

GraphQL Code Generator's GraphQL CLI plugin. GraphQL Code Generator is a tool that generates code from your GraphQL schema and documents for your backend or frontend with flexible support for custom plugins and templates.

48 lines 1.54 kB
{ "name": "@graphql-cli/codegen", "version": "2.4.11-alpha-20221027114749-e39e1c05f", "description": "GraphQL Code Generator's GraphQL CLI plugin. GraphQL Code Generator is a tool that generates code from your GraphQL schema and documents for your backend or frontend with flexible support for custom plugins and templates.", "peerDependencies": { "graphql": "^0.8.0 || ^0.9.0 || ^0.10.0 || ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 || ^16.0.0" }, "dependencies": { "@graphql-codegen/cli": "2.13.8-alpha-20221027114749-e39e1c05f", "@graphql-cli/common": "4.1.0" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/dotansimha/graphql-code-generator.git", "directory": "packages/graphql-cli-codegen-plugin" }, "homepage": "https://github.com/dotansimha/graphql-code-generator#readme", "keywords": [ "graphql-cli", "graphql-cli-plugin" ], "author": "Dotan Simha <dotansimha@gmail.com>", "license": "MIT", "main": "cjs/index.js", "module": "esm/index.js", "typings": "typings/index.d.ts", "typescript": { "definition": "typings/index.d.ts" }, "type": "module", "exports": { ".": { "require": { "types": "./typings/index.d.cts", "default": "./cjs/index.js" }, "import": { "types": "./typings/index.d.ts", "default": "./esm/index.js" }, "default": { "types": "./typings/index.d.ts", "default": "./esm/index.js" } }, "./package.json": "./package.json" } }