element.removeEventListener('click', root.ref.handleClick); root.dispatch('RELEASE_ITEM', { query: props.id }); }, tag: 'li', name: 'item', mixins: { apis: ['id', 'interactionMethod', 'markedForRemoval', 'spawnDate'], styles: [ 'translateX', 'translateY', 'scaleX', 'scaleY', 'opacity', 'height' ], animations: { scaleX: ITEM_SCALE_SPRING, scaleY: ITEM_SCALE_SPRING, translateX: ITEM_TRANSLATE_SPRING, translateY: ITEM_TRANSLATE_SPRING, opacity: { type: 'tween', duration: 150 } } } }); var getItemIndexByPosition = function getItemIndexByPosition( view, positionInView ) { if (!positionInView) return; var horizontalSpace = view.rect.element.width; var children = view.childViews; var l = children.length; var last = null; // -1, don't move items to accomodate (either add to top or bottom) if (l === 0 || positionInView.top < children[0].rect.element.top) return -1; // let's get the item width var item = children[0]; var itemRect = item.rect.element; var itemHorizontalMargin = itemRect.marginLeft + itemRect.marginRight; var itemWidth = itemRect.width + itemHorizontalMargin; var itemsPerRow = Math.round(horizontalSpace / itemWidth); // stack if (itemsPerRow === 1) { for (var index = 0; index < l; index++) { var child = children[index]; var childMid = child.rect.outer.top + child.rect.element.height * 0.5; if (positionInView.top < childMid) { return index; } } return l; } // grid var itemVerticalMargin = itemRect.marginTop + itemRect.marginBottom; var itemHeight = itemRect.height + itemVerticalMargin; for (var _index = 0; _index < l; _index++) { var indexX = _index % itemsPerRow; var indexY = Math.floor(_index / itemsPerRow); var offsetX = indexX * itemWidth; var offsetY = indexY * itemHeight; var itemTop = offsetY - itemRect.marginTop; var itemRight = offsetX + itemWidth; var itemBottom = offsetY + itemHeight + itemRect.marginBottom; if (positionInView.top < itemBottom && positionInView.top > itemTop) { if (positionInView.left < itemRight) { return _index; } else if (_index !== l - 1) { last = _index; } else { last = null; } } } if (last !== null) { return last; } return l; }; var create$8 = function create(_ref) { var root = _ref.root; // need to set role to list as otherwise it won't be read as a list by VoiceOver attr(root.element, 'role', 'list'); root.ref.lastItemSpanwDate = Date.now(); }; /** * Inserts a new item * @param root * @param action */ var addItemView = function addItemView(_ref2) { var root = _ref2.root, action = _ref2.action; var id = action.id, index = action.index, interactionMethod = action.interactionMethod; root.ref.addIndex = index; var now = Date.now(); var spawnDate = now; var opacity = 1; if (interactionMethod !== InteractionMethod.NONE) { opacity = 0; var cooldown = root.query('GET_ITEM_INSERT_INTERVAL'); var dist = now - root.ref.lastItemSpanwDate; spawnDate = dist < cooldown ? now + (cooldown - dist) : now; } root.ref.lastItemSpanwDate = spawnDate; root.appendChildView( root.createChildView( // view type item, // props { spawnDate: spawnDate, id: id, opacity: opacity, interactionMethod: interactionMethod } ), index ); }; var moveItem = function moveItem(item, x, y) { var vx = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 0; var vy = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 1; item.translateX = x; item.translateY = y; if (Date.now() > item.spawnDate) { // reveal element if (item.opacity === 0) { introItemView(item, x, y, vx, vy); } // make sure is default scale every frame item.scaleX = 1; item.scaleY = 1; item.opacity = 1; } }; var introItemView = function introItemView(item, x, y, vx, vy) { if (item.interactionMethod === InteractionMethod.NONE) { item.translateX = null; item.translateX = x; item.translateY = null; item.translateY = y; } else if (item.interactionMethod === InteractionMethod.DROP) { item.translateX = null; item.translateX = x - vx * 20; item.translateY = null; item.translateY = y - vy * 10; item.scaleX = 0.8; item.scaleY = 0.8; } else if (item.interactionMethod === InteractionMethod.BROWSE) { item.translateY = null; item.translateY = y - 30; } else if (item.interactionMethod === InteractionMethod.API) { item.translateX = null; item.translateX = x - 30; item.translateY = null; } }; /** * Removes an existing item * @param root * @param action */ var removeItemView = function removeItemView(_ref3) { var root = _ref3.root, action = _ref3.action; var id = action.id; // get the view matching the given id var view = root.childViews.find(function(child) { return child.id === id; }); // if no view found, exit if (!view) { return; } // animate view out of view view.scaleX = 0.9; view.scaleY = 0.9; view.opacity = 0; // mark for removal view.markedForRemoval = true; }; /** * Setup action routes */ var route$2 = createRoute({ DID_ADD_ITEM: addItemView, DID_REMOVE_ITEM: removeItemView }); /** * Write to view * @param root * @param actions * @param props */ var write$5 = function write(_ref4) { var root = _ref4.root, props = _ref4.props, actions = _ref4.actions, shouldOptimize = _ref4.shouldOptimize; // route actions route$2({ root: root, props: props, actions: actions }); var dragCoordinates = props.dragCoordinates; // get index var dragIndex = dragCoordinates ? getItemIndexByPosition(root, dragCoordinates) : null; // available space on horizontal axis var horizontalSpace = root.rect.element.width; // only draw children that have dimensions var visibleChildren = root.childViews.filter(function(child) { return child.rect.element.height; }); // sort based on current active items var children = root .query('GET_ACTIVE_ITEMS') .map(function(item) { return visibleChildren.find(function(child) { return child.id === item.id; }); }) .filter(function(item) { return item; }); // add index is used to reserve the dropped/added item index till the actual item is rendered var addIndex = root.ref.addIndex || null; // add index no longer needed till possibly next draw root.ref.addIndex = null; var dragIndexOffset = 0; var removeIndexOffset = 0; var addIndexOffset = 0; if (children.length === 0) return; var childRect = children[0].rect.element; var itemVerticalMargin = childRect.marginTop + childRect.marginBottom; var itemHorizontalMargin = childRect.marginLeft + childRect.marginRight; var itemWidth = childRect.width + itemHorizontalMargin; var itemHeight = childRect.height + itemVerticalMargin; var itemsPerRow = Math.round(horizontalSpace / itemWidth); // stack if (itemsPerRow === 1) { var offsetY = 0; var dragOffset = 0; children.forEach(function(child, index) { if (dragIndex) { var dist = index - dragIndex; if (dist === -2) { dragOffset = -itemVerticalMargin * 0.25; } else if (dist === -1) { dragOffset = -itemVerticalMargin * 0.75; } else if (dist === 0) { dragOffset = itemVerticalMargin * 0.75; } else if (dist === 1) { dragOffset = itemVerticalMargin * 0.25; } else { dragOffset = 0; } } if (shouldOptimize) { child.translateX = null; child.translateY = null; } if (!child.markedForRemoval) { moveItem(child, 0, offsetY + dragOffset); } var itemHeight = child.rect.element.height + itemVerticalMargin; var visualHeight = itemHeight * (child.markedForRemoval ? child.opacity : 1); offsetY += visualHeight; }); } // grid else { var prevX = 0; var prevY = 0; children.forEach(function(child, index) { if (index === dragIndex) { dragIndexOffset = 1; } if (index === addIndex) { addIndexOffset += 1; } if (child.markedForRemoval && child.opacity < 0.5) { removeIndexOffset -= 1; } var visualIndex = index + addIndexOffset + dragIndexOffset + removeIndexOffset; var indexX = visualIndex % itemsPerRow; var indexY = Math.floor(visualIndex / itemsPerRow); var offsetX = indexX * itemWidth; var offsetY = indexY * itemHeight; var vectorX = Math.sign(offsetX - prevX); var vectorY = Math.sign(offsetY - prevY); prevX = offsetX; prevY = offsetY; if (child.markedForRemoval) return; if (shouldOptimize) { child.translateX = null; child.translateY = null; } moveItem(child, offsetX, offsetY, vectorX, vectorY); }); } }; /** * Filters actions that are meant specifically for a certain child of the list * @param child * @param actions */ var filterSetItemActions = function filterSetItemActions(child, actions) { return actions.filter(function(action) { // if action has an id, filter out actions that don't have this child id if (action.data && action.data.id) { return child.id === action.data.id; } // allow all other actions return true; }); }; var list = createView({ create: create$8, write: write$5, tag: 'ul', name: 'list', didWriteView: function didWriteView(_ref5) { var root = _ref5.root; root.childViews .filter(function(view) { return view.markedForRemoval && view.opacity === 0 && view.resting; }) .forEach(function(view) { view._destroy(); root.removeChildView(view); }); }, filterFrameActionsForChild: filterSetItemActions, mixins: { apis: ['dragCoordinates'] } }); var create$9 = function create(_ref) { var root = _ref.root, props = _ref.props; root.ref.list = root.appendChildView(root.createChildView(list)); props.dragCoordinates = null; props.overflowing = false; }; var storeDragCoordinates = function storeDragCoordinates(_ref2) { var root = _ref2.root, props = _ref2.props, action = _ref2.action; if (!root.query('GET_ITEM_INSERT_LOCATION_FREEDOM')) return; props.dragCoordinates = { left: action.position.scopeLeft - root.ref.list.rect.element.left, top: action.position.scopeTop - (root.rect.outer.top + root.rect.element.marginTop + root.rect.element.scrollTop) }; }; var clearDragCoordinates = function clearDragCoordinates(_ref3) { var props = _ref3.props; props.dragCoordinates = null; }; var route$3 = createRoute({ DID_DRAG: storeDragCoordinates, DID_END_DRAG: clearDragCoordinates }); var write$6 = function write(_ref4) { var root = _ref4.root, props = _ref4.props, actions = _ref4.actions; // route actions route$3({ root: root, props: props, actions: actions }); // current drag position root.ref.list.dragCoordinates = props.dragCoordinates; // if currently overflowing but no longer received overflow if (props.overflowing && !props.overflow) { props.overflowing = false; // reset overflow state root.element.dataset.state = ''; root.height = null; } // if is not overflowing currently but does receive overflow value if (props.overflow) { var newHeight = Math.round(props.overflow); if (newHeight !