

FilePond, Where files go to stretch their bits.

1,067 lines (1,007 loc) 34 kB
// Based on definitions by Zach Posten for React-Filepond <https://github.com/zposten> // Updated by FilePond Contributors /* Disable no-redundant-jsdoc since @default statements are NOT redundant */ /* tslint:disable:no-redundant-jsdoc */ export {}; export enum FileStatus { INIT = 1, IDLE = 2, PROCESSING_QUEUED = 9, PROCESSING = 3, PROCESSING_COMPLETE = 5, PROCESSING_ERROR = 6, PROCESSING_REVERT_ERROR = 10, LOADING = 7, LOAD_ERROR = 8, } export enum Status { EMPTY = 0, IDLE = 1, ERROR = 2, BUSY = 3, READY = 4, } export enum FileOrigin { INPUT = 1, LIMBO = 2, LOCAL = 3, } // TODO replace all references to `ActualFileObject` with native `File` /** * @deprecated Don't use this type explicitly within your code. It'll be replaced with the native `File` type in a future release. */ export type ActualFileObject = Blob & { readonly lastModified: number; readonly name: string }; /** * A custom FilePond File. */ export class FilePondFile { /** Returns the ID of the file. */ id: string; /** Returns the server id of the file. */ serverId: string; /** Returns the source of the file. */ source: ActualFileObject | string; /** Returns the origin of the file. */ origin: FileOrigin; /** Returns the current status of the file. */ status: FileStatus; /** Returns the File object. */ file: ActualFileObject; /** Returns the file extensions. */ fileExtension: string; /** Returns the size of the file. */ fileSize: number; /** Returns the type of the file. */ fileType: string; /** Returns the full name of the file. */ filename: string; /** Returns the name of the file without extension. */ filenameWithoutExtension: string; /** Aborts loading of this file */ abortLoad: () => void; /** Aborts processing of this file */ abortProcessing: () => void; /** * Retrieve metadata saved to the file, pass a key to retrieve * a specific part of the metadata (e.g. 'crop' or 'resize'). * If no key is passed, the entire metadata object is returned. */ getMetadata: (key?: string) => any; /** Add additional metadata to the file */ setMetadata: (key: string, value: any, silent?: boolean) => void; } // TODO delete /** * A custom FilePond File. Don't confuse this with the native `File` type. * * @deprecated use `FilePondFile` instead. This type will be removed in a future release. */ export class File extends FilePondFile {} export interface ServerUrl { url: string; method?: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE'; withCredentials?: boolean; headers?: { [key: string]: string | boolean | number }; timeout?: number; /** * Called when server response is received, useful for getting * the unique file id from the server response. */ onload?: (response: any) => number | string; /** * Called when server error is received, receives the response * body, useful to select the relevant error data. */ onerror?: (responseBody: any) => any; /** * Called with the formdata object right before it is sent, * return extended formdata object to make changes. */ ondata?: (data: FormData) => FormData; } export type ProgressServerConfigFunction = ( /** * Flag indicating if the resource has a length that can be calculated. * If not, the totalDataAmount has no significant value. Setting this to * false switches the FilePond loading indicator to infinite mode. */ isLengthComputable: boolean, /** The amount of data currently transferred. */ loadedDataAmount: number, /** The total amount of data to be transferred. */ totalDataAmount: number ) => void; export interface ProcessServerChunkTransferOptions { chunkTransferId: string; chunkServer: ServerUrl; /** * Chunk uploads enabled */ chunkUploads: boolean; /** * Forcing use of chunk uploads even for files smaller than chunk size */ chunkForce: boolean; /** * Size of chunks */ chunkSize: number; /** * Amount of times to retry upload of a chunk when it fails */ chunkRetryDelays: number[]; } export type ProcessServerConfigFunction = ( /** The name of the input field. */ fieldName: string, /** The actual file object to send. */ file: ActualFileObject, metadata: { [key: string]: any }, /** * Should call the load method when done and pass the returned server file id. * This server file id is then used later on when reverting or restoring a file * so that your server knows which file to return without exposing that info * to the client. */ load: (p: string | { [key: string]: any }) => void, /** Call if something goes wrong, will exit after. */ error: (errorText: string) => void, /** * Should call the progress method to update the progress to 100% before calling load(). * Setting computable to false switches the loading indicator to infinite mode. */ progress: ProgressServerConfigFunction, /** Let FilePond know the request has been cancelled. */ abort: () => void, /** * Let Filepond know and store the current file chunk transfer id so it can track the * progress of the whole file upload */ transfer: (transferId: string) => void, options: ProcessServerChunkTransferOptions ) => void; export type RevertServerConfigFunction = ( /** Server file id of the file to restore. */ uniqueFieldId: any, /** Should call the load method when done. */ load: () => void, /** Call if something goes wrong, will exit after. */ error: (errorText: string) => void ) => void; export type RestoreServerConfigFunction = ( /** Server file id of the file to restore. */ uniqueFileId: any, /** Should call the load method with a file object or blob when done. */ load: (file: ActualFileObject) => void, /** Call if something goes wrong, will exit after. */ error: (errorText: string) => void, /** * Should call the progress method to update the progress to 100% before calling load(). * Setting computable to false switches the loading indicator to infinite mode. */ progress: ProgressServerConfigFunction, /** Let FilePond know the request has been cancelled. */ abort: () => void, /** * Can call the headers method to supply FilePond with early response header string. * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/getAllResponseHeaders */ headers: (headersString: string) => void ) => void; export type LoadServerConfigFunction = ( source: any, /** Should call the load method with a file object or blob when done. */ load: (file: ActualFileObject | Blob) => void, /** Call if something goes wrong, will exit after. */ error: (errorText: string) => void, /** * Should call the progress method to update the progress to 100% before calling load(). * Setting computable to false switches the loading indicator to infinite mode. */ progress: ProgressServerConfigFunction, /** Let FilePond know the request has been cancelled. */ abort: () => void, /** * Can call the headers method to supply FilePond with early response header string. * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/getAllResponseHeaders> */ headers: (headersString: string) => void ) => void; export type FetchServerConfigFunction = ( url: string, /** Should call the load method with a file object or blob when done. */ load: (file: ActualFileObject | Blob) => void, /** Call if something goes wrong, will exit after. */ error: (errorText: string) => void, /** * Should call the progress method to update the progress to 100% before calling load(). * Setting computable to false switches the loading indicator to infinite mode. */ progress: ProgressServerConfigFunction, /** Let FilePond know the request has been cancelled. */ abort: () => void, /** * Can call the headers method to supply FilePond with early response header string. * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/getAllResponseHeaders */ headers: (headersString: string) => void ) => void; export type RemoveServerConfigFunction = ( /** Local file source */ source: any, /** Call when done */ load: () => void, /** Call if something goes wrong, will exit after. */ error: (errorText: string) => void ) => void; export interface FilePondInitialFile { /** The server file reference. */ source: string; options: { /** Origin of file being added. */ type: 'input' | 'limbo' | 'local'; /** Mock file information. */ file?: { name?: string; size?: number; type?: string; }; /** File initial metadata. */ metadata?: { [key: string]: any }; }; } export interface FilePondServerConfigProps { /** * Immediately upload new files to the server. * @default true */ instantUpload?: boolean; /** * The maximum number of files that can be uploaded in parallel. * @default 2 */ maxParallelUploads?: number; /** * Server API Configuration. * See: https://pqina.nl/filepond/docs/patterns/api/server * @default null */ server?: | string | { url?: string; timeout?: number; headers?: { [key: string]: string | boolean | number }; process?: string | ServerUrl | ProcessServerConfigFunction | null; revert?: string | ServerUrl | RevertServerConfigFunction | null; restore?: string | ServerUrl | RestoreServerConfigFunction | null; load?: string | ServerUrl | LoadServerConfigFunction | null; fetch?: string | ServerUrl | FetchServerConfigFunction | null; patch?: string | ServerUrl | null; remove?: RemoveServerConfigFunction | null; } | null; /** * Enable chunk uploads * @default false */ chunkUploads?: boolean; /** * Force use of chunk uploads even for files smaller than chunk size * @default false */ chunkForce?: boolean; /** * Size of chunks (5MB default) * @default 5000000 */ chunkSize?: number; /** * Amount of times to retry upload of a chunk when it fails * @default [500, 1000, 3000] */ chunkRetryDelays?: number[]; /** * A list of file locations that should be loaded immediately. * See: https://pqina.nl/filepond/docs/patterns/api/filepond-object/#setting-initial-files * @default [] */ files?: Array<FilePondInitialFile | ActualFileObject | Blob | string>; } export interface FilePondDragDropProps { /** * FilePond will catch all files dropped on the webpage. * @default false */ dropOnPage?: boolean; /** * Require