Gqlts runtime client
99 lines (81 loc) • 3.49 kB
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<h3>Type safe Graphql query builder</h3>
<h4>Write Graphql queries with type validation and auto-completion with batteries included</h4>
### @gqlts/cli
### @gqlts/runtime
> This package is forked version from [genql](https://github.com/remorses/genql/)
> It has been updated, fixed few bugs, actively adding features and updated dependencies and codebase to the latest packages
Read the [quick start guide](https://gqlts.vercel.app/docs) to generate a client locally
## **Features**
- Type completion
- Type validation
- Easily fetch all fields in a type
- Support subscription ( ws, graphql-ws, observable, etc )
- Built in file upload support
- Graphql Client built in
- Works with any client
- Works in node and the browser
- Built in Axios Client, and exported to extend with interceptors.
- Client Operation support for Axios configuration, such as headers, timeout, cancelToken, abortSignal, etc.
- Support batching queries
- Consistent response format { data, errors, extensions }
> Find more server-client examples in the [examples repo](https://github.com/meabed/graphql-examples)
> You will find multiple examples with different tools of building schema, query, mutation, websocket subscriptions and more.
## Example usage
First generate your client executing
npm i -D @gqlts/cli # cli to generate the client code
npm i @gqlts/runtime graphql # runtime dependencies
gqlts --schema ./schema.graphql --output ./generated
Then you can use your client as follows
import { createClient, everything } from './generated'
const client = createClient()
countries: {
name: true,
code: true,
nestedField: {
...everything, // same as __scalar: true
The code above will fetch the graphql query below
query {
countries {
nestedField {
## License
This is licensed under an MIT License. [See details](LICENSE)