== root.height) { props.overflowing = true; root.element.dataset.state = 'overflow'; root.height = newHeight; } } }; var listScroller = createView({ create: create$9, write: write$6, name: 'list-scroller', mixins: { apis: ['overflow', 'dragCoordinates'], styles: ['height', 'translateY'], animations: { translateY: 'spring' } } }); var attrToggle = function attrToggle(element, name, state) { var enabledValue = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : ''; if (state) { attr(element, name, enabledValue); } else { element.removeAttribute(name); } }; var resetFileInput = function resetFileInput(input) { // no value, no need to reset if (!input || input.value === '') { return; } try { // for modern browsers input.value = ''; } catch (err) {} // for IE10 if (input.value) { // quickly append input to temp form and reset form var form = createElement$1('form'); var parentNode = input.parentNode; var ref = input.nextSibling; form.appendChild(input); form.reset(); // re-inject input where it originally was if (ref) { parentNode.insertBefore(input, ref); } else { parentNode.appendChild(input); } } }; var create$a = function create(_ref) { var root = _ref.root, props = _ref.props; // set id so can be referenced from outside labels root.element.id = 'filepond--browser-' + props.id; // set name of element (is removed when a value is set) attr(root.element, 'name', root.query('GET_NAME')); // we have to link this element to the status element attr(root.element, 'aria-controls', 'filepond--assistant-' + props.id); // set label, we use labelled by as otherwise the screenreader does not read the "browse" text in the label (as it has tabindex: 0) attr(root.element, 'aria-labelledby', 'filepond--drop-label-' + props.id); // handle changes to the input field root.ref.handleChange = function(e) { if (!root.element.value) { return; } // extract files var files = Array.from(root.element.files); // we add a little delay so the OS file select window can move out of the way before we add our file setTimeout(function() { // load files props.onload(files); // reset input, it's just for exposing a method to drop files, should not retain any state resetFileInput(root.element); }, 250); }; root.element.addEventListener('change', root.ref.handleChange); }; var setAcceptedFileTypes = function setAcceptedFileTypes(_ref2) { var root = _ref2.root, action = _ref2.action; attrToggle( root.element, 'accept', !!action.value, action.value ? action.value.join(',') : '' ); }; var toggleAllowMultiple = function toggleAllowMultiple(_ref3) { var root = _ref3.root, action = _ref3.action; attrToggle(root.element, 'multiple', action.value); }; var toggleDisabled = function toggleDisabled(_ref4) { var root = _ref4.root, action = _ref4.action; var isDisabled = root.query('GET_DISABLED'); var doesAllowBrowse = root.query('GET_ALLOW_BROWSE'); var disableField = isDisabled || !doesAllowBrowse; attrToggle(root.element, 'disabled', disableField); }; var toggleRequired = function toggleRequired(_ref5) { var root = _ref5.root, action = _ref5.action; // want to remove required, always possible if (!action.value) { attrToggle(root.element, 'required', false); } // if want to make required, only possible when zero items else if (root.query('GET_TOTAL_ITEMS') === 0) { attrToggle(root.element, 'required', true); } }; var setCaptureMethod = function setCaptureMethod(_ref6) { var root = _ref6.root, action = _ref6.action; attrToggle( root.element, 'capture', !!action.value, action.value === true ? '' : action.value ); }; var updateRequiredStatus = function updateRequiredStatus(_ref7) { var root = _ref7.root; var element = root.element; // always remove the required attribute when more than zero items if (root.query('GET_TOTAL_ITEMS') > 0) { attrToggle(element, 'required', false); attrToggle(element, 'name', false); } else { // add name attribute attrToggle(element, 'name', true, root.query('GET_NAME')); // remove any validation messages var shouldCheckValidity = root.query('GET_CHECK_VALIDITY'); if (shouldCheckValidity) { element.setCustomValidity(''); } // we only add required if the field has been deemed required if (root.query('GET_REQUIRED')) { attrToggle(element, 'required', true); } } }; var updateFieldValidityStatus = function updateFieldValidityStatus(_ref8) { var root = _ref8.root; var shouldCheckValidity = root.query('GET_CHECK_VALIDITY'); if (!shouldCheckValidity) return; root.element.setCustomValidity(root.query('GET_LABEL_INVALID_FIELD')); }; var browser = createView({ tag: 'input', name: 'browser', ignoreRect: true, ignoreRectUpdate: true, attributes: { type: 'file' }, create: create$a, destroy: function destroy(_ref9) { var root = _ref9.root; root.element.removeEventListener('change', root.ref.handleChange); }, write: createRoute({ DID_LOAD_ITEM: updateRequiredStatus, DID_REMOVE_ITEM: updateRequiredStatus, DID_THROW_ITEM_INVALID: updateFieldValidityStatus, DID_SET_DISABLED: toggleDisabled, DID_SET_ALLOW_BROWSE: toggleDisabled, DID_SET_ALLOW_MULTIPLE: toggleAllowMultiple, DID_SET_ACCEPTED_FILE_TYPES: setAcceptedFileTypes, DID_SET_CAPTURE_METHOD: setCaptureMethod, DID_SET_REQUIRED: toggleRequired }) }); var Key = { ENTER: 13, SPACE: 32 }; var create$b = function create(_ref) { var root = _ref.root, props = _ref.props; // create the label and link it to the file browser var label = createElement$1('label'); attr(label, 'for', 'filepond--browser-' + props.id); // use for labeling file input (aria-labelledby on file input) attr(label, 'id', 'filepond--drop-label-' + props.id); // hide the label for screenreaders, the input element will read the contents of the label when it's focussed. If we don't set aria-hidden the screenreader will also navigate the contents of the label separately from the input. attr(label, 'aria-hidden', 'true'); // handle keys root.ref.handleKeyDown = function(e) { var isActivationKey = e.keyCode === Key.ENTER || e.keyCode === Key.SPACE; if (!isActivationKey) return; // stops from triggering the element a second time e.preventDefault(); // click link (will then in turn activate file input) root.ref.label.click(); }; root.ref.handleClick = function(e) { var isLabelClick = e.target === label || label.contains(e.target); // don't want to click twice if (isLabelClick) return; // click link (will then in turn activate file input) root.ref.label.click(); }; // attach events label.addEventListener('keydown', root.ref.handleKeyDown); root.element.addEventListener('click', root.ref.handleClick); // update updateLabelValue(label, props.caption); // add! root.appendChild(label); root.ref.label = label; }; var updateLabelValue = function updateLabelValue(label, value) { label.innerHTML = value; var clickable = label.querySelector('.filepond--label-action'); if (clickable) { attr(clickable, 'tabindex', '0'); } return value; }; var dropLabel = createView({ name: 'drop-label', ignoreRect: true, create: create$b, destroy: function destroy(_ref2) { var root = _ref2.root; root.ref.label.addEventListener('keydown', root.ref.handleKeyDown); root.element.removeEventListener('click', root.ref.handleClick); }, write: createRoute({ DID_SET_LABEL_IDLE: function DID_SET_LABEL_IDLE(_ref3) { var root = _ref3.root, action = _ref3.action; updateLabelValue(root.ref.label, action.value); } }), mixins: { styles: ['opacity', 'translateX', 'translateY'], animations: { opacity: { type: 'tween', duration: 150 }, translateX: 'spring', translateY: 'spring' } } }); var blob = createView({ name: 'drip-blob', ignoreRect: true, mixins: { styles: ['translateX', 'translateY', 'scaleX', 'scaleY', 'opacity'], animations: { scaleX: 'spring', scaleY: 'spring', translateX: 'spring', translateY: 'spring', opacity: { type: 'tween', duration: 250 } } } }); var addBlob = function addBlob(_ref) { var root = _ref.root; var centerX = root.rect.element.width * 0.5; var centerY = root.rect.element.height * 0.5; root.ref.blob = root.appendChildView( root.createChildView(blob, { opacity: 0, scaleX: 2.5, scaleY: 2.5, translateX: centerX, translateY: centerY }) ); }; var moveBlob = function moveBlob(_ref2) { var root = _ref2.root, action = _ref2.action; if (!root.ref.blob) { addBlob({ root: root }); return; } root.ref.blob.translateX = action.position.scopeLeft; root.ref.blob.translateY = action.position.scopeTop; root.ref.blob.scaleX = 1; root.ref.blob.scaleY = 1; root.ref.blob.opacity = 1; }; var hideBlob = function hideBlob(_ref3) { var root = _ref3.root; if (!root.ref.blob) { return; } root.ref.blob.opacity = 0; }; var explodeBlob = function explodeBlob(_ref4) { var root = _ref4.root; if (!root.ref.blob) { return; } root.ref.blob.scaleX = 2.5; root.ref.blob.scaleY = 2.5; root.ref.blob.opacity = 0; }; var write$7 = function write(_ref5) { var root = _ref5.root, props = _ref5.props, actions = _ref5.actions; route$4({ root: root, props: props, actions: actions }); var blob = root.ref.blob; if (actions.length === 0 && blob && blob.opacity === 0) { root.removeChildView(blob); root.ref.blob = null; } }; var route$4 = createRoute({ DID_DRAG: moveBlob, DID_DROP: explodeBlob, DID_END_DRAG: hideBlob }); var drip = createView({ ignoreRect: true, ignoreRectUpdate: true, name: 'drip', write: write$7 }); var getRootNode = function getRootNode(element) { return 'getRootNode' in element ? element.getRootNode() : document; }; var images = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp', 'webp', 'svg', 'tiff']; var text$1 = ['css', 'csv', 'html', 'txt']; var apps = ['rtf', 'pdf', 'json']; var map = { zip: 'zip|compressed', epub: 'application/epub+zip' }; var guesstimateMimeType = function guesstimateMimeType() { var extension = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : ''; extension = extension.toLowerCase(); if (images.includes(extension)) { return ( 'image/' + (extension === 'jpg' ? 