drop on the FilePond element itself to catch the file. * @default true */ dropOnElement?: boolean; /** * When enabled, files are validated before they are dropped. * A file is not added when it’s invalid. * @default false */ dropValidation?: boolean; /** * Ignored file names when handling dropped directories. * Dropping directories is not supported on all browsers. * @default ['.ds_store', 'thumbs.db', 'desktop.ini'] */ ignoredFiles?: string[]; } export interface FilePondLabelProps { /** * The decimal separator used to render numbers. * By default this is determined automatically. * @default 'auto' */ labelDecimalSeparator?: string; /** * The thousands separator used to render numbers. * By default this is determined automatically. * @default 'auto' */ labelThousandsSeparator?: string; /** * Default label shown to indicate this is a drop area. * FilePond will automatically bind browse file events to * the element with CSS class .filepond--label-action. * @default 'Drag & Drop your files or <span class="filepond--label-action"> Browse </span>' */ labelIdle?: string; /** * Label shown when the field contains invalid files and is validated by the parent form. * @default 'Field contains invalid files' */ labelInvalidField?: string; /** * Label used while waiting for file size information. * @default 'Waiting for size' */ labelFileWaitingForSize?: string; /** * Label used when no file size information was received. * @default 'Size not available' */ labelFileSizeNotAvailable?: string; /** * Label used to indicate bytes * @default 'Bytes' */ labelFileSizeBytes?: string; /** * Label used to indicate kilobytes * @default 'KB' */ labelFileSizeKilobytes?: string; /** * Label used to indicate megabytes * @default 'MB' */ labelFileSizeMegabytes?: string; /** * Label used to indicate gigabytes * @default 'GB' */ labelFileSizeGigabytes?: string; /** * Label used when showing the number of files and there is only one. * @default 'file in list' */ labelFileCountSingular?: string; /** * Label used when showing the number of files and there is more than one. * @default 'files in list' */ labelFileCountPlural?: string; /** * Label used while loading a file. * @default 'Loading' */ labelFileLoading?: string; /** * Label used when file is added (assistive only). * @default 'Added' */ labelFileAdded?: string; /** * Label used when file load failed. * @default 'Error during load' */ labelFileLoadError?: ((error: any) => string) | string; /** * Label used when file is removed (assistive only). * @default 'Removed' */ labelFileRemoved?: string; /** * Label used when something went during during removing the file upload. * @default 'Error during remove' */ labelFileRemoveError?: ((error: any) => string) | string; /** * Label used when uploading a file. * @default 'Uploading' */ labelFileProcessing?: string; /** * Label used when file upload has completed. * @default 'Upload complete' */ labelFileProcessingComplete?: string; /** * Label used when upload was cancelled. * @default 'Upload cancelled' */ labelFileProcessingAborted?: string; /** * Label used when something went wrong during file upload. * @default 'Error during upload' */ labelFileProcessingError?: ((error: any) => string) | string; /** * Label used when something went wrong during reverting the file upload. * @default 'Error during revert' */ labelFileProcessingRevertError?: ((error: any) => string) | string; /** * Label used to indicate to the user that an action can be cancelled. * @default 'tap to cancel' */ labelTapToCancel?: string; /** * Label used to indicate to the user that an action can be retried. * @default 'tap to retry' */ labelTapToRetry?: string; /** * Label used to indicate to the user that an action can be undone. * @default 'tap to undo' */ labelTapToUndo?: string; /** * Label used for remove button. * @default 'Remove' */ labelButtonRemoveItem?: string; /** * Label used for abort load button. * @default 'Abort' */ labelButtonAbortItemLoad?: string; /** * Label used for retry load. * @default 'Retry' */ labelButtonRetryItemLoad?: string; /** * Label used for abort upload button. * @default 'Cancel' */ labelButtonAbortItemProcessing?: string; /** * Label used for undo upload button. * @default 'Undo' */ labelButtonUndoItemProcessing?: string; /** * Label used for retry upload button. * @default 'Retry' */ labelButtonRetryItemProcessing?: string; /** * Label used for upload button. * @default 'Upload' */ labelButtonProcessItem?: string; } export interface FilePondSvgIconProps { /** * The icon used for remove actions. * @default '<svg></svg>' */ iconRemove?: string; /** * The icon used for process actions. * @default '<svg></svg>' */ iconProcess?: string; /** * The icon used for retry actions. * @default '<svg></svg>' */ iconRetry?: string; /** * The icon used for undo actions. * @default '<svg></svg>' */ iconUndo?: string; /** * The icon used for done. * @default '<svg></svg>' */ iconDone?: