

Spectrum Web Components are a [`LitElement`](https://lit-element.polymer-project.org) powered web component library of patterns built ontop of the [Spectrum CSS](https://opensource.adobe.com/spectrum-css) specification. Styles for these components are mad

1 folder, 41 files
335 kB
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695 B
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696 B
699 B
697 B
700 B
84 B
837 B
1.11 kB
807 B
84 B
837 B
1.11 kB
807 B
53.9 kB
84 B
845 B
1.12 kB
813 B
2.44 kB
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849 B
1.13 kB
816 B
1.38 kB
77 kB
79.3 kB
6.57 kB
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6.55 kB
6.54 kB
86.2 kB
84 B
731 B
926 B
695 B