'jpeg' : extension === 'svg' ? 'svg+xml' : extension) ); } if (text$1.includes(extension)) { return 'text/' + extension; } return map[extension] || null; }; var requestDataTransferItems = function requestDataTransferItems( dataTransfer ) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // try to get links from transfer, if found we'll exit immidiately (unless a file is in the dataTransfer as well, this is because Firefox could represent the file as a URL and a file object at the same time) var links = getLinks(dataTransfer); if (links.length && !hasFiles(dataTransfer)) { return resolve(links); } // try to get files from the transfer getFiles(dataTransfer).then(resolve); }); }; /** * Test if datatransfer has files */ var hasFiles = function hasFiles(dataTransfer) { if (dataTransfer.files) return dataTransfer.files.length > 0; return false; }; /** * Extracts files from a DataTransfer object */ var getFiles = function getFiles(dataTransfer) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // get the transfer items as promises var promisedFiles = (dataTransfer.items ? Array.from(dataTransfer.items) : [] ) // only keep file system items (files and directories) .filter(function(item) { return isFileSystemItem(item); }) // map each item to promise .map(function(item) { return getFilesFromItem(item); }); // if is empty, see if we can extract some info from the files property as a fallback if (!promisedFiles.length) { // TODO: test for directories (should not be allowed) // Use FileReader, problem is that the files property gets lost in the process resolve(dataTransfer.files ? Array.from(dataTransfer.files) : []); return; } // done! Promise.all(promisedFiles).then(function(returendFileGroups) { // flatten groups var files = []; returendFileGroups.forEach(function(group) { files.push.apply(files, group); }); // done (filter out empty files)! resolve( files.filter(function(file) { return file; }) ); }); }); }; var isFileSystemItem = function isFileSystemItem(item) { if (isEntry(item)) { var entry = getAsEntry(item); if (entry) { return entry.isFile || entry.isDirectory; } } return item.kind === 'file'; }; var getFilesFromItem = function getFilesFromItem(item) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { if (isDirectoryEntry(item)) { getFilesInDirectory(getAsEntry(item)).then(resolve); return; } resolve([item.getAsFile()]); }); }; var getFilesInDirectory = function getFilesInDirectory(entry) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var files = []; // the total entries to read var totalFilesFound = 0; // the recursive function var readEntries = function readEntries(dirEntry) { var directoryReader = dirEntry.createReader(); directoryReader.readEntries(function(entries) { entries.forEach(function(entry) { // recursively read more directories if (entry.isDirectory) { readEntries(entry); } else { // read as file totalFilesFound++; entry.file(function(file) { files.push(correctMissingFileType(file)); if (totalFilesFound === files.length) { resolve(files); } }); } }); }); }; // go! readEntries(entry); }); }; var correctMissingFileType = function correctMissingFileType(file) { if (file.type.length) return file; var date = file.lastModifiedDate; var name = file.name; file = file.slice( 0, file.size, guesstimateMimeType(getExtensionFromFilename(file.name)) ); file.name = name; file.lastModifiedDate = date; return file; }; var isDirectoryEntry = function isDirectoryEntry(item) { return isEntry(item) && (getAsEntry(item) || {}).isDirectory; }; var isEntry = function isEntry(item) { return 'webkitGetAsEntry' in item; }; var getAsEntry = function getAsEntry(item) { return item.webkitGetAsEntry(); }; /** * Extracts links from a DataTransfer object */ var getLinks = function getLinks(dataTransfer) { var links = []; try { // look in meta data property links = getLinksFromTransferMetaData(dataTransfer); if (links.length) { return links; } links = getLinksFromTransferURLData(dataTransfer); } catch (e) { // nope nope nope (probably IE trouble) } return links; }; var getLinksFromTransferURLData = function getLinksFromTransferURLData( dataTransfer ) { var data = dataTransfer.getData('url'); if (typeof data === 'string' && data.length) { return [data]; } return []; }; var getLinksFromTransferMetaData = function getLinksFromTransferMetaData( dataTransfer ) { var data = dataTransfer.getData('text/html'); if (typeof data === 'string' && data.length) { var matches = data.match(/src\s*=\s*"(.+?)"/); if (matches) { return [matches[1]]; } } return []; }; var dragNDropObservers = []; var eventPosition = function eventPosition(e) { return { pageLeft: e.pageX, pageTop: e.pageY, scopeLeft: e.offsetX || e.layerX, scopeTop: e.offsetY || e.layerY }; }; var createDragNDropClient = function createDragNDropClient( element, scopeToObserve, filterElement ) { var observer = getDragNDropObserver(scopeToObserve); var client = { element: element, filterElement: filterElement, state: null, ondrop: function ondrop() {}, onenter: function onenter() {}, ondrag: function ondrag() {}, onexit: function onexit() {}, onload: function onload() {}, allowdrop: function allowdrop() {} }; client.destroy = observer.addListener(client); return client; }; var getDragNDropObserver = function getDragNDropObserver(element) { // see if already exists, if so, return var observer = dragNDropObservers.find(function(item) { return item.element === element; }); if (observer) { return observer; } // create new observer, does not yet exist for this element var newObserver = createDragNDropObserver(element); dragNDropObservers.push(newObserver); return newObserver; }; var createDragNDropObserver = function createDragNDropObserver(element) { var clients = []; var routes = { dragenter: dragenter, dragover: dragover, dragleave: dragleave, drop: drop }; var handlers = {}; forin(routes, function(event, createHandler) { handlers[event] = createHandler(element, clients); element.addEventListener(event, handlers[event], false); }); var observer = { element: element, addListener: function addListener(client) { // add as client clients.push(client); // return removeListener function return function() { // remove client clients.splice(clients.indexOf(client), 1); // if no more clients, clean up observer if (clients.length === 0) { dragNDropObservers.splice(dragNDropObservers.indexOf(observer), 1); forin(routes, function(event) { element.removeEventListener(event, handlers[event], false); }); } }; } }; return observer; }; var elementFromPoint = function elementFromPoint(root, point) { if (!('elementFromPoint' in root)) { root = document; } return root.elementFromPoint(point.x, point.y); }; var isEventTarget = function isEventTarget(e, target) { // get root var root = getRootNode(target); // get element at position // if root is not actual shadow DOM and does not have elementFromPoint method, use the one on document var elementAtPosition = elementFromPoint(root, { x: e.pageX - window.pageXOffset, y: e.pageY - window.pageYOffset }); // test if target is the element or if one of its children is return elementAtPosition === target || target.contains(elementAtPosition); }; var initialTarget = null; var setDropEffect = function setDropEffect(dataTransfer, effect) { // is in try catch as IE11 will throw error if not try { dataTransfer.dropEffect = effect; } catch (e) {} }; var dragenter = function dragenter(root, clients) { return function(e) { e.preventDefault(); initialTarget = e.target; clients.forEach(function(client) { var element = client.element, onenter = client.onenter; if (isEventTarget(e, element)) { client.state = 'enter'; // fire enter event onenter(eventPosition(e)); } }); }; }; var dragover = function dragover(root, clients) { return function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var dataTransfer = e.dataTransfer; requestDataTransferItems(dataTransfer).then(function(items) { var overDropTarget = false; clients.some(function(client) { var filterElement = client.filterElement, element = client.element, onenter = client.onenter, onexit = client.onexit, ondrag = client.ondrag, allowdrop = client.allowdrop; // by default we can drop setDropEffect(dataTransfer, 'copy'); // allow transfer of these items var allowsTransfer = allowdrop(items); // only used when can be dropped on page if (!allowsTransfer) { setDropEffect(dataTransfer, 'none'); return; } // targetting this client if (isEventTarget(e, element)) { overDropTarget = true; // had no previous state, means we are entering this client if (client.state === null) { client.state = 'enter'; onenter(eventPosition(e)); return; } // now over element (no matter if it allows the drop or not) client.state = 'over'; // needs to allow transfer if (filterElement && !allowsTransfer) { setDropEffect(dataTransfer, 'none'); return; } // dragging ondrag(eventPosition(e)); } else { // should be over an element to drop if (filterElement && !overDropTarget) { setDropEffect(dataTransfer, 'none'); } // might have just left this client? if (client.state) { client.state = null; onexit(eventPosition(e)); } } }); }); }; }; var drop = function drop(root, clients) { return function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var dataTransfer = e.dataTransfer; requestDataTransferItems(dataTransfer).then(function(items) { clients.forEach(function(client) { var filterElement = client.filterElement, element = client.element, ondrop = client.ondrop, onexit = client.onexit, allowdrop = client.allowdrop; client.state = null; var allowsTransfer = allowdrop(items); // no transfer for this client if (!allowsTransfer) { onexit(eventPosition(e)); return; } // if we're filtering on element we need to be over the element to drop if (filterElement && !isEventTarget(e, element)) { return; } ondrop(eventPosition(e), items); }); }); }; }; var dragleave = function dragleave(root, clients) { return function(e) { if (initialTarget !