string; } export interface FilePondErrorDescription { type: string; code: number; body: string; } export interface FilePondCallbackProps { /** FilePond instance has been created and is ready. */ oninit?: () => void; /** * FilePond instance throws a warning. For instance * when the maximum amount of files has been reached. * Optionally receives file if error is related to a * file object. */ onwarning?: (error: any, file?: FilePondFile, status?: any) => void; /** * FilePond instance throws an error. Optionally receives * file if error is related to a file object. */ onerror?: (error: FilePondErrorDescription, file?: FilePondFile, status?: any) => void; /** Started file load. */ onaddfilestart?: (file: FilePondFile) => void; /** Made progress loading a file. */ onaddfileprogress?: (file: FilePondFile, progress: number) => void; /** If no error, file has been successfully loaded. */ onaddfile?: (error: FilePondErrorDescription | null, file: FilePondFile) => void; /** Started processing a file. */ onprocessfilestart?: (file: FilePondFile) => void; /** Made progress processing a file. */ onprocessfileprogress?: (file: FilePondFile, progress: number) => void; /** Aborted processing of a file. */ onprocessfileabort?: (file: FilePondFile) => void; /** Processing of a file has been reverted. */ onprocessfilerevert?: (file: FilePondFile) => void; /** If no error, Processing of a file has been completed. */ onprocessfile?: (error: FilePondErrorDescription | null, file: FilePondFile) => void; /** Called when all files in the list have been processed. */ onprocessfiles?: () => void; /** File has been removed. */ onremovefile?: (error: FilePondErrorDescription | null, file: FilePondFile) => void; /** * File has been transformed by the transform plugin or * another plugin subscribing to the prepare_output filter. * It receives the file item and the output data. */ onpreparefile?: (file: FilePondFile, output: any) => void; /** A file has been added or removed, receives a list of file items. */ onupdatefiles?: (files: FilePondFile[]) => void; /* Called when a file is clicked or tapped. **/ onactivatefile?: (file: FilePondFile) => void; /** Called when the files have been reordered */ onreorderfiles?: (files: FilePondFile[]) => void; } export interface FilePondHookProps { /** * FilePond is about to allow this item to be dropped, it can be a URL or a File object. * * Return `true` or `false` depending on if you want to allow the item to be dropped. */ beforeDropFile?: (file: FilePondFile | string) => boolean; /** * FilePond is about to add this file. * * Return `false` to prevent adding it, or return a `Promise` and resolve with `true` or `false`. */ beforeAddFile?: (item: FilePondFile) => boolean | Promise<boolean>; /** * FilePond is about to remove this file. * * Return `false` to prevent adding it, or return a `Promise` and resolve with `true` or `false`. */ beforeRemoveFile?: (item: FilePondFile) => boolean | Promise<boolean>; } export interface FilePondStyleProps { /** * Set a different layout render mode. * @default null */ stylePanelLayout?: | 'integrated' | 'compact' | 'circle' | 'integrated circle' | 'compact circle' | null; /** * Set a forced aspect ratio for the FilePond drop area. * * Accepts human readable aspect ratios like `1:1` or numeric aspect ratios like `0.75`. * @default null */ stylePanelAspectRatio?: string | null; /** * Set a forced aspect ratio for the file items. * * Useful when rendering cropped or fixed aspect ratio images in grid view. * @default null */ styleItemPanelAspectRatio?: string | null; /** * The position of the remove item button. * @default 'left' */ styleButtonRemoveItemPosition?: string; /** * The position of the remove item button. * @default 'right' */ styleButtonProcessItemPosition?: string; /** * The position of the load indicator. * @default 'right' */ styleLoadIndicatorPosition?: string; /** * The position of the progress indicator. * @default 'right' */ styleProgressIndicatorPosition?: string; /** * Enable to align the remove button to the left side of the file item. * @default false */ styleButtonRemoveItemAlign?: boolean; } export type CaptureAttribute = 'camera' | 'microphone' | 'camcorder'; export interface FilePondBaseProps { /** * The ID to add to the root element. * @default null */ id?: string | null; /** * The input field name to use. * @default 'filepond' */ name?: string; /** * Class Name to put on wrapper. * @default null */ className?: string | null; /** * Sets the required attribute to the output field. * @default false */ required?: boolean; /** * Sets the disabled attribute to the output field. * @default false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Sets the given value to the capture attribute. * @default null */ captureMethod?: CaptureAttribute | null; /** * Set to false to prevent FilePond from setting the file input field `accept` attribute to the value of the `acceptedFileTypes`. */ allowSyncAcceptAttribute?: