

Verify phone number, validate format, checking carrier name, geo and timezone infos.

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# Phone Number information lookup, validation, carrier name, geo and timezone infos [![NPM version](https://badgen.net/npm/v/@devmehq/phone-number-validator-js)](https://npm.im/@devmehq/phone-number-validator-js) [![Build Status](https://github.com/devmehq/phone-number-validator-js/workflows/CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/devmehq/phone-number-validator-js/actions) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/@devmehq/phone-number-validator-js.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/phone-number-validator-js) [![UNPKG](https://img.shields.io/badge/UNPKG-OK-179BD7.svg)](https://unpkg.com/browse/@devmehq/phone-number-validator-js@latest/) ### Verify phone number, validate format, checking carrier name, geo and timezone infos. > This library includes phone number lookup and validation, and the geocoding, carrier mapping and timezone mapping functionalities that are available in some of googles [libphonenumber](https://github.com/google/libphonenumber) libraries. > > To reduce the amount of data that needs to be loaded to geocode / carrier map a phone-number for each mapping only the relevant number prefixes are loaded from a binary json file (BSON). When the prefix could not be found in the provided locale the library tries to fall back to `en` as locale. > > The library supports Node.js only at the moment. ## Features ✅ Check phone number validity ✅ Check phone number format ✅ Check phone number carrier name ✅ Check phone number geolocation (city) ✅ Check phone number timezone ✅ Check phone number country code ## Use cases - Increase delivery rate of SMS campaigns by removing invalid phone numbers - Increase SMS open rate and your marketing IPs reputation - Protect your website from spam, bots and fake phone numbers - Protect your product signup form from fake phone numbers - Protect your website forms from fake phone numbers - Protect your self from fraud orders and accounts using fake phone numbers - Integrate phone number verification into your website forms - Integrate phone number verification into your backoffice administration and order processing - Integrate phone number verification into your mobile apps ## API / Cloud Hosted Service We offer this `phone verification and validation and more advanced features` in our Scalable Cloud API Service Offering - You could try it here [Phone Number Verification](https://dev.me/products/phone) --- ## License phone-number-validator-js licensed under [Business Source License 1.1](LICENSE). The BSL allows use only for non-production purposes. | Use Case | Is a commercial license required?| |----------|-----------| | Exploring phone-number-validator-js for your own research, hobbies, and testing purposes | **No** | | Using phone-number-validator-js to build a proof-of-concept application | **No** | | Using phone-number-validator-js to build revenue-generating applications | **Yes** | | Using phone-number-validator-js to build software that is provided as a service (SaaS) | **Yes** | | Forking phone-number-validator-js for any production purposes | **Yes** | To purchase a license for uses not authorized by BSL, please contact us at [sales@dev.me](mailto:sales@dev.me?subject=Interested%20in%20phone-number-validator-js%20commercial%20license). --- ## installation and usage instructions ## Installation ```sh npm install @devmehq/phone-number-validator-js ``` or ```sh yarn add @devmehq/phone-number-validator-js ``` ## Usage The available methods are: - `geocoder(phonenumber: PhoneNumber, locale?: GeocoderLocale = 'en'): string | null` - Resolved to the geocode or null if no geocode could be found (e.g. for mobile numbers) - `carrier(phonenumber: PhoneNumber, locale?: CarrierLocale = 'en'): string | null` - Resolves to the carrier or null if non could be found (e.g. for fixed line numbers) - `timezones(phonenumber: PhoneNumber): Array<string> | null` - Resolved to an array of timezones or null if non where found. ## Examples ```js import { geocoder, carrier, timezones, parsePhoneNumberFromString } from '@devmehq/phone-number-validator-js' const fixedLineNumber = parsePhoneNumberFromString('+41431234567') const locationEN = geocoder(fixedLineNumber) // Zurich const locationDE = geocoder(fixedLineNumber, 'de') // Zürich const locationIT = geocoder(fixedLineNumber, 'it') // Zurigo const mobileNumber = parsePhoneNumberFromString('+8619912345678') const carrierEN = carrier(mobileNumber) // China Telecom const carrierZH = carrier(mobileNumber, 'zh') // 中国电信 const fixedLineNumber2 = parsePhoneNumberFromString('+49301234567') const tzones = timezones(fixedLineNumber2) // ['Europe/Berlin'] ``` ## Testing ```bash yarn test ``` ## Contributing Please feel free to open an issue or create a pull request and fix bugs or add features, All contributions are welcome. Thank you! ## LICENSE [Business Source License 1.1](LICENSE.md)