== e.target) { return; } clients.forEach(function(client) { var onexit = client.onexit; client.state = null; onexit(eventPosition(e)); }); }; }; var createHopper = function createHopper(scope, validateItems, options) { // is now hopper scope scope.classList.add('filepond--hopper'); // shortcuts var catchesDropsOnPage = options.catchesDropsOnPage, requiresDropOnElement = options.requiresDropOnElement, _options$filterItems = options.filterItems, filterItems = _options$filterItems === void 0 ? function(items) { return items; } : _options$filterItems; // create a dnd client var client = createDragNDropClient( scope, catchesDropsOnPage ? document.documentElement : scope, requiresDropOnElement ); // current client state var lastState = ''; var currentState = ''; // determines if a file may be dropped client.allowdrop = function(items) { // TODO: if we can, throw error to indicate the items cannot by dropped return validateItems(filterItems(items)); }; client.ondrop = function(position, items) { var filteredItems = filterItems(items); if (!validateItems(filteredItems)) { api.ondragend(position); return; } currentState = 'drag-drop'; api.onload(filteredItems, position); }; client.ondrag = function(position) { api.ondrag(position); }; client.onenter = function(position) { currentState = 'drag-over'; api.ondragstart(position); }; client.onexit = function(position) { currentState = 'drag-exit'; api.ondragend(position); }; var api = { updateHopperState: function updateHopperState() { if (lastState !== currentState) { scope.dataset.hopperState = currentState; lastState = currentState; } }, onload: function onload() {}, ondragstart: function ondragstart() {}, ondrag: function ondrag() {}, ondragend: function ondragend() {}, destroy: function destroy() { // destroy client client.destroy(); } }; return api; }; var listening = false; var listeners$1 = []; var handlePaste = function handlePaste(e) { requestDataTransferItems(e.clipboardData).then(function(files) { // no files received if (!files.length) { return; } // notify listeners of received files listeners$1.forEach(function(listener) { return listener(files); }); }); }; var listen = function listen(cb) { // can't add twice if (listeners$1.includes(cb)) { return; } // add initial listener listeners$1.push(cb); // setup paste listener for entire page if (listening) { return; } listening = true; document.addEventListener('paste', handlePaste); }; var unlisten = function unlisten(listener) { arrayRemove(listeners$1, listeners$1.indexOf(listener)); // clean up if (listeners$1.length === 0) { document.removeEventListener('paste', handlePaste); listening = false; } }; var createPaster = function createPaster() { var cb = function cb(files) { api.onload(files); }; var api = { destroy: function destroy() { unlisten(cb); }, onload: function onload() {} }; listen(cb); return api; }; /** * Creates the file view */ var create$c = function create(_ref) { var root = _ref.root, props = _ref.props; root.element.id = 'filepond--assistant-' + props.id; attr(root.element, 'role', 'status'); attr(root.element, 'aria-live', 'polite'); attr(root.element, 'aria-relevant', 'additions'); }; var addFilesNotificationTimeout = null; var notificationClearTimeout = null; var filenames = []; var assist = function assist(root, message) { root.element.textContent = message; }; var clear$1 = function clear(root) { root.element.textContent = ''; }; var listModified = function listModified(root, filename, label) { var total = root.query('GET_TOTAL_ITEMS'); assist( root, label + ' ' + filename + ', ' + total + ' ' + (total === 1 ? root.query('GET_LABEL_FILE_COUNT_SINGULAR') : root.query('GET_LABEL_FILE_COUNT_PLURAL')) ); // clear group after set amount of time so the status is not read twice clearTimeout(notificationClearTimeout); notificationClearTimeout = setTimeout(function() { clear$1(root); }, 1500); }; var isUsingFilePond = function isUsingFilePond(root) { return root.element.parentNode.contains(document.activeElement); }; var itemAdded = function itemAdded(_ref2) { var root = _ref2.root, action = _ref2.action; if (!isUsingFilePond(root)) { return; } root.element.textContent = ''; var item = root.query('GET_ITEM', action.id); filenames.push(item.filename); clearTimeout(addFilesNotificationTimeout); addFilesNotificationTimeout = setTimeout(function() { listModified( root, filenames.join(', '), root.query('GET_LABEL_FILE_ADDED') ); filenames.length = 0; }, 750); }; var itemRemoved = function itemRemoved(_ref3) { var root = _ref3.root, action = _ref3.action; if (!isUsingFilePond(root)) { return; } var item = action.item; listModified(root, item.filename, root.query('GET_LABEL_FILE_REMOVED')); }; var itemProcessed = function itemProcessed(_ref4) { var root = _ref4.root, action = _ref4.action; // will also notify the user when FilePond is not being used, as the user might be occupied with other activities while uploading a file var item = root.query('GET_ITEM', action.id); var filename = item.filename; var label = root.query('GET_LABEL_FILE_PROCESSING_COMPLETE'); assist(root, filename + ' ' + label); }; var itemProcessedUndo = function itemProcessedUndo(_ref5) { var root = _ref5.root, action = _ref5.action; var item = root.query('GET_ITEM', action.id); var filename = item.filename; var label = root.query('GET_LABEL_FILE_PROCESSING_ABORTED'); assist(root, filename + ' ' + label); }; var itemError = function itemError(_ref6) { var root = _ref6.root, action = _ref6.action; var item = root.query('GET_ITEM', action.id); var filename = item.filename; // will also notify the user when FilePond is not being used, as the user might be occupied with other activities while uploading a file assist(root, action.status.main + ' ' + filename + ' ' + action.status.sub); }; var assistant = createView({ create: create$c, ignoreRect: true, ignoreRectUpdate: true, write: createRoute({ DID_LOAD_ITEM: itemAdded, DID_REMOVE_ITEM: itemRemoved, DID_COMPLETE_ITEM_PROCESSING: itemProcessed, DID_ABORT_ITEM_PROCESSING: itemProcessedUndo, DID_REVERT_ITEM_PROCESSING: itemProcessedUndo, DID_THROW_ITEM_REMOVE_ERROR: itemError, DID_THROW_ITEM_LOAD_ERROR: itemError, DID_THROW_ITEM_INVALID: itemError, DID_THROW_ITEM_PROCESSING_ERROR: itemError }), tag: 'span', name: 'assistant' }); var toCamels = function toCamels(string) { var separator = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : '-'; return string.replace(new RegExp(separator + '.', 'g'), function(sub) { return sub.charAt(1).toUpperCase(); }); }; var debounce = function debounce(func) { var interval = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 16; var immidiateOnly = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : true; var last = Date.now(); var timeout = null; return function() { for ( var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++ ) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } clearTimeout(timeout); var dist = Date.now() - last; var fn = function fn() { last = Date.now(); func.apply(void 0, args); }; if (dist < interval) { // we need to delay by the difference between interval and dist // for example: if distance is 10 ms and interval is 16 ms, // we need to wait an additional 6ms before calling the function) if (!immidiateOnly) { timeout = setTimeout(fn, interval - dist); } } else { // go! fn(); } }; }; var MAX_FILES_LIMIT = 1000000; var create$d = function create(_ref) { var root = _ref.root, props = _ref.props; // Add id var id = root.query('GET_ID'); if (id) { root.element.id = id; } // Add className var className = root.query('GET_CLASS_NAME'); if (className) { className.split(' ').forEach(function(name) { root.element.classList.add(name); }); } // Field label root.ref.label = root.appendChildView( root.createChildView( dropLabel, Object.assign({}, props, { translateY: null, caption: root.query('GET_LABEL_IDLE') }) ) ); // List of items root.ref.list = root.appendChildView( root.createChildView(listScroller, { translateY: null }) ); // Background panel root.ref.panel = root.appendChildView( root.createChildView(panel, { name: 'panel-root' }) ); // Assistant notifies assistive tech when content changes root.ref.assistant = root.appendChildView( root.createChildView(assistant, Object.assign({}, props)) ); // Measure (tests if fixed height was set) // DOCTYPE needs to be set for this to work root.ref.measure = createElement$1('div'); root.ref.measure.style.height = '100%'; root.element.appendChild(root.ref.measure); // information on the root height or fixed height status root.ref.bounds = null; // apply initial style properties root .query('GET_STYLES') .filter(function(style) { return !isEmpty(style.value); }) .map(function(_ref2) { var name = _ref2.name, value = _ref2.value; root.element.dataset[name] = value; }); // determine if width changed root.ref.widthPrevious = null; root.ref.widthUpdated = debounce(function() { root.ref.updateHistory = []; root.dispatch('DID_RESIZE_ROOT'); }, 250); // history of updates root.ref.previousAspectRatio = null; root.ref.updateHistory = []; }; var write$8 = function write(_ref3) { var root = _ref3.root, props = _ref3.props, actions = _ref3.actions; // route actions route$5({ root: root, props: props, actions: actions }); // apply style properties actions .filter(function(action) { return /^DID_SET_STYLE_/.test(action.type); }) .filter(function(action) { return !isEmpty(action.data.value); }) .map(function(_ref4) { var type = _ref4.type, data = _ref4.data; var name = toCamels(type.substr(8).toLowerCase(), '_'); root.element.dataset[name] = data.value; root.invalidateLayout(); }); if (root.rect.element.hidden) return; if (root.rect.element.width !