boolean; /** * Enable or disable drag n’ drop. * @default true */ allowDrop?: boolean; /** * Enable or disable file browser. * @default true */ allowBrowse?: boolean; /** * Enable or disable pasting of files. Pasting files is not * supported on all browsers. * @default true */ allowPaste?: boolean; /** * Enable or disable adding multiple files. * @default false */ allowMultiple?: boolean; /** * Allow drop to replace a file, only works when allowMultiple is false. * @default true */ allowReplace?: boolean; /** * Allows the user to revert file upload. * @default true */ allowRevert?: boolean; /** * When set to false the remove button is hidden and disabled. * @default true */ allowRemove?: boolean; /** * Allows user to process a file. When set to false, this removes the file upload button. * @default true */ allowProcess?: boolean; /** * Allows the user to reorder the file items * @default false */ allowReorder?: boolean; /** * Allow only selecting directories with browse (no support for filtering dnd at this point) * @default false */ allowDirectoriesOnly?: boolean; /** * Require the file to be successfully reverted before continuing. * @default false */ forceRevert?: boolean; /** * The maximum number of files that filepond pond can handle. * @default null */ maxFiles?: number | null; /** * Enables custom validity messages. * @default false */ checkValidity?: boolean; /** * Set to false to always add items to beginning or end of list. * @default true */ itemInsertLocationFreedom?: boolean; /** * Default index in list to add items that have been dropped at the top of the list. * @default 'before' */ itemInsertLocation?: 'before' | 'after' | ((a: FilePondFile, b: FilePondFile) => number); /** * The interval to use before showing each item being added to the list. * @default 75 */ itemInsertInterval?: number; /** * The base value used to calculate file size * @default 1000 */ fileSizeBase?: number; /** * Tells FilePond to store files in hidden file input elements so they can be posted along with * normal form post. This only works if the browser supports the DataTransfer constructor, * this is the case on Firefox, Chrome, Chromium powered browsers and Safari version 14.1 * and higher. * @default false */ storeAsFile?: boolean; /** * Shows Powered by PQINA in footer. Can be disabled by setting to false, but please do * link to https://pqina.nl somewhere else on your website, or otherwise donate to help * keep the project alive. * @default "Powered by PQINA" */ credits?: false; } // TODO delete /** * @deprecated use `FilePondOptions`. This will be removed in a future release. */ export interface FilePondOptionProps extends FilePondDragDropProps, FilePondServerConfigProps, FilePondLabelProps, FilePondSvgIconProps, FilePondCallbackProps, FilePondHookProps, FilePondStyleProps, FilePondBaseProps {} export interface FilePondOptions extends FilePondDragDropProps, FilePondServerConfigProps, FilePondLabelProps, FilePondSvgIconProps, FilePondCallbackProps, FilePondHookProps, FilePondStyleProps, FilePondBaseProps {} export type FilePondEventPrefixed = | 'FilePond:init' | 'FilePond:warning' | 'FilePond:error' | 'FilePond:addfilestart' | 'FilePond:addfileprogress' | 'FilePond:addfile' | 'FilePond:processfilestart' | 'FilePond:processfileprogress' | 'FilePond:processfileabort' | 'FilePond:processfilerevert' | 'FilePond:processfile' | 'FilePond:processfiles' | 'FilePond:removefile' | 'FilePond:updatefiles' | 'FilePond:reorderfiles'; export type FilePondEvent = | 'init' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'addfilestart' | 'addfileprogress' | 'addfile' | 'processfilestart' | 'processfileprogress' | 'processfileabort' | 'processfilerevert' | 'processfile' | 'processfiles' | 'removefile' | 'updatefiles' | 'reorderfiles'; export interface RemoveFileOptions { remove?: boolean; revert?: boolean; } export interface FilePond extends Required<FilePondOptions> {} export class FilePond { /** * The root element of the Filepond instance. */ readonly element: Element | null; /** * Returns the current status of the FilePond instance. * @default Status.EMPTY */ readonly status: Status; /** Override multiple options at once. */ setOptions(options: FilePondOptions): void; /** * Adds a file. * @param options.index The index that the file should be added at. */ addFile( source: ActualFileObject | Blob | string, options?: { index?: number } & Partial<FilePondInitialFile['options']> ): Promise<FilePondFile>; /** * Adds multiple files. * @param options.index The index that the files should be added at. */ addFiles( source: ActualFileObject[] | Blob[] | string[], options?: { index: number } ): Promise<FilePondFile[]>; /** * Moves a file. Select file with query and supply target index. * @param query The file reference, id, or index. * @param index The index to move the file to. */ moveFile(query: FilePondFile | string | number, index: number): void; /** * Removes a file. * @param