

CLI for building for and deploying to The Graph

102 lines 2.94 kB
{ "name": "@graphprotocol/graph-cli", "version": "0.96.0-alpha-20250211183825-802768a7b811892d1c945e88491926e436413436", "type": "module", "description": "CLI for building for and deploying to The Graph", "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/graphprotocol/graph-tooling.git", "directory": "packages/cli" }, "license": "(Apache-2.0 OR MIT)", "engines": { "node": ">=20.18.1" }, "bin": { "graph": "bin/run.js" }, "main": "dist/index.js", "files": [ "CHANGELOG.md", "bin", "config/TheGraphNetworksRegistry.json", "dist", "oclif.manifest.json", "README.md", "!dist/*.tar.gz" ], "dependencies": { "@float-capital/float-subgraph-uncrashable": "0.0.0-internal-testing.5", "@oclif/core": "4.2.6", "@oclif/plugin-autocomplete": "^3.2.11", "@oclif/plugin-not-found": "^3.2.29", "@oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available": "^3.1.24", "@pinax/graph-networks-registry": "^0.6.5", "@whatwg-node/fetch": "^0.10.1", "assemblyscript": "0.19.23", "chokidar": "4.0.3", "debug": "4.4.0", "docker-compose": "1.1.0", "fs-extra": "11.3.0", "glob": "11.0.1", "gluegun": "5.2.0", "graphql": "16.10.0", "immutable": "5.0.3", "jayson": "4.1.3", "js-yaml": "4.1.0", "kubo-rpc-client": "^5.0.2", "open": "10.1.0", "prettier": "3.4.2", "semver": "7.7.1", "tmp-promise": "3.0.3", "undici": "7.3.0", "web3-eth-abi": "4.4.1", "yaml": "2.7.0" }, "devDependencies": { "@types/debug": "^4.1.12", "@types/fs-extra": "^11.0.4", "@types/js-yaml": "^4.0.9", "@types/semver": "^7.5.8", "@types/which": "^3.0.4", "copyfiles": "^2.4.1", "oclif": "4.16.0", "spawn-command": "1.0.0", "strip-ansi": "7.1.0", "typescript": "^5.7.2", "vitest": "^3.0.0" }, "publishConfig": { "access": "public", "provenance": true }, "oclif": { "bin": "graph", "commands": "./dist/commands", "additionalHelpFlags": [ "-h" ], "additionalVersionFlags": [ "-v" ], "plugins": [ "@oclif/plugin-not-found", "@oclif/plugin-autocomplete", "@oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available" ], "warn-if-update-available": { "timeoutInDays": 1, "message": "<%= config.name %> update available from <%= chalk.yellowBright(config.version) %> to <%= chalk.greenBright(latest) %>." } }, "scripts": { "build": "tsc -b tsconfig.build.json && oclif manifest && oclif readme && copyfiles -u 1 src/**/*.graphql dist/", "build:dev": "tsc -b tsconfig.dev.json", "oclif:pack": "npm pack && pnpm oclif pack tarballs --no-xz", "test": "vitest run --bail=1", "test:add": "vitest run tests/cli/add.test.ts", "test:init": "vitest run tests/cli/init.test.ts", "test:validation": "vitest run tests/cli/validation.test.ts", "type-check": "tsc --noEmit" } }