== root.ref.widthPrevious) { root.ref.widthPrevious = root.rect.element.width; root.ref.widthUpdated(); } // get box bounds, we do this only once var bounds = root.ref.bounds; if (!bounds) { bounds = root.ref.bounds = calculateRootBoundingBoxHeight(root); // destroy measure element root.element.removeChild(root.ref.measure); root.ref.measure = null; } // get quick references to various high level parts of the upload tool var _root$ref = root.ref, hopper = _root$ref.hopper, label = _root$ref.label, list = _root$ref.list, panel = _root$ref.panel; // sets correct state to hopper scope if (hopper) { hopper.updateHopperState(); } // bool to indicate if we're full or not var aspectRatio = root.query('GET_PANEL_ASPECT_RATIO'); var isMultiItem = root.query('GET_ALLOW_MULTIPLE'); var totalItems = root.query('GET_TOTAL_ITEMS'); var maxItems = isMultiItem ? root.query('GET_MAX_FILES') || MAX_FILES_LIMIT : 1; var atMaxCapacity = totalItems === maxItems; // action used to add item var addAction = actions.find(function(action) { return action.type === 'DID_ADD_ITEM'; }); // if reached max capacity and we've just reached it if (atMaxCapacity && addAction) { // get interaction type var interactionMethod = addAction.data.interactionMethod; // hide label label.opacity = 0; if (isMultiItem) { label.translateY = -40; } else { if (interactionMethod === InteractionMethod.API) { label.translateX = 40; } else if (interactionMethod === InteractionMethod.BROWSE) { label.translateY = 40; } else { label.translateY = 30; } } } else if (!atMaxCapacity) { label.opacity = 1; label.translateX = 0; label.translateY = 0; } var listItemMargin = calculateListItemMargin(root); var listHeight = calculateListHeight(root); var labelHeight = label.rect.element.height; var currentLabelHeight = !isMultiItem || atMaxCapacity ? 0 : labelHeight; var listMarginTop = atMaxCapacity ? list.rect.element.marginTop : 0; var listMarginBottom = totalItems === 0 ? 0 : list.rect.element.marginBottom; var visualHeight = currentLabelHeight + listMarginTop + listHeight.visual + listMarginBottom; var boundsHeight = currentLabelHeight + listMarginTop + listHeight.bounds + listMarginBottom; // link list to label bottom position list.translateY = Math.max(0, currentLabelHeight - list.rect.element.marginTop) - listItemMargin.top; if (aspectRatio) { // fixed aspect ratio // calculate height based on width var width = root.rect.element.width; var height = width * aspectRatio; // clear history if aspect ratio has changed if (aspectRatio !== root.ref.previousAspectRatio) { root.ref.previousAspectRatio = aspectRatio; root.ref.updateHistory = []; } // remember this width var history = root.ref.updateHistory; history.push(width); var MAX_BOUNCES = 2; if (history.length > MAX_BOUNCES * 2) { var l = history.length; var bottom = l - 10; var bounces = 0; for (var i = l; i >= bottom; i--) { if (history[i] === history[i - 2]) { bounces++; } if (bounces >= MAX_BOUNCES) { // dont adjust height return; } } } // fix height of panel so it adheres to aspect ratio panel.scalable = false; panel.height = height; // available height for list var listAvailableHeight = // the height of the panel minus the label height height - currentLabelHeight - // the room we leave open between the end of the list and the panel bottom (listMarginBottom - listItemMargin.bottom) - // if we're full we need to leave some room between the top of the panel and the list (atMaxCapacity ? listMarginTop : 0); if (listHeight.visual > listAvailableHeight) { list.overflow = listAvailableHeight; } else { list.overflow = null; } // set container bounds (so pushes siblings downwards) root.height = height; } else if (bounds.fixedHeight) { // fixed height // fix height of panel panel.scalable = false; // available height for list var _listAvailableHeight = // the height of the panel minus the label height bounds.fixedHeight - currentLabelHeight - // the room we leave open between the end of the list and the panel bottom (listMarginBottom - listItemMargin.bottom) - // if we're full we need to leave some room between the top of the panel and the list (atMaxCapacity ? listMarginTop : 0); // set list height if (listHeight.visual > _listAvailableHeight) { list.overflow = _listAvailableHeight; } else { list.overflow = null; } // no need to set container bounds as these are handles by CSS fixed height } else if (bounds.cappedHeight) { // max-height // not a fixed height panel var isCappedHeight = visualHeight >= bounds.cappedHeight; var panelHeight = Math.min(bounds.cappedHeight, visualHeight); panel.scalable = true; panel.height = isCappedHeight ? panelHeight : panelHeight - listItemMargin.top - listItemMargin.bottom; // available height for list var _listAvailableHeight2 = // the height of the panel minus the label height panelHeight - currentLabelHeight - // the room we leave open between the end of the list and the panel bottom (listMarginBottom - listItemMargin.bottom) - // if we're full we need to leave some room between the top of the panel and the list (atMaxCapacity ? listMarginTop : 0); // set list height (if is overflowing) if ( visualHeight > bounds.cappedHeight && listHeight.visual > _listAvailableHeight2 ) { list.overflow = _listAvailableHeight2; } else { list.overflow = null; } // set container bounds (so pushes siblings downwards) root.height = Math.min( bounds.cappedHeight, boundsHeight - listItemMargin.top - listItemMargin.bottom ); } else { // flexible height // not a fixed height panel var itemMargin = totalItems > 0 ? listItemMargin.top + listItemMargin.bottom : 0; panel.scalable = true; panel.height = Math.max(labelHeight, visualHeight - itemMargin); // set container bounds (so pushes siblings downwards) root.height = Math.max(labelHeight, boundsHeight - itemMargin); } }; var calculateListItemMargin = function calculateListItemMargin(root) { var item = root.ref.list.childViews[0].childViews[0]; return item ? { top: item.rect.element.marginTop, bottom: item.rect.element.marginBottom } : { top: 0, bottom: 0 }; }; var calculateListHeight = function calculateListHeight(root) { var visual = 0; var bounds = 0; // get file list reference var scrollList = root.ref.list; var itemList = scrollList.childViews[0]; var children = itemList.childViews; // no children, done! if (children.length === 0) return { visual: visual, bounds: bounds }; var horizontalSpace = itemList.rect.element.width; var dragIndex = getItemIndexByPosition( itemList, scrollList.dragCoordinates ); var childRect = children[0].rect.element; var itemVerticalMargin = childRect.marginTop + childRect.marginBottom; var itemHorizontalMargin = childRect.marginLeft + childRect.marginRight; var itemWidth = childRect.width + itemHorizontalMargin; var itemHeight = childRect.height + itemVerticalMargin; var newItem = typeof dragIndex !== 'undefined' && dragIndex >= 0 ? 1 : 0; var removedItem = children.find(function(child) { return child.markedForRemoval && child.opacity < 0.45; }) ? -1 : 0; var verticalItemCount = children.length + newItem + removedItem; var itemsPerRow = Math.round(horizontalSpace / itemWidth); // stack if (itemsPerRow === 1) { children.forEach(function(item) { var height = item.rect.element.height + itemVerticalMargin; bounds += height; visual += height * item.opacity; }); } // grid else { bounds = Math.ceil(verticalItemCount / itemsPerRow) * itemHeight; visual = bounds; } return { visual: visual, bounds: bounds }; }; var calculateRootBoundingBoxHeight = function calculateRootBoundingBoxHeight( root ) { var height = root.ref.measureHeight || null; var cappedHeight = parseInt(root.style.maxHeight, 10) || null; var fixedHeight = height === 0 ? null : height; return { cappedHeight: cappedHeight, fixedHeight: fixedHeight }; }; var exceedsMaxFiles = function exceedsMaxFiles(root, items) { var allowReplace = root.query('GET_ALLOW_REPLACE'); var allowMultiple = root.query('GET_ALLOW_MULTIPLE'); var totalItems = root.query('GET_TOTAL_ITEMS'); var maxItems = root.query('GET_MAX_FILES'); // total amount of items being dragged var totalBrowseItems = items.length; // if does not allow multiple items and dragging more than one item if (!allowMultiple && totalBrowseItems > 1) { return true; } // limit max items to one if not allowed to drop multiple items maxItems = allowMultiple ? maxItems : allowReplace ? maxItems : 1; // no more room? var hasMaxItems = isInt(maxItems); if (hasMaxItems && totalItems + totalBrowseItems > maxItems) { root.dispatch('DID_THROW_MAX_FILES', { source: items, error: createResponse('warning', 0, 'Max files') }); return true; } return false; }; var getDragIndex = function getDragIndex(list, position) { var itemList = list.childViews[0]; return getItemIndexByPosition(itemList, { left: position.scopeLeft - itemList.rect.element.left, top: position.scopeTop - (list.rect.outer.top + list.rect.element.marginTop + list.rect.element.scrollTop) }); }; /** * Enable or disable file drop functionality */ var toggleDrop = function toggleDrop(root) { var isAllowed = root.query('GET_ALLOW_DROP'); var isDisabled = root.query('GET_DISABLED'); var enabled = isAllowed && !isDisabled; if (enabled && !root.ref.hopper) { var hopper = createHopper( root.element, function(items) { // these files don't fit so stop here if (exceedsMaxFiles(root, items)) return false; // allow quick validation of dropped items var beforeDropFile = root.query('GET_BEFORE_DROP_FILE') || function() { return true; }; // all items should be validated by all filters as valid var dropValidation = root.query('GET_DROP_VALIDATION'); return dropValidation ? items.every(function(item) { return ( applyFilters('ALLOW_HOPPER_ITEM', item, { query: root.query }).every(function(result) { return result === true; }) && beforeDropFile(item) ); }) : true; }, { filterItems: function