query The file reference, id, or index. If no query is provided, removes the first file in the list. * @param options Options for removal */ removeFile(query?: FilePondFile | string | number, options?: RemoveFileOptions): void; /** * Removes the first file in the list. * @param options Options for removal */ removeFile(options: RemoveFileOptions): void; /** * Removes files matching the query. * @param query Array containing file references, ids, and/or indexes. If no array is provided, all files are removed * @param options Options for removal */ removeFiles(query?: Array<FilePondFile | string | number>, options?: RemoveFileOptions): void; /** * Removes all files. * @param options Options for removal */ removeFiles(options: RemoveFileOptions): void; /** * Processes a file. If no parameter is provided, processes the first file in the list. * @param query The file reference, id, or index */ processFile(query?: FilePondFile | string | number): Promise<FilePondFile>; /** * Processes multiple files. If no parameter is provided, processes all files. * @param query The file reference(s), id(s), or index(es) */ processFiles(query?: FilePondFile[] | string[] | number[]): Promise<FilePondFile[]>; /** * Starts preparing the file matching the given query, returns a Promise, the Promise is resolved with the file item and the output file { file, output } * @param query The file reference, id, or index */ prepareFile( query?: FilePondFile | string | number ): Promise<{ file: FilePondFile; output: any }>; /** * Processes multiple files. If no parameter is provided, processes all files. * @param query Array containing file reference(s), id(s), or index(es) */ prepareFiles( query?: FilePondFile[] | string[] | number[] ): Promise<Array<{ file: FilePondFile; output: any }>>; /** * Returns a file. If no parameter is provided, returns the first file in the list. * @param query The file id, or index */ getFile(query?: string | number): FilePondFile; /** Returns all files. */ getFiles(): FilePondFile[]; /** * Manually trigger the browse files panel. * * Only works if the call originates from the user. */ browse(): void; /** * Sort the items in the files list. * @param compare The comparison function */ sort(compare: (a: FilePondFile, b: FilePondFile) => number): void; /** Destroys this FilePond instance. */ destroy(): void; /** Inserts the FilePond instance after the supplied element. */ insertAfter(element: Element): void; /** Inserts the FilePond instance before the supplied element. */ insertBefore(element: Element): void; /** Appends FilePond to the given element. */ appendTo(element: Element): void; /** Returns true if the current instance is attached to the supplied element. */ isAttachedTo(element: Element): void; /** Replaces the supplied element with FilePond. */ replaceElement(element: Element): void; /** If FilePond replaced the original element, this restores the original element to its original glory. */ restoreElement(element: Element): void; /** * Adds an event listener to the given event. * @param event Name of the event, prefixed with `Filepond:` * @param fn Event handler */ addEventListener(event: FilePondEventPrefixed, fn: (e: any) => void): void; /** * Listen to an event. * @param event Name of the event * @param fn Event handler, signature is identical to the callback method */ on(event: FilePondEvent, fn: (...args: any[]) => void): void; /** * Listen to an event once and remove the handler. * @param event Name of the event * @param fn Event handler, signature is identical to the callback method */ onOnce(event: FilePondEvent, fn: (...args: any[]) => void): void; /** * Stop listening to an event. * @param event Name of the event * @param fn Event handler, signature is identical to the callback method */ off(event: FilePondEvent, fn: (...args: any[]) => void): void; } /** Creates a new FilePond instance. */ export function create(element?: Element, options?: FilePondOptions): FilePond; /** Destroys the FilePond instance attached to the supplied element. */ export function destroy(element: Element): void; /** Returns the FilePond instance attached to the supplied element. */ export function find(element: Element): FilePond; /** * Parses a given section of the DOM tree for elements with class * .filepond and turns them into FilePond elements. */ export function parse(context: Element): void; /** Registers a FilePond plugin for later use. */ export function registerPlugin(...plugins: any[]): void; /** Sets page level default options for all FilePond instances. */ export function setOptions(options: FilePondOptions): void; /** Returns the current default options. */ export function getOptions(): FilePondOptions; /** Determines whether or not the browser supports FilePond. */ export function supported(): boolean; /** Returns an object describing all the available options and their types, useful for writing FilePond adapters. */ export const OptionTypes: object;