GraphQL Hive + GraphQL Yoga
20 lines (13 loc) • 773 B
# Hive Client for GraphQL Yoga
[Hive](https://the-guild.dev/graphql/hive) is a fully open-source schema registry, analytics,
metrics and gateway for [GraphQL federation](https://the-guild.dev/graphql/hive/federation) and
other GraphQL APIs.
## Migration from `@graphql-hive/client`
The `@graphql-hive/client` package has been deprecated in favor of library-specific packages.
1. Install the `@graphql-hive/yoga` package.
1. Remove the `@graphql-hive/client` package from your dependencies.
1. Replace `@graphql-hive/client` with `@graphql-hive/yoga` in your codebase.
1. Replace `useYogaHive` with `useHive`, and `createYogaHive` with `createHive` in your codebase.
1. Done