filterItems(items) { var ignoredFiles = root.query('GET_IGNORED_FILES'); return items.filter(function(item) { if (isFile(item)) { return !ignoredFiles.includes(item.name.toLowerCase()); } return true; }); }, catchesDropsOnPage: root.query('GET_DROP_ON_PAGE'), requiresDropOnElement: root.query('GET_DROP_ON_ELEMENT') } ); hopper.onload = function(items, position) { root.dispatch('ADD_ITEMS', { items: items, index: getDragIndex(root.ref.list, position), interactionMethod: InteractionMethod.DROP }); root.dispatch('DID_DROP', { position: position }); root.dispatch('DID_END_DRAG', { position: position }); }; hopper.ondragstart = function(position) { root.dispatch('DID_START_DRAG', { position: position }); }; hopper.ondrag = debounce(function(position) { root.dispatch('DID_DRAG', { position: position }); }); hopper.ondragend = function(position) { root.dispatch('DID_END_DRAG', { position: position }); }; root.ref.hopper = hopper; root.ref.drip = root.appendChildView(root.createChildView(drip)); } else if (!enabled && root.ref.hopper) { root.ref.hopper.destroy(); root.ref.hopper = null; root.removeChildView(root.ref.drip); } }; /** * Enable or disable browse functionality */ var toggleBrowse = function toggleBrowse(root, props) { var isAllowed = root.query('GET_ALLOW_BROWSE'); var isDisabled = root.query('GET_DISABLED'); var enabled = isAllowed && !isDisabled; if (enabled && !root.ref.browser) { root.ref.browser = root.appendChildView( root.createChildView( browser, Object.assign({}, props, { onload: function onload(items) { // these files don't fit so stop here if (exceedsMaxFiles(root, items)) return false; // add items! root.dispatch('ADD_ITEMS', { items: items, index: -1, interactionMethod: InteractionMethod.BROWSE }); } }) ), 0 ); } else if (!enabled && root.ref.browser) { root.removeChildView(root.ref.browser); root.ref.browser = null; } }; /** * Enable or disable paste functionality */ var togglePaste = function togglePaste(root) { var isAllowed = root.query('GET_ALLOW_PASTE'); var isDisabled = root.query('GET_DISABLED'); var enabled = isAllowed && !isDisabled; if (enabled && !root.ref.paster) { root.ref.paster = createPaster(); root.ref.paster.onload = function(items) { root.dispatch('ADD_ITEMS', { items: items, index: -1, interactionMethod: InteractionMethod.PASTE }); }; } else if (!enabled && root.ref.paster) { root.ref.paster.destroy(); root.ref.paster = null; } }; /** * Route actions */ var route$5 = createRoute({ DID_SET_ALLOW_BROWSE: function DID_SET_ALLOW_BROWSE(_ref5) { var root = _ref5.root, props = _ref5.props; toggleBrowse(root, props); }, DID_SET_ALLOW_DROP: function DID_SET_ALLOW_DROP(_ref6) { var root = _ref6.root; toggleDrop(root); }, DID_SET_ALLOW_PASTE: function DID_SET_ALLOW_PASTE(_ref7) { var root = _ref7.root; togglePaste(root); }, DID_SET_DISABLED: function DID_SET_DISABLED(_ref8) { var root = _ref8.root, props = _ref8.props; toggleDrop(root); togglePaste(root); toggleBrowse(root, props); var isDisabled = root.query('GET_DISABLED'); if (isDisabled) { root.element.dataset.disabled = 'disabled'; } else { delete root.element.dataset.disabled; } } }); var root = createView({ name: 'root', read: function read(_ref9) { var root = _ref9.root; if (root.ref.measure) { root.ref.measureHeight = root.ref.measure.offsetHeight; } }, create: create$d, write: write$8, destroy: function destroy(_ref10) { var root = _ref10.root; if (root.ref.paster) { root.ref.paster.destroy(); } if (root.ref.hopper) { root.ref.hopper.destroy(); } }, mixins: { styles: ['height'] } }); // creates the app var createApp = function createApp() { var initialOptions = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; // let element var originalElement = null; // get default options var defaultOptions = getOptions(); // create the data store, this will contain all our app info var store = createStore( // initial state (should be serializable) createInitialState(defaultOptions), // queries [queries, createOptionQueries(defaultOptions)], // action handlers [actions, createOptionActions(defaultOptions)] ); // set initial options store.dispatch('SET_OPTIONS', { options: initialOptions }); // kick thread if visibility changes var visibilityHandler = function visibilityHandler() { if (document.hidden) return; store.dispatch('KICK'); }; document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', visibilityHandler); // re-render on window resize start and finish var resizeDoneTimer = null; var isResizing = false; var isResizingHorizontally = false; var initialWindowWidth = null; var currentWindowWidth = null; var resizeHandler = function resizeHandler() { if (!isResizing) { isResizing = true; } clearTimeout(resizeDoneTimer); resizeDoneTimer = setTimeout(function() { isResizing = false; initialWindowWidth = null; currentWindowWidth = null; if (isResizingHorizontally) { isResizingHorizontally = false; store.dispatch('DID_STOP_RESIZE'); } }, 500); }; window.addEventListener('resize', resizeHandler); // render initial view var view = root(store, { id: getUniqueId() }); // // PRIVATE API ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // var isResting = false; var isHidden = false; var readWriteApi = { // necessary for update loop /** * Reads from dom (never call manually) * @private */ _read: function _read() { // test if we're resizing horizontally // TODO: see if we can optimize this by measuring root rect if (isResizing) { currentWindowWidth = window.innerWidth; if (!initialWindowWidth) { initialWindowWidth = currentWindowWidth; } if ( !isResizingHorizontally && currentWindowWidth !== initialWindowWidth ) { store.dispatch('DID_START_RESIZE'); isResizingHorizontally = true; } } if (isHidden && isResting) { // test if is no longer hidden isResting = view.element.offsetParent === null; } // if resting, no need to read as numbers will still all be correct if (isResting) return; // read view data view._read(); // if is hidden we need to know so we exit rest mode when revealed isHidden = view.rect.element.hidden; }, /** * Writes to dom (never call manually) * @private */ _write: function _write(ts) { // get all actions from store var actions = store .processActionQueue() // filter out set actions (these will automatically trigger DID_SET) .filter(function(action) { return !/^SET_/.test(action.type); }); // if was idling and no actions stop here if (isResting && !actions.length) return; // some actions might trigger events routeActionsToEvents(actions); // update the view isResting = view._write(ts, actions, isResizingHorizontally); // will clean up all archived items removeReleasedItems(store.query('GET_ITEMS')); // now idling if (isResting) { store.processDispatchQueue(); } } }; // // EXPOSE EVENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // var createEvent = function createEvent(name) { return function(data) { // create default event var event = { type: name }; // no data to add if (!data) { return event; } // copy relevant props if (data.hasOwnProperty('error')) { event.error = data.error ? Object.assign({}, data.error) : null; } if (data.status) { event.status = Object.assign({}, data.status); } if (data.file) { event.output = data.file; } // only source is available, else add item if possible if (data.source) { event.file = data.source; } else if (data.item || data.id) { var item = data.item ? data.item : store.query('GET_ITEM', data.id); event.file = item ? createItemAPI(item) : null; } // map all items in a possible items array if (data.items) { event.items = data.items.map(createItemAPI); } // if this is a progress event add the progress amount if (/progress/.test(name)) { event.progress = data.progress; } return event; }; }; var eventRoutes = { DID_DESTROY: createEvent('destroy'), DID_INIT: createEvent('init'), DID_THROW_MAX_FILES: createEvent('warning'), DID_START_ITEM_LOAD: createEvent('addfilestart'), DID_UPDATE_ITEM_LOAD_PROGRESS: createEvent('addfileprogress'), DID_LOAD_ITEM: createEvent('addfile'), DID_THROW_ITEM_INVALID: [createEvent('error'), createEvent('addfile')], DID_THROW_ITEM_LOAD_ERROR: [createEvent('error'), createEvent('addfile')], DID_THROW_ITEM_REMOVE_ERROR: [ createEvent('error'), createEvent('removefile') ], DID_PREPARE_OUTPUT: createEvent('preparefile'), DID_START_ITEM_PROCESSING: createEvent('processfilestart'), DID_UPDATE_ITEM_PROCESS_PROGRESS: createEvent('processfileprogress'), DID_ABORT_ITEM_PROCESSING: createEvent('processfileabort'), DID_COMPLETE_ITEM_PROCESSING: createEvent('processfile'), DID_COMPLETE_ITEM_PROCESSING_ALL: createEvent('processfiles'), DID_REVERT_ITEM_PROCESSING: createEvent('processfilerevert'), DID_THROW_ITEM_PROCESSING_ERROR: [ createEvent('error'), createEvent('processfile') ], DID_REMOVE_ITEM: createEvent('removefile'), DID_UPDATE_ITEMS: createEvent('updatefiles'), DID_ACTIVATE_ITEM: createEvent('activatefile') }; var exposeEvent = function exposeEvent(event) { // create event object to be dispatched var detail = Object.assign({ pond: exports }, event); delete detail.type; view.element.