daisyUI 5 - The Tailwind CSS Component Library
87 lines (74 loc) • 2.63 kB
import themeOrder from "./themeOrder.js"
export const pluginOptionsHandler = (() => {
let firstRun = true
return (options, addBase, themesObject, packageVersion) => {
const {
logs = true,
root = ":root",
themes = ["light --default", "dark --prefersdark"],
prefix = "",
} = options || {}
if (logs !== false && firstRun) {
`${atob("Lyoh")} ${decodeURIComponent("%F0%9F%8C%BC")} ${atob("ZGFpc3lVSQ==")} ${packageVersion} ${atob("Ki8=")}`,
firstRun = false
const applyTheme = (themeName, flags) => {
const theme = themesObject[themeName]
if (theme) {
let selector = `${root}:has(input.theme-controller[value=${themeName}]:checked),[data-theme=${themeName}]`
if (flags.includes("--default")) {
selector = `:where(${root}),${selector}`
addBase({ [selector]: theme })
if (flags.includes("--prefersdark")) {
addBase({ "@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)": { [root]: theme } })
if (themes === "all") {
if (themesObject["light"]) {
applyTheme("light", ["--default"])
if (themesObject["dark"]) {
addBase({ "@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)": { [root]: themesObject["dark"] } })
themeOrder.forEach((themeName) => {
if (themesObject[themeName]) {
applyTheme(themeName, [])
} else if (themes) {
const themeArray = Array.isArray(themes) ? themes : [themes]
// For single theme with --default flag, skip the other applications
if (themeArray.length === 1 && themeArray[0].includes("--default")) {
const [themeName, ...flags] = themeArray[0].split(" ")
applyTheme(themeName, flags)
return { include, exclude, prefix }
// default theme
themeArray.forEach((themeOption) => {
const [themeName, ...flags] = themeOption.split(" ")
if (flags.includes("--default")) {
applyTheme(themeName, ["--default"])
// prefers dark theme
themeArray.forEach((themeOption) => {
const [themeName, ...flags] = themeOption.split(" ")
if (flags.includes("--prefersdark")) {
addBase({ "@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)": { [root]: themesObject[themeName] } })
// other themes
themeArray.forEach((themeOption) => {
const [themeName] = themeOption.split(" ")
applyTheme(themeName, [])
return { include, exclude, prefix }