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('FilePond:' + event.type, { // event info detail: detail, // event behaviour bubbles: true, cancelable: true, composed: true // triggers listeners outside of shadow root }) ); // event object to params used for `on()` event handlers and callbacks `oninit()` var params = []; // if is possible error event, make it the first param if (event.hasOwnProperty('error')) { params.push(event.error); } // file is always section if (event.hasOwnProperty('file')) { params.push(event.file); } // append other props var filtered = ['type', 'error', 'file']; Object.keys(event) .filter(function(key) { return !filtered.includes(key); }) .forEach(function(key) { return params.push(event[key]); }); // on(type, () => { }) exports.fire.apply(exports, [event.type].concat(params)); // oninit = () => {} var handler = store.query('GET_ON' + event.type.toUpperCase()); if (handler) { handler.apply(void 0, params); } }; var routeActionsToEvents = function routeActionsToEvents(actions) { if (!actions.length) { return; } actions.forEach(function(action) { if (!eventRoutes[action.type]) { return; } var routes = eventRoutes[action.type]; (Array.isArray(routes) ? routes : [routes]).forEach(function(route) { setTimeout(function() { exposeEvent(route(action.data)); }, 0); }); }); }; // // PUBLIC API ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // var setOptions = function setOptions(options) { return store.dispatch('SET_OPTIONS', { options: options }); }; var getFile = function getFile(query) { return store.query('GET_ACTIVE_ITEM', query); }; var addFile = function addFile(source) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { addFiles([{ source: source, options: options }], { index: options.index }) .then(function(items) { return resolve(items && items[0]); }) .catch(reject); }); }; var removeFile = function removeFile(query) { // request item removal store.dispatch('REMOVE_ITEM', { query: query }); // see if item has been removed return store.query('GET_ACTIVE_ITEM', query) === null; }; var addFiles = function addFiles() { for ( var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++ ) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var sources = []; var options = {}; // user passed a sources array if (isArray(args[0])) { sources.push.apply(sources, args[0]); Object.assign(options, args[1] || {}); } else { // user passed sources as arguments, last one might be options object var lastArgument = args[args.length - 1]; if ( typeof lastArgument === 'object' && !(lastArgument instanceof Blob) ) { Object.assign(options, args.pop()); } // add rest to sources sources.push.apply(sources, args); } store.dispatch('ADD_ITEMS', { items: sources, index: options.index, interactionMethod: InteractionMethod.API, success: resolve, failure: reject }); }); }; var getFiles = function getFiles() { return store.query('GET_ACTIVE_ITEMS'); }; var processFile = function processFile(query) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { store.dispatch('REQUEST_ITEM_PROCESSING', { query: query, success: function success(item) { resolve(item); }, failure: function failure(error) { reject(error); } }); }); }; var processFiles = function processFiles() { for ( var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++ ) { args[_key2] = arguments[_key2]; } var queries = Array.isArray(args[0]) ? args[0] : args; if (!queries.length) { var files = getFiles().filter(function(item) { return ( !( item.status === ItemStatus.IDLE && item.origin === FileOrigin.LOCAL ) && item.status !== ItemStatus.PROCESSING && item.status !== ItemStatus.PROCESSING_COMPLETE && item.status !== ItemStatus.PROCESSING_REVERT_ERROR ); }); return Promise.all(files.map(processFile)); } return Promise.all(queries.map(processFile)); }; var removeFiles = function removeFiles() { for ( var _len3 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len3), _key3 = 0; _key3 < _len3; _key3++ ) { args[_key3] = arguments[_key3]; } var queries = Array.isArray(args[0]) ? args[0] : args; var files = getFiles(); if (!queries.length) { return Promise.all(files.map(removeFile)); } // when removing by index the indexes shift after each file removal so we need to convert indexes to ids var mappedQueries = queries .map(function(query) { return isNumber(query) ? files[query] ? files[query].id : null : query; }) .filter(function(query) { return query; }); return mappedQueries.map(removeFile); }; var exports = Object.assign( {}, on(), {}, readWriteApi, {}, createOptionAPI(store, defaultOptions), { /** * Override options defined in options object * @param options */ setOptions: setOptions, /** * Load the given file * @param source - the source of the file (either a File, base64 data uri or url) * @param options - object, { index: 0 } */ addFile: addFile, /** * Load the given files * @param sources - the sources of the files to load * @param options - object, { index: 0 } */ addFiles: addFiles, /** * Returns the file objects matching the given query * @param query { string, number, null } */ getFile: getFile, /** * Upload file with given name * @param query { string, number, null } */ processFile: processFile, /** * Removes a file by its name * @param query { string, number, null } */ removeFile: removeFile, /** * Returns all files (wrapped in public api) */ getFiles: getFiles, /** * Starts uploading all files */ processFiles: processFiles, /** * Clears all files from the files list */ removeFiles: removeFiles, /** * Sort list of files */ sort: function sort(compare) { return store.dispatch('SORT', { compare: compare }); }, /** * Browse the file system for a file */ browse: function browse() { // needs to be trigger directly as user action needs to be traceable (is not traceable in requestAnimationFrame) var input = view.element.querySelector('input[type=file]'); if (input) { input.click(); } }, /** * Destroys the app */ destroy: function destroy() { // request destruction exports.fire('destroy', view.element); // stop active processes (file uploads, fetches, stuff like that) // loop over items and depending on states call abort for ongoing processes store.dispatch('ABORT_ALL'); // destroy view view._destroy(); // stop listening to resize window.removeEventListener('resize', resizeHandler); // stop listening to the visiblitychange event document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', visibilityHandler); // dispatch destroy store.dispatch('DID_DESTROY'); }, /** * Inserts the plugin before the target element */ insertBefore: function insertBefore$1(element) { return insertBefore(view.element, element); }, /** * Inserts the plugin after the target element */ insertAfter: function insertAfter$1(element) { return insertAfter(view.element, element); }, /** * Appends the plugin to the target element */ appendTo: function appendTo(element) { return element.appendChild(view.element); }, /** * Replaces an element with the app */ replaceElement: function replaceElement(element) { // insert the app before the element insertBefore(view.element, element); // remove the original element element.parentNode.removeChild(element); // remember original element originalElement = element; }, /** * Restores the original element */ restoreElement: function restoreElement() { if (!originalElement) { return; // no element to restore } // restore original element insertAfter(originalElement, view.element); // remove our element view.element.parentNode.removeChild(view.element); // remove reference originalElement = null; }, /** * Returns true if the app root is attached to given element * @param element */ isAttachedTo: function isAttachedTo(element) { return view.element === element || originalElement === element; }, /** * Returns the root element */ element: { get: function get() { return view.element; } }, /** * Returns the current pond status */ status: { get: function get() { return store.query('GET_STATUS'); } } } ); // Done! store.dispatch('DID_INIT'); // create actual api object return createObject(exports); }; var createAppObject = function createAppObject() { var customOptions = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; // default options var defaultOptions = {}; forin(getOptions(), function(key, value) { defaultOptions[key] = value[0]; }); // set app options var app = createApp( Object.assign( {}, defaultOptions, {}, customOptions ) ); // return the plugin instance return app; }; var lowerCaseFirstLetter = function lowerCaseFirstLetter(string) { return string.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + string.slice(1); }; var attributeNameToPropertyName = function attributeNameToPropertyName( attributeName ) { return toCamels(attributeName.replace(/^data-/, '')); }; var mapObject = function mapObject(object, propertyMap) { // remove unwanted forin(propertyMap, function(selector, mapping) { forin(object, function(property, value) { // create regexp shortcut var selectorRegExp = new RegExp(selector); // tests if var matches = selectorRegExp.test(property); // no match, skip if (!matches) { return; } // if there's a mapping, the original property is always removed delete object[property]; // should only remove, we done! if (mapping === false) { return; } // move value to new property if (isString(mapping)) { object[mapping] = value; return; } // move to group var group = mapping.group; if (isObject(mapping) && !object[group]) { object[group] = {}; } object[group][ lowerCaseFirstLetter(property.replace(selectorRegExp, '')) ] = value; }); // do submapping if (mapping.mapping) { mapObject(object[mapping.group], mapping.mapping); } }); }; var getAttributesAsObject = function getAttributesAsObject(node) { var attributeMapping = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; // turn attributes into object var attributes = []; forin(node.attributes, function(index) { attributes.push(node.attributes[index]); }); var output = attributes .filter(function(attribute) { return attribute.name; }) .reduce(function(obj, attribute) { var value = attr(node, attribute.name); obj[attributeNameToPropertyName(attribute.name)] = value === attribute.name ? true : value; return obj; }, {}); // do mapping of object properties mapObject(output, attributeMapping); return output; }; var createAppAtElement = function createAppAtElement(element) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; // how attributes of the input element are mapped to the options for the plugin var attributeMapping = { // translate to other name '^class$': 'className', '^multiple$': 'allowMultiple', '^capture$': 'captureMethod', // group under single property '^server': { group: 'server', mapping: { '^process': { group: 'process' }, '^revert': { group: 'revert' }, '^fetch': { group: 'fetch' }, '^restore': { group: 'restore' }, '^load': { group: 'load' } } }, // don't include in object '^type$': false, '^files$': false }; // add additional option translators applyFilters('SET_ATTRIBUTE_TO_OPTION_MAP', attributeMapping); // create final options object by setting options object and then overriding options supplied on element var mergedOptions = Object.assign({}, options); var attributeOptions = getAttributesAsObject( element.nodeName === 'FIELDSET' ? element.querySelector('input[type=file]') : element, attributeMapping ); // merge with options object Object.keys(attributeOptions).forEach(function(key) { if (isObject(attributeOptions[key])) { if (!isObject(mergedOptions[key])) { mergedOptions[key] = {}; } Object.assign(mergedOptions[key], attributeOptions[key]); } else { mergedOptions[key] = attributeOptions[key]; } }); // if parent is a fieldset, get files from parent by selecting all input fields that are not file upload fields // these will then be automatically set to the initial files mergedOptions.files = (options.files || []).concat( Array.from(element.querySelectorAll('input:not([type=file])')).map( function(input) { return { source: input.value, options: { type: input.dataset.type } }; } ) ); // build plugin var app = createAppObject(mergedOptions); // add already selected files if (element.files) { Array.from(element.files).forEach(function(file) { app.addFile(file); }); } // replace the target element app.replaceElement(element); // expose return app; }; // if an element is passed, we create the instance at that element, if not, we just create an up object var createApp$1 = function createApp() { return isNode(arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0]) ? createAppAtElement.apply(void 0, arguments) : createAppObject.apply(void 0, arguments); }; var PRIVATE_METHODS = ['fire', '_read', '_write']; var createAppAPI = function createAppAPI(app) { var api = {}; copyObjectPropertiesToObject(app, api, PRIVATE_METHODS); return api; }; /** * Replaces placeholders in given string with replacements * @param string - "Foo {bar}"" * @param replacements - { "bar": 10 } */ var replaceInString = function replaceInString(string, replacements) { return string.replace(/(?:{([a-zA-Z]+)})/g, function(match, group) { return replacements[group]; }); }; var createWorker = function createWorker(fn) { var workerBlob = new Blob(['(', fn.toString(), ')()'], { type: 'application/javascript' }); var workerURL = URL.createObjectURL(workerBlob); var worker = new Worker(workerURL); return { transfer: function transfer(message, cb) {}, post: function post(message, cb, transferList) { var id = getUniqueId(); worker.onmessage = function(e) { if (e.data.id === id) { cb(e.data.message); } }; worker.postMessage( { id: id, message: message }, transferList ); }, terminate: function terminate() { worker.terminate(); URL.revokeObjectURL(workerURL); } }; }; var loadImage = function loadImage(url) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { resolve(img); }; img.onerror = function(e) { reject(e); }; img.src = url; }); }; var renameFile = function renameFile(file, name) { var renamedFile = file.slice(0, file.size, file.type); renamedFile.lastModifiedDate = file.lastModifiedDate; renamedFile.name = name; return renamedFile; }; var copyFile = function copyFile(file) { return renameFile(file, file.name); }; // already registered plugins (can't register twice) var registeredPlugins = []; // pass utils to plugin var createAppPlugin = function createAppPlugin(plugin) { // already registered if (registeredPlugins.includes(plugin)) { return; } // remember this plugin registeredPlugins.push(plugin); // setup! var pluginOutline = plugin({ addFilter: addFilter, utils: { Type: Type, forin: forin, isString: isString, isFile: isFile, toNaturalFileSize: toNaturalFileSize, replaceInString: replaceInString, getExtensionFromFilename: getExtensionFromFilename, getFilenameWithoutExtension: getFilenameWithoutExtension, guesstimateMimeType: guesstimateMimeType, getFileFromBlob: getFileFromBlob, getFilenameFromURL: getFilenameFromURL, createRoute: createRoute, createWorker: createWorker, createView: createView, createItemAPI: createItemAPI, loadImage: loadImage, copyFile: copyFile, renameFile: renameFile, createBlob: createBlob, applyFilterChain: applyFilterChain, text: text, getNumericAspectRatioFromString: getNumericAspectRatioFromString }, views: { fileActionButton: fileActionButton } }); // add plugin options to default options extendDefaultOptions(pluginOutline.options); }; // feature detection used by supported() method var isOperaMini = function isOperaMini() { return ( Object.prototype.toString.call(window.operamini) === '[object OperaMini]' ); }; var hasPromises = function hasPromises() { return 'Promise' in window; }; var hasBlobSlice = function hasBlobSlice() { return 'slice' in Blob.prototype; }; var hasCreateObjectURL = function hasCreateObjectURL() { return 'URL' in window && 'createObjectURL' in window.URL; }; var hasVisibility = function hasVisibility() { return 'visibilityState' in document; }; var hasTiming = function hasTiming() { return 'performance' in window; }; // iOS 8.x var isBrowser = function isBrowser() { return ( typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.document !== 'undefined' ); }; var supported = (function() { // Runs immidiately and then remembers result for subsequent calls var isSupported = // Has to be a browser isBrowser() && // Can't run on Opera Mini due to lack of everything !isOperaMini() && // Require these APIs to feature detect a modern browser hasVisibility() && hasPromises() && hasBlobSlice() && hasCreateObjectURL() && hasTiming(); return function() { return isSupported; }; })(); /** * Plugin internal state (over all instances) */ var state = { // active app instances, used to redraw the apps and to find the later apps: [] }; // plugin name var name = 'filepond'; /** * Public Plugin methods */ var fn = function fn() {}; exports.Status = {}; exports.FileStatus = {}; exports.FileOrigin = {}; exports.OptionTypes = {}; exports.create = fn; exports.destroy = fn; exports.parse = fn; exports.find = fn; exports.registerPlugin = fn; exports.getOptions = fn; exports.setOptions = fn; // if not supported, no API if (supported()) { // start painter and fire load event createPainter( function() { state.apps.forEach(function(app) { return app._read(); }); }, function(ts) { state.apps.forEach(function(app) { return app._write(ts); }); } ); // fire loaded event so we know when FilePond is available var dispatch = function dispatch() { // let others know we have area ready document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('FilePond:loaded', { detail: { supported: supported, create: exports.create, destroy: exports.destroy, parse: exports.parse, find: exports.find, registerPlugin: exports.registerPlugin, setOptions: exports.setOptions } }) ); // clean up event document.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', dispatch); }; if (document.readyState !== 'loading') { // move to back of execution queue, FilePond should have been exported by then setTimeout(function() { return dispatch(); }, 0); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', dispatch); } // updates the OptionTypes object based on the current options var updateOptionTypes = function updateOptionTypes() { return forin(getOptions(), function(key, value) { exports.OptionTypes[key] = value[1]; }); }; exports.Status = Object.assign({}, Status); exports.FileOrigin = Object.assign({}, FileOrigin); exports.FileStatus = Object.assign({}, ItemStatus); exports.OptionTypes = {}; updateOptionTypes(); // create method, creates apps and adds them to the app array exports.create = function create() { var app = createApp$1.apply(void 0, arguments); app.on('destroy', exports.destroy); state.apps.push(app); return createAppAPI(app); }; // destroys apps and removes them from the app array exports.destroy = function destroy(hook) { // returns true if the app was destroyed successfully var indexToRemove = state.apps.findIndex(function(app) { return app.isAttachedTo(hook); }); if (indexToRemove >= 0) { // remove from apps var app = state.apps.splice(indexToRemove, 1)[0]; // restore original dom element app.restoreElement(); return true; } return false; }; // parses the given context for plugins (does not include the context element itself) exports.parse = function parse(context) { // get all possible hooks var matchedHooks = Array.from(context.querySelectorAll('.' + name)); // filter out already active hooks var newHooks = matchedHooks.filter(function(newHook) { return !state.apps.find(function(app) { return app.isAttachedTo(newHook); }); }); // create new instance for each hook return newHooks.map(function(hook) { return exports.create(hook); }); }; // returns an app based on the given element hook exports.find = function find(hook) { var app = state.apps.find(function(app) { return app.isAttachedTo(hook); }); if (!app) { return null; } return createAppAPI(app); }; // adds a plugin extension exports.registerPlugin = function registerPlugin() { for ( var _len = arguments.length, plugins = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++ ) { plugins[_key] = arguments[_key]; } // register plugins plugins.forEach(createAppPlugin); // update OptionTypes, each plugin might have extended the default options updateOptionTypes(); }; exports.getOptions = function getOptions$1() { var opts = {}; forin(getOptions(), function(key, value) { opts[key] = value[0]; }); return opts; }; exports.setOptions = function setOptions$1(opts) { if (isObject(opts)) { // update existing plugins state.apps.forEach(function(app) { app.setOptions(opts); }); // override defaults setOptions(opts); } // return new options return exports.getOptions(); }; } exports